Those looking to rent next-gen console games may be able to do so via the shiny red kiosk outside their…
Xbox One (Page 1000)
Plus an update on how the PlayStation 4 version is coming along. You know, the next-gen console port that's actually…
Sony's latest PlayStation 4 exclusive has managed to dethrone Titanall from its lofty position at number one.
Will it end up being a lost cause? Considering Microsoft's track record in Japan, I'd say the odds aren't exactly…
This rhythm-based music game is going to offer one magical experience for Disney fans when it launches later this year.
It makes me feel like a natural woman. Gender critics tend to argue that there aren't enough female characters in…
The Big M doesn't plan to settle for second place in the next-gen console war. Xbox One will triumph!
Don't expect to hear much about television, sports, or entertainment apps from the Big M as this year's expo. Huzzah!
With both Sony and Valve apparently diving into the world of virtual reality, you can't expect the Big M to…
The rumors were true! We're getting a truly next-generation Assassin's Creed game later this year and it's set in Paris.
Sony is currently the leader when it comes to next-gen console sales, but Microsoft still thinks it can win the…
Expect to see improved visual performance in Xbox One games from here on out!
And once again, gamers can expect to go on an emotional ride. Ever thought you might fall in love with…
The Big M's latest console is still going through a few growing pains. The software will only get more impressive…
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Explore the galaxy in the franchise's first open-world game.
The AVerMedia X’TRA GO (GC515) is the world’s first capture dock for handheld consoles. Supporting the Steam Deck, Legion GO,…
I did a double-take when I first read the specs of the Turtle Beach Burst II Air gaming mouse. The…
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