Street Fighter X Tekken DLC Already On Disc

Well, lookie here. Now this is something you don't see everyday. Oh wait, it's Capcom. This is just the type of double-dipping I'd expect from them.

A user on Youtube with an early copy of Street Fighter X Tekken reports that the upcoming 12 DLC fighters that will be free on the PS Vita version of the game, are already on the Xbox 360 disc. Presumably, on the PS3 disc, too.

Capcom will look to sell you a small file in the future that unlocks content that is already stored on a disc you alread paid for. What a deal!

This isn't uncommon, and almost always ends up biting the publisher in the ass when fans flip thier wigs. Except they're probably going to cite that the content is on-disc, because they want users without the "DLC" to be able to compete online against users with it. Oh Capcom, that's so kind of you!

I get the thinking there, and when you really break it down, that's probably a good thing. If only they'd just figure out another way how to approach it. Maybe make the "DLC" only unlockable in sort of an online pass? I dunno, but anything has to be better than knowing you paid for something, that has content on it that you're going to have to pay for in the future to use.

What's next, a Super Street Fighter X Tekken? Nah, they'd never do that.

Look out for NIck's review of the game, tomorrow.

Tell GR: Does this make Hulk angry? Hulk smash?


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