Battlefield Play4Free Launches Today

So you're sitting around on your Windows PC and thinking to yourself "Jeez! If only I could play a Battlefield game. I can't wait for Battlefield 3, I'm tired of Battlefield 2, Battlefield 1942 and all those expansions I bought. I've even done Battlefield 1943 to death with my friends on Xbox Live. What is there to play?!"

First of all, what's wrong with you? Stop shooting people and go read a fucking book. Second of all, play Battlefield Play4Free!

Remember when EA gave everyone a reason to visit their website and download Battlefield Heroes? The reason was that it cost you nothing. Of course, once you got in the game and realized it was a third person shooter with cartoony graphics you probably stopped playing. SOOOOO not hardcore enough for you.

Well, now you've got Battlefield Play4Free, a free-to-play game that puts your back in Karkand with a bunch of other cheapskates. Be prepared to shellout some dough if you want to play with anything other than the default load-outs though. At least it'll appease your thirst for anything and everything Battlefield until the fall when Battlefield 3 will supposedly land.

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