Tales of Symphonia GameCube Cheats

Completion bonuses:

Beat and save the game, then reload the saved file. "Game Record," "Sound Test," and "Mania" should be available as options at the Title screen, and new items should be available at the Grade Shop.

Fight Aviation:

Get the nine Darkness Weapons, then head to the Darkness Temple.

Get Easy Money:

When you have rebuilt Luin Buy Sheena's new weapon Money Bag this weapon doubles your winnings from battles plus is a very good weapon. I recommend you fight the dragon at earth temple it will give 20,000 gald from killing it with the Money Bag.

Get Easy Money and Free Items:

Once Zelos is in the party, make him leader by highlighting his portrait and pressing X. When you talk to a female NPC in town, you'll receive some gald or an item. You can even leave town, come back, and get more, different stuff. Some guys got all the luck.

Corrine Returns:

After obtaining the Derris Emblem and duled againt Kuchinawa, go to Iselia, and view a skit called "Corrine is Calling Me". Go to the Martel Temple and revisit the seal and Corrine reappears in a new form

The Final Summon Maxwell:

During your second time through the game enter the floating city Exire. Follow a secret passage around the back of the home on the left, go down the stairs, and go across the over-extended path to a small graveyard. Then Equip each of your members in the combat party with the Aquamarine, Opal, Garnet, and Ruby. Then examine the only Grave Marker and Maxwell appears. Defeat him and Gain the ability to summon him, the Turquoise, and gain Sheena's title "Master Summoner".

Secret Techniques:

Use Fierce Demon Fang 200 times with earth weapon equipped. Zelos's Grave Blade
Use Swallow Dance 200 times with wind weapon equipped. Regal's Super Swallow Dance
Use Fierce Demon Fang 200 times with earth weapon equipped. Kratos's Grave Blade
Use Indignation 50 times, then use Indignation when Genis is in Over Limit. Genis's Indignant Judgement
Equip the "Eternal Swordsman" title, equip the Material Blade, and when Lloyd is in Critical status, press X, A, and B (requires 100 Tech Points). Lloyd's Falcon's Crest
Use Fierce Demon Fang 200 times with earth weapon equipped. Lloyd's Grave Blade
Use Sonic Thrust 200 times with lightning weapon equipped. Lloyd's Lightning Thrust
Use Tiger Blade 200 times with lightning weapon equipped. Lloyd's Lightning Tiger
Use Rising Falcon 200 times with fire weapon equipped. Lloyd's Rising Phoenix
Use Judgement and Holy Song 50 times each (learning the skill is random; keep using the required techs until she learns Holy Judgement). Colette's Holy Judgemnt
Use Pow Hammer 200 times with ice weapon equipped. Colette's Ice Hammer
Use Pow Hammer 200 times (learning Toss Hammer is random at this point, so keep using Pow Hammer until she learns it). Colette's Toss Hammer

Thanks to Revolution readers Frank, Bad Monkey, Super_Chubu, NANCYREGAN, Bolloxboy, Botoxian and RPG-Freak!

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