Toys ‘R Us Makes Us Compete In Portal Kombat

It was only a matter of time before Shang Tsung and GLaDOS got together. What nefarious deeds could they possibly have mixed up this time?

As much as I'd like to announce such a huge crossover, I'm instead happy to report that Shang Tsung and GLaDOS have only collaborated on the best kind of thievery. That's right! This deal from Toys 'R Us is a steal!

If you planned on getting either Portal 2 or Mortal Kombat come Tuesday, you could do so at Toys 'R Us and nab yourself a $15 gift card. Wait a second, you're still complaining?

How does a $50 gift card with the purchase of Mortal Kombat and Portal 2 on Tuesday? Why not drop the gift card on a third game while you're at it? It's like a free game.

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