apex legends party not ready error

Apex Legends Party not ready error | How to fix

An Apex Legends party not ready error is affecting some players trying to play Respawn’s latest game. The free-to-play battle royale title hasn’t had too many issues since launch, but this is a big one. So, is there an Apex Legends “party not ready” error fix for this, or is one on the way?

What is the Apex Legends party not ready error?

apex legends party not ready error ps4 pc xbox one

Without wanting to really dumb it down for anyone, this bug prevents players from jumping from one match to the next without any hiccups. Some people have complained that, once a match is over, they’re told that their party isn’t ready, and this stops them from being matched with other players.

If the problem was only affecting one platform, or if it was a very rare bug, it might not be such a problem. Plenty of Apex Legends players, though, have taken to the game’s Reddit page and EA’s support page to query what the deal with this is with the Apex Legends party not ready error. Have Respawn and EA listened and patched through a fix yet then?

Apex Legends party not ready error fix

apex legends party not ready error fix

Unfortunately, there isn’t an official solution to this regular issue just yet. There’s been no word from Respawn or EA about their development teams looking into this or finding a fix for it.

The best temporary solution to the Apex Legends party not ready error is to exit the matchmaking system, head back to the main menu, and then try again. Alternatively, you may have to restart Apex Legends entirely and see if this fixes the bug.

It’s annoying, yes, but it’s the only chance you have of being able to rectify this yourself for the time being. Hopefully you get lucky with your next matchmaking experience, and that the bug stays away.

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