metro exodus epic games store stickers

Metro Exodus game box hides Steam logo with Epic Games sticker

Boxed PC copies of the new Metro Exodus have been spotted on store shelves with the Steam support logo covered with an Epic Games sticker. The alteration to the packaging indicates that this was a last minute decision made by publisher Epic Games, who just recently announced that the game would not be purchasable on Steam. The freshly applied sticker informs players of the Epic Games Store installation information instead of the original Steam details.

Photos of the rush job have emerged via Twitter, with multiple users taking to the social network to share their discoveries. One user, lashman, has posted a snap of his Metro Exodus box with the Epic Games sticker peeling off slightly. It is evident that the physical packaging was finalized and printed before the change of distribution, causing this somewhat messy solution. If the Epic Games sticker is removed, the box still shows the Steam logo underneath. The sticker appears to completely cover the initial printing that included the standard Steam installation information.

The decision to pull Metro Exodus from the Steam storefront caused controversy recently as users of the longstanding Valve marketplace were frustrated and confused by the change. Fortunately, publisher Deep Silver confirmed that while the game would no longer be purchasable through Steam, users who had pre-ordered the game would still be entitled to all future game updates.

Metro Exodus joins other big releases such as The Division 2 in choosing to forgo a Steam release in favor of the Epic Games Store. These exclusivity deals strike a major blow to Valve’s dominance over the digital marketplace, along with a handful of quality of life options also available on the Epic Games storefront.

Despite the recent drama surrounding the game, Metro Exodus has been positively received by critics and audiences alike. In our review of the game, we praised its excellent open world and compelling narrative. You can check out the full review here.

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