Apex Legends Survival mode

Apex Legends Survival Mode | What is the new game mode?

Since the release of Apex Legends, many players have asked why the game only has a three-player squad mode, given the variety of modes in other competing battle royales like Fortnite. Despite the demand for a solo or duos mode in Apex Legends, Respawn has not yet commented on the potential for more game modes in the future. However, recent leaks have suggested that an Apex Legends Survival mode is already lying dormant in the game’s code, with a variety of new features held within, including the facility for spectators, cheering, and emotes. Read on to find out everything we know on the rumored Apex Legends Survival mode.

Apex Legends Survival mode

Apex Legends survival mode

It’s not yet clear what the Apex Legends Survival mode will look like, whether it’s closer to a single-player mode or utilizes recent rumors of a bots-only mode, with no official confirmation from Respawn. However, recent leaks from the Twitter account RealApexLeaks exhibit evidence from data mining to suggest that a mode named Survival already exists in the game’s code. Moreover, the same leaks suggested that people could choose to spectate players in the Survival mode, with the capacity to Drone, Cheer, Shock, Roar, and Chant, although it’s not clear what this will look like in its final form.

Further leaks suggested that a crowd will be able to perform emotes and respond to actions made by the Survival player host, similar to The Darwin Project. Emotes have not yet been made available for players in Apex Legends, and it’s not clear if they will become available for players across the game’s modes. However, it’s critical to recognize that Respawn might not be planning to release the Survival mode any time soon; the game mode likely isn’t ready to release yet. Indeed, these lines of code could just be legacy content from when Respawn was working towards making a Titanfall sequel, which could still be in development for a release later this year.

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