apex legends bots

Apex Legends Bots | Can you play against AI bots?

What with PUBG, another free-to-play battle royale title, implementing bots to ease in new players with almost guaranteed wins, it seems possible that Apex Legends bots could be a thing. After all, the game mimics many other elements from PUBGFortniteOverwatch, and other popular games in similar genres. What’s more, Respawn Entertainment added AI bots into its previous game, Titanfall 2, so the team is certainly capable. So then, can you play against bots in Apex Legends? Here’s everything you need to know.

Apex Legends Bots | Are bots in the game?

Apex Legends Bots

Despite what YouTubers and streamers may have teased, there has been no official confirmation that bots are in the game. While some may say that new players are “as easy as bots,” that’s just their way of criticizing the newcomers.

With so many different button combinations to learn, as well as unique features like the Ping mechanic, it’s likely that some players will take a little while longer to get all the mechanics down.

The only time we see AI-controlled players is during the tutorial. In this stage, there are a couple of bot characters that assist you in learning the ropes. Once this short learning stage is completed, however, that’s the end of the player-bot interaction.

Apex Legends Bots | Will bots be added to the game?

Apex Legends Bots

If you’re hoping that Apex Legends bots do become a thing, then you’ll be happy to hear that Respawn Entertainment has implemented bots its previous games. The Titanfall games had AI units that players could farm to earn points towards the overall objective. These bots also guarded loot drops. It’s possible that Respawn will incorporate a similar mechanic in Apex Legends, perhaps for a specific game mode.

Having AI bots guarding high-tier loot sounds like it could be interesting. We’ll have to wait and see what happens with future updates to the game.

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