Fallout 76 roadmap for 2019

Bethesda outlines its Fallout 76 roadmap for 2019

Fallout 76 has been out for 100 days, and to celebrate Bethesda has outlined its plans for the game in 2019. The Fallout 76 roadmap details new modes, quests, content, and changes coming to the online-only Fallout game. New content will start coming on March 12.

Bethesda released its outline for Fallout 76 updates yesterday, giving a content roadmap for 2019. The company acknowledged the game’s difficult launch and overall poor reception but noted its full dedication to making Fallout 76 a better game for its users. The new content will rollout throughout the year.

Fallout 76 roadmap has some good news

Starting on March 12, a number of updates under the “Wild Appalachia” name will come to Fallout 76. The March 12 update brings a new mythical beast, a “lost generation of scouts,” and more. The new Survival mode will also come later in March. Brewing and distilling are new C.A.M.P. features where players can brew new recipes like Nukashine are also in the pipeline. A new in-game camera and player-built vending machines will also be coming in the spring. Several new quests and questlines are also planned for the “Wild Appalachia” updates.

Summer 2019 will bring the “Nuclear Winter” series of updates. Another game mode called Nuclear Winter will come during these updates which will be “completely changing the rules of the Wasteland.” Two more Vault Raids are coming this summer, with the high-level raids on Vaults 96 and 94. A new prestige system is also coming in the summer, with level 50 characters able to reset their characters and become “Legendary.”

The “Wastelanders” content is coming in fall 2019. Not many details have been shared about these updates but Bethesda calls them its “biggest and most ambitious” ideas for Fallout 76. New factions, events, features, another main questline, and more surprises are coming in the Wastelanders updates. Bethesda says it will be “a tale with true choice and consequences,” unlike the rest of the game.

The Fallout 76 roadmap is light on actual changes and quality of life updates. Previously quashed bugs have managed to resurface in newer patches of Fallout 76 but ideally that is kept to a minimum. Bethesda has said it is working to improve performance and make the experience smoother for everyone, so hopefully that comes to fruition with these updates.

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