Dragon's Dogma 2: a woman Pawn holds up her hand that's glowing.

New Dragon’s Dogma 2 Update Adjusts Pawns’ Dialogue, Implements Fixes

Carbonatix Pre-Player Loader

Audio By Carbonatix

Recently, Capcom announced a new patch for Dragon’s Dogma 2 was in the works, unveiling planned improvements and changes. Now, the latest patch has started rolling out on all systems and comes with an assortment of adjustments and fixes for the game.

A lot of focus on Pawns

A blog post over on the Dragon’s Dogma 2 website outlines exactly what the new update brings. One of the biggest changes is the adjustment to “Pawns’ behavior and dialogue.” A more detailed list outlines exactly what this means.

For example: it reduces the frequency they have of falling off cliffs, reduces some of the general dialogue lines, improves some lines to “better match circumstances,” and fixes a few issues specific to them.

The patch also reduces the “infection frequency of dragonsplague,” as well as implementing a number of bug fixes related to escort quests, crashes and freezes, and some “miscellaneous” fixes.

Whether you’re playing the game on PS5, Xbox Series X|S, or PC, you should notice the update installing on your system once you log in.

Although Capcom is typically known for releasing high-quality games, Dragon’s Dogma 2 has had a bit of a rough start. Released in March, it’s the long-awaited sequel, some 12 years in the making.

While the developer continues to send out patches and hotfixes, the game is still standing as “mixed” on Steam. Much of the criticism stems from issues related to how it’s been optimized, especially on PC. No doubt more updates will be inbound, though.

In the meantime, Capcom is currently running a Goldenweek sale, with discounts on many of its games, including releases from the Resident Evil and Monster Hunter franchises.

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