Harry Potter Wizards Unite You're Going too Fast Error

Harry Potter Wizards Unite going too fast error when not driving fix

Harry Potter Wizards Unite is as susceptible to the “you’re going too fast” message error as Pokemon Go is. These messages are meant to keep drivers from playing, but sometimes you’ll get told you’re going too fast in Harry Potter Wizards Unite even if you’re just sitting on your couch. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to limit or eliminate the presence of the going too fast error.

What to do when you get the “you’re going to fast” message in Harry Potter Wizards Unite

Usually, you’ll get a message that you’re going too fast in Harry Potter Wizards Unite when you’re in a car. If you’re the driver, then the message is working as intended, and you should stop playing and concentrate on the road. IF you’re the passenger, you can simply select that option and keep playing.

However, sometimes the message pops up when you’re not in a car at all. You can get the “you’re going too fast” prompt in Harry Potter Wizards Unite if you’re simply walking too fast. Niantic hasn’t released specifics on how the system works, but you don’t have to be going very fast to trigger it. There have been reports of people just walking too fast and getting the message.

If the message is displaying while you’re moving, there’s not much you can do. Niantic has coded the speedlimit into the game, and there’s no getting around it.

What to do if I get the “you’re going too fast” message while sitting still in Harry Potter Wizards Unite

Some players are getting the speed limit message even if they’re sitting still. More than likely, this is being caused by GPS drift on your device. The game doesn’t have a firm location lock on you, so it’s bouncing you all around the immediate area. Due to the way the game detects speed, it interprets this as you moving really fast.

If you get the going too fast message in Harry Potter Wizards Unite while not moving, there’s only so much you can do. To help location services, make sure your Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are turned on since most phones use these radios to help pinpoint a more exact location than GPS alone.

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