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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare | How to unblock players

Sometimes people act out in video games, including Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. The proper thing to do is block them, but sometimes you may block someone else by mistake. This begs the obvious question: How do you unblock players in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare? Keep reading to find out.

How to unblock someone in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

how to unblock someone in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

If you no longer want to keep someone on your block list in Modern Warfare, you can unblock players through the Social panel. While in-game, open the Options menu, then navigate to Social. Look for the “Friend Requests” area to find the Blocked Players list. From there, highlight their name and select the option to unblock the player.

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It’s worth noting that this is the only official way to remove blocked players in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. However, a handful of players across various forums have reported that the blocking system occasionally seems to be bugged, especially on PC. Specifically, blocked players appear to remain blocked despite having used the unblock function.

Unfortunately, there doesn’t appear to be much in the way of a fix for this problem. The so-called unblock bug first appeared during the game’s beta, and the Modern Warfare subreddit has several posts from users looking for a fix. Still, the problem doesn’t seem to be widespread. If it happens to you, Activision suggests that you head over to the company’s support page and submit an error report.

To unblock players in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, you need to head into the game’s Social menu. You can remove blocked players by opening the Friend Requests menu and looking for the Blocked Players list. Just try to be careful about who you block in the future, in case there comes a day when you can’t remove them from the blocked player list.

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