apex legends new game

Apex Legends devs Respawn are making a new game that could be live service

Apex Legends developer Respawn Entertainment is developing a brand new game unrelated to the Titanfall universe, a new job listing has confirmed. The listing also suggests that the new intellectual property could be an ongoing live service game, similar to Destiny 2 and Fortnite.

Respawn has enjoyed plenty of success with Apex Legends alongside its publisher EA, but it seems that a sequel isn’t on the horizon. Instead, the developer is looking to hire for a brand new project, which steps away from the Titanfall IP altogether.

New Respawn game isn’t an Apex Legends sequel

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According to a now-deleted listing on Respawn’s website, the company is looking for a “generalist software engineer” who will work on a brand new IP that will allow players to keep “adventuring forever.” This indicates that the project could be a live service game, where players are encouraged to keep playing by way of regular updates and DLC.

The listing didn’t offer any more information, though with it the project seemingly being unrelated to the company’s previous output, it’s anyone’s guess as to what this new IP will be. Players “adventuring forever” sounds like Respawn is aiming for a game that will be frequently updated, similar to Apex Legends, though perhaps without the PvP slant.

Respawn announced a significant expansion for the company in 2020, revealing that it had started a new studio in Vancouver. This studio will solely focus on continuing Apex Legends‘ development, with it aiming to eventually hire 80 developers. Given that this new project is clearly in its early stages of development and Respawn already has an Apex-focused studio, it’s unlikely to interfere with the company’s upcoming plans. This could include Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order 2, with the first game being the first in a planned franchise from the studio.

Meanwhile, Apex Legends continues to receive frequent updates. Its recent Fight Night event saw a number of buffs and nerfs being rolled out, included in its 1.55 update.

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