Call of Duty Vanguard what is blind firing

Call of Duty: Vanguard Blind-Firing: What is blind-fire?

In Call of Duty: Vanguard, blind fire will be introduced to the series for the first time. Previously, players could either hipfire or aim-down sights, so this third way of using a firearm might be a big game-changer. We’ll discuss how blind firing works in Call of Duty: Vanguard below and how the new mechanic might fit into the game.

What is blind firing in Call of Duty: Vanguard?

In Call of Duty: Vanguard, players will be able to blind fire out of cover without exposing themselves. This mechanic will be an extension of the mounting mechanics introduced in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019) which now has two firing modes.

To use the blind firing mechanic in Call of Duty: Vanguard, players will need to get close to a mountable area and mount. Unlike with Modern Warfare, in Vanguard, when players are mounted, they’ll automatically take cover. If a player presses the fire button in this position, they’ll blind fire out of cover. Obviously, this will be at much-reduced accuracy, but whether it’ll be equal to or worse than hipfiring isn’t known yet.

While in the cover position, players can blind fire and move along the object they’re taking cover behind. Effectively this works like peeking does in first-person shooters like Rainbow 6: Siege and Escape from Tarkov. At any time when in cover, players can transition to the mounted position by pressing the aim-down sights button. Letting go of ADS immediately reverts to the cover position.

We’re not sure how cover and blind firing will affect the Call of Duty: Vanguard meta. It’ll be useful when in a match with a lower player count, but we won’t know how useful until we’ve spent some more time with the game. Fortunately, the player isn’t totally unexposed when using cover and blind fire, so the new features shouldn’t render anyone invulnerable.

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