V Rising How to find or craft Whetstone

V Rising: How to Get Whetstone

Carbonatix Pre-Player Loader

Audio By Carbonatix

Getting Whetstone in V Rising is one of the first real challenges of the game. You need them to build certain production facilities, but there’s no easy way to farm them. So instead, you’ll need to learn how to craft Whetstone if you want a steady supply.

How to get Whetstones in V Rising

V Rising Whetstone Recipe Grayson the Armorer

There are two methods you can use to get Whetstone in V Rising:

  • Find Whetstone as loot
  • Craft Whetstone (Requires Recipe)

Find Whetstone as loot

Whetstone can be found as loot throughout Farbane Woods. You can obtain them by either killing higher-level enemies or by searching the various bandit camps. However, their drop rate seems to be very low. By the time we got to the point of the game where we needed them to build the Grinder, we had only found two.

Basically, trying to farm Whetstone through drops is a fool’s errand. You’ll waste a lot of time grinding through the same areas repeatedly with no guarantee that you’ll even get one.

Craft Whetstone

The best way to get Whetstone in V Rising is to craft them. You can refine them by inserting material into the Furnace. The recipe is:

  • 1 Copper Ingot
  • 12 Stone Dust

However, just knowing the recipe isn’t enough. You have to obtain the ability to use it. You’ll need to defeat Grayson the Armourer and absorb his V Blood to do so. Unfortunately, there isn’t a way to obtain the recipe through alternative means, and this will likely be the most challenging enemy you’ve faced at this point in the game.

Grayson the Armourer is a level 27 foe that can (predictably) be found at the Bandit Armory. If you haven’t discovered this area yet, you can visit your Blood Altar and set him as the active target. (Remember, if you drop all your resources you can teleport closer to save travel time.) Then you can follow the blood trail to his location.

Once he goes down, return to your castle and access the Furnace to craft Whetstone to your heart’s content!

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