Return to an apocalyptic planet Earth in Darksiders III, a hack-n-slash action adventure where players take on the role of FURY in her quest to hunt down and dispose of the Seven Deadly Sins. The Charred Council calls upon Fury to battle from the heights of heaven down through the depths of hell in a quest to restore humanity and prove that she is the most powerful of the Horsemen. As a mage, FURY relies on her whip and magic to restore the balance between good and evil. The expansive, Darksiders III game world is presented as an open-ended, living, free-form planet Earth that is dilapidated by war and decay, and overrun by nature. FURY will move back and forth between environments to uncover secrets while advancing the Darksiders III story.
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Great vengeance and furious anger.
Feel the wrath of Fury's adventure... again.
Sharpen your swords and string your bows.
No financial Strife.
THQ Nordic's CEO has faith in his team and their work.
Big, but not too big.
Apocalyptic frame drops might be saved by a hotfix.
A glut of issues.
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