Each and every day, GameRevolution offers up a delectable main course news offering with all the fixings. Because it’s so tasty, it’s easy to fill up too quickly, leaving a plate full of news content to go to waste. Luckily for you, we’re dishing up the Leftovers—all the day’s news that we didn’t bite on enough for a full serving.
The Leftovers - 2/17/14
Daylight Coming to PS4, PC in April
rnDaylight, the upcoming horror title from developer Zombie Studios, will release on PC and PlayStation 4 this April. Studio director Jarred Gerritzen confirmed this news to IGN in a video walkthrough. It looks like the Spring will be filled with plenty of great content. -
Ryse DLC Adds New Maps and Mode Next Week
rnA new downloadable content pack for the Xbox One exclusive Ryse: Son of Rome will release on February 28th. It's called Mars' Chosen and serves up a fresh batch of maps, a co-op Survival Mode, and a new skin.
rn[Xbox Wire] -
Killer is Dead Coming to PC in May
rnThe controversial action game from Suda 51, Killer is Dead, will be coming to PC this May, Deep Silver has announced. This computer-centric release is being subtitled Nightmare Edition and adds a new difficulty option called Nightmare.