Baldurs Gate 3 Escape Retreat Flee Run Away

Baldur’s Gate 3 Retreat: How to Flee From Battle and Escape Combat

It’s easy to get in over your head in Baldur’s Gate 3, and you may find yourself wanting to retreat from battle. Unfortunately, the game doesn’t make it clear if you can escape from combat. So, if you’re trying to flee from a fight, check out the info below to see how it works.

Can I run away from combat in Baldur’s Gate 3?

You can flee from battle in Baldur’s Gate 3, but there’s no dedicated mechanic to do it. Unlike many RPGs, there isn’t a button you can press to automatically run away from a fight. Instead, you’ll have to manually plan your retreat if you’re trying to leave combat.

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For a character to flee from a fight, they must make it a certain distance away from enemies. Then, they’ll exit combat just as if you had won. However, this is done on a character by character basis. It doesn’t seem like there’s a way to escape battle as a group.

The easiest way to retreat from combat is to use jump to get as far away from your enemies as possible and then dash to get as much distance as possible between you and them. However, it’s not clear how much distance you need. It seems to depend on enemy line of sight, which is affected by light, stealth, and enemy type. The sweet spot seems to be 60 meters, but you may be able to lower it by using magic, scrolls, or stealth.

So, to successfully escape, ensure that you’re out of the enemy’s range, ideally hidden or in shadows. Use the environment, high ground or low visibility spots to aid in your escape. Additionally, spells like Invisibility or Fog Cloud can obscure enemy vision and increase your chances of slipping away unnoticed. Make sure to experiment with your party to see which method of retreat is right for you.

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