FF7 Rebirth Steam Release Date PC Port When

FF7 Rebirth Steam Release Date: When Is The PC Port Coming?

The FF7 Rebirth Steam release date is something that Square Enix has been vague about. We have some information about the possible release for the PC port of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, but the developer hasn’t laid out exactly when this sequel will come out on other platforms. Given what we know about how the FF7 Remake was released on PC via Steam and Epic Games Store, the release date schedule might be quite complicated. Here’s what we know so far about the PC release date for FF7 Rebirth on Steam.

What is the FF7 Rebirth Steam release date?

The earliest time that the Steam release date for FF7 Rebirth could be May 29, 2024.

Various trailers for the game clearly state that the game will be exclusive to PS5 for at least three months. That said, we don’t think that May 2024 is a likely release window for the game for several reasons.

The main reason is that it took more than a year for FF7 Remake to be ported to Windows, specifically as FF7 Remake Intergrade on December 16, 2021 for it to come out on PC via Epic Games Store. Then because of the timed exclusive for that storefront, it wasn’t until June 17, 2022 that the game was brought over to Steam. That’s nearly two years from the original April 10, 2020 release date for FF7 Remake on PlayStation 4.

The other reason is that Square Enix knows that a Steam port is something that fans of the FF7 remake trilogy want to have. So saying “not available on other formats until at least 05.29.2024” in trailers is more than just a vague tease. There’s also no Steam page for FF7 Rebirth so that players can pre-order it there, which would have been a great opportunity for more sales while the game has a lot of hype. There may be another timed exclusive deal with Epic Games STore.

Also, given the launch issues for the PC port of FF7 Remake with lag and stuttering, the developer may want to invest more time in a Steam release for FF7 Rebirth. All told, we wouldn’t be surprised if the Steam release date for the game is in 2025 or later.

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