Cross-Play Podcast Episode #3: Detroit is Leaking

Carbonatix Pre-Player Loader

Audio By Carbonatix

The Cross-Play podcast is back, with GameRevolution and PlayStation LifeStyle staff collaborating once again to unveil a brand new episode of your favorite show on the internet. With God of War having now been released, we run through our final thoughts on Santa Monica Studio’s critically-acclaimed game, though that’s not all we discuss in this particularly enlightening Cross-Play episode.

With Chandler having recently returned from a Detroit Become Human preview event, he lets everyone in on some new details regarding Quantic Dream’s upcoming game, discussing how it handles its multiple branching paths and just how David Cage-y it is. On top of this, we also dive deep into video game “leaks,” discussing our thoughts on “industry insiders” and the ethics behind sharing unreported information — or how to trust the info when it’s shared online.

We also once again discuss Radical Heights developer Cliff Bleszinski, who is steadily becoming our unofficial podcast mascot, along with answering your reader questions for the week. You left us a whole bunch ahead of this episode, so make sure that you stick around until the end when we read them out!

You can listen to the Cross-Play podcast on SoundCloud:

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We’ll be on Apple podcasts surely, so keep an eye (and an ear) out for our debut. Happy listening, and as usual don’t forget to leave your questions for Paul, Jason, Chandler and Cameron in the comments section below, and we’ll be sure to read them out when we record our next episode on Monday!

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