PS Plus, Choices

PS Plus Gets Beyond Two Souls and Rayman Legends This May

PS Plus has been a staple that’s kept many PlayStation fans happy. If you’re anticipating the soon-to-be-released Quantic Dream’s Detroit Become Human, you’ll also be presented with the opportunity to play Beyond Two Souls for free in May on PS Plus. PS Plus will also be offering Rayman Legends, a popular platformer developed by Ubisoft, this May. You can check out the tweet for yourself, below:

That’s an awesome range of games for you to try out, especially if you want to play some more of David Cage’s games before playing Detroit or if you want to get into the legendary Rayman series. If neither Rayman Legends or Beyond Two Souls is the game you’re looking for, then maybe the other games announced for PS Plus next May might be more your style. They are:

  • Eat Them! (PS3)
  • King Oddball (Vita, Cross-Buy with PS3, PS4)
  • Furmins (Vita)
  • Risen 3: Titan Lords (PS3)

Some fans may be slightly disappointed, as Xbox Gold recently had the option to have Assassins Creed Syndicate, but there’s no making everyone happy. It’s only April and yet PS Plus has been very diverse in their picks this year. January we had Deus Ex: Mankind Divided and Telltale’s Batman, February we had Knack and Rime, then in March there was Bloodborne and Ratchet & Clank and this month we had Mad Max and Trackmania Turbo.

Looking at that track record, it wouldn’t be too far-fetched to say that PlayStation fans have had a great year so far with their PS Plus games. But what is your opinion about the newest games to come out in May? Let us know in the comments below.

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