Medal of Honor: Warfighter Preview

And another one bites the bullet.

I, like many gamers out there, measure my satisfaction with a title on my level of success with it. Why would you want to play a multiplayer title for hours at a time if you're getting killed every 10 seconds? Why would you continue to punish yourself that way?

Luckily for Medal of Honor: Warfighter, I found myself to be damn good at the game, so color me pleased with what Electronic Arts and Danger Close have brought to the series and its multiplayer offerings.

In particular, I like how Danger Close has created classes that matter at a core level. Choosing a class in many multiplayer shooters doesn't particularly matter because customization can do away with any differentiation there originally was in the class variety. Instead, choosing the heavy class in Warfighter meant you moved slower and carried a ton of firepower, while choosing the scout meant you were going to be in the back of the battle sniping at enemies.

I chose a high tech class that came complete with infrared goggles, a portable UAV device, and a cooldown artillerary strike. I wanted to be nimble, but equipped so that I wouldn't be ambushed by the enemy team.

My strategy paid off. The UAV meant I didn't need to constantly watch my back. When that device was cooling down, I used the infrared goggles to see ahead of me in my push towards another capture point.

Warfighter also encourages you to partner up with other players for survival and strength. Danger Close cited a sensation actual soldiers feel when working together in the field when detailing this buddy system mechanic. Designated partners can approach each other for more ammo and health, and players who kill their partner's assailant will actually give their partner a free, immediate respawn at their side.

Without seeing much single-player or getting a chance to play it for myself, I'm tentative on Medal of Honor: Warfighter. Despite that, I can say with confidence that its multiplayer is already leaps and bounds ahead of 2010's Medal of Honor title: It's not the beta test for BF3, it's unique, and having personally finished in first place on the winning team, it's quite a lot of fun.

Warfighter snipes into action on October 23, 2012.

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