ZombiU Preview

U know, they still move pretty slow.

And they're supposed to move slow. They're zombies, remember? But Nintendo and Ubisoft are pushing a unique twist on the zombie survival game: Let somebody control the horde of the undead in question. Enter ZombiU.

It's not simply a matter of survival this time around, although that's the main point of the campaign. ZombiU is meant to utilize two completely different playstyles between the different controller formats: The Pro controller is used akin to every other FPS controller setup on the market, and the GamePad takes a strategic point in holding down points on the map and making the survivor's life a living hell.

Visually, it's nothing to sneeze at, but it's still a notable step down from what the PS3 and 360 have powered through. But for a Nintendo game to not look like a real-looking cartoon, it looks great. The framerate is crisp as well, with no slowdown in sight, which helps the lack of superior power become more tolerable. The sounds are well done enough to set the stage, so with all of that combined with a unique take on what's fastly becoming a stale genre, this should be experienced firsthand.

There is a campaign mode too, but it's strictly a solitary fight. There is no co-op, but there is a fun, little friendly twist. When you die in the campaign, your character can come back as a zombie in your friend's game, and they can shoot you. It wasn't very clear about what all this can bring to the game from experience or helpful items or whatever (aside from the "dude, I totally shot your zombie ass" phone calls), but I guess we'll see when it's finally polished and sent out.

It's bloody, it's gross at times, and it's simple, but that's enough to keep my interest until the ZombiU is released at the Wii U's launch. Keep an eye out, since any new blood to the undead can stand a playthrough.

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