Hell Yeah! Preview

Did you know the Devil can die?

If you ask Sega, he did. And he was a bunny rabbit. And, apparently, also a massive prick. He died and left his son in charge of Hell, but after a stray photo from the paparazzi got out (I assume Lady GaGa's a photographer in Hell) the new overlord, Prince Ash, has decided not just to get it taken downthat would be too easy—but also to murder everyone who viewed the photo online. No need to take it down if everyone who viewed it is dead, right?

That's the "logic" here. Hell Yeah! follows Prince Ash on his journey into murderous bliss. In Metroid-vania fashion, he'll bounce all over the screen to explore areas for the bastards that read the article about his little… *cough*incident*cough*, while searching for expensive gems that can help him beef up his weaponry to blow the stronger bastards to smithereens. A prince has gotta do what a prince has gotta do.

Even with the dark tones throughout the environment, I had no idea just how pretty Hell could be. The rocks and ground spaces are reddish-orange and black, the backdrop is only lit by lava, and the prince himself looks like a detailed, raggedy, zombie-esque bunny rabbit.  Oh, and everything is beautifully set on fire! Glorious! There are certain spaces with some bright pastel colors, but as striking as they might be, they blend in well enough that they don't feel out of place.

With 100 specific guys to track down and beat the ever-loving crap out of, a spinning gyro that doubles as some sort of frigid' chainsaw (and cuts through anything it touches), and a prince with a sense of humor along with a pissy demeanor, I'm genuinely looking forward to Hell Yeah! as a finished product.  With 100 special baddies and only 10 levels of Hell, I'm hoping for a fair amount of honest-to-goodness diversity instead of a few great ones mixed in with shades of gray, but we'll find out when all is said and done.

Look for a new prince at the end of this summer sometime.  And on that note, I'll see you in Hell.

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