Call of Juarez: Gunslinger Preview

Good gosh, howdy, if the old west ain't the place to blast fools and take names! 

Call of Juarez: Gunslinger has a novel approach to its narrative… *puts on cowboy hat*

Yeah, scratch that, it's got a storytellin' approach: literally. While your shucks-howdy former bounty huntin' dog, Silas Greaves, sets a spell and lays out an old yarn for the good ol' boys at the saloon, the environment changes and adapts as he changes the way he's tellin' it. Gol' darn tootin' if it idn't the damndest thing.

You'll be sneakin' up on a gaggle of red-masked banditos, only to have a bunch of Cherokee Braves ambush you, before Silas yanks 'em with a phrase, voice over-like, as they disappear from view as suddenly as they appeared. Ya see, he thew them in to make sure you was payin' attention. And them environments and textures poppin' in and out at will like a Bob Ross video on fast forward. Yeehaw!

Gunslinger's story mode, which ambles through a slaughterhouse of violence, is filled with some famous old-west fellers like Billy the Kid, The Clayton gang, Pat Garret, and them Dalton boys. Now, some of this here may set you up against them as part of Silas' tall tale, but hey, them's what it is. That makes a good story.

Gunslinger's boss fights are a battle of precision and timin', as you hone your accuracy and draw efficiency with timed pulls and focused targets. Dang, it's so futuristic it's practically steampunk—what'cha need to do to whip out your shooting iron and blast them fellers to death!

Greaves, bounty hunter he is, is a might bit customizable, if'n you're of the inclination to customize him along the three paths available. I picked the sharpshooter one, Ranger; as opposed to the two-handed gunfighter, Gunslinger; or the… other one I don't reckon I rightly recall… oh yeah, it was Trapper, on account of how I like to lay low like a dirty snake and pick off my enemies from range.

The preview build was long, with scores of mission content just waitin' to get in front of your gunbarrel. And by "mission content," I do mean lyin', filthy, cheatin' bandits upon whom you invest the fortitude of iron and lead unto their prostrate and lifeless corpses. You kill 'em real good, provided you got 'em dead to rights in your ironsights. Precision is key when your opposition is fixin' to force upon you an eternal dirt-nap.

Call of Juarez: Gunslinger shoves a whole bunch of "mission content" in front of your shootin' hand early this summer. If you're fixin' for just some of that ol'-fashioned carnage without the story, arcade mode'll have you fixed, as you blast fellers to death in combo waves for higher scores.


Dang. Nearly blew my own foot off from the excitement and cacophony of it all!

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