Skies of Arcadia Walkthrough

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                   /            /     /      /         / 


Skies of Arcadia Walkthrough 0.72 © 2000 Cass Bisping [Arrawnt]

Contact me at



Table of Contents


1. Updates 5. Chams 9. Side Quests 13. Ship Parts

2. Basics 6. Discoveries 10. Equipment 14. Swashbuckler

3. Ship Battles 7. Crew 11. Magic List 15. Downloads

4. Walkthrough 8. Zivilyn Bane 12. Special Moves 16. Credits


1. Updates


V.72 12/14/00 – Added the downloads section and covered some more dungeons

V.65 12/13/00 – Covered a few more dungeons, added some more items and a few

side quests

V.5 12/11/00 – Minor updates, next dungeon covered, finished crew section

V.48 12/10/00 – Finished the walkthrough for disc 1 and added some disc 2

parts, added most of the crew members, a few minor additions to each section

V.4 12/09/00 – Minor improvements to the layout, walkthrough almost complete

up to disc 1, additions to most sections, ascii art added

V.3 12/08/00 – Guide up to Daccat’s Island

V.2 12/07/00 – Guide up to Rixis

V.1 12/06/00 – Guide up to Maramba


2. Basics


Skies of Arcadia is your typical RPG in many aspects, you fight random battles,

and through these battles, gain experience points which enable your character

to reach higher levels and become stronger. You also accumulate gold to purchase


Discoveries: As you travel the map you may notice the compass spin wildly,

when this occurs, hit “A” to discover a location. You can sell this information

to Ship Guilds throughout various towns. You can also purchase hints to other


Magic: All magic spells consume 1 MP and a certain amount of spirit. New magic

is learned when a character gains a certain amount of magic experience in

that particular magic class.

S-moves: S-moves are special attacks that consume a set amount of spirit points,

these are learned by using moonberries on characters.

Attributes: There are six attributes you can tune your weapons to-green, red,

purple, blue, yellow, and silver. Green is used primarily for healing, red

is fire, purple is ice, blue is water, yellow is lightning and silver is life

and death. Certain attributes are weak against others, so using a weapon that’s

the opposite of an enemy’s element will cause more damage, the reverse is

also true. Here’s a listing of what hurts what:

Red defeats Green

Red and Purple destroy each other

Blue defeats Red

Purple defeats Blue

Green defeats Purple

Yellow beats Blue

Green destroys Yellow

Silver and Yellow are equal against each other

The easiest way to determine monster attribute is to look at the background

of their picture when you target them. Although it can be difficult to differentiate

between blue and green.


3. Ship Battles


The ship battles in this game are remarkably easy and one general strategy

will apply to every battle in the game. When your turn is green, focus or

attack, when your turn is yellow, heal with repair kits or sacri magic, and

when the turn is red, guard. Fire the special weapon as often as possible

and the enemy ships will fall quickly. Repair kits are dirt cheap, so buy

plenty, also try and time your torpedoes and sub cannons so that they fire

on the same turn as the super cannons. also suggest casting

Sylenis on enemy ships that rely on magic cannons. This will basically cripple

them and give you a reprieve from their constant magic. In some battles you

will be given the option to make a choice, this choice will determine whether

you get a clear shot at the enemy or you’re a sitting duck. I’ll cover these

choices individually in the main walkthrough. You can also check out Mpureka’s

Ship Battles FAQ for more detailed strategies on the individual ship battles.


4. Walkthrough



The game begins with a large ship pursuing a mysterious vessel being piloted

by a young woman. Alfonso, captain of the larger ship, fires upon the woman

and takes her into custody. The imperial ship is then assaulted by air pirates,

and you (Vyse) board the ship and get into a fight with four soldiers. The

first battle is pretty much a no-brainer, two attacks from either Vyse or

Aika will down a soldier. After the battle you enter into the battleship.


Treasure: Sacri Crystal, Sacri Crystal x 2, 50 Gold, Magic Droplet x 2

From the starting point, grab the chest directly in front of you (like duh!)

to obtain a sacri crystal. Take the door out of the room. Go down the next

hallway and through the next door. At this point

Alfonso introduces himself to Vyse and sends four guards to attack you. They’ll

die in one hit each, so no problems. Go to your left to find Sacri Crystal

x 2. Make your ways to the stairs at the top of the room. After crossing the

first catwalk after the stairs, head right to pick up 50 Gold. Head to where

Alfonso was and follow him through the door. In the next room, open the chest

for Magic Droplet x 2, and save/heal at the save point. Go through the hallway

located on the wall near the save point. Descend the ladder and enter the

door at the bottom. After some chitchat you end up facing Antonio.

BOSS: Antonio – HP 570 / Exp. 18 / MExp 2 / Gold 165 / Moonberry

Attacks: Thunder of Fury – About 200 damage to one character.

Strategy: Switch Vyse’s attribute to green. Guard/Focus until you have 7 Spirit

Points then use Vyse’s

Cutlass Fury S-move. Heal with the sacri crystals to conserve SP.


Vyse and Aika introduce themselves to the girl they rescued on the Valuan

ship and she identifies herself as Fina. The game presents you with the first

of many choices that will affect your swashbuckler


That’s a great name. *Choose this, you’ll hear a chime indicating you made

the right decision

That’s a strange name.

So where are you from, exactly?

After a brief conversation that gives you some background information on Air

Pirates, Captain Dyne summons you to the bridge. There’s no treasures to be

found here (some pirate ship!) so just go up the ladder to the bridge. Speak

with Dyne (he’s dressed in black and blue). He tells you to report to Briggs

the Vice Captain. He’s the helmsman responsible for steering the ship. After

speaking with him he gives

you control of the ship and tells you to travel Southeast to Pirate’s Isle.


Head due South from where you start and hit “a” over the first small island

to make your first discovery – “The Pirate’s Grave”. For more information

on discoveries check the section devoted to

discoveries. Continue heading SE and you’ll spot Pirate’s Isle in no time,

but before you go, I advise building your characters experience levels to



Treasure: Moonberry, 150 Gold, Sacri Crystal x 3, Magic Droplet x 2, Sacres

Crystal x 2

After a nifty cut scene involving docking the Albatross into its secret base,

you end up at the docks of the secret underground base. Dyne orders you to

his office, and as you’re just a lowly pirate, obey him. As there are no enemies

here, I’ll just highlight the important information such as treasure, and

story progression. Upgrade your equipment as best you can afford and go speak

with Dyne. Dyne will speak with Fina and you have two choices:

Defend Fina

Sit quietly and listen. *Choose this one

Dyne then tells you to give Fina a tour of the upper village…but first search

the right part of the bookshelf to discover a hidden passage. Descend the

ladder and follow the path to 150 gold.


Find the child in green, speak with him, and tell him he can be a sailor to

boost your rank. Talk with Jimmy to play Hide-n-Seek and learn a secret (it’s

about the bookshelf); if you decide to play look for the children as follows:

Jimmy – Behind a sheet near the old person’s house, you can see his feet Alan

– In a narrow spot behind Aika’s house

Lindsi – Look to the right of the stone tablet

Pow – He’s between the boxes near the save point

Search the aforementioned tablet to reach a passage that leads to a precious

moonberry. At the top of the very tall ladder is a chest with Sacri Crystal

x 3. Head to the little island at the south of town to find

Magic Droplet x 2. When you’re done looking around head to Vyse’s House (near

the save point). Aika will show up and ask to see the sunset. During the cut

scene you decide to pay a trip to shrine island.

Dyne also gives you the Purple MoonStone, which will grant your weapons ice

attributes. Before heading to Shrine Island, have around 20 Sacri Crystals,

I also recommend going NW of the isle to catch Sky

Sardis, a fish that will be useful later on, try and get ten of them. When

you’re ready for Shrine Island, go due north from Pirate’s Isle.


Treasure: Sacri Crystal x 2, moonberry, Sacres Crystal x 2

From the entrance follow the path at the right to the door at the end. Once

on the upper balcony go right to find Sacri Crystal x 2, then go back to the

door and search the floating crystal. Return through

the door and follow the path to the next door. Once past this door, follow

the passage to an area where you can see the sky. Follow the path to a door;

open it to release water and then step through it. Take the left route to

reach a moonberry, then return to the split and head right. After two doors,

you’ll come across a chest with Sacres Crystal x 2. Go through the nearby

door and follow the path to a save.

Heal/save and then open the door. You’ll find the Raw MoonStone and get attacked

by the Sentinel.

BOSS: Sentinel – HP 1200 / Exp 117 / MExp 2 / Gold 755 / Moonberry

Attacks: Target Search (always used as a prelude to blaster), Blaster – 300

or so damage

Strategy: Vyse’s element doesn’t matter, so use whichever you want Magic Experience

in. Guard/Focus until you have 7 Spirit Points then use Vyse’s Cutlass Fury

S-move. Heal with the sacri crystals to conserve SP.

After trashing the Sentinel and receiving the Raw MoonStone, the game switches

to the events at Pirate’s Isle. During the cut scene you’re introduced to

Galcian and Ramirez.

When you resume control of Vyse, you’ll be outside Shrine Island, get on your

boat and return to Pirate’s Isle.


Head to the underground base and speak with Vyse’s mother at Dyne’s cabin.

You’ll be presented with two choices:

Try and save everyone! *Choose

There’s nothing we can do.

You’ll rest up for the night. Upon waking up, head to your little boat and

go North to Shrine Island. Turn East from there. Here the game takes over.

During the cut scene you get three more choices:

Attack it!

Retreat! * Choose

… I don’t know!

It doesn’t matter what you choose; the outcome will be the same.


You regain consciousness on Drachma’s ship the Little Jack. The captain makes

you work if you want to stay on board. Your first job is to move two boxes

up to the bridge. Go down one flight of stairs,

pick up the box and let the game take over. Repeat. Drachma gives you the

helm and directs you to Sailor’s Island. He joins the party and allows you

the use of his blue moon stone. Go Northeast under the

rock tunnel. Sailor’s Island is immediately visible once passing through the



Treasure: 200 Gold

Once you resume control, head to the ship parts shop to learn of a powerful

harpoon cannon in Valua. A room on the second floor of the inn has a chest

with 200 gold. Speak with Pinta in the weapon shop to

gain access to the Pinta’s Quest VMU Mini-Game. Head to the lighthouse and

take the ladder to the top. Search a balloon near a window to receive a letter

that will come in handy later on. Return to Drachma at the tavern and speak

with him:

Come right out and say it.

Beat around the bush *Choose

After some talk, the captain agrees to take you to Valua. Before you can enter

Valua, you’ll need to obtain a passport. Go the sailor’s guild across from

the tavern and speak with the guild master there. A Nasr

merchant will then offer you his passport in exchange for safe passage to


We accept your offer *Choose

No, we’ll find something else

After you make the deal return to the Little Jack


Head east along the stone reef (that large “wall” composed of rocks) until

you are attacked by a Black Pirate.

SHIP BATTLE: Black Pirate Baltor – The Blackbeard

Hp 10000 / Exp 137 / Gold 300 / Captain’s Stripe, Bomb

Strategy: Use the general strategy I covered in the section entitled “Ship

Battles” and you’ll do fine. When presented with a decision, choose to maneuver

behind him.

Head Northeast after the battle to finish the escort and receive the Valuan

Passport. Now to reach Valua, head West until a Valuan Patrol Ship stops you.

He’ll guide you to Valua.


Treasure: Sacres Crystal x 2, Sacri Crystal

After a brief cut scene you end up in the lower city. Go around the first

building and enter the tunnel there to reach a chest with Sacres Crystal x

2. Go down a ramp where you’ll be harassed by a punk kid.

After the talk, head behind where the brat is standing and take the elevator

to the next section. Go to the building opposite the lift to find the inn.

Stay there, make a choice:

Let’s try and save everyone right now!

Let’s sneak into the coliseum! *Choose

Hm… I… I don’t know…

and you’ll eventually end up chasing Marco through the rooftops. Depending

on the path you choose and how quickly you can catch up to him you may acquire

a Sacri Crystal. After catching him you devise the plan to sneak into the



Treasure: Moonberry, Pyri Box, Curia Crystal x 3, Heavy Armor, Assassin Blade

Go up from the ladder you came down on, descend the ladder and follow the

passage up a set of stairs. At the intersection turn left to a room with a

Pyri Box. Return to the fork and go left. Go straight at the next intersection

and grab the heavy armor and assassin blade. Go back to the intersection and

turn right. You’ll end up in a large room with a save point, heal/save and

go up the stairs to…

BOSS: Bleigock HP 4800 / Exp 433 / Mexp 2 / Gold 953 / Vidal Seed

Attacks: Frost Breath – 200 to party / Poisonous Bile 200+ damage, adds poison

Strategy: Use red attribute with Vyse and Drachma. Have Vyse use Cutlass Fury

and let Drachma attack. Focus with Aika and have her heal when necessary.

Return to the save point, heal again and go up the ladder Bleigock was guarding

and you’ll end up in the Coliseum.

BOSS: Executioner HP 1800 / Spellwarden x 2 HP 480 each

Exp 238 / Mexp 2 / Gold 1122 / Electri Box, Sacres Crystals

Attacks: Tackle – 1000+ damage, Sonic Wave – 400 to all

Strategy: Use green attributes. Take out the spellwardens first, use regular

attacks on the first one and hope you kill him, then use a cutlass fury on

the second spellwarden in round 2. After that attack the executioner as you

would any other boss only make sure you keep your hp high (over 1000). Depending

on the frequency of the tackle maneuver, this can be an easy or very difficult



Treasure: Sacri Crystal x 4, Magic Droplet x 4

Return to the save and save/heal. Speak with Marco and then go through the

new passage. You’ll find Sacri Crystal x 4 and Magic Droplet x 4 in this room.

Speak with Dyne:

We have to go save Fina! *Choose

Let’s lay low for a little while…

Dyne gives you the yellow moonstone (lightning), and Drachma takes the pirates

to the Little Jack. Go down the new path to a ladder, ascend the ladder and

follow the next passage to another ladder. You’re now at Upper City. Go up

the stairs, the game takes over and you end up on the Rail Car.


Work your way down the train to the cabin where Fina is being held (just hold

down). Kill any soldiers you fight, and do not worry about Galcian as he moves

very slowly. When you reach Fina’s cabin you face off with two Royal Guards.

BOSS: Royal Guards HP 620 / Exp 440/ Mexp 2 / Gold 1562 / Magic Droplet x


Strategy: There isn’t much to this battle, just focus your attacks on one

royal guard at a time and you’ll be fine, however one of them can cast Sacri,

which can be annoying as it prolongs the battle.

Galcian reaches you at last:

Never! *Choose

… Sounds fair…

After making your choice you’ll board the Little Jack and make your escape.

All that stands in your way is a Valuan Cruiser.

SHIP BATTLE: Valuan Cruiser HP N/A / Exp 231 / Gold 500 / Repair Kit

Strategy: This battle serves as little more then an introduction to the Harpoon

Cannon. Just guard until you can get behind the cruiser and then fire the

Harpoon Cannon, which will destroy it in one shot. Congratulations, you’ve

escaped Valua and rescued Fina.


Fina explains her mission and then joins the party:

Leave everything to us! *Choose

I need to think about this…

You’re also introduced to Fina’s weapon Cupil. As you find chams, you feed

them to Cupil to make him evolve. You can find chams by listening to the VMU,

when it beeps you’ll know one is nearby, after that, hit “a” repeatedly over

the area where the beeping is most frequent. Fina also gives you the silver

moonstone (Life and Death). Go to the ship at the underground port and speak

with Dyne and Vyse’s mother. Then board the Little Jack and head to Nasr,

but first I advise heading to Shrine Island. I suggest this for two reasons:

1) You can find a cham on the third level down from the entrance.

2) Finastarts at level 1 and could use some experience.


Return to Sailor’s Island, purchase several repair kits and then head to the

stone reef. Go through the roof and then head East to Maramba.


Treasure: Cham, Magic Droplet x 3, Nasr Combat Mail, Slipara Box

Upon dropping you off in Maramba, Drachma leaves with the ship. Talk to the

guildmaster to learn of a new dancer at the tavern. Head upstairs in the inn

and get on the balcony to find a cham and Magic Droplet x 3. Head to the SE

corner of the town and go up the little stand and speak with the man. You’ll

mount a dhabu, so go open the gate and cross to the other side of town. Get

off the Dhabu at the nearby stand then go down the ladder to the well.


Treasure: Moonberry, Gem of fluidity, Excavation Arm

Go left at the first intersection and follow the path to a ladder, the ladder

leads to a chest containing a moonberry. Return to the first intersection

and go left. Press the barrel switch on the left wall to move the gate. Go

forward and take a left at the fork to discover an excavation arm for Drachma.

Return to the intersection and go straight. Make a right at the gate in front

of the chest and hit the switch. Follow the path to the next switch, hit it

and return to the chest that was formerly blocked off. It contains a Gem of

Fluidity. Return to Maramba.


Go to the tavern and speak with Bellena the dancer:

That sounds like a great idea! *Choose

Actually, I’m a little busy right now…

You’ll sit down and watch Bellena dance:

Hehe…Okay I’ll stop staring *Choose

I have no idea what you’re talking about…

Bellena speaks with you and offers you the use of her ship. Return to the

inn and stay the night. Head to the docks in the morning and speak with Bellena:

We’ll do it! *Choose

Hm… what should we do?


I recommend building your characters to level 15 before heading East to the

Temple of Prynn. Watch out for Azbeth monsters as they can cast the powerful

Eterni spell, which causes instant death. The temple is due East from the

city of Maramba.


Treasure: Sacres Crystal x 3, Dancing Arc, 774 Gold, Sacres Crystal x 3, Moonberry,

Cham, Magic Droplet x 5, Rune of Ill Omen

Go straight until you enter the temple, follow the passage to a larger room

and cross to the other side by riding the barrel. Follow the path to a hall

with a large boulder. As soon as you see a boulder drop, start running. At

the end of the passage is a room with three barrels and three holes in the

floor. Begin by moving the two side barrels to their respective holes and

then take the lowermost barrel to it’s hole. This opens the door. Go through

the long hallway and you’ll be in a room with a chest and several passages.

Open the chest and you fight Magma Tiki x 3. You receive Sacres Crystal x

3 after the battle. Take the right passage to the next room, the chest here

contains a similar fight, winning the battle nets you the Dancing Ark. Go

up to the next room, from here go up to another room with a chest. Open the

chest, win the battle and you receive 774 Gold. Return to the previous room

and take the left passage. Go straight in the next room to another barrel

puzzle. Move them in this order: upper red, lower red, upper blue, lower blue.

Go through the new door. In the next boulder passage run to the center and

go through a passage to the right to reach a moonberry. Back in the hallway,

search the left wall in the center of the passage for a cham. The door at

the end leads to a lava-filled area. Follow the path and open the chest on

the way for Magic Droplet x 5. In the next room go right and up the room.

At the end of this path is a chest containing the first of several fights

with Zivilyn Bane.

MINI-BOSS: Zivilyn Bane HP 1380 HP

Strategy: His burst attack does around 800 damage so keep the HP high, otherwise

just pound on him as you would any normal boss. You receive the Rune of Ill

Omen after the battle.

Back track a few steps and go down the stairs to the final barrel puzzle.

Move the barrels as follows: Upper right, lower right, upper left, lower left,

red barrel. Completing the puzzle releases lava into the room. Return to the

very entrance of this room and hit the switch to release water. Cross the

newly hardened lava, save/heal and open the door.

BOSS: Rokwyrm HP 4200 / Exp 1021 / Mexp 4 / Gold 1584 / Riselem Box

Attacks: Volcanic Blast – 500 damage to all, Cinder Storm – Petrify a character

Strategy: Use Cutlass Fury with ice atrribute, or use Crystales magic. If

you choose to use magic use Finas’s or Aika’s as they are capable of higher

magic damage. Keep the characters above 500 HP, and heal petrified characters

with curia crystals.

Cross over the Rokwyrm’s petrified corpse (what goes around comes around)

and you’ll enter a room with the Red Moon Crystal. Exit the door to your left

to exit the temple. Get ready for a couple of ship battles.

SHIP BATTLE: Red Gigas Recumen HP N/A no rewards given after battle

Attacks: Red Ray – Massive damage, be sure to guard

Strategy: Same ol’ ship strategy, keep spirit high and use Harpoon Cannon

as often as possible. There doesn’t seem to be much difference between attacking

the head or legs so do whatever. Eventually you’re given the option to retreat

and regroup, do so to end the battle. You’ll be presented with some choices:

You mean, attack Belleza’s ship right? *Choose

Let’s ram the gigas!

SHIP BATTLE: Valuan Flagship 4th Admiral Belleza, The Lynx

HP 25,000 / Exp 881 / Gold 2400 / Captain’s Stripe / Magic Cannon / 3″ Blaster

Strategy: Heal the Little Jack if necesarry. Use at least one turn every round

for a repair kit. Belleza can do serious damage in just one turn so keep the

HP at all times! When given the chance, turn hard and try and catch her off

guard. When in doubt, guard or heal, you don’t have enough staying power to

ignore damage.

The Magic Cannon you receive after the battle lets you use offensive spells

against enemy ships. You also recover the Red Moon Crystal and take Belleza’s

engine. Fina directs you to your next destination- Ixa’taka.


Return to Maramba to restock supplies/rest at inn. Head South from Maramba.

You’ll arrive at an area filled with tornadoes. Work your way through the

ocean (be patient, this takes about 20-30 minutes). Upon reaching the new

land, go North to Horteka.


Treasure: Paranta Seed, Sacri Box, Moonberry, Sacri Crystal x 25, Moon Stone


The first thing to do is visit the elder so that the townfolk will accept

you somewhat. Begin by going down the ramp to your right, then up the next

ramp, descend the ladder. Go through a tunnel area and you should see the

Elder’s House, has a animal head over the door. Speak with the elder and leave

his house. Climb the nearby ladder and the subsequent ladder to find a chest

with a Paranta Seed. Go back through the tunnel area and get on the raft.

Get on the next raft and then climb the pole. Take the slide at the top and

enter the tavern. Climb to the third floor and search a back wall to reveal

a hidden passage leading to a Sacri Box. Go to the third floor and exit the

door near the ladder. Get on the slide and then climb the ladder to your left.

Go down the ramp to your right and enter the hut to purchase equipment. Go

up the next ramp and climb the ladder, which will eventually lead to a Moonberry.

Return to the weapon hut, climb the ladder behind the hut and follow the path.

Near the “doorway” to the next area you can search for a cham. Get on the

broken airship and cross to the other side, follow the path around to get

Sacri Crystal x 25. Return to the deck of the airship and speak to the young

man there. You’ll receive the Moon Stone Fuel. Return to the Little Jack.


Go North from Horteka until you see two large plateaus with a floating tree

between them, that’s where you need to go. But before you can get there you’re


SHIP BATTLE: Valuan Flagship 5th Admiral De Loco, The Chameleon

HP 30,000 / Exp 726 / Gold 1900 / Captain’s Stripe / B-type Cannon

Strategy: Use the same strategy used to defeat Belleza in the Lynx

After trashing the Chameleon, go into the King’s Hideout:

Let’s break into the Moon Stone Mines! *Choose

We’ll try and find Rixis by ourselves!

Get the cham in the hideout, and then head to the Moon Stone Mountain. Fly

Southwest from Horteka until you see a large cylindrical mountain, that’s



Treasure: Cham, Cham, Curia Crystal x 4, 800 Gold, De Loco Mail, Zaal Seed,

3″ Blaster, De Loco Drill, Glyph of Might x 4, Glyph of Speed x 4, Healing

Salve x 2

Follow the trail up the mountain to a save point. Save your game and enter

the mountain. Soon after entering you’ll set off an alarm that alerts De Loco

to your presence. When you resume control, go left through the open door.

At the fork, go left and search for a Cham. Then go up the ramp and take the

passage to the right. Speak with the worker to learn the secrets of the mine:

1. An “O” doesn’t always mean the right way

2. If there’s a mining cart below you, it returns you here

Return to the large hall and cross the small bridge, you will see three panels

arranged as follows:


Cross over the panel with the “X” otherwise you’ll be dumped to a mine cart

and sent back. In the next cavern, turn left at both forks. You’ll arrive

at a larger set of panels arranged like so:




Again, cross on the panels marked with an “X”. Be very careful not to step

on the “O” panels by accident. The next room has you on a high platform with

three walkways that lead to the same path, take the one on the left to cross

safely, then get near the panel on the middle path and search for a cham.

Go down the ramp and follow the passage. Enter each door you come across,

you’ll find Curia Crystal x 4 in the first room and 800 Gold in the second

room. At the end of the passage is another room that you can see below. *Optional

Go to the left path and fall down to receive some De Loco Mail, then fall

down the next panel to return to the room with the slave, retrace your steps.

Go fall down the right panel, then fall through the middle panel. Go straight

until you reach a door holding Centime (the engineer from Ixa’taka). Exit

the room and go in the elevator. On the next floor follow the path and enter

the first door for a Zaal Seed. Go straight at the intersection and enter

the next room for a 3″ Blaster. Ignore the next room, as it is empty. Follow

this path to a De Loco Drill. Then return to the fork and go left. In the

room where you can see below you, turn left and follow the path to an elevator.

Head across the bridge in the next area. Continue forward to a large room

where you face four mine patrol enemies, dispose of them then enter each room.

You’ll find Glyph of Speed x 4, Glyph of Might x 4, Healing Salve x 2, and

the priest Isapa. Leave the room when you get the chance and pass through

the large door. Ride the elevator, then heal/save and get ready for…

BOSS: Antonio 2 HP 5300 / Exp 1503 / Mexp 4 / Gold 2387 / Moonberry

Attacks: Thunder of Fury – 800-900 damage

Strategy: Use the green element and Pirate’s Wrath if you have it, otherwise

use Cutlass Fury and regular attacks with Drachma. Heal if below 1000 HP.

After winning the battle follow the passage to Centime, go through the door

to the beginning of the mines. Leave the mountain and head back to the King’s



Isapa will give you a clue to the location of Rixis:

“The great bird with its wings spread and the kneeling golden man will open

the way.”

Pretty obscure (and worthless) hint, but it can’t be helped.


Look to the left after exiting the hideout, raise your altitude and search

the top of the plateau to find the Golden Man. You’ll also take the Golden

Man’s Eye. Go Southwest from the golden man to the next island, look for a

clearing and search to discover the Great Bird. You receive the Great Bird’s

eye. Now face the same direction as the beak of the great bird and go Northwest

to the island with several plateaus. Stay low to the ground and look for a

small blue statue. That’s Rixis.


Treasure: Cham

Go forward and put the Great Bird’s Eye in the right statue and place the

Golden Man’s Eye in the left statue. Search near the left statue for a cham.

Then take the elevator up to Rixis.


Treasure: Risan Crystal x 3, Stonecutter, Sacrulen Crystal x 2, Cham, Golden

Mask, 1186 Gold, Moonberry, Light Coat, Icyl Seed

After some discussion, go straight and turn right when you reach a wall obstructing

your path. Go up the stairs and then ascend up the set of staircases to the

left. Go up and take the stairs adjacent to the wall. Ride the platform at

the top of the wall across the crater. Take the stairs leading down to a chest

with Risan Crystal x 3. Return back up the stairs and go up another flight

of stairs. Go forward to some stairs leading down. Once down the stairs go

through the archway and turn right. Go past the two staircases and through

an archway to your right, you’ll find the Stonecutter. Return to the two staircases

and go up the one on the right. Follow the path until you come to the edge

of a cliff. Go right and behind the stairs you’ll find a chest with Sacrulen

Crystal x 2. Now go to the silver ledge on the cliff and wait for the platform,

get on it and ride it to the next ledge. After you get off, go up the stairs

and search for a cham, then go to the next room and open the chest for another

encounter with Zivilyn Bane.

MINI-BOSS: Zivilyn Bane (2) HP 3250

Strategy: Same as the last time only his burst does about 1100 damage, so

keep the HP up. You get the Golden Mask after the battle.

Go down the stairs near the chest (tricky to see, but they’re there) and then

head left to the next room. Open the chest for 1186 Gold, return to the previous

room. Ride the platform to the other side. Go right to the next room and open

the chest for a Moonberry. Return to the previous room and ascend the stairs.

Pick up the Light Coat in the next room and go up the stairs. Get on the moving

platform (ignore the still platform) and ride it to a Ruin Arm. Return and

then head to the next room. Ride the platform to the second stop for an Icyl

Seed. Now ride the platform to the stop you passed earlier. In the next area

just follow the ghost until he takes off on a platform to another screen.

Take the other platform up. Heal/save and then climb all the stairs. At the

top you’ll be attacked by…

BOSS: Rik’talish HP 6800 / Exp 1830 / Mexp 4 / Gold 2700 / Sylph Seed

Attacks: Feather Slash- Area attack for 1000 damage, Circle of Panic- confuses

one character, Ring of Sleep- puts one character to sleep

Strategy: Use Pirate’s Wrath/Cutlass Fury with Vyse, and tackle with Drachma.

If a character is afflicted with a status ailment, remove it immediately with

a curia crystal. Heal with Sacres crystals if your HP drops below 1000.

Save your game and then prepare for two ship battles

SHIP BATTLE: The Chameleon (2) HP 30,000 / Exp 1043 / Gold 2400

Strategy: Just use the same tactics as last time and you’ll be fine.

SHIP BATTLE: Green Gigas – Grendel HP N/A / Exp 1161 / G 2700 / Captain’s

Stripe / Grendel Wing / Complete Kit

Strategy: Attack as often as possible, but don’t neglect healing. Eventually

a Harpoon Cannon blast will knock Grendel into the valley and end the battle.

You receive the Green Moon Crystal at the King’s Hideout after the battle.

Now it’s time to recover the Yellow Moon Crystal from Valua.


Head North from the hideout and look for an opening between the mountains.

Go through this and keep heading North until you are attacked by Black Pirates.

BOSS: Gordo and Mad Chef x 3

Gordo HP 2000 / Exp 486 / Mexp 2 / Gold 1049 / Cham / Flying Fish x 20 / Spiked

Sunfish x 10

Strategy: Begin with a Rain of Swords to defeat the Mad Chef’s, then use Cutlass

Fury/attacks to defeat Gordo, not very hard.

Continue Northeast after the battle until you reach Valuan Airspace, then

go Northwest for a short distance and turn Northeast and go between the mountain

ranges. Go East until you can see a Stonehenge-esque structure, that’s the

Maw of Tartas and your goal.


Treasure: Chom x 3

Search the area for three choms, but don’t use them. Get onto the seal and

you’ll be attacked by four enforcers, just take them out one at a time you’ll

have few problems. Time to make a decision:

We understand, we’ll go with you. *Choose

It’s too dangerous…

Return to the Little Jack


Head to the deck to speak with Drachma. When you have control of the ship,

head East until you encounter Rhaknam. You end up facing a Valuan Gunboat.

SHIP BATTLE: Valuan Gunboat HP Not enough to survive the Harpoon cannon /

Exp 306 / Gold 600 / Deluxe Kit

Strategy: Just guard/focus until you can use the harpoon cannon.

After the battle go down to the lifeboats, down both sets of stairs and through

the double doors. Watch the cut scene and you’ll end up with Vyse on a…


Treasure: Moonberry, 1827 Gold

Run through the forest and head to the cave on the right. Search the skeleton

in front of the cave to receive the “Gonzales’ Map”. Go down into the cave

and take the left fork to find a moonberry. Return to the fork and go left

to a room, search the chest for 1827 Gold. Now exit the cave and go to the

southernmost point in the island. Now return to the cave and the scene switches

to Aika and Fina.


Treasure: Clara’s Purse, Abirik Cham

Clara will introduce herself, then drops you off at Nasr and gives you “Clara’s

Purse”. Head North and enter the main city. Go to the right side of town and

up some stairs, enter the weapon shop and speak with the old merchant. He

gives you an Abirik Cham, which instantly evolve Cupil. Go to the inn and

get a room.


Not much to do, just wander around the forest to run into battles, for every

Grapor you kill, you receive one Grapor Meat. The day ends when you have fifteen

Grapor Meats.


Today’s task is to gather five pieces of firewood, look in these general areas:

1) Near the big gray boulder South of the left cave

2) Center of the forest

3) Southeast part of the forest

4) South Center of Forest

5) A few steps North of the save point

After collecting all five, the day will end.


Time to find moonstones, look for them with these general directions:

1) Near Gonzales’ grave

2) East central of forest

3) South Central forest

4) Southwest part of forest

5) Near the fire signal.

After several cut scenes you’ll end up on the Claudia.


Gilder speaks with you on the bridge:

That’s a good motto.

That’s a little messed up… *Choose

Gilder will join the party and give the helm to you. Sail South to Nasr. Upon

approaching the city, Gilder and Vyse will go to Nasr on a smaller ship. Shop

around and rest at the inn.


Treasure: Sacres Crystal x 4, Cham, Pedro’s Map

Go to the tavern to receive your paycheck, Sacres Crystal x 4 and a cham.

Head back to the inn, you’ll aid an injured man and receive “Pedro’s Map”


Go up to the palace and speak with the guards:

We have important information. *Choose

You’d better let us through or else!

Some brief talking with the idiot Nasultan and then back to Aika.


Your objective is to set sail for Daccat’s Island, but as you have little

supplies, I advise cautiously building up around Nasr until you have a good

20-30 Sacres Crystals. When you’re ready sail Northeast to Crescent Isle,

and then Northeast to Daccat’s Island (it’s the largest island). Once at the

island, search for a cham and then step on the plate and try to open the door.


Follow the same directions as Aika and Fina to reach Daccat’s Island. Step

on the big plate and try to open the door.


Treasure: Skywing, Soul Crystal, Sacrulen Crystal x 2, 2001 Gold, Maiden’s

Armor x 2, Magic Droplets x 4, Daccat’s Armor, Magic Dew, Vidal Seed, Cham,

Moonberry, Risan Crystal x 2, Moonberry, Electrum Box, Daccat’s Coin

*Aika: Go left at the first fork to receive a skywing, return to the fork

and go left, hit the boomerang/sword symbol to switch parties.

*Vyse: Go right at the fork for another battle with Zivilyn Bane.

MINI-BOSS: Zivilyn Bane (3) HP 1900

Strategy: Use Cutlass Fury and Gunslinger until he dies, heal with Sacres


You receive the Soul Crystal after the fight. Return to the intersection and

go right, take a left at the next fork and then flip the switch. Head back

to the split, go left and switch groups.

Return to the intersection and go right, take a left at the next fork and

then flip the switch. Head back to the split, go left and switch groups.

*Aika: Go left at the intersection and flip the switch, back at the fork go

straight to Sacrulen Crystal x 2. Return to the fork and turn right, get on

the plate and switch to Vyse.

*Vyse: Go right at intersection to 2001 Gold. Then go back and get on the

nearby plate and change to Aika.

*Aika: Go all the way down the stairs to receive Maiden’s Armor x 2, then

go back up the stairs and take control of Vyse.

*Vyse: Turn the switch once, go up the stairs and get Magic Droplet x 4. Go

back down and hit the switch two more times. Go down the stairs, grab Daccat’s

Armor and then change parties.

*Aika: Go forward, grab the Magic Dew and then step on the plate, switch to


*Vyse: Turn the switch two more times and go down and step on the metal plate.

*Aika: Cross the platforms and grab the Vidal Seed, then cross the two bridges

directly in front of the chest and search for a cham. Take the lower path

to find a Moonberry, then return to the upper path and get on the plate.

*Vyse: Go up to the tunnels, head left and grab Risan Crystal x 2. Then go

down to find a Moonberry. Return to the split and head left. Go right and

then go right again to find an Electrum Box. Then go up and step on the plate.

*Aika: Go down the right staircase and turn the switch twice. Go down the

stairs, up the next and switch to Vyse.

*Vyse: Go down and across the walkway, up the stairs and then change to Aika.

*Aika: Return to the switch and turn it three times. Cross the stairs, stand

on the plate and switch to Vyse.

*Vyse: Cross the stairs, step on the plate and switch to Aika.

*Aika: Go through the new passage, save/heal, go down to the final plate and

switch parties for the last time.

*Vyse: Go through the new passage, save/heal, go down to the final plate.

Get ready for a moderately difficult boss.

BOSS: Sinistra (Fire) and Destra (Ice) HP 4500 each / Exp 2373 / Mexp 4 /

Gold 3180 / Icyl Seed / Magus Seed

Attacks: Death Waltz – 1200 to all, Tundra Blast/Explosion- 600 to all

Strategy: I hope you have Pirate’s Wrath by now, otherwise it will be a long

battle. To begin with, make sure you use the proper element, red against Destra

and purple against Sinistra. Use Increm on Vyse and Guilder to boost their

damage and then use Pirate’s Wrath/Cutlass Fury/Gunslinger against one of

the heads. Have Aika and Fina constantly use Sacrum Crystals. Once one head

goes down, it becomes substantially easier as one head cannot perform Death

Waltz on its own.

After the battle, go grab Daccat’s Treasure. It ends up being Daccat’s Coin

which can be sold for 20,000 Gold to ship guilds. Exit the island via the

newly opened passage and head back to Nasr…

Once you dock at Nasr, head to the main city, the Armada will attack and you

run to the docks where you encounter Ramirez. You’ll be presented with two


Surrender. *Choose

Fight… even though you know it is futile.

You’ll be taken prisoner.


Treasure: Cannon Room Key, Harbor Key, Moonberry, Unholy Dagger

After Gilder opens the lock, exit the cell and follow the path until you face

off with two officers. Defeat them, save/heal, and go select “Prisoner Block

200 2nd Floor” on the elevator call switch. Exit the elevator and follow the

path to Aika’s Cell. You’ll meet Vigoro.

BOSS: Vigoro HP 5500 / Exp 2101 / Mexp 4 / Gold 4087 / Cannon Room Key

Attacks: Vigoro’s Charm- Confuses Aika

This is a remarkably easy battle. Vigoro’s lone special does nothing but confuse

the weak Aika. This is easily countered with curia crystals. When he’s not

using his charms, he’s using normal attacks that hit one character for a meager

500. Just use your strongest S-Moves and the battle will be over in no time.

Victory nets you the Cannon Room Key. Now that Aika is back in the party,

make sure you equip some armor on her.

Head back to the elevator and select “Fortress Cannon Room Battery 28.” At

the top go through the now unlockable door. In the next room go up and take

the stairs. Run to the front of the cannon. Now head into the barrel and follow

it to the end. Head right and go up the stairs, continue in this direction

until you reach a lift, take the lift up. At the top go towards the save point,

heal/save and enter the door. Open the door at the end of the hallway, then

run to the two officers at the opposite end of the hall and kill them, open

the door they were guarding to rescue Fina. Equip her with some armor, and

then head back to the lift and take it back down. At the bottom, go right

and enter the harbor. In these areas you need to avoid the spotlights, being

spotted results in a random battle with Destroyer Robots. Incidentally, if

you weaken a destroyer and let it use its Emergency maneuver it forces you

to fight Kantor, an enemy similar to Antonio that does around 1200 with Thunder

of Fury. On the second level of this area you can find a chest with a moonberry.

Then take the staircases all the way up to another chest. This is another

Zivilyn Bane fight.

MINI-BOSS: Zivilyn Bane (4) HP 4000

Strategy: His burst only does around 900 so it’s a pretty easy fight, just

hit him with your best S-moves.

Victory earns you the Unholy Dagger. Go through the door at the end of the

third level. Heal/save in the next room and open the door for another boss.

BOSS: Drakor Tank HP 8000 / Exp 2014 / Mexp 4 / Gold 4678 Riselem Crystal

x 5

Attacks: Wheel Blast-1500 damage to an area

This is a fairly tough battle as the wheel blast can potentially knock out

one or two characters within the first two rounds. Your best bet is to only

use S-Moves to attack, and guard at all other times, only take a break from

guarding to heal or use S-Moves, and even then only let Vyse or Gilder do

it as they have more HP. Aika and Fina’s primary purpose in this battle is

to stay alive and generate Spirit Points.

After the fight the alarm goes off and you’re told to get on a lift:

Let’s take our chances and hop on. *Choose

This could be a trap.

You’ll meet Enrique and he asks you to follow him. He takes you to the bridge

of a Valuan Battleship and asks to go with you:

Of course you can come with us. *Choose

Sorry, but you can’t expect us to trust you.

You’ll also regain possession of the Green Moon Crystal and the Red Moon Crystal.

Time to make the escape on board your new Delphinus Battleship.

SHIP BATTLE: Fortress Gate HP N/A / 1408 Exp / Gold 3000 / Gear Grease

This battle serves as little more then showing off the sheer awesomeness of

the Delphinus. With 36000 HP you won’t need to bother with healing, so just

guard or something on the first round, and fire the Moonstone Cannon when

you get the chance, the moonstone cannon is the only weapon that will defeat

the fortress so don’t waste time with other weapons.


Treasure: Cham, Moonberry

Enrique suggest a captain should be named, it’s unanimous that Vyse should


I’ll do it! *Choose

I don’t know if I’m up to it…

Speak with Gilder on the bridge and then look for a moving panel on the left

side of the bridge. You’ll find a moonberry in the opposite compartment. Open

it to discover the stowaway Marco. He joins your crew as a Sailor. For more

crew members check the crew section of this guide. Search the deck for another

cham. Look around the ship some more if you like and speak with Gilder when

you finish. He leaves the party and Enrique joins.

Go to Sailor’s Island to recruit Polly, Lawrence, and Pinta. You can also

pick up a cham at the top of the lighthouse Then head to Nasrad to the Northwest

through the South Dannel Strait.


You can recruit Khazin and Osman here, also look for a cham near the fountain

in the center of town. Sell Daccat’s Coin to the guildmaster for 20000 Gold.

Upgrade your ships weapons and then head Northeast to Crescent Isle.


You meet Brabham and Ismael upon docking at the island. You’ll have to pay

them what they want in order to advance the story. Brabham only requires 25000

Gold, but Ismael wants 75000 Gold. Get the money through Discoveries and enemy

battles, also sell all unnecesarry equipment, you should already have most

of the money. After paying them you’ll have the opportunity to choose a flag

for your ship. It doesn’t matter which you choose and you can switch later.

You’ll learn a bit more about Ramirez from Fina:

Instill her with confidence.

Try and cheer her up! *Choose

You’ll also learn of your next destination, Yafutoma. The Delphinus has also

been upgraded to traverse through sky rifts (those vertical “walls” of clouds).

Head South to Maramba, and from there go South until you reach South Ocean.

When you arrive at the South Ocean go East through the sky rift and follow

the mountain range to the left until you reach Esperanza.


Treasure: Cham, 2248 Gold, Valuan Uniform x 3,

Exit the docks and go up to the city. Climb down the ladder and then search

for a cham. Go through the doorway and follow the path to 2248 Gold. Go back

up the ladder and enter the building near the inn. Flip the yellow switch

to bring down a ladder, go up the ladder and grab the chest for Valuan Uniform

x 3. Exit the building and go up the ramp. At the back of town is a merchant

with superior equipment. Upgrade as best you can afford. Then head to the

tavern (it’s the largest building on the map). Talk to the sailor in the back

with his foot on the table to advance the story. Fina will come in and tell

you to go to the port. Go there and speak with Enrique. You’ll spend the night

in the inn. Head back to the docks and board the Delphinus (make sure you

buy plenty of deluxe kits) and get ready to face the Armada.

SHIP BATTLE: Gregorio Cruiser HP 25000 / Exp 848 / Gold 1700 / Speed Wax

Strategy: Just focus on the first round and fire the MoonStone Cannon on the

next round.

SHIP BATTLE: Gregorio Gunboat HP 30000 / Exp 848 / Gold 1700 / Shredder Bomb

/ Crystal Ball

Strategy: Follow the general ship strategy. Close in and look for an opening

when presented with the choice.

SHIP BATTLE: Valuan Flagship 2nd Admiral Gregorio, the Auriga HP 50000 /

Exp 2573 / Gold 5200 / Captain’s Stripe / Heavy Armor Deck / 12″ Cannon

Strategy: This battle will last longer then most ship battles because of Gregorios

high defense and frequent guarding. Use increm often to lessen the damage

suffered from his numerous attacks and to offset his superior defense. The

round after he does the Hull Ram is particulary damaging as he will usually

fire every cannon he has.

Heal up in Esperanza (the inn is free) and buy more supplies for the trip

through the Dark Rift. When you’re ready go Southeast alongside the dark sky

rift until you see a vortex, enter the vortex to travel inside the Dark Rift.


Treasure: Moss Armor, Magus Seed, Dream Cutlass, Sacrum Crystal x 3, Moonberry,

2731 Gold, Moonberry, Aura of Valor, Chalice of Blood

This is the first ship dungeon in the game, so I’ll go over the differences.

The controls are the same as they would be on the world map, you can raise

and lower altitudes, and the d-pad adjusts camera angles. You do not however

get a compass or a map, making directions a bit harder to give accurately.

Hopefully the following directions will get you through the dungeon with minimal

confusion. Begin by going straight into the vortex, follow the tunnel to a

room filled with plant life. Raise the altitude to its maximum and look to

the right for an island. On this island a ship. The ships in this dungeon

are basically treasure chests. Search this ship to receive Moss Armor. Now

lower the altitude to its minimum and search the ship at the bottom to receive

a Magus Seed. Now get at medium altitude and look for a hole in the plant

wall to your left, pass through it. Once past the hole, raise your altitude

and search the ship for a Dream Cutlass. Lower your altitude and enter the

vortex to your right. This tunnel leads to a large room filled with moon stones.

Go to the center of the room and search to discover the Black MoonStone. Now

turn 180 degrees and enter the vortex at the far right. You’ll arrive in another

room filled with plants. Drop altitude and look to the left of the land mass

for a ship, this ship has Sacrum Crystal x 3. Turn right and raise your altitude

until you see a ship in front of you. Searching this ship takes you inside.

Open the chest there for a moonberry and talk to the old man. If Polly is

in your crew, then he (Robinson) joins your crew as a sailor. Return to the

Delphinus and raise your altitude to its maximum, look around for a ship towards

the top and search it for 2731 Gold. Return to the room with all the moonstones.

Go right and enter the vortex that is below and to the right of a vortex that

is flashing red. This passage leads to another room with plants. Raise altitude

and head right, on the underside of the land mass is a ship containing a moonberry.

Now go the opposite direction and lower altitude a bit and inspect the ship

for an Aura of Valor. Now go to where you can see a vertical column of rocks

and raise your altitude. Search the ship to the left for another encounter

with that rogue, Zivilyn Bane (how the hell did he get here?)

MINI-BOSS: Zivilyn Bane (5) HP 4800

Strategy: His burst does about 1500 damage now, and he has more HP, but otherwise

it’s the same old fight.

You receive the Chalice of Blood for defeating him. Exit the room via the

vortex near the ship. This passage leads to the last room. Save your game

and head forward to battle the boss of the dungeon.

SHIP BATTLE: Anguila HP 55000 / Exp 2500 / Gold 5400 / Concussion Bomb / Heavy

Torpedo / Timing Valve

Strategy: Just stay put and keep shooting. You shouldn’t even need to heal

during the course of the battle. Its attacks are really weak.

Exit the Dark Rift via the passage Anguila was guarding. Head Northeast until

you pass through a sky rift. Press “A” repeatedly after passing through to

discover the Guardian Walls. Head North until you are attacked.

SHIP BATTLE: Tenkou Ship HP 25000 / Exp 478 / Gold 900 / Pyro Bomb / Crystal


Strategy: This is a tough battle as the enemies high altitude makes your cannons

virtually worthless. You’ll need to use increm followed by repeated torpedo

attacks to any real damage. You may also rarely be given an opportunity to

fire the Moon Stone Cannon.

After the battle your ship will be boarded by the enemy. Head to the deck

(exit bridge, down the stairs and through the steel door) to face the Tenkou

leaders. They tell you to throw down your weapons:

Fight *Choose


After making your choice, you fight the twins.

BOSS: Jao and Mao HP 2700 each / Exp 2470 / Mexp 4 / Gold 2554 / Moonberry

Attacks: Irnagun- 1200 damage, Tatatimorutto- 1200 damage

Strategy: Just concentrate all your strongest attacks on one twin. Once of

them goes down the second is easy.

Go North until you discover Yafutoma, then go Northeast to reach the city.


Treasure: Cham, 3000 Gold, Moonberry

Upon entering, you’ll be taken to meet Lord Mikado. You’ll learn the Blue

Moon Crystal is at Mount Kazai. After the talk you can save/heal at the house

North of the palace. Take the lift south of the palace to reach the main city.

You’ll find another cham on the right side of the city near the ferry dock.

Search for a hidden drawbridge in the item shop to discover 3000 Gold. Now

ride the ferry from the West side of town to the East side and return to the

West side on foot. Turn the red switch near the flat bridge to raise it. Now

return to the ferry and pass through the now raised bridge to find a Moonberry.

Get back on the ferry and go over the waterfall in the Southeast section of

the town. Speak with the girl building a house, answer the first response,

and she joins your crew. Head up the stairs and take the lift. Get on the

ferry and go down this waterfall. Make your way to the Northwest section of

town and enter the restaurant to recruit Urala. Now go to the Southwest part

of town and take the stairs to the docks. Speak with the ship merchant and

choose the option to go to Mount Kazai. You’ll also receive the Underwater

Suit which is necesarry to progress through the mountain.


Treasure: Windsong Orb, Cham, Moonberry

Head into the mountain, slide down the rope and follow the path until you

reach a large room with a passage in each direction. This room will be referred

to as the main room. Press the switch at the North end of the room and then

go left and around the walkway to the Southern passage. Continue on this route

until you reach a fork, go right and stay with this path until you can go

underwater. Go left a few steps and then up to reach a small passage that

takes you back to land. Go left at the fork and this path will lead you to

a switch. Activate it and return to the underwater area. Go forward until

you reach a wall, then go left alongside the wall until you find a passage.

Follow this passage to a larger area with a ramp leading up. Go up this ramp

to a chest with another Zivilyn Bane fight.

MINI-BOSS: Zivilyn Bane HP 5200

Strategy: He hasn’t improved much since your last fight, his burst still only

does around 1500. My strategy was to just guard with everyone except Vyse

and let Vyse use Cutlass Fury/Pirate’s Wrath until the battle was over.

You’ll receive the Windsong Orb. Return to the main room and take the East

passage. As soon as you enter the next room turn right and go down the ramp.

Go up the ramp in the center of the room and activate the switch. Return to

the start of this room and cross the newly risen bridge to another switch.

Press it and return to the main room. Take the West passage to a room filled

with several pools of water. Go forward past two intersections and take a

left at the third, immediately after going left you can go down a ramp into

the water. Follow the walkway you land on to a switch, press it and return

to where you dropped down. Drop down the nearby ramp and make your way to

an opening on the West wall. Follow this back to the room with pools and then

return to the main room. Go down the ramp at the South Side of the room.

When you land go through the doorway in front of you. Go down the caverns

until you reach a split, go straight to find a Moonberry. Return to the fork

and immediately after turning South, press “A” until you discover a cham.

Continue on the Southern path until you reach a room with two robots in the

walls. You’ll have to fight these Alusphere robots to proceed. These robots

can petrify characters with normal attacks, luckily they don’t have high HP

so just use Cutlass Fury. Once past the room you’ll enter into a wide hallway

with a switch in the middle and have to make a decision:

1. (Not recommended) Ignore the switch and go through the door at the end,

this path will lead you to a room where you must face four sets of those Alusphere

robots. Or you can…

2. (Recommended) Hit the switch, then

go right, hit the next switch and you’ll be above the original hall. Ignore

the next switch and go through the doorway. Activate the switch in the next

room and cross the bridge. Enter the door and take the platform down. Go through

the doorway, save/heal at the bottom of the tunnel and get on the lift. As

you cross the rocky bridge you’ll be attacked.

BOSS: Tortigar HP 10000 / Exp 3875 / Mexp 6 / Gold 4350 / Moonlight Robe

Attacks: Steelskin- all attacks do 0 damage, Ice Storm- 900 damage to party

Strategy: This is a pretty cheap battle, the boss can petrify you with normal

attacks and guard your most powerful attacks with Steelskin. Your best chance

is to max out the spirit meter, and provided everyone is alive, use the Crew-Special

Prophecy. This move is the only thing that will happen on that turn so it

cannot be defended against. Use it three times and Tortigar will fall. Be

warned though, I’ve seen this boss use Sacrulen magic, so this battle could

potentially go on for a long time.

After the fight, go through the doors to snag the Blue Moon Crystal. The game

returns you to the entrance. Save your game and speak with the ship parts

seller to return to Yafutoma.


Treasure: Sacrulen Crystal x 4

Go speak with Lord Mikado. After the nights events you’ll learn the Valuan

Armada has reached the city. Head to the port where you’ll speak with Belleza:

Stop them by force

Wait and see what happens *Choose

Back in your room, Princess Moegi will inform you of the events that took

place with Valua:

Save Lord Mikado now!

Run and Hide *Choose

Moegi reveals a secret passageway behind your room. Go right at the fork to

reach a chest with Sacrulen Crystal x 4. Then take the other path to reach

a “ship” and escape Yafutoma. You’ll arrive at Exile Island.


Treasure: Cham

There isn’t much to explain here, just follow the path to the end. Adding

to your convenience is the map in the lower right corner. Once you get past

the first area that has a “roof” go to the next circular area and search for

a cham. For the random battles, just use Vyse’s Skull Shield and you won’t

take any damage. You’ll meet Daigo in the next area and he asks you to help

attack the armada:

Of course! *Choose

I don’t know about helping the Tenkou

Head back to your ship at the little dock. After a nice scene you’ll board

the Delphinus.


As soon as you board you’ll be attacked by four soldiers. Take them out one

at a time and enter the ship. Go up the stairs and defeat the four Red Guards.

Enter the bridge for the boss.

BOSS: Muraji HP 3300 and Soldier x 3 HP 900 each / Exp 1377 / Mexp 6 /

Gold 2646 / Magic Dew x 4

Strategy: Ignore Muraji until you’ve defeated the three soldiers. Muraji does

little more then aid his companions with spells. Once the soldiers are down

you can finish Muraji with ease.

After the battle, Vigoro moves in to attack.

SHIP BATTLE: Valuan Flagship 3rd Admiral Vigoro, the Draco

HP 45000 / Exp 3246 / Gold 6100 / Captain’s Stripe

Strategy: Vigoro can fire his Draco Cannon on the same rounds as you fire

the Moon Stone Cannon, so if you aren’t using the Moon Stone Cannon on its

designated turn, guard. Keep your HP as his Draco Cannon can do over 10000

damage and his piercing torpedoes do around 9000.

Bluheim joins the battle after Vigoro goes down and begins decimating the

armada. Naturally you move in to fight it.

SHIP BATTLE: Blue Gigas – Bluheim HP 100000 / Exp 4286 / Gold 8100 / Captain’s


Strategy: Despite the Blue Winds removing most of the armada, this move is

really only for intimidation purposes as it causes minimal damage. This battle

is surprisingly tame for a Gigas battle and you shouldn’t need to heal too


Upon Bluheim’s defeat you’ll receive the Blue Moon Crystal. Daigo also hands

over the Book of Polarity which will eventually allow you to reach new altitudes.

Moegi joins the crew as a delegate. Return to the Delphinus and you’ll decide

to return to Crescent Isle:

Let’s go back through the Dark Rift

Let’s try heading East *Choose

Disc 1 draws to a close and you’re prompted to save, save the game and then

insert disc 2.


Head Southeast from Yafutoma until you see an opening in the large stone reef.

Go through that to reach Ixa’taka. From here, make your way to Crecent Isle.


Treasure: Cham

You’ll discover the world is round and given a choice, neither choice will

affect your ranking so choose whichever. Brabham and Ismael will join the

crew. Speak with the girl in pink near the save point and she joins the crew

as well. Search behind the building with the large cannon to discover another

cham. Then go up the ramp and through one of the caves to reach the city.

Go up the lift on the North side of town to reach the meeting room. Your next

destination will be the Land of Ice far to the South.

Go West from the Dark Rift until you pass through a sky rift. Continue heading

West until you discover the Lands of Ice, once you do, head Southwest until

you reach an area covered in ice. You’ll also see a large monster flying around.

This is Alania, for more information see the side quests section. Look for

a light blue spot in the ice and go there to reach the Ruins of Ice.


Treasure: Cham

Search for a cham at the entrance and then go to the next room. Speak with

the guardian crystal and answer:

The power of fire

The power of ice *Choose

The power of lightning

Slide down to the next room and make your way to the next crystal room. Talk

to the guardian crystal:

Maybe two *Choose

Maybe four

Maybe six

Slide down and head to the next crystal room. Converse with the crystal:

Power and Courage

Will and spirit *Choose

Life and Healing

After sliding down, go through the subsequent doors to reach the next area.


Treasure: Ice Splitter, Winter Orb, Frost Blade, Cham, Moonberry

Get on the platform and ride it. Follow the path until it splits, go West

to another fork, South at the next fork, and then North to find an Ice Splitter.

Return to the first split and head East. At the next intersection go West

for another Zivilyn Bane battle (he never quits).

MINI-BOSS: Zivilyn Bane (7) HP 5600

Strategy: His burst does around 1800 so you may need to heal more often then

in earlier battles, but other than that, use strong s-moves with ice attribute

until he goes down.

You’ll take the Winter Orb after the battle. Head back to the fork and go

North. Get on the lift and go straight to reach a Frostblade. Back at the

split go South and search for another cham. Finally, go North and save/heal.

Then continue on the path until you are attacked.

BOSS: Veltann HP 12000 / Exp 3357 / Mexp 6 / Gold 6491 / Crystalen Box

Attacks: Avalauncher- 1800 damage to an area, Death Laser- minor damage, may

cause instant death

Strategy: Use increm to boost Vyse and Enrique, then let the boss have it

with repeated Cutlass Fury/ Pirate’s Wrath/ Royal Blade s-moves. Always have

Aika and Fina use a Sacrum Crystal each round to heal the Avalauncher damage.

If a character falls, use a riselem crystal or Riselem magic to revive them

right away.

Get on the platform and then go right to reach a moonberry. Retrace your steps

a bit and enter the door to receive the Purple Moon Crystal. Once outside

you’ll need to make a choice:

Yeah. We should just let him go. *Choose

We should stop him!

Head back to Crescent Isle. You’ll decide to return to the Maw of Tartas for

the Yellow Moon Crystal. Your ship is also upgraded to fly above and below

the clouds. Go the the Eastern edge of the Valuan continent and go below the

clouds. Head West until you see the Dancing Lights discovery. The Maw of Tartas

is Northwest from there.


Treasure: Dexus Seed

Save your game and go through the tunnel. In the large room go right to reach

a dead end, search the tall yellow crystal to find a Dexus Seed (I’d skip

this if I were you) then return to the first room. Go straight until you reach

the opposite wall, turn right and go down the passage. In the next room go

straight and through the tunnel to another large room. Go right to reach a

save point. After saving the game head to the next room via the yellow area

near the save point. In this final room, ascend your ship until you encounter


SHIP BATTLE: Yeligar HP 150000 / Exp 4763 / 8700 Captain’s Stripe / Thunder


Strategy: There isn’t much to this fight, his attacks only do around 4000

damage, so just keep attacking. The MoonStone Cannon in particular really

tears apart Yeligar. Increm will speed the fight up, and be sure to choose

to attack from above. After hitting him a few times with the MoonStone Cannon,

pursue and attack him until he goes down.

You receive the Yellow Crystal after the battle, head back to Crescent Isle.

After the meeting, go down to your ship. You’ll be told about Dangral Island

and that the empire is working on a new project. Head North from Pirate’s

Isle and below the clouds to find it.


Treasure: Imperial Blade, Moonberry, Sacrum Crystal x 2, 4000 Gold

Save your game and go down the ladder, go through the opening to the next

area. Descend the ladder and follow the passage past a fan to a fork. Go North

and then North again at the next split to reach a room. Flip the switch in

this room and return to where the fan was. Pass through the now still fan

to the next area. Go down the ladder at the end and then follow the passage

to a bronze door. Once in the next room, enter the door on the East wall to

reach a room with several intersections. Go South at the first split to find

an Imperial Blade. Back at the split go East and then South to receive a Moonberry.

Return to the intersection and go North to get Sacrum Crystal x 2. Go back

to the split, head East and then go North to find 4000 Gold. Ignore the remaining

rooms as they contain battles with four Elite Guards. Go back to the previous

room and enter the door opposite you. Follow the passage to another room.

Go through the door directly in front of you and follow that passage until

you receive the Ship Schematics. Make your way out of the island until you

encounter Galcian. After the short cut scene, exit the island.

Return to Crescent Isle and speak with Brabham. After the modifications are

complete, speak with him again and you’ll be ready for the Vortex, it’s North

of Pirate’s Isle.

The Vortex

Treasure: Velorium x 2

The easiest way for me to present this dungeon is with a map:

Pressing the “B” button will send out a search panel in the 8 panels around

your ship.

The “A” button lowers the crane to retrieve items

__ __ __

| | | |

__ __|__|__|__|__ __

| | | | | | | |


| | | | | |||| | |


| | | | | | | |V | V = Velorium

|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| F = Fina’s Ship

| |V | | | | | | |


| | | | | | | | |


| | | | | | | |

|__|__| |__|__|__|__|

| | | |F | | | |

|__|__| |__|__|__|__|

| | | | |


Lower the crane on the squares marked with “V” or “F”. All other squares result

in a battle with Raja.

SHIP BATTLE: Raja HP 15000 / Exp 658 / Gold 1100

Strategy: Accuracy is bad down in the Vortex, but luckily this creature has

both low HP and weak attacks. Just use magic and torpedoes until they die.

After retrieving Fina’s Ship De Loco will attack.

SHIP BATTLE: Valuan Flagship 5th Admiral De Loco, the Chameleon

HP Strategy: You can’t see what your degree of danger is, but fortunately, De

Loco hasn’t improved much since Ixa’taka. A few strong hits will end the battle.

After the battle De Loco fires a harpoon cannon and you go at it again.

SHIP BATTLE: Valuan Flagship 5th Admiral De Loco, the Chameleon (Again)

HP 30000 / Exp / 3988 / Gold 7000 / Captain’s Stripe / Twin Turbo / Magic


Strategy: Again, you can’t see your level of danger, nor can you fire the

MoonStone Cannon. However his defense is rather low and a few strong hits

from a good cannon boosted with Increm will take him out for good.

After the battle, return to Sailor’s Island where you’ll be attacked.

SHIP BATTLE: Black Pirate Baltor, the Blackbeard II

HP 16000 / Exp 1381 / Gold 2400 / Timing Valve / Spherical Figure / Hybrid


Strategy: This battle is little more then comic relief. Two to three shots

from your cannons will end the battle. Unless you took a pounding from De

Loco and neglected to heal, you shouldn’t need to heal during the battle.

At Sailor’s Island, Enrique will leave the party:

Be Careful! *Choose

Can’t you think this over?

Don’t get airsick, okay?

Upgrade your ship equipment, board the Delphinus and you’ll return to Crescent



After the party the Armada will attack your base and you’ll engage three Assassins

in battle. Take them out and Ramirez will show himself:

You’ll have to kill us! *Choose

I will trade them for the lives of my crew

Choosing the suggested option leads you into battle.

BOSS: Ramirez HP Infinite and Assassin x 2 1200 HP each / No reward

Attacks: Silver Eclipse- 2000 damage to party

Strategy: Don’t try, give up. Seriously, his Silver Eclipse will cripple your

party, and then the Assassins will take care of the rest. You aren’t really

meant to win.

Ramirez takes the crystals from you and keeps talking:

You’re a fool to underestimate us! *Choose either one

What power are you talking about ?!

Ramirez explains his purpose and departs.

In the morning you’ll speak with Aika:

I will not give up! *Choose

We’ll steal the crystals back

Go to the meeting room to speak with Fina:

I understand… *Choose

Everyone’s worried about you…

After the building, Fina will ask you to accompany her:

Of course we well *Choose

We’ll go anywhere with you, Fina

Gilder will rejoin the party. Board Fina’s ship (near the flagpole) and you’ll

be taken to the Great Silver Shrine.


Treasure: Silver Armor, Moonberry, Moonberry, Silver Armor

Go forward and down the pillar of light to the next area. Go forward to an

intersection and straight at the next to find some Silver Armor. Go back to

the split and turn to your right. Follow the passage and turn right at the

first opportunity. Grab the Moonberry on the way and you’ll arrive at another

fork. Go right and then go straight until you go up a lift. Follow the path

to an intersection and go straight for another Moonberry. Back at the fork

take the side path to a four-way intersection. Go left to find another suit

of Silver armor, then return to the fork and turn left again to reach the

Elders. The elders will speak of the times before the Rains of Destruction:

Who do you think you are?! *Choose

Let me think about it…

After the ensuing scene, ask Elder Prime to return you to the entrance. Get

on the ship and you’ll go back to Crescent Isle. From there you’ll decide

to return to Dangral Island.


Go down the ladder and into the next area. Descend the ladder and go down

the passage with the fan. Go down the ladder and through the passage to reach

the next area. Take the door on the West wall and proceed through the hall

to the following room. Go South and get on the elevator. Vigoro will attack.

BOSS: Vigoro HP 14000 / Exp 4658 / Mexp 8 / Gold 6812 / Paranta Seed

Attacks: Cannon Fire- 2800-3500 damage to one character, Shoot All- hits all

party members for 1500 damage

Strategy: Use purple attributes and pound away with your strongest attacks.

Heal with Sacrulen or possible Riselem crystals if he uses Cannon Fire, and

Sacrum Crystals if he hits the whole party.

After the battle enter the door. Make your way to the opposite end of the

room and climb the ladder. Go down the elevator in the center of the room.

Follow the path until you reach Galcian, Ramirez will call down a robot to

battle you.

BOSS: Eliminator HP 20500 / Exp 4658 / Mexp 8 / Gold 6812 / Moonberry

Attacks: Target Search, Blaster- 1500 to all

Strategy: Use a yellow attribute and hit with your best S-Moves. He always

uses Target Search in the round before Blaster, so guard the next round and

then heal.

Head back to Dangral Island, when the rail begins falling apart, keep running.

Back on the Delphinus try and enter Soltis. After the cut scene, return to

Crescent Isle.

More to Come next update!


5. Cupil/Chams


Cupil is Fina’s unique weapon. You can’t purchase new weapons for Fina, instead

you must search for chams, after feeding a certain amount to Cupil, he will

evolve into his next form. You can locate chams by listening to the VMU, when

it stars beeping you know its close, the more frequent the beeps the closer

you are to it. When you’re near an area that has one hit “A” repeatedly until

you find it.


1. Pirate’s Isle: Go to the underground area, it’s near the crane at the topmost


2. Shrine Island: It’s on the third level down from the entrance.

3. Maramba: It’s on the balcony of the inn.

4. Temple of Prynn: In the second hall with a falling boulder, it’s in the

center of the hall against the left wall.

5. Horteka: Right before the entrance to the airship area.

6. King’s Hideout: Near the open silver pot.

7. Moon Stone Mtn: At the very first fork, turn left and search.

8. Moon Stone Mtn: In the first room that you can see below, cross to the

other side via the left path, then get on the middle path and search near

the trap panel.

9. Rixis Entrance: It’s to the left of the statue where you placed the Golden

Man’s Eye (the left statue).

10. Rixis: In the area with several floating platforms, after crossing on

the first, go up the broken stairs and search, it’s at the top.

11. Defeat Gordo in the North Ocean

12. Nasr: Automatic when you receive the paycheck at the tavern.

13. Daccat’s Island: It’s near the entrance when you go there with Aika and


14. Daccat’s Island: In the room with several bridges on Aika’s side, go to

the treasure chest and cross the two bridges straight in front of you, then


15. Search at the top of the Sailor’s Island lighthouse

16. Nasrad in Ruins: Search below the fountain in the center of town.

17. Search the deck of the Delphinus

18. Esperanza: Go down the ladder near the entrance of the main town area

and search.

19. Yafutoma: You’ll find this cham on the right side of the city near the

ferry dock.

20. Mt. Kazai: After the drop from the room with 4 passages, go down the passage

until you reach a fork, go South and search immediately for the cham.

21. Exile Island: Follow the path until you pass under a “roof”. Then go to

the next circular area and search for a cham.

22. Crescent Isle: Search behind the building with the large cannon in it.

23. Crescent Isle: Look near the flagpole in the upper part of the village.

24. Gordo’s Bistro: Search near the barrels, Gordo’s Bistro can be found in

North Ocean near the top of the sky.

25. At the entrance of the Ruins of Ice.

26. Glacia: From the final save point in the dungeon, go South past an intersection

and search at the end of the path.

27. Ilchymis’ Island: Look down the stairs near one of the machines

28. Hamachou Island: Download the second file from the Skies of Arcadia homepage.

This island is located high in the sky above Dark Rift, search around near

the partying Chou to find the Cham.

More to come, please don’t send information on cham locations as I’ve already

found them all and am only listing the ones that correspond to the walkthrough.

Abirik Chams

1. Nasr: Speak with the old merchant at the weapon shop.

2. Ixa’taka: Look for a small ship around Horteka, trade him ten Sky Sardis

fishes. These fish can be found near Pirate’s Isle.


Feeding these to Cupil will cause him to spit out all chams.

There are three to be found at the upper part of the Maw of Tartas.

They can also be bought at Nasr in the Bazaar for 3000 Gold.


6. Discoveries


Coming Soon!


7. Crew


Once you get your own pirate ship, you’ll be able to recruit a crew. Having

crew members increases the efficiency of your ship, so don’t overlook crew


Helmsman: Lawrence

Pay him 10,000 Gold at Sailor’s Island, he’s outside the guild

Improves the ship’s quick by 30

Helmsman: Don

Speak to him at the Esperanza bar after returning from Yafutoma

He increases the ships dodge by 15

Sailor: Marco

He joins automatically when you first get the Delphinus

Using the crew command he doubles spirit points for one round

Sailor: Robinson

Go the room with all the moonstones in the Dark Rift and take the rightmost

vortex. Enter the ship in the next area to find him. Polly must be in your

crew for him to join

He reduces the Spirit Point cost for actions for one turn

Delegate: Pinta

Speak to him at the Sailor’s Island weapon shop

Using the crew command he protects the ship from enemy cannon fire for one


Delegate: Moegi

She joins automatically after you defeat Bluheim

She protects the ship from enemy magic for a full turn

Gunner: Khazim

He’s at the upper left section of the Nasrad Docks

He increases the damage caused by your main cannons

Gunner: Belle

Speak to her at the Crescent Isle base

She increases the damage done by secondary cannons

Merchant: Osman

Talk to Osman at the Northwest corner of the Nasrad Ruins

Having Osman increases your chance of finding expensive items

Merchant: Kalifa

Talk to her in Maramba, you must have a Suiran Blade purchased in Yafutoma

She increases your chances of finding special items

Cook: Polly

Talk to her at the tavern in Sailor’s Island

She restores one character’s MP with the crew command

Give her 10 Grule fish and she makes the Polly Special, which restores all

HP and MP outside of battle

Cook: Urala

Talk to her at the restaurant in Yafutoma, you must have Kirala

She maxes out your spirit bar using the crew command

This is probably the best crew member in the game, having her max out spirit

points will shorten the ship battles

Giver her 10 Romuhai fish and she makes Urala’s Lunch, which restores all

HP and MP outside of battle

Builder: Kirala

Get on the ferry and go over the waterfall in the Southeast section of the

town. Speak with the girl building a house, answer the first response, and

she joins your crew

Using the crew command she restores your ship HP to maximum

Builder: Izmael

He joins automatically when you return to Crescent Isle from Yafutoma

He increases the power of the Moon Stone Cannon

Engineer: Brabham

He joins automatically when you return to Crescent Isle from Yafutoma

He increases the ship’s defense by 30

Engineer: Hans

Speak with him at Horteka, tell him he can be a member of the crew. He’ll

join when you speak to him after returning from Yafutoma

He increases the ship’s magic defense by 20

Jester: Pow

Talk to the kids at Pirate’s Isle and he joins

Raises your chance of attacking first for a full turn

Jester: Merida

Talk to her at the tavern in Horteka, you must have the letter from the top

of the lighthouse in Sailor’s Island

Lookout: Tikatika

Talk to him above the ladders behind the elder’s house, you must have discovered

the Ixa’ness village before he will join

Lookout: Domingo

Talk to him at Gordo’s Bistro in North Ocean, you must have found 30 discoveries

on your own

He increases your chance of delivering critical hits

Artisan: Ilchymis

Speak with him at Ilchymis’ island, then leave and return to speak with him

again. You must have the silver spell Riselem

He raises your ship’s attributes for a short period of time

Artisan: Ryu-Kan

Head North from Yafutoma until you pass through a sky rift, look for his island

on the other side. You must have a swashbuckler rank of Vyse the Daring or

greater for him to join.

Using the crew command he will raise your ship’s attack and defense for a

short time.


8. Zivilyn Bane


Throughout your quest, you’ll no doubt encounter the treasure hunter Zivilyn

Bane, defeating him rewards you with valuable treasures.

Location 1: Temple of Prynn

Treasure: Room of Ill Omen

In the room where you filled the room with lava, go right and up the room.

At the end of this path is a chest containing the first of several fights

with Zivilyn Bane.

Zivilyn Bane HP 1380 HP

Strategy: His burst attack does around 800 damage so keep the HP high, otherwise

just pound on him as you would any normal boss. You receive the Rune of Ill

Omen after the battle.

Location 2: Rixis

Treasure: Golden Mask

In the area with several floating platforms, ride the first one to its destination,

then go to the next “room”, open the chest there for another fight.

Zivilyn Bane (2) HP 3250

Strategy: Same as the last time only his burst does about 1100 damage, so

keep the HP up.

Location 3: Daccat’s Island (Vyse Side)

Treasure: Soul Crystal

Go right at the very first fork and open the chest.

Zivilyn Bane (3) HP 1900

Strategy: Use Cutlass Fury and Gunslinger until he dies, heal with Sacres


Location 4: Grand Fortress

Treasure: Unholy Dagger

In the area with spotlights, he’s on the uppermost level the stairs lead to.

Zivilyn Bane (4) HP 4000

Strategy: His burst only does around 900 so it’s a pretty easy fight, just

hit him with your best S-moves.

Location 5: Dark Rift

Treasure: Chalice of Blood

From the room with several moonstones, enter the vortex in the upper left

that’s beside a flashing red one. In this room go straight, and you’ll see

a ship near the vortex leading to the next area. Inspect the ship to fight


Zivilyn Bane (5) HP 4800

Strategy: His burst does about 1500 damage now, and he has more HP, but otherwise

it’s the same old fight.

Location 6: Mt. Kazai

Treasure: Windsong Orb

Take the southern passage in the room with four routes. Follow this until

you are underwater. Follow along the wall until you come to a passage. Take

this passage to a large area. Go up the ramp there to find the chest.

Zivilyn Bane (6) HP 5200

Strategy: He hasn’t improved much since your last fight, his burst still only

does around 1500. My strategy was to just guard with everyone except Vyse

and let Vyse use Cutlass Fury/Pirate’s Wrath until the battle was over.

Location 7: Glacia

Treasure: Winter Orb

Zivilyn Bane (7) HP 5600

Strategy: His burst does around 1800 so you may need to heal more often then

in earlier battles, but other than that, use strong s-moves with ice attribute

until he goes down.


9. Side Quests



Search at coordinates (11,12), you can reach this by going North from Crescent

Isle along the Dark Rift. It’ll be a giant squid floating around.

SHIP BATTLE: Giant Squid HP 55000 / Exp 2871 / Gold 5600 / Alloy Deck

Strategy: This is pretty much a freebie battle, his one attack does minimal

damage. When given the option, maintain present course to maximize damage.


Look in the lands of ice near the frozen city for a flying insect creature,

run into it for a battle.

SHIP BATTLE: Alania HP 52000 / Exp 3573 / Gold 6500 / Goddess Figure / Air


Strategy: There isn’t much to this fight, just use your best cannons until

its dead, you shouldn’t need to bother with healing at all. It’s pretty much

free exp and gold.


10. Equipment


Vyse’s Weapons

Weapon At Hit

Cutlass 20 90

Pirate Cutlass 33 90

Sky Cutlass 45 90

Assassin Blade 58 90

Nasr Cutlass 70 90

Hunter’s Sword 87 90

Stonecutter 99 90

Iron-cutter 112 90

Admiral Cutlass 128 90

Dream Cutlass 137 90

Suiran Blade 141 90

Tuna Cutlass 150 0

Windslicer 153 90

Thunder Cutlass 160 90

Soul Sword 174 90

Aika’s Weapons

Weapon At Hit

Boomerang 19 110

Leather Crescent 30 110

Valaurang 46 110 Thanks to Bahamut Zero for this one!

Dancing Arc 65 110

Hunting Arc 80 110

Grendel Wing 96 150

Skywing 107 110

Wing of Hope 119 110

Yin Wing 130 110

Ice Splitter 142 110

Moon Wing 161 110

Swirlmerang 100 200

Drachma’s Weapons

Weapon At Hit

Artificial Arm 43 80

Hook Hand 51 80

Excavation Arm 73 80

De Loco Drill 95 80

Dragon Arm 181 80

Fina’s Weapons

Weapon At Hit

Cupil 58 120

Cupil Blade 67 115

Cupicone 73 120

Cupil Sword 90 115

Cupil Star 103 120

Gilder’s Weapons

Weapon At Hit

Gilder’s Own 104 100

Nasr Pistol 112 100

Daccat’s ? ?? ?? I found this weapon my first time through, but I lost the

stats, any help on the stats and name would be appreciated.

Gilder Special 168 100

Enrique’s Weapons

Weapon At Hit

Rapier 122 95

Blade of Slumber 138 95

Frost Blade 150 95

Imperial Blade 163 95

Stoneblade 171 95

Serpent Strike* 179 95

*Thanks to Rune Lai for this one, he won it off of an enemy in Soltis


Armor At Hi De Do Wi Qu Ma Who can Equip

Vyse’s Uniform 20 20 V,A,G

Aika’s Shorts 19 21 A,F

Light Robe 29 34 A,F,E

Valuan Uniform 32 32 V,A,D,G

Drachma’s Shirt 45 42 D

Sailor Uniform 44 44 V,A,D,G

Mystic Dress 42 46 A,F

Heavy Armor 58 53 V,D,E,G

Fina’s Robe 55 64 A,F,E

Nasrean Mail 66 66 All

Ceramic Armor 73 62 V,D,G

Agile Robe 10 65 5 65 F,E

Nasr Combat Mail 5 66 66 All

Flame Mantle 74 69 V,D,E,G

Miner’s Overalls 87 80 V,D,E,G

De Loco Mail 99 84 V,D,G

Fiber Robe 77 90 A,F,E

Golden Armor 90 77 V,D,G

Nasr Uniform 104 96 V,D,E,G

Gilder’s Mail 116 99 V,D,G

Caravan Armor 100 100 V,A,D,G

Daccat’s Armor 108 108 V,A,D,G

Holy Robe 92 108 A,F,E

Maiden’s Armor 103 112 A,F

Light Coat 10 103 5 103 F,E

Enrique’s Coat 10 119 5 119 E

Battleworn Armor 133 114 V,D,G

Daccat’s Tunic 121 121 All

Miracle Robe 114 133 A,F,E

Moss Armor 20 126 10 126 F,E

Scale Mail 141 130 V,D,E,G

Soranchu Robe 136 136 V,A,D,G

Long Robe 20 130 10 130 F,E

Moonlight Robe 134 20 145 A,F

Captain’s Cloak 148 148 V,A,D,G

Blessed Robe 30 142 15 142 F,E

Insulated Mail 145 145 All

Plated Armor 181 154 V,D,G

Robe of Truth 154 181 A,F,E

Robe of Faith 30 161 15 161 F,E

Gaia Cape 168 168 V,A,D,G


Accessory At Hi De Do Wi Qu Ma Who can Equip

Skyseer Goggles 5 V,A

Flash Ribbon 2 A

Meditation Ring 8 V,A,F,E

Marocca’s Shell 6 V,A,D,G

Black Eyepatch 7 V,D,G

Throkyn’s Scale 10 V,A,D,G

Gemstone Ring 2 V,A,F,E

Revered Voice 5 5 All

Silver Veil 16 16 A,F

Nomadic Veil 9 9 All

Black Map Prevents the enemy from running away V

Thermo Ring Resistance to Red and Purple attacks All

Slayer Ring 10 8 8 8 All

Everlasting Gem 10 10 All

Silvite Ring 5 5 All

Quetya Feather 4 20 V,A,F,D,G

Imperial Crest 20 20 Enrique

Gem of Fluidity 10 10 All

Assassin Ring 40 All

Burocca’s Shell 36 V,A,D,G

Stealth Ring 10 10 All

Vigoro’s Charm 20 30 V,D,G

Nocturnal Sight 6 60 V,A

Sailor’s Buckler 20 15 V,A,D,G,E

Skull Cap 24 24 All

Ivy Band 5 5 All

Radiant Fur 24 24 All

Constitution Ring* Grants immunity to all status ailments

Critical vision 19 50 19 A,V

Crescent Amulet 28 19 28 A,F,D,G

Shard of Purity 38 D,G

* brought this nifty little item to my attention


Item Effect

Sacri Crystal Restores 500 HP to one ally

Moonberry Helps with learning S-moves

Magic Droplet Restores 1 MP to one ally

Curia Crystal Cures one ally of all adverse effects (not death)

Sacres Crystal Restores 1000 HP to one ally

Glyph of Might Increases power for one ally

Glyph of Speed Increase quick for one ally

Healing Salve Allows one ally to regenerate health

Sacrum Crystal Heal all allies for 1000 HP

Risan Crystal Has a 50% chance of reviving a character with 50%HP

Sacrulen Crystal Restores one ally to full HP

Riselem Crystal Revive one ally with full HP

Magic Dew Restore 10 MP to one ally

Aura of Valor Raise Spirit during battle

Urala’s Lunch Restores all HP and MP outside of battle

Polly’s Special Restores all HP and MP outside of battle

More to Come!


11. Magic List


Green Magic SP Effect

Sacri 2 Restores 500 HP to one ally

Sacres 4 Restores 1000 HP to one ally

Sacrum 8 Restores 1000 to all allies

Sacrulen 6 Restores all HP to one ally

Noxi 3 Damages and poisons one enemy

Noxus 6 Damages and poisons all enemies

Red Magic SP Effect

Pyri 2 Damages all enemies with flame

Pyres 4 Damages all enemies with a great explosion

Pyrum 6 Damages all enemies with fireballs

Pyrulen 10 Damages all enemies with a firestorm

Increm 4 Increases Attack and Defense by 25% for one ally

Incremes 16 Increases Attack and Defense by 25% for all allies

Purple Magic SP Effect

Crystali 1 Encases one enemy in ice

Crystales 2 Impales one enemy with an icicle

Crystalum 3 Traps one enemy in a column of ice

Crystalen 4 Huge Pillars of ice impale one enemy

Sylenis 2 Silences one enemy

Panika 3 Confuses one enemy

Blue Magic SP Effect

Wevli 2 Damages an area with a whirlwind of air

Wevles 4 Damages an area with a tornado

Wevlum 6 Damages an area with fierce winds and rains

Wevlen 8 Damages an area with a cluster of tornadoes

Quika 6 Doubles the speed of all allies

Slipara 6 Puts all enemies to sleep

Yellow Magic SP Effect

Electri 2 Damages a straight line with a bolt of electricity

Electres 4 Damages a straight line with a lightning bolt

Electrum 6 Damages a straight line with a massive electricity bolt

Electulen 8 Damages a straight line, the ultimate attack spell

Driln 3 Lowers one enemy’s attributes by 25%

Drilnos 6 Lowers all enemy’s attributes by 25%

Silver Magic SP Effect

Curia 2 Cures one ally of all adverse effects(except unconscious)

Risan 4 Has a 50% chance of reviving one ally with 50% HP

Riselen 8 Revives one ally with full HP

Eterni 5 Can instantly kill any one enemy

Eternes 10 Can cause instant death to all enemies

Eternum 15 Causes instant death to one enemy, damages immune enemies


12. Special Moves List


Character S-Move Moonberries needed SP

Vyse Cutlass Fury – 7

Vyse Counterstrike 1 1

Vyse Rain of Swords 2 14

Vyse Skull Shield 2 5

Vyse Pirate’s Wrath 4 21

Aika Alpha Storm 1 4

Aika Delta Shield 1 2

Aika Lambda Burst 2 8

Aika Epsilon Mirror 2 10

Aika Omega Cyclone 4 12

Fina Lunar Blessing 1 10

Fina Lunar Glyph 1* 3

Fina Lunar Cleansing 2* 6

Fina Lunar Winds 2 6

Fina Lunar Light** 4 18

Drachma Tackle 1 10

Drachma Spirit Charge 2 0

Drachma Hand of Fate 4 25

Gilder Gunslinger 1 9

Gilder Aura of Denial 2** 3

Gilder The Claudia 4** 18

Enrique Royal Blade*** ? 8

Enrique Justice Shield*** ? ?

Enrique The Judgment*** ? 16

*Thanks again to Bahamut Zero

**MPureka gets credits for these, thanks

*** gets the credit for these

If some kind soul would submit the missing information to me I’d be much obliged.

S-Move Effect

Cutlass Fury Major damage to one enemy

Counterstrike Defend and counter all physical attacks for one round

Rain of Swords Damage to all enemies

Skull Shield Defends and counters all physical attacks for the party

Pirate’s Wrath Devastating damage to one enemy

Alpha Storm Fire damage to a row of enemies

Delta Shield Blocks all magic cast upon the party

Lambda Burst Damages all enemies

Epsilon Mirror Restores 10 MP to Aika

Omega Cyclone Damages all enemies with fire

Tackle Damages one enemy

Spirit Charge Raises spirit and guards against attacks*

Hand of Fate Instantly kills an enemy

Lunar Blessing Gives each ally regeneration

Lunar Glyph May stone a single enemy

Lunar Cleansing Cures an ally of any adverse effects except unconscious

Lunar Winds Removes any beneficial attacks from enemies

Lunar Light Restores all HP to the party

Gunslinger Damages all enemies in a straight line

Aura of Denial Blocks all adverse effects to the party

The Claudia Damages all enemies

Royal Blade Major damage to one enemy

Justice Shield Halves all physical damage to party members for one round

The Judgment Massive damage to one enemy

*Thanks to MPureka for the guarding feature of Spirit Charge


13. Ship Parts List



Cannon At Hi SP

Main Cannon 35 80 4

Standard Cannon 40 83 4

Heavy Cannon 45 85 5

G-Type Cannon* 50 85 5

B-Type Cannon 75 90 6

Prototype Cannon 100 85 6

Advanced Cannon 150 90 7

Yamato Spirit 250 90 8

Ancient Cannon 300 95 9

X Cannon 400 97 10

Pyril Cannon 200 120 6

*Thanks to Bahamut Zero

Sub Cannons

Sub Cannon At Hi SP

3″ Cannon 70 80 2

3″ Blaster 80 83 2

10″ Cannon Coil 220 89 4

12″ Cannon 170 77 4

3′ Cannon 280 87 6

5′ Cannon 330 90 6

Wevl Cannon 180 120 4


Torpedo At Hi SP

Light Torpedo 120 60 3

Shock Torpedo 160 55 3

Valuan Torpedo 220 60 3

Heavy Torpedo 250 50 4

Serpent Torpedo 300 65 4

Arcwhale Torpedo 400 70 6

Super Cannons

Cannon At Hi SP

Harpoon Cannon 350 999 15

MoonStone Cannon 800 999 20


Deck De Ma Do Qu

Armored Deck 10

Engine Cover 3 10

Steel Deck 20

Rogue Figure 20

Turbo Kit 5 20

Compound Deck 40

Pyrynn Figure 45

Heavy Armor Deck 55

Timing Valve 17 100

Bluheim Figure 130

Yafutoman Alcove 2

Goddess Figure 160

Air Intake 12 80

Chandelier 1

Air Purifer 2

Alloy Deck 70

Spherical Figure 300

Twin Turbo 15 90

Ship Items

Item Effect

Captain’s Stripe Increase ship max HP

Speed Wax Increase quick for one turn

Bomb Damage enemy ship

Repair Kit Restore 4000 HP

Magic Cannon Allows you to use offensive magic

Deluxe Kit Restore 8000 HP

Complete Kit Restore All HP

Gear Grease Restore Spirit

Shredder Bomb Massive damage to enemy ship

Crystal Ball Sell for 1000 Gold

Concussion Bombs Damage enemy ship

Machine Oil Doubles spirit restoration

Rudder Grease Slows spirit consumption

Pyro Bomb Damages enemy ship with fire

Apa Wax Improves attack and defense for two turns




To receive downloads, log onto the Skies of Arcadia Homepage from the option

on disc 1. Download one of the files to your VMU and then load the data. It

will update your save and then delete the downloaded file. Repeat for all

three downloads.


This download adds a ship battle with a Giant Looper in the North Ocean. Look

for it at coordinates (3,3), North of the discover “Looper’s Nest”. At present

I don’t have the stats, but I’ll have them available next update. You’ll receive

a Captain’s Stripe for winning the battle.


This download adds an island high in the sky above the Dark Rift called Hamachou

Island. You’ll find another Cham here as well as an old man who will rate

your playing ability in terms of battles fought, enemies killed, running away

rate, amount of treasure found, and amount of fish caught.


This download will add two new weapons to the Mystery Merchant’s Inventory

in Maramba, they are:

Weapon At Hi Who

Tuna Cutlass 150 0 Vyse

Swirlmerang 100 200 Aika Always confuse enemy

Note that even though the Tuna Cutlass has 0 hit, it can still be an effective

weapon if you buy it early enough and use it in tandem with powerful S-moves.


15. Swashbuckler Rating


As you progress through the game, you’ll occasionally be given a choice, making

the right choice results in a chime, and your swashbuckler rating improving,

here are the different ranks. Also note that running away causes your rating

to drop.

Vyse the Unimpressive | Vyse the Valiant

Vyse the Blue Rogue | Vyse the Daring

Vyse the Competent | Vyse the Dashing

Vyse the Determined | Vyse the Fearless

Vyse the Respected | Vyse the Hero

Vyse the Admirable | Vyse, King of Rogues

Vyse the Bold | Vyse the Legend


16. Credits


– Sega and the Overworks team for making this fantastic game

– Nash for helping me with the format and layout

– Everyone who encouraged me to write this [Nate, orqinal lazy, Queso, Secef,

Dalieu and Nash]

– All hosting sites, the most recent version will always be found at

– Bahamut Zero for several pieces of information

– Ascii art generated from

– Kilgamesh for being well, Kilgamesh

– for his numerous submissions

– MPureka for various submissions

– Rune Lai for maintaining his most excellent web site, and for informing

me on Enrique’s weapon, the Serpent Strike

– Green Day, Rage Against the Machine, and Tool for providing music for me

to listen to as I typed this up


The End




Extra special thanks to Revolution reader Arrawnt!

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