Bulbasaur Pokemon Yellow
Bulbasaur can be found at Cerulean City, near the Pokecenter.
Charmander can be found at Route 24 N.W.
Farfetch'd can be found on Routes 12 and 13.
Magnemite can be found in grass before the rock tunnel entrance.
Get the Thunder Badge on the S.S. St. Anne, then go to Vermilion City to find Squirtle.
Arcticuno, Zapdos, and Moltres
When you have reached the mystical bird (Arcticuno, Zapdos, and Moltres), save the game before going into battle. This will allow you to restart if you knock them out or run away.
Catch Wild Pokemon Easily:
When in battle against a wild pokemon throw the pokeball at the pokemon then just as it explodes press and hold the B button.Then the pokemon should be yours!
*Note: This cheat does not work all the time, and some pokemon may need stronger pokeballs and some need to be put to sleep, sutch as Mewtwo or Zapdos!Pikachu surfing mini-game
*Note: The Pokémon Stadium game on the Nintendo 64 is required for this trick. Successfully complete the tournament mode on Pokémon Stadium without using any rented Pokémon. Then, transfer Pikachu to the Pokemon: Yellow Edition cartridge to play the Pikachu surfing mini-game.
Printing Pokemon
Your Pokemon can be printed at the Pokemon Club in Vermilion City.
Defeating Brock
Catch a Caterpie in Viridian Forest. Advance it to level 7 and he will evolve into a Metapod. Advance it to level 11 and it will evolve into a Butterfree. Butterfree can beat JR. Trainer and Geodude. Butterfree will have to be at least level 13 before it can beat Brock. Note: Use your Pikachu's tail whip to lower their defense.Beat Misty:
Raise your Pikachu to level 20. Then go catch a Bellsprout. Raise it until you can't stand it.
Jesse and James locations
To find these team rocket members, go to these locations:
Mt. Moon (before you exit)
Celadon game corner (before you face Giovanni)
Pokemon tower, Lavender Town (before you rescue Mr. Fuji)
Sliph Co. (before facing Giovanni again, and before you get a Master Ball)Give an Ultra Ball the Same Properties as a Master Ball:
When you use an ultra ball simply hold down "B" and press "Left","Right" consecutively. Now it should have the same properties as a master at 1,200 each as many as you want.How to get HMs:
-To get HM 01 (cut), go to the S.S. St. Anne, and help the ship´s captain who is seasick, and he´ll give it to you.
-To get HM 03 (surf), go to Safari Zone, reach the house at the end. The man inside will give you surf.
-To get HM 04 (strengt), find a gold theet and give it to the warden who has speech problems and you´ll become HM 04.
-To get HM 05 (flash), go to diglett`s cave in Vermillion City. When you get out at the other side, go down to a house where OAK´s aide gives you flash.How to Catch Abra:
Catching Abra's is a problem! But here is a cheat to do it, all you have to do is just use some sleeping or confusing move that will confuse it or put it to sleep and then capture it! Or use the great ball abra cannot escape from that!!!
Have 2 Pikachu's:
After catching a Pikachu in the Viridian forest go out of the forest and come back again and search the same place you find the old Pikachu in and you can find a LvL:3 Pikachu so you can have 2 pikachu's.
GameShark CodesAll Pokemon On Your Team Look Like Mew, In Battle 0115d8cf Make Your Opponent Pokemon Burn and Sleep 0115e8cf Catch Wild Vulpix 0152d7cf Catch Wild Ninetales 0153d7cf Catch Wild Jigglypuff 0164d7cf Catch WIld Wigglypuff 0165d7cf Catch Wild Zubat 016bd7cf Catch Wild Golbat 0182d7cf Catch Wild Oddish 01b9d7cf Catch Wild Gloom 01bad7cf Catch Wild Vileplume 01bbd7cf Catch Wild Paras 016dd7cf Catch Wild Clefable 018ed7cf Catch Wild Butterfree 017dd7cf Catch Wild Weedle 0170d7cf Catch Wild Kakuna 0171d7cf Catch Wild Beedrill 0172d7cf Catch Wild Pidgey 0124d7cf Catch Wild Pidgeotto 0196d7cf Catch Wild Pidgeot 0197d7cf Catch Wild Rattata 01a5d7cf Catch Wild Raticate 01a6d7cf Catch Wild Spearow 0105d7cf Catch Wild Fearow 0123d7cf Catch Wild Ekans 016cd7cf Catch Wild Arbok 012dd7cf Catch Wild Pikachu 0154d7cf Catch Wild Raichu 0155d7cf Catch Wild Sandshrew 0160d7cf Catch Wild Sandslash 0161d7cf Catch Wild Nidoran 010fd7cf Catch Wild Nidorina 01a8d7cf Catch Wild NidoQueen 0110d7cf Catch Wild Nidoran (male) 0103d7cf Caych Wild Nidorino (male) 01a7d7cf Catch Wild NidoKing 0107d7cf Catch Wild Clefairy 0104d7cf Surfing Pikachu Unlock Sufing Pikachu without having to use Pokemon Stadium. Be sure to place Pikachu in the first position 013972d1 013973d1 013974d1 013975d1 Catch Wild Bulbasaur 0199d7cf Catch Wild Ivysaur 0109d7cf Catch Wild Venusaur 019ad7cf Catch Wild Charmander 01b0d7cf Catch Wid Charmeleon 01b2d7cf Catch Wild Charizard 01b4d7cf Catch Wild Squirtle 01b1d7cf Catch Wild Wartortle 01b3d7cf Catch Wild Blastoise 011cd7cf Catch Wild Caterpie 017bd7cf Catch Wild Metapod 017cd7cf Enemy Can't Attack and Burned at Beginning of Match 0170e8cf Infinite Money 019946d3 019947d3 019948d3 Have All Badges 01ff55d3 Protect Status 010017d0 Never Miss and Have More Criticals 01ffd5cf No Random Battles 01033bd1 Infinite Casino Coins 0199a3d5 0199a4d5 Infinite Time (Safari Zone) 01f00dd7 Infinite Safari Balls 016446da Float On Air 010a13d7 Pacific Pikachu 013972d1 015563d1 Infinite HP(in Battle) 01ff15do Infinite PP (1st Position) 01282cd0 Infinite PP (2nd Position) 01282dd0 Infinite PP (3rd Position) 01282ed0 Infinite PP (4th Position) 01282fd0 Flying Pikachu with Balloons 013f99d4 Surfing Pikachu 013973d1 Start with a Charizard 01B41ED1 Get master balls for free at any pokemart
01017ccf Have all badges so you can get into the pokemon league 01ff55d3 Catch Mew in the wild 0115d7cf
Thanks to Revolution readers John, Pyre, Josh, Daniel Falvey, Andrí¨s Romero,
Amarjeet Kapoor and Kamakazie!
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