Animal Crossing GameCube Cheats

Free Bells:

Talk to Tom Nook, and give him the code 'WB2&pARAcnOwnU (new line) jMCK%hTk8JHyrT'. You can only do this three times a day, but you should receive 30,000 bells each time!

Infinite Bells:

Talk to Tom Nook at his store. Say 'Other Things,' and then give the code '1LhOwvrDA23fmt dsgnvzbCIBAsyd' to receive Train Station Model 1. After opening it, sell it back to Tom; he'll give you 16,000 bells. You can repeat this process two more times, after which, you will have to reload the game. For every reload, you may do this three times.

Random Item Code:

Talk to Tom Nook and give him this: rbhbSCvhathoBa dzddkweuej9rcd

Little bit o' cash code:

Talk to Tom Nook and tell him WB2&pARAcnOwnU jMCK%hTk8JHyrT to get some cash.

Capture an Ant

Get a turnip and wait till its spoiled. Once its spoiled drop it, go to an acre next to you, and come back and an ant will probably be on it

For the following codes, talk to Tom Nook, then say 'Other Things,' and give a code.

Snowman item codes:

vCTbFPFQciYmWC Zk&TnDUgljJ&jb Snowman Clock
AkwardwarjraiN AkwardhSrdraiN Snowman Dresser
4UFG548CQ2QZGf 1n#%jWLEqj5ZBf Snowman Fridge
vCTbFPFQcxYmWC Zk&TnDUgljJ&jb Snowman Lamp
4UTG548QQtQZGf In#%j1L7qj5ZRf Snowman Sofa
4UTG548uQKQZGf 1n#%jNLEqj5ZBf Snowman Table
4UTG548QQtQZGf ln#%j2LNqj5ZBf Snowman TV
4UTG548qQKQZGf 1n#%jNLEqj5ZBf Snowman Wardrobe

Painting codes:

ebucddbkLagnLgBiMBdbichCmqi3 Amazing Painting
ebucddbkLRgnLgBiMBdbichCmqi3 Basic Painting
ekri%ma9iom5roFlriomariomaro Dainty Painting
BDeeDmumArIseeGQeermsehrIsHe Moving Painting
WkriomariomaroFlriomariomaro Perfect Painting
BDeeWUsmhrIseeGBeerDsehrIsee Quaint Painting
VAriomariomaroFlriomariomaro Rare Painting
micrDsafthapeslilsunnieshard Scary Painting
NmxIGWIeSLYAACu6iMwbzCGvFsnQ Strange Painting
7kriMma9iom5roFlriomariomaro Worthy Painting

Harvest set codes:

ArariaAndrarah Swurlingtre5&2 Harvest Bed
Di9xES@sTRJsYY sqO9cb#3UaKHP5 Harvest Bureau
ifc74nVlY%zoI4 I5X@qSEncEKb0V Harvest Chair
R5ngoARS6I3iVL y&M6IJyNoWUBW4 Harvest Clock
fi9GES@sTRJsAA sqO9cb#9UaKHI4 Harvest Dresser
1TWYT6IfB@&q7z 8UzSN1pfij76ts Harvest Lamp
ZeldainhyruleS NlgendO3Zeldgb Harvest Mirror
ArariaAndrarah Srurl5ngtre5&2 Harvest Sofa
vPSYDyYoeR685b afZBlkwcRCmqi3 Harvest T.V.
vPNH#CJc5yevsB DDQOhQdeKxHydS Harvest Table

Jingle Set codes:

aPShHyYoeR685b afvBlkwcRCmqi3 Jingle Bed
aDSLHyYoeR685b afBBklwcRCmqi3 Jingle Chair
JgpermariobqoS 2ysmAlCa0ssiNG Jingle Clock
11AcKGI9JE#Jf@ gHceoBLdG7Y%PE Jingle Dresser
aPShDyYoeR685b afTBlkwcRCmqi3 Jingle Lamp
aDShHyYoeR685b afEBlkwcRCmqi3 Jingle Piano
aPShDyYoeR685b afhBlkwcRCmqi3 Jingle Sofa
lLhuwvEDA33emA dbgnvzbCvBAsyU Jingle Table
MeetloafmeatdY LxatloafmeatdY Jingle Wardrobe

Modern set codes:

MupersmaspbdoSSFIersmashbroS Modern Bed
MupersmaspbhoSSuIersmashbroS Modern Cabinet
A234567891234512345678912345 Modern Chair
TGGu@@Zzfuq#0zz3Nn27IGVlmPGG Modern Desk
riPiES@LTRJmAAshO9cb#9Uh9wO4 Modern Dresser
A7r45678912345K2345678912345 Modern End Table
2CijfPfycftAWiZkLTnpUgQjJ&j% Modern Lamp
EByY6mPTISyAEEyeexae81jaVOOb Modern Screen
xxxxxxxxexxxxxS62Y2JIF0GE@iz Modern Sofa
AlinktothepasT#linkgothepasT Modern Table
IDktBTGeNewWayOCRogtingCodez Modern Wardrobe

Barbecue theme:

aPYhDyYoeR685b afZBlkwcRCmqi3 Barbecue
ArTriaAnoSarah Spurlingtre5&2 Bird Feeder
cPYhDyYoeR685b afZBlkwcRCmqiR Bug Zapper
IP8cGEhbT0x@En RTkjA3P3nb#GNh Garden Gnome
1mWYg6IfB@&q7z 8XzSNupfij76ts Hammock
ArariaAndSarah SourlingAre5&2 Lawn Chair
fi9xES@sTRJhAA sh09cb#9UaKH84 Lawn Mower
ArTriaAndSarah Spurlingtpe5&2 Mr. Flamingo
aPYhDjYoeR685b afZBlkwcRCmqi3 Mrs. Flamingo
ArariaAndrarah S9urlCngwre5&2 Picnic Table
Ai9xES@sTyJsYY shO9cb#9UaKHL4 Sprinkler
ArariaAndSarah Shurliagtre5&2 Tiki Torch

Bonsai set:

fupersmashbwoS SupersmashbroS Get Pine Bonsai
MupersmaspbnoS SupersmashbroS Get Ponderosa Bonsai

Cabin item codes:

MupersmashbgoSSFIersmashbroS Cabin Armchair
MupersmashbroSSupersmashbroS Cabin Bed
S2ui@kTheukFH8 RGTU6@F71d5GX3 Cabin Bookcase
D7r4567a912345Ea3456789e23i5 Cabin Chair
MupersmashbnoSSupersmashbroS Cabin Clock
Blaine0002HeISABigFatAssNazi Cabin Couch
11AcKGI9JE#Jf@gHcebBLdG7Y%PE Cabin Dresser
MupersmaspbroSSupersmashbroS Cabin low Table
ZzicrRB%wwcRMsGX1QbaZv0Z7c8x Cabin Table
IDkteTBeNewWayOCRogtingCodez Cabin Wardrobe

Wallpaper codes:

IPv5fWiNTK3F8EDUpqKZyA&Yz9dU Get Exotic Wall
5jiSk583al5H2%ZWfacRW37KT4Tw Get Bamboo Wall
6Pgpfh4NTN5p8EDUpZKZyA&YzZd@ Get Imperial Wall
BY4qneovrZkTW8Mvf8fCe3nSj4OU Get Chic Wall
635nljHT7tTBTCZWSabRWx7KT4Tb Get Exquisite Wall
qAepnQGwSyXfFNZ9@WoO%Pvha#OK Get Arched Window
eVRaCHbuzzrS%UpxiEqYfYv5HH@s Get Cabin Wall
VYDan9uv3EXJW8Mv@4%Ce3nHYLmU Get Gold Screen Wall
#zjKWDN3bx4p7E635nljHT7tTBTC Get Backyard Fence
EAvpnQGuH5LJFNZ9vW70%mvhazD@ Get Kiddie Wall
BYPgneo&rGLWW8MvEo%CexnHYLOU Get Floral Wall
Pi&aCKUGKV#2%UJxuMKYfxg5jA@M Get Blue Trim Wall
%A{S0tRscBXSulZJCcY@Aeb56Dr Get Green Wall
qAx5nQGuSULJFNZ9SJWO%mvjfd@ Get Cabana Wall
5jiKk583aL5H2%ZWfabRW37KT4Tb Get Blue Wall
rkntenoisbette9ihanMicrosoft Get Rose Wall
qA#5nQGuSrXJFNZ9SfW0%mvjf#OU Get Citrus Wall
rjaKk583jv#S2%ZW@2g&W37zjiY@ Get Ivy Wall
fADSO6jGqYLaulZJAecY@keb56@r Get Concrete Wall
lY&qgSovE@rJkEM&JwNOuAnzHBO@ Get Groovy Wall
eVRaCHbuzz5H%UpxiEqYfYv5HH@s Kitchen Wall

Carpet codes:

Di9xES@sTRJsYY sqo9cb#3UaKHs3 Get the 8 Mat Tatami
666abcdn66efgH DyGabcd6B6efgH Get the Block Flooring
S2ui@kTheuooH8 RGTU6@F7ld5GX3 Get the Blue Flooring
66zabccn66efgH ayGcbcd6BagfgH Get the Boxing Ring Mat
E7M6IE7M6sE7hY E7M6sE7M6sE7yG Get the Checkered Tile
666abcdn66ef7H DhGabcd6B6efgH Get the Citrus Carpet
xxxAxxxxVZn0W3 ywR%jticqjLZBf Get the Classroom Floor
Ndntendoistheb estgamecompany Get the Closed Road
2Ea4vQLlTUq325 ajQpZfAv9wfYw# Get the Daisy Meadow
EciCCy2YLaOuoA lLcZ&@eyHfTols Get the Exquisite Rug
B66aPcdnE6ef7H DhGabcd6BAefgH Get the Jingle Carpet
whqewavenhbkut whatravenhbkut Get the Kitchen Tile
cddhbcdgnzefgg bydabcdafcefgg Get the Kitschy Tile
wnqfFarJUjE5fz HzvGr4%yn35euz Get the Mossy Carpet
666abcdn66efgH Dy4abcd6B6efgH Get the Office Flooring
666mbcd666efgH DyGabcd6B6efgH Get the Ornate Rug
Nintendoistheb estgamecompany Get the Parquet Floor
ShiyypairofsaY ShinypairofsyG Get the Plush Carpet
666abcd666efgH Dy6abcd6B6efgH Get the Ranch Flooring
xfdaoonfiuhter layuoonfighter Get the Regal Carpet
BovetotraveltY LovetotrabelyG Get the Sahara's Desert
sddhbcdgnzefgg bydabcdafcefgg Get the Shanty Mat
xxxxxxxxVZn0W3 ywR%jticqjLZBf Get the Stone Tile
666abcdn66efgH Dyxabcd6B6efgH Get the Tatami Floor

Chess characters:
aDSLDyYoeR685bafRBlkwcRCmqi3 Black Bishop
lLhuwvEDA23fmAdsgnvzbCIBAsyU Black King
SupermakiobroSAeImAlCrOssiNG Black Knight
1LhuwvEDA22fmAdagnvzbCvBAsyU Black Queen
aDShHyYoeR685bafyBlkwcRCmqi3 Black Rook
SupermariobqoS4nImAlCa0ssiNG White Bishop
aPShDyYoeR685bafbBlkwcRCmqi3 White King
BiPiES@sTRJmAAshO9cb#9Uh9HO4 White Knight
RtiXgIAGfe2AI7WwBZBBWW#Pulyc White Pawn
aPShDyYoeR685baf%BlkwcRCmqi3 White Queen
aPSLHyYoeR685bafxBlkwcRCmqi3 White Rook

Clothing codes:

guibfDHdcWqmWcZkrTnDUgkjJ&jb Airy Shirt
RethnfoqGreebYldtineorfreebY Ancient Knit
guibfAH1ENqmW3ZkrTnDUgdjJ&jb Arctic Camo
1qWrr6ofBu&q7z8rzSNqofyq76ts Aurora Knit
1qWwi6IfBeoq7z8XtSNyufyy76ts Bad Plaid Shirt
s@T@3vbA4RJQfbHhBEttkoHqqld7 BB Shirt
s@T@3vbA4RJQfbthBEttkoHqqld7 Beatnik Shirt
guibfAHyEeqmWPZkhTnDUgUjJ&jb Berry Gingham
aMiBAraLaM1mWb6waTgDLx0jJZBf Big Bro's Shirt
SyioyyairofsaYSeqnypuirofsyG Big Dot Shirt
4UFG548uQWQZGflnu%jtLEqj5ZBf Big Star Shirt
vuTbfAHyC3qmWmZkhTnDUgbjJ&jb Blossom Shirt
4UTG548pQKQZGfln#%jjLEqj5ZBf Blossoming Shirt
vuHcfAH%FTqmW#ZkyTnDUgCjJ&jb Blue Check Shirt
4UFG548QQWQZGFan#%jLL5qj5ZBf Blue Grid Shirt
vuTcfAHyCHqmWjZkyTnDUgcjJ&jb Blue Scale Shirt
4UTG548uQKQZGf1n#%jALEqj5ZBf Blue Stripe Knit
VupDfAH%ATqmW#ZkyTnDUgUjJ&jb Blue Tie-Dye
aMiBAsaQls1mWgZcGTgDLxsjJZBf Bold Check Shirt
4UTG548uQ5QZGf1n#%eTLEqj5ZBf Botanical Shirt
s@T@3vbA4RJQfbehBEttkoH8qld7 Bubble Shirt
vuHcfAH%FTqmW#ZkyTnDUgqjJ&jb Butterfly Shirt
1qWyt6IfB@&q7z8XzSNtwfyq76ts Caterpillar Tee
DontthatseemaYDontthatSeemaY Caveman Tunic
vCTbf%Fy5MYmWcZk&TnDUgljJ&jb Checkered Shirt
YoWqy6PfBu&q7z8EzSPtyfot76ts Cherry Shirt
aMTdTraLVR1mWbOwaTgDLxqjJZBf Chevron Shirt
VuHcfAHyFTqmW#ZkyTnDUgqjJ&jb Circus Shirt
HllMazzthemmoYIlljazzthemmyG Citrus Gingham
vuTbfAHyC3qmWcZkhTnDUgbjJ&jb Club Shirt
QethnfoqGreebYldtineorfreFCY Concierge Shirt
ThqPoliceDogIsCopperHeIsCool Coral Shirt
HlljazzthemmoYIlljazzthemmyG Cow Print
guibfAHyE3qmWcZkhTnDUg1jJ&jb Cozy Sweater
guibfAHlE3qmWPZkrTnDUgljJ&jb Crewel Shirt
RethnfoqGreebYldtineorWreebY Crossing Shirt
vCTbf%Fy5XYmWcZk&TnDUgojJ&jb Daisy Shirt
aMTdTraLVs1mWb6waTgDLxUjJZBf Danger Shirt
QethnfoqGreebYldtineorTreFCY Dapper Shirt
guibfAH1E3qmW3ZkrTnDUgdjJ&jb Dark Polka Shirt
4UFG548QQdQZGf1n#%jtLEqj5ZBf Dawn Shirt
2GiDfAiLrW1mWgZcyTgDLgejJ&jj Deep Blue Tee
vuTbfAHyCFqmWmZkhTnDUgbjJ&jb Deer Shirt
guibfDHdENqmWcZkrTnDUgkjJ&jb Desert Camo
4UTG548QQtQZGfIn#%jIL7qj5ZRf Desert Shirt
guibfAHdExqmWcZkrTnDUgKjJ&jb Diamond Shirt
vCTbFPFQcvYmWCZk&TnDUgljJ&jb Dice Shirt
4UTG548uQKQZGf1n#%jGLEqj5ZBf Diner Uniform
aMTdTraLV31mWbOwaTgDLxqjJZBf Eight-Ball Shirt
WzatswrongwitHWhatswrongwitH Exotic Shirt
HialhyponoticSRealhyponoticS Fall Plaid Shirt
vCTbF%F%5fYmWCZk&TnDUgljJ&jb Fetching Outfit
aMicJsaQfs1mWgZcNTgDLgqjJZBf Fish Bone Shirt
aMiBAsaQas1mWgZcGTgDLxqjJZBf Fish Knit
1qWqr6wfBu&q7z8rzSNrwfyq76ts Five-Ball Shirt
VupDfAH%ATqmW#ZkyTnDUgqjJ&jb Flicker Shirt
guibfAH1ExqmWPZkrTnDUgdjJ&jb Folk Shirt
VuHcfAH%FTqmWcZkyTnDUg0jJ&jb Fortune Shirt
YoWqy6PfBu&q7z8EzSPqyfot76ts Fresh Shirt
4UFG548QQWQZGFhn#%jLL5qj5ZBf Funky Dot Shirt
DennisMillerIsSokDamnAwtsqme Gaudy Sweater
4UFG548QQWQnGfln#%jtLEqj5ZBf Gelato Shirt
guiDfAH%AfqmWiZkyTnDUgQjJ&j% Giraffe Print
4UTG548uQKQZGf1n#%jTLEqj5ZBf Gracie's Top
1qWww6IfB@&q7z8XzSNtwfyq76ts Grape Shirt
guibfAHyEfqmWPZkhTnDUgUjJ&jb Grass Shirt
4UFG548QQWQZGFan#%jtLEqj5ZBf Gray Tartan
VuTbfAHyC3qmWcZkhTnDUg1jJ&wb Green Ring Shirt
aMicJsaQes1mWgZcNTgDLgqjJZBj Groovy Shirt
s@T@3vbA4RJQfbthBEttkoHdqld7 Hot Spring Shirt
gMTdTraLVR1mWb6waTgDLxqjJZBf Houndstooth Knit
guJbfDHdE2BmWcZklTnDUgkjJ&jb Icy Shirt
HlljazztHemmoYlaljaJzthemmyG Jade Check Print
4UFG548QQ5QZGf1n#%jtLEqj5ZBf Jester Shirt
YoWeo6EfBu&q7z8IzSYiwfso76ts Jingle Shirt
aMTdTraLVs1mWb6waTgDLxgjJZBf Kiwi Shirt
2GiDfAiLrh1mWgZcyTgDLgYjJ&jj Lavender Robe
QetrnfoqGreebYldtineorHreFCY Leather Jerkin
guibfAH1EuqmW3ZkrTnDUgdjJ&jb Light Line Shirt
1qWWO6IfB@&q7z8XzSNqpfyo76ts Loud Bloom Shirt
aMiBAraLaR1mWb6waTgDLxqjJZBf Loud Line Shirt
YoWqA6PfBu&q7z8IzSPrwfot76ts Melon Gingham
aMiBAsaQls1mWgZcGTgDLxqjJZBf Melon Shirt
EzatswrongwitHWhatswrongwitH Mint Gingham
YoWRA6EfBu&q7z8IzSYqwfoq76ts Misty Shirt
2uiDfAH%AsqmWiZkyTnDUgRjJ&j% Mod Top
guibfAHyEGqmWPZkhTnDUgUjJ&jb Moldy Shirt
aMTdTraLV31mWbOwaTgDLxCjJZBf Monkey Shirt
vuHcfAH%FgqmW#ZkyTnDUgCjJ&jb Moody Blue Shirt
VuHcfAH%FTqmW#ZkyTnDUgqjJ&jb Mosaic Shirt
s@T@3vbA4RJQfbHhBEttkoHdqld7 Natty Shirt
SyiyypairofsaYSeinypairofsyG Nebula Shirt
VupDfAH%AhqmW#ZkyTnDUgqjJ&jb Neo-Classic Knit
rlljazzthemmoYblljazzthemmyG New Spring Shirt
4UTG548QQtQZGfln#%j5LMqj5ZBf No.1 Shirt
2GiDfAiLrV1mWgZcyTgDLgYjJ&jj No.4 Shirt
2GiDfAiLrs1mWiZcyTgDLg0jJ&j% Noble Shirt
vuHcfAH%FgqmW#ZkyTnDUggjJ&jb Noodle Shirt
vCTbf%Fy5XYmWcZk&TnDUg&jJ&jb Oft-Seen Print
guibfDHdECqmWcZkrTnDUgkjJ&jb Orange Tie-Dye
vCTbf%FykEYmWcZk&TnDUgljJ&jb Patched Shirt
2GiDfAiLra1mWiZcyTgDLgqjJ&jY Patchwork Top
VuHcfAHyFTqmWcZkyTnDUgUjJ&jb Paw Shirt
VupDfAH%AhqmW#ZkyTnDUgDjJ&jb Peachy Shirt
aMTdTraLVR1mWb6waTgDLxUjJZBf Pink Tartan
YoWqQ6PfBu&q7z8EzSPywfot76ts Polar Fleece
FdImAstringtdYFrCmCstringtyG Pop-Bloom Shirt
FdImAstringtdYFrCmastringtyG Pulse Shirt
2GiDfAiLrV1mWgZcyTgDLgqjJ&jj Puzzling Shirt
2uiDfAH%AfqmWiZkyTnDUgqjJ&j% Racer 6 Shirt
guibfAHyEvqmWcZkhTnDUgCjJ&jb Racer Shirt
4UTG548uQKQZGf1h#%jtLEqj5ZBf Rally Shirt
1qWWO6IfB@&q7z8XzSNqpfyw76ts Red Bar Shirt
aMicJsaQfs1mWgZcNTgDLgUjJZBj Red Check Shirt
4UTG548aQKQZGfln#%jiLEqj5ZBf Red Tie-Dye
FdImastringtdYFrCmastringtyG Red-Scale Shirt
2GiDfAiLrV1mWiZcyTgDLgqjJ&jY Rickrack Shirt
vCTbf%F%5AYmWcZk&TnDUgljJ&jb Rose Shirt
4UTG548uQtQZGfln#%jtLEqj5ZBf Rugby Shirt
1qWie6IfB@&q7z8XzSNkwfyq76ts Seven-Ball Shirt
vupcfAHyF3qmWjZkyTnDUgcjJ&jb Sharp Outfit
gCibfAaLEFqmWPZkrTnDUgdjJ&jb Sherbert Gingham
guibfAHyExqmWPZkhTnDUgUjJ&jb Shirt Circuit
SyioyyqirousaYSeqnypuirufsyG Silk Bloom Shirt
4UFG548QQWQZGfSo#%jtLEqj5ZBf Six-Ball Shirt
ZheLegendOfZeldaWindWalker24 Ski Sweater
2GiDfAiLrV1mWiZcyTgDLgYjJ&jY Skull Shirt
2GiDfAiLrW1mWgZcyTgDLgYjJ&jj Snappy Print
guibfAHdExqmWcZkrTnDUgkjJ&jb Snow Shirt
guibfAH1E3qmWPZkrTnDUgdjJ&jb Spade Shirt
2uiDfAH%AhqmWiZkyTnDUgqjJ&j% Speedway Shirt
4UFG548QQWQZGf1n#%jtLEqj5ZBf Spring Shirt
guibfAHyE3qmWcZkhTnDUgCjJ&jb Star Shirt
VuHcfAH%FTqmW#ZkyTnDUgUjJ&jb Static Shirt
aMiBAsaQas1mWbZwGTgDLxqjJZBf Stormy Shirt
HllMazztHemmoYIlljazzthemmyG Strawberry Shirt
s@T@3vbA4RJQfbHhBEttkoH8qld7 Striking Outfit
s@T@3vbA4RJQfbHhBEttkoH&qld7 Subdued Print
FdImastringtdYHromastringtyG Sunset Top
guibfAHyE3qmWPZkhTnDUgUjJ&jb Swell Shirt
2uiDfAH%AsqmWiZkyTnDUgqjJ&j% Three-Ball Shirt
aMTdTraLVR1mWb6waTgDLxqjJZBf Thunder Shirt
1qWWO6IfB@&q7z8XzSNrpfyw76ts Tiger Print
vCTbf%Fy5AYmWcZk&TnDUgljJ&jb Tiki Shirt
guibfAHyE3qmWPZkhTnDUgljJ&jb Tin Shirt
2GiDfAiLrs1mWiZcyTgDLgqjJ&j% Toad Print
vCTbJRFlXQYmWcZk&TmDUgljJ&jb Twinkle Shirt
vCTbf%FyfDYmWcZk&TnDUgljJ&jb Two-Ball Shirt
aMiBAraLaR1mWb6waTgDLx0jJZBf Waffle Shirt
guibfAH1EFqmWPZkrTnDUgdjJ&jb Watermelon Shirt
1qWww6IfB@&q7z8XzSNqwfyq76ts Wave Print
VuHcfAHyFgqmW#ZkyTnDUgqjJ&jb Wavy Pink Shirt
aMicJsaQfs1mWgZcNTgDLgqjJZBj Whirly Shirt
4UFG548QQdQZGfln#%jtLEGj5ZBf White Ring Shirt
HllMazztHemmoYBlljazzthemmyG Windsock Shirt
guibfDHdMWqmWcZkrTnDUgkjJ&jb Winter Sweater
xethtforfreebYldtitforfreebY Work Uniform
aMTdTraLVR1mWb0waTgDLxojJZBf Yellow Bar Shirt
VuHcfAH%FTqmW#ZkyTnDUg0jJ&jb Yellow Bolero
EcatswrongwitHWhatswrongwitH Yellow Pinstripe
vuTbfAHyC3qmWcZkhTnDUg1jJ&jb Zebra Print

Construction theme codes:

1mWYR6IfB@&q7z 8XzSNwpfij76ts Get Cement Mixer
cAQifhGeBsyjYc nqBYAKxjeFdjop Get Detour Arrow
hSatHavsVouJot ForMeTqdayNook Get Detour Sign
ArariaAnQSarah Swurlqngtre5&2 Get Flagman Sign
2%Q2fhVeRByAY3 Z5yYAK9zNHxLo7 Get Green Drum
2%Q2fhMeRByAY3 Z5yYAK9zNHxLo7 Get Handcart
ArariaAnUQarah SpurlingHSe5&2 Get Haz-mat barrel
2%Q3EhMeRByAY3 05yYAK9zNHxLo7 Get Iron Frame
ArariaAnfEarah SpurlOagereo&2 Get Jackhammer
ArariaAndSarah Sourl3ngApe5&2 Get Jersey Barrier
A2345t7u9Ks34z 123456x8912345 Get Manhole Cover
cU3jlm@hdl6Aip zJFAEUjAwbZXim Get Merge Sign
ArTriaAnorarah Spurlingtre5&2 Get Oil Drum
I7345678912345 E234567891234P Get Orange Cone
vP5hDyYoeR685b afZBlkwcRCmqiR Get Sawhorse
vPYhDyYoeR685b afZBlkwcRCmqiR Get Speed Sign
ArariaAnQSarah Spurliagtre5&2 Get Steam Roller
T234567u912345 f2345678912345 Get Traffic Cone
ThIckitsbecadY ThinkitsbecayG Get Wet Roadway Sign

Exotic item codes:

2%Q2fhVtRByAY3 O5yYAK9zNHxLo7 Get Exotic Bed
xxxxjxxxxxxxxx S6nY2JIF0GE@iz Get Exotic Bench
IDkteTheNewWay OfPostingCodez Get Exotic Bureau
AliGkAntimesoY AlinkintimesyG Get Exotic Chair
MupersmfshbwoS SupersmashbroS Get Exotic Chest
ZUicrRB%wwcRMs GX1QbaZvOZ7c8x Get Exotic End Table
AlinktothepasT ClinkgothepasT Get Exotic Lamp
AlinktothepasT ClinkrothepasT Get Exotic Screen
znlPfBa6iXoajl ibxCYoH0oW4qrs Get Exotic Table
7vGRXAYsjrhk2q Sq7PSV#e7Va5z5 Get Exotic Wardrobe

NES games:

CbDahLBdaDh98d9ub8ExzZKwu7Zl Get Balloon Fight
1n5%N%8JUjE5fjlEcGr4%ync5eUp Get Baseball
Crm%h4BNRyu98d9uu8exzZKwu7Zl Get Clu Clu Land
Y#PpfrxSOAMLSG B7H3K5xBho5YSY Get Clu Clu Land 2
bA5PC%8JUjE5fjljcGr4%ync5EUp Get DK Jr. Math
2n5@N%8JUjE5fjljcGr4%ync5EUp Get Donkey Kong
3%Q4fhMTRByAY305yYAK9zNHxLd7 Get Excitebike
Crm%h4BNRbu98d9un8exzZKwo7Zl Get Golf
bA5PC%8JUjE5fj 1EcGr4%ync5eup Get Wario's Woods

Mario Item codes:

4UT6T948GZnOW3 dw#%jtLEqj5ZBf Fire Flower
#SbaUIRmw#gwkY BK66q#LGscTY%2 ? Block
1mWYg6IfB@&q75 8XzSNKpfWj76ts Brick Block
rSbaUIRmwUgwkA 1K6tq#LMscTY%2 Coin
IboOBCeHz3YbIC B5igPvQYsfMZMd Block Flooring
1mWYg6IfB@&q7z 8XzSNwpfij76ts Green Pipe
rSbaUIAmwUgwkY 1K6tq#LGscTY%2 Koopa Shell
4UT6T6L89ZnOW3 dw&%jtL3qjLZBf Cannon
4UT6T6L89ZnOW3 dwU%jtL3qjLZBf Flagpole
#SbaUIRmw#gwkY Bh66qeLMscTY%2 Super Mushroom
QI6DLEnhm23CqH zrUHk3cXd#HOr9 Mario Mural
4UF6T948GZ3ZW3 dw#%jtLEqj5ZBf Starman

Golden Item codes:

4B2&p%eGcgIO7NHZCS3hjkKJtlgH Golden Axe
kB2&S%excgIC7SPOudE2jkKJHygH Golden Net
Y%9FUKhrekPQ6a3M#4&f3bdAZLJf Golden Rod
GkUFUvirg%PX6a3ZizGfw5dTZLQh Golden Shovel

Ranch set:

i5iupw5MaN#Z33 VaK4XsEbrp5WZO Get Ranch Dresser
UnidersalCOdes UniversalCodes Get Ranch Couch
Psi6ersalClRes Pniversa2Codes Get Ranch Hutch
44ad&Mushrooms Toad&Mushrooms Get Ranch Bookcase
UniversalCVpes UniversalCodes Get Ranch Table
Grab5aggEsbbag GrabbagGrabbag Get Ranch Armchair
x3XMY@7hrjAtoQ zxoASjVuat5Xoq Get Ranch Wardrobe
Toad&MushDooms Toad&Mushrooms Get Ranch Tea Table

Sound Systems:

B6&6KQom9DzR35RfLDC4%EEpCmiR Retro Stereo
1LhuwvEDA22emAdbgnvzbCvBAsyU Hi-Fi Stereo
aPSLDyYoeR685bafZBlkwcRCmqi3 Tape Deck
1LhuwvEDA33fmAdbgnvzbCIBAsyU Dice Stereo
a#S8UItokM6850h%LO&kwcRCmqi3 JukeBox
aDShDyYoeR685bafBBlkwcRCmqi3 Red Boombox
aDSLDyYoeR685bafaBlkwcRCmqi3 High-End Stereo
SupermakiobroSAoImAlCaOssiNG Reel-To-Reel
Crm%h4BNRyu98d9Uu8exzZKwu7Zl Turntable
HRcE#IbRoJEV8od@rB6leTnU%a3E White Boombox

Space set:

2%Q3EhMeRByAY3 n5yYAK9zcHxLo7 Flying Saucer
far45678912345 E2345678912345 Asteroid
Zzic2RB%wwcRMs GX1QbaZv0Z7c8x Spaceman Sam
2%Q2fhMehAyAY3 O5yYAK9zaHxLo7 Lunar Lander
2%42fhMtRByAY3 Z5yYAK9zfHxLo7 Space Station
XdBiCiDiEiFipY AiBiCiDiEiFiyG Rocket
linkzPld#B31on ganozPeldClink Satellite
2%Q2fhMKhAyAY3 Z5yYAK9zNHxLo7 Space Shuttle

Regal set:

Grab5aggrsbbag GrabbagGrabbag Get Regal Cupboard
Q6&6KQom9DzR35 DfyDC4%EEpCmiR Get Regal Chair
2%Q3fhMKRByAY3 Z5yYAK9zNHxLo7 Get Regal Lamp
5iPiES@sTRJmAA shO9cb#9Uh9wO4 Get Regal Armoire
2%QYfhMdRByAY3 O5yYAK9zNHxLo7 Get Regal Sofa
2%Q2fhVthAyAY3 O5yYAK9zjHxLo7 Get Regal Bed
ZzicrRe%wwcRMs GX1QbaZv0Z7c8x Get Regal Vanity
NintendoGamecu bearenumberone Get Regal Bookcase
IHkteHheNewWay OCPostingCodez Get Regal Dresser
Mu&x5fw9GINwLS 9ljjHSoLwZMD7& Get Regal Table

Spooky set:

linkz2ldaBanon ganonSeldClink Spooky Chair
2%Q2fhVehAyAY3o5yYAK9zJHxLo7 Spooky Sofa
jePiES@LTRJmAApcddkwe9Uh9wO4 Spooky Wardrobe
2%Q2fhVehAyAY3Z5yYAK9zhHxLo7 Jack-In-The-Box
SuPermariogolf supermariogOlf Spooky Paper
2%Q2fhMeRByAY3Z5yYAK9zcHxLo7 Jack-o-Lantern
2%Q2fhMdRByAY3O5yYAK9zNHxLo7 Spooky Vanity
GsHinkistinkiS LstinkistinkiS Spooky Bookcase
2%Q2fhMKRByAY305yYAK9zNHxLo7 Spooky Clock
Dar4567a912345Ea3456789e23i5 Spooky Lamp
piPiES@sTRJmAAshO9cb#9Uh9wO4 Spooky Dresser
2%Q3EhMeRByAY3Z5yYAK9zcHxLo7 Spooky Table

Kiddie set:

SupermariobroS AnImAlCa0ssiNG Kiddie Bed
aPSLHyYoeR685b afoBlkwcRCmqi3 Kiddie Bookcase
MeeCAKafmeatdY LsatloafmeatdY Kiddie Bureau
9#S8UItokM6850 h%LOskwcRCmqi3 Kiddie Chair
IzEiKutsuKiRiY HeCeGtsuBeBiyG Kiddie Clock
SVpermaoiobroS ABImAlCaOssiNG Kiddie Couch
StOpPlAyInGThE WOOmwlCrossing Kiddie Dresser
6LhuwvEDA23fmA dbgnvzbCIBAsyU Kiddie Stereo
QtiXgIAGfe2AI7 WwBZBBWW&PulBc Kiddie Table
2d345csYd12g45 KqJ4r6k89ej3f5 Kiddie Wardrobe

Gyroid Passcodes:

GrlB7gVOGo3WtRRHBeCPgForDver Clankoid
SnimalForest64A4imalCrossing Croakoid
ttremeflqtzoneXutemeflatzone Dekkoid
GodIsTheGreatestBeingForever Dingloid
VgvalbcscceexxklmtBoG9dLaSmb Drilloid
dq%cugkN&in76hy%TIL3HUo3QYqd Gargloid
c1tpbvSIrsPR4cJhsa%yOJEIXXCp Gongoid
Bi9xES@sTRJTAAsq09cb#3UaKHs3 Harmonoid
Ai9xES@sTRMsYYshO9cb#9UaKHL1 Howloid
GodYxTVOGo3WtestBeingForever Lamentoid
HollivrusKonezbivhabcrshonSY Lullaboid
GeorgelucasliAGeorgelucaslwl Mega Alloid
Aq%cugkN&in76hV%TIL3HUo3QYbd Mega Bovoid
QteemeflatzoneWtWemeflatzone Mega Bowtoid
Aq%cugkN&in76hV%TIL3HUo3QYEd Mega Buzzoid
ArTriaAnoSarahSpurlcngtren&2 Mega Clankoid
3Na1DOY4Q36851&In613Rc%Cmqir Mega Croakoid
GodBxTVOGo3WtRstBeCngFor3ver Mega Dekkoid
GodBxTVOGo3WtestBeZngForever Mega Dingloid
2%Q2fhVtRByAY3Z5yYAK9zaHxLo7 Mega Dinkoid
Di9GES@sTRJsAAsq09cb39UaKHs1 Mega Drilloid
ArisSrisKcismYArisJrisArisyG Mega Echoid
GrdB77VOGo3WtRsHBeCPgForDver Mega Freakoid
2%42fhVtRByAY3Z5yYAK9zfHxLo7 Mega Gongoid
Si9xES@sTRJsYYsh09cb#9Vak#I1 Mega Harmanoid
4DTddb48GZ1OWcdgsJjFLeqj5ZBd Mega Howloid
WoodyolfisherYGoofyolfisherY Mega Lamentoid
fi9xES@sTRJsAAsh09cb#9UaKHs3 Mega Lullaboid
HollivrusKsdezbivhabcacsAVuY Mega Nebuloid
aPShDyYoeR685bafLOlkwcRCmqi3 Mega Oboid
linkz2ldaBanonganon8eldClink Mega Oombloid
Di9xES@sTRJsAAsq09cb39Vak#83 Mega Percoloid
aPShDyYoeR685bafDOlkwcRCmqi3 Mega Plinkoid
YteemeflStzoneXutemeflatzone Mega Poltergoid
fi9xES@sTRJsAAsh09cb39Vak#I8 Mega Puffoid
GodIxT3eGr3atestBeingForever Mega Rustoid
KtMuvFdngktkaeKtJuEbBngPtKee Mega Sproid
ZzicrRM%wwcRMsGX1QbiZv0Z7c8x Mega Sputnoid
Di9xES@sTRJsAAsq09cb39vek#z1 Mega Squelchoid
1OTENOY4k3685184L613wcRCmqir Mega Strumboid
Aq%cugkN&in76hy%TIL3HUo3QYEd Metatoid
GodIxTQeGr3atestBeingForever Mini Bowtoid
Aq%cugkN&in76hy%TIL3HUo3QYqg Mini Buzzoid
Gettoknowem&ThDsallweresayGh Mini Dinkoid
Di9GES@sTRJyAAsq09cb39UaKHs1 Mini Drilloid
2%Q2fhVthAyAY3O5yYAK9z@HxLo7 Mini Echoid
2%Q3EhMtRByAY3n5yYAK9zgHxLo7 Mini Fizzoid
HoTeKoKbCstscYHometoroostsyG Mini Freakoid
AiBiCiDiEiFipYAiBiCiDiEiFiyG Mini Gargloid
ArisSrisKlismYArisJrisAsisyG Mini Gongoid
1FThDOY4k3685184U613wcRCmqir Mini Harmonoid
1CT1DOY4k3685184#613wcRCmqir Mini Howloid
Ai#9ES@sTRJsAAsh09cb#9Vak9I8 Mini Lullaboid
ZUic2RA%wwcRMsGX1KbiZv0Z7c8x Mini Oombloid
1CT1DOY4k36851847613wcRCmqir Mini Plinkoid
Ai9xES@sTRJsYYsh09cb#9UaKHI3 Mini Rhythmoid
1FThDOY4k3685184s613wcRCmqir Mini Rustoid
aq%iugkN&in76hy%TIL3HUo3QYEd Mini Sproid
2%Q2fhMthAyAY3O5yYAK9zxHxLo7 Mini Sputnoid
GrdBQTVOGo3WtRsHBeCngForDver Mini Tootoid
Aq%cugkN&in76hV%vIL3HUo3QYEd Mini Warbloid
8i9xES@sTRJsAAsh09cb#9UaKH67 Oboid
2%Q2fhVthAyAY3Z5yYAK9zCHxLo7 Oombloid
OwDy3sRsromacYFysausowwosacY Poltergoid
dq%cugkN&in76hV%TIL3HUo3QYbu Quazoid
Ni9xES@sTRJhAAsh09cb#9UaKHBE Rhythmoid
GodBxTVOGo3Wt7stBeCngForever Rustoid
1FThDOY4k3685184#613wcRCmqir Slim Nebuloid
Vi9xES@sTRMsYAshO9cb39UaKHs3 Slim Quazoid
linkzeldaBanonganonzeldalink Sputnoid
Di9xES@sTRJsAAsh09cb39vqk#01 Squat Nebuloid
Ni9xES@sTRJhAAshO9cb37UaKHLE Squelchoid
Vi9xES@sTRMsAAshO9cb39UaKHs1 Strumboid
GeDrgelucasliAGeorgelucaslwl Tall Bowtoid
3ea1DOY4Q36851&In613Rc%Cmqir Tall Buzzoid
aq%cugkN&in76hV%TIL3HUo3QYEu Tall Clankoid
HoTeKoKbostscYHometoroostsyG Tall Dingloid
2%Q3EhMtRByAY3Z5yYAK9zxHxLo7 Tall Echoid
MarioteAnis6fYI5X@qSEncEKbOV Tall Gongoid
gfc82NV1Y#zoI4I5X@qSEncEKbOV Tall Lamentoid
Ni9GES@sTRUhYYsh09cb#9UaKHB3 Tall Lullaboid
Ai9xES@sTRJsAAsh09cb#9UaKHI3 Tall Nebuloid
1CT1DOY4k3685184I613wcRCmqir Tall Oboid
2%42fhMtRByAY3O5yYAK9zeHxLo7 Tall Oombloid
Fsy74NV1Y#zoI4I5X@qSEdcEKbOV Tall Poltergoid
Ai9xES@sTRJsYYsh09cb49UaKHL3 Tall Puffoid
2%Q2fhVtRByAY3O5yYAK9zfHxLo7 Tall Sputnoid
gi9xES@sTRMsYAsAO9cb39UaKHA3 Tall Strumboid
fi9xEa@sTRMsYYsh09cb#9UaKHI1 Tall Timpanoid
QteemeflatzoneWttemeflatzone Tall Warbloid
KhWoksformakdYWttemeflatzone Timpanoid
ArTriaAnoSarahSpurlingtren&2 Tootoid
aq%cugkN&in76hy%TIL3HUo3QYEd Warbloid
AruriaAnoSarahSpurlingtren&2 Wee Dingloid

Other Items.

I7r45678912345 (Next Line) E2345678912345 Arwing
2%Q3fhMURByAY3 (Next Line) Z5yYAK9zNHxLo7 Ebony Piano
4UTG548QQKQZf (Next Line) In#%jbLEVj5ZBf Fishing Bear
yUF6T6X8iZn0WU (Next Line) dw9%j8x@qjLZBf Game Boy
3%J%cCcdSxWiIt (Next Line) givJsjsAznGVDB Imperial K.K.
aPSLDyYoeR685b (Next Line) afoBlkwcRCmqi3 Owl Clock.
4UTG548QQKQZGf (Next Line) ln#%jbLEqjZBf Tiger Bobblehead
EZg4BwH@17RGcb 4KHXu5QrcJFnhw Super Toilet
cRf6TqNXHdpRqz ypKREa6bJfTzw# Green Pinwheel
nxf3TqNXPOpRqb ypK7EabwJEYr5i Green Balloon
Eme4RwHe4gjvc9 PKHNu5JUzyFghw Fine Painting
cRT9TqNXPtpRqb GHKREa6bJET#5i Fancy Pinwheel


Speed it up:

During any given day you can run out of things to do or buy. So here's a solution: save your current game, then turn the GC off. Open the lid and turn the GC on so the main GC menu comes up. Go into the calendar and change the date and/or time to whatever you want. Then close the lid and start the game. It will now be that time/day in the game and you have new stuff to buy and things to do. This works great with Halloween and "Toy Day" (Christmas). You can then switch back to the regular day and time without fault.

Easier speed up:

When you go to load your game, when asked if you are ready, choose 'before I go.' You will then get another options list. One of the options is to change the time/date - you just change it from there, and you don't have to mess with the GC's internal clock.

More fun with Dates - New Year's Day Gift:

On January 1st of every year - New Year's Day, you get a gift from your parents. The gift is 10,000 bells! If you continue to set the year one year ahead or behind, then you get more than enough money to pay off your house in less than an hour.

Money trees:

Find a spot in the ground that's glowing and dig it up. You'll get 1000 bells but instead of keeping it, bury again in the same hole and a money tree will grow.

Bees into money:

It's tricky and you have to time it right, but when you knock a beehive out of a tree get your net out and catch the bees. This is one of the most profitable insects in the game, worth 4500.

Fossil Fuel:

After you've dug up a fossil, sent it to the museum and received it back, you can take the fossils to Tom Nook and sell them for very high prices.

Be color coded:

Place orange colored furniture in the North, yellow in the West, red in the East, and green in the South. This will give you certain bonuses. For example, the yellow furniture increases the amount of money you receive. The other colors have similar benefits, so be sure to follow this basic rule when constructing your house.

Rare Fish:

To get the most expensive fish in the game, fish along the shoreline between the hours of 4pm and 9am. You might catch the LIVING FOSSIL worth 15,000 bells!

Golden Net:

Catch all 40 species of bugs to recieve a golden net and a cool emblem on top of your house.

Golden Fishing Rod:

Catch all 40 species of fish to get rewarded with the golden rod. You will also get a cool emblem on top of your house.

Golden Axe:

Frequently visit the wishing fountain. You must fix all tasks it asks of you ranging from cleaning up the garbage to making areas more green. Get a consistently good ranking on your town from the wishing well for 15 days and you will be rewarded with the golden axe.

Golden Shovel:

See the shiny spots on the ground where you dig up your 1000 bells? Do not fill in the holes yet. Instead, you need to purchase another shovel and bury the shovel in the ground where you got the money. This will sprout a tree that will grow a golden shovel.

Golden Statue of Yourself:

If you pay off all the loans of all parts of your house, the 2 size upgrades, the basement and the upstairs, talk to Tom Nook. He will offer to erect a statue in honor of your paying off all your debt. This will be erected in front of the train station.

How to get Music:

Every Saturday night, K.K. comes to the train station at 8 o'clock. To get music from him, just say that you do not have a request. He will then tell you the name of the song he is going to play for you. After he is finished, he gives you the recording of the song he played to play in your house.

A Gift From Tom:

Give Tom Nook this code to get a rather nice gift -


You'll recieve a piece of furniture called the "starman." If you've played the old NES mario games you'll recognize it. Press A in front of it in your home to turn on the star power.

Rock money:

First, you will need to get a shovel at Nook's for 500 bells. Then, go through town hitting every rock. Before you hit each one, dig holes around you so you don't get recoil after hitting the rock. If the rock turns red, you will get 100 bells the first 3 times you hit it. Then you will get 1,000 bells the next 3 times after that. If you can hit it a 7th time, you will get 10,000 bells!

Get rich quick with your GBA:

If you've got a Game Boy Advance and the GameCube Link Cable, you can access an island to the south of Animal Crossing that lets you make money much more quickly. Collect as many pieces of fruit as you can carry, hook up your GBA, turn it on, and then go to the pier at the beach (all the way in the south). A lad named Kapp'n will be waiting here in his boat (he only shows up if your GBA is switched on) and take you to the island.

Once you're on the island, drop all the fruit you have collected and go back to the boat. Tell Kapp'n that you want to leave and that you want to transfer the island to your GBA. Your GBA will turn on and you will see your island, complete with all the fruit you have dropped. Move your hand to the door of your island animal's house and knock. Your animal will come out. Now grab a piece of fruit and put it right in front of your animal. It will eat the fruit and turn happy. After a few pieces of fruit your animal will drop a money bag of random size for each fruit you feed to your little virtual pet. Repeat this process until all pieces of fruit are gone (you can also direct your pet to shake trees to get more fruit), then put your GBA to sleep. Do NOT switch it off.

Go back to the GameCube game. Once back in your town, leave the screen with the boat and come back. Talk to the Kapp'n again and the GCN game will be updated with the new data from the GBA island. Travel back to the island and collect all the money bags. Some bags contain as much as 30,000 coins! You should be able to pay off your house in no time now.


Thanks to Revolution readers Bailey, Alex H, Xavier Salem, Puck, Derek, Fred Shaw, Kyle, Sheena, Caroline, noodlesoup, Jeff, Alex, HELLRAISER, Burn, Joshua, Cygnet84, N5freak and Tbone8950!

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