Super Monkey Ball GameCube Cheats

Locating Bananas:

Pay attention to where your monkey's head is turning to find the closest banana (he has a better nose for the yellow yum than you do), whether it can be picked up or not.

Easy Monkey Races:

During any monkey race on any difficulty level, press A, B, X, Y, L, R at the same time to win the race.

Skip credits:

Hold L + R and repeatedly press A when the words first appear.

Unlimited Continues

In order to earn more continues, first earn all mini-games. Then, your play points will earn you extra continues. Increase the number of continues to 10, and voila - infinite continues.

Level Warp:

On Floor 2, look behind you from the starting point and roll up the small ramp there. Drop directly below it and you'll find the game's first alternate goal that can warp you ahead a few stages!

Free Point:

On the runway of Monkey Target, stop on the runway and wait about three seconds and get a free point.

Smack the Camera:

To smack the camera, choose Party games then select Monkey Fight. If you win you get a close up view of your character. Move your punching arm so that it faces you then press A. Note you can also smack other characters by making the arm face them. This must be done before you go flying upwards.

Music Off:

Do you find the elevator music annoying? Well, here's how to cut it off and hear nothing but pretty little birds and bugs in the background. At the Main Menu Screen, choose Options, then Sound. You'll hear the electric guitar followed by the familiar sound of the capturing of a banana. With a quick rotation of the joystick (180 degrees) ONCE, the guitar should be silent; all you should hear is the banana sound. You may have to try a couple of times. All modes of gameplay will be mute from here on out. ENJOY!

Thanks to Revolution readers Aydin, Curious George, code+cheat master again, Brandon, FreakinRicanNieves, Jack Reed and Trevor Dunkin!

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