Tak and The Power of Juju
All Extras Menu Codes:
Pause the game, then press Left, Right, B, B, X, X, Left, Right to enable all codes at the extras menu.All Juju Power-ups:
Pause the game, then press Up, Right, Left, Down, Y, X, B, Down to enable at the extras menu.All Plants:
Pause the game, then press B, Y, X, Left, Up, Right, Down, Down to enable at the extras menu.100 Feathers:
Pause the game, then press B, Y, X, B, Y, X, B, Y to enable at the extras menu.All Moonstones:
Pause the game, then press Y, Y, B, B, X, X, Left, Right to enable at the extras menu.All Yorbels:
Pause the game, then press Up, Y, Left, B, Right, X, Down, Up to enable at the extras menu.Nubu Plants Trick:
When you fight a Nubu Plant and die, notice that its HP stays from when you died. So you can continue taking off HP from where you left off.. Repeat this on all plants.
Thanks to Revolution reader MaTThU CgL!

Explore the galaxy in the franchise's first open-world game.