Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap, The GBA Cheats

Carbonatix Pre-Player Loader

Audio By Carbonatix

The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap

Gameboy Advance

Get the 4 Bottles:

(1) Go to the Trilby Highlands. Buy one from the Deku in the cave.

(2) Go to Hyrule Town. Shrink and go to the shop from mamas cafe. Then Grow, nab the bottle, then feed the dog in the house in lake Hylia.

(3) In your house, fuse with Master Smith. Go to the Eastern Hills, and search for the chest.

(4) Go to Eastern Hills and beat the Goron sidequest.

Swordsman Newsletter:

Fuse with the postman running around in Hyrule Town. A girl will then go into the Post Office and be next to the stamping guy. The Swordsman Newsletter will be available to buy, and each issue has tips to Hyrule's secret areas.

Extended Great Spin Attack:

First, get the flippers and all 8 Tiger Scrolls. Go to Mt. Crenel and fuse with the Swordsman Trainer, which will open a waterfall passage in Castor Wilds. Then fuse with the Swordsman Trainer in Lake Hylia to open another waterfall pass at North Hyrule Field. Finally, talk to both Swordsman Trainers in both of the passages you have opened.

Infinite Rupees:

After you obtain the Mole Mitts, go back to your house. In the little square field in front of your house, dig around your door. It should be in front of the mini well. When you dig, you'll get 20 rupees. Now go back inside your house, then go back outside, and dig in the same spot. Repeat as many times as you need to.

Get the Magic Boomerang:

Fuse with the Tingle Siblings in Royal Valley, Lon Lon Ranch, Lake Hylia, and South Hyrule Field. They will open a tre in North Hyrule Field, where you will find a switch for each sibling. Hit all of them to open the path to the Magic Boomerang.

Get the Three Goddess' Charms:

Get the Four Sword. Go to the Inn and fuse with Din. Go talk to Gorman and choose a Goddess that will give you a charm. She will go to th live in the house Gorman wanted to rent. Talk to the goddess in the house, and she will give you a charm in exchange for an Empty Bottle.

Get the Remote Bombs:

Go to Minish Village. Fuse with the Elder. Exit town through the NorthWest exit. Go into the house that has the Picori that gave you the bombs and he'll give you the upgrade.

Get the Mirror Shield:

Beat the game and The Goron Quest. Go to the final Goron (the sixth) and fuse with him. The Giant Goron will now be at the top of Veil Falls, where you have to let him eat the Shield. Come back later on, and the Mirror Shield is yours.

Get the Light Arrows:

This must be done before you beat the game: Go to the house with a yellow roof in the NorthWest portion of Hyrule town. Fuse with the man inside; doing so will open a portal to the Castle in Cloud Tops. Once inside, use th gust jar to suck up the evil ghost that Plagues the Old Man. Later on in the game, you will to the Cloud Tops. When you do, find the Old Man again and get the Light Arrows.

Tasty Extra Unlockables:

Carlov Medal Get all 136 Figurines
Open the Locked Hyrule House Get the original 130 Figurines
Sound Test Get all 130 Figurines, then go talk to the dude sitting at the outside table
Gold Tingle Statue Finish all Kinfusions, then go talk with Tingle


Thanks to Revolution readers Wiley Coraten and Naota Nabanda!

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