During game press TAB and enter CHEATPLEASE to enable the cheat mode. Then use following codes: Rune
GOD God Mode GHOST No Clipping FLY Fly Mode WALK Ghost/Fly Mode Off SUMMON (ITEM NAME)Summon Item (see below) OPEN (MAP NAME) Jump to Level SWITCHCOOPLEVEL (MAPNAME)Jump to Level with Items Already Acquired BEHINDVIEW 0 First Person View PLAYERSONLY Pauses All Non-Player Characters KILLPAWNS Kill All Enemies TOGGLEFULLSCREEN Full-Screen Mode On/Off PREFERENCES Advanced Options Use these commands for the Summon code. alric berserker baracuda beetle conrack cuttle crow babycrab giantcrab darkviking darkvikingsnow darkwarrior dwarfunderground dwarfwoodland dwarf2woodlandsmall dwarfwoodlandbig dwarfmech dwarfwara dwarfwarb dwarfwarc dwarfward dwarfware dwarfwarf dwarfbloack elder goblin goblincrazy goblinfemale goblinmohawk goblinwarrior goblinweakling eel jarl jellyfish karl lizard loki lokihead lokibust lokiguard manowar manowarbaby odin odinhead sarkaxe sarksword sarkhammer sarkspawn sarkconrack sigurd snowbeast snowbeastchained (won't attack anything but goblins) spiderbot stoneguard seabird sven tubestriker babytubestriker ulf (works ok) trainingulf (messes up the game when he dies) wolfgar zombie zombie2 DealieFishSchool PlayerAlric PlayerBerserker PlayerConrack PlayerDarkViking PlayerDarWarrior PlayerElder PalyerKarl PlayerLokiGuard PlayerSarkAxe PlayerSarkConrack PlayerSarkHammer PlayerSarkSpawn PlayerSarkSword PlayerSigurd PlayerSven PlayerUlf PlayerValkyrie PlayerWolfgar PlayerZombie PlayerZombie2 Ragnar RagnarFlight RagnarSnow SarkRagnar ShipWreckRagnar TownRagnar -------------------Item's RAIN SNOW FIRE HOTBOWL BENCH BONEBRIDGEBIG BONEBRIDGESMALL GONG LEGOMEAT1 LEGOMEAT2 LEGOMEAT3 STEIN HEAD SARKHEAD Darkdwarfbolt Lavachunk ------------------Decorations AnimalTrough Bench bOne BoneBridgeBig BoneBridgeSmall Bucket BurlapSack1 BurlapSack2 BurlapSack3 Chandelier DestroyRock Hotbowl IceChunk LavaChunk Raft Footbridge GibRedMedium GoblinMask GrainSack1 GrainSack2 GrainSack3 GrainSack4 GrainSack5 HangingChain HelChandelier Drum1 Drum2 DrumSide Gong Horn Keg KegWithTap 2pelvis Bush Bush2 Fruit_Tree GlowPlant GlowPlant1 GlowPlant2 GlowPlant3 GlowPlant4 GlowPlant5 PineTree PineTreeBrown PintTreeSnow Sappling SpongeMushroom SpongeMushroom1 SpongeMushroom2 SpongeMushroom3 SpongeMushroom4 SpongeMushroom5 Tree1 Plate Ribs RockAvalanche RockAvalancheHuge RockAvalancheLarge RockAvalancheMed RockAvalancheSmall RockHuge RockLarge RockMedium RockSmall Skin Skull StatueGoblin Stool StoolDwarf Tarp TarpFrame SeaWeed -------------------Shield's DarkShield DwarfBattleShield DwarfWoodShield GoblinShield MagicShield VikingShield VikingShieldCross VikingShield2 WatterloggedShield -------------------Weapon's goblinaxe GoblinAxePowerup handaxe siguardaxe VikingAxe boneclub DwarfBattleHammer DwarfWorkHammer RustyMace TrialPitMace DwarfBattleSword DwarfWorkSword romansword VikingBroadSword VikingShortSword Torch HelTorch -------------------Food HealthFruit1 HealthFruit2 LegOMeat1 LegOMeat2 LegOMeat3 Lizard Stein -------------------Rune's RuneOfHealth RuneOfPower RuneOfPowerRefill RuneOfStrength RuneOfStrengthRefill -------------------Dead Body's CarcassBabyCrab CarcassDangler CarcassDarkViking CarcassGiantCrab CarcassGoblin CarcassMechDwarf DrownedAlric DrownedKarl DrownedRagnar DrownedSven DrownedUlf DrownedWolfgar DwarfCarcass PlayerCarcass PlayerAlricCarcass PlayerBerserkerCarcass PlayerConrackCarcass PlayerDarkVikingCarcass PlayerDarkWarriorCarcass PlayerElderCarcass PlayerKarlCarcass PlayerLokiGuardCarcass PlayerRagnarSnowCarcass PlayerSarkAxeCarcass PlayerSarkConrackCarcass PlayerSarkHammerCarcass PlayerSarkSpawnCarcass PlayerSarkSwordCarcass PlayerShipWreckRagnarCarcass PlayerSigurdCarcass PlayerSvenCarcass PlayerTownRagnarCarcass PlayerTrialPitRagnarCarcass PlayerUlfCarcass PlayerValkyrieCarcass PlayerWolfgarCarcass PlayerZombie2Carcass PlayerZombieCarcass RagnarCarcass SnowbeastChainedCarcass ZombieCarcass -------------------Arm's & Head's AxeSarkArm BerserkerLArm BerserkerRArm ConrackLArm ConrackRArm CrabClaw CrabLeg DarkVikingLArm DarkVikingRArm ElderArm GoblinLArm GoblinRArm GuardLArm GuardRArm KarlLArm KArlRArm MechArm MechBladeArm RagnarLArm RagnarRArm SarkArm SarkConArm SarkHammerArm SarkRagnarArm SarkSwordArm SigurdLArm SigurdRArm SnowRagnarArm TownRagnarArm TrialRagnarArm TTongue WarDwarfLArm WarDwarfRArm WolfLArm WolfRArm WomanArm WoodDwarfLArm WoodDwarfRArm ZombieLArm ZombieRArm AlricHead BeserkerHead ConrackHead DarkVikingHead ElderHead GoblinBHead GoblinCHead GoblinDHead GoblinEHead GoblinHead GuardHead KarlHead RagnarHead SarkAxeHead SarkConrackHead SarkHammerHead SarkHead SarkRagnarHead SarkSwordHead SvenHead TownRagnarHead TrialRagnarHead UlfHead WarDwarfAHead WarDwarfBHead WarDwarfCHead WarDwarfDHead WarDwarfEHead WarDwarfFHead WolfHead WomanHead WoodDwarfAHead WoodDwarfBHead WoodDwarfCHead ZombieHead -------------------Special Effects BlastGlow BlastRadius BloodDrips BloodDrips2 BloodSpot BloodSpot2 BloodUnderwater BloodWaterSurface Coronared DealieLight DebrisFlesh DebrisIce DebrisStone DebrisWood EatenLegBone EatenLizard EmptyStein Fruit_Core Fruit_Core2 EffectSkelAvalancheSword EffectSkelBlast EffectSkelEmpathyAxe EffectSkelFlameSword EffectSkelGibAxe EffectSkelGroundHammer EffectSkelIceAxe EffectSkelLightningSword EffectSkelSonicClub EffectSkelStoneHammer EffectSkelTrialMace EffectSkelVampire FireRadius FireSwordEffect FalshCycle FlashFade ManowarEffect MudGlob MudGlob2 MudSplat OdinEyeBlast ProtectionSphere ProtSphereDamage RagnarOnBeetle SarkEyeAxe SarkEyeConrack SarkEyeHammer SarkEyeNone SarkEyeRagnar SarkEyeRagnarRed SarkEyeSword ZombieEye SarkEyeFlame SarkRagnarEyeFlame Sigil SigilFlameSword SigilLightningSword SonicBlast SonicBlastHighlight SonicClubEffect TrialPitFire ZombieEyeFlame DanglerLight DarkDwarfBolt LightningSwordBeam Rope ClimbableChain ClimbableVine TreeFern TreeGrow BlazeEffect BlinkingLight Blood BloodSpray GreenBloodSpray BloodSpurt BlueTrail Breath BreathLight BrownDust DarkDwarfBlast DarkDwarfExplosion DebrisCloud DrippingBlood EmpathyFlash Explosion BigFire PawnFire RespawnFire SmallFire TorchFire TrailFire ZombieChangeFire FireRays GlowplantSparks GroundDust BloodMist SarkBlood Mist HitSpark HitIce HitMetal HitWeapon HitWood HitStone HugeSplash IceAxeEffect LokiEffect MechRocket MechRocketEffect MechRocketExplosion MechRocketSmoke MechRocketTrail MushroomPuff OdinEffect PowerUp Rain RainSplash Ripple DropRipple ManowarRipple MudRipple ripple2 RuneSpheresBerserker RuneSpheresBerserker2 RuneSpheresHealth RuneSpheresPower RuneSpheresPower2 SeekerTrail Smoke BlackSmoke GreySmoke Snow Sparks WaterFallSplash SteamBlast StoneHammerEffect SwipeEffect VampireReplenish WaterFallFog WaterFallSpray WeaponHelix HelixEmpathy ZombieBreath Torch Map Names: intro (intro movie) ragnarvillage (begin movie) ragnarvillage2 sailingship (level transition) sinkingship sinkingship2 deepunder1odin deepunder1odinbv deepunder3 deepunder4 hel1 hel1a hel1a2 hel1b hell2end hel3a hel3b hellift goblin1 goblin2 trialpit beetlefly (level transition) thorapproach thor1 thormap3 thormap4a thormap4b thormap5a thormap5b thormap6loki mountain1 mountain2 dwarftrans dwarf1wwheel dwarfmap2 dwarfmap3a dwarfmap3b dwarfmap5a dwarfmap5b dwarfmap6darkdwarf loki1 loki1a lokimaze loki2 loki3a loki3b villageruin asgard (end movie)
Hints From The Mighty Sal Magicpants!
A Smart Viking:
Different creatures in the Rune universe will fight with each other. Waiting
to take care of the remaining enemies makes Ragnar's job a little easier.Know When to Fold Em...:
The key to a low death count in multiplayer is to know when to run and seek
food (or preferably a Blue Rune). Also a good understanding of the layout of
each map really helps.Sneaky Bloodluster:
In multiplayer on the Hildir map, you don't need to ring the gong to raise the
Bloodlust. Just go over to where it rises and grab it through the floor.Get That Crap Out of Here:
When a weapon is thrown at you, if timed correctly you can use your weapon to
knock the thrown projectile out of the air. Cool!It's All in the Wrist:
The Dwarven Work Sword (or "Curvey Sword") can kill a man (or Maiden)
with a single blow no-matter how big their life-bar is. All it takes is a well
timed Jump-&-Spin strike.The Disappearing Act:
In the Game Options, if you turn on "Dodging" you'll be able to Double
Tap in any direction to quickly leap or dodge in that direction. Very helpful.Super-deformed Viking:
Add "ducking" to your list of dodging maneuvers. It may save your
neck, literally.The Big Secret:
If you join a server that Sal Magicpants is in, and you have not made out a
'Will' just yet, leave the that server immediately. Sal is one decapitation-happy
sword-swinging Viking.
Thanks to Revolution readers!

Explore the galaxy in the franchise's first open-world game.