StarCraft Mac Cheats



To use a cheat code, press the enter key, type in the code, and press enter

again. The message “Cheat Code Enabled” should appear. Note that

these codes only work in single-player missions.

     Code                                Effect      
Power overwhelming                  Enables God Mode
Show me the money                   Gives you 10,000 gas and 10,000 crystals

Operation CWAL                      Speeds up construction of buildings and units

The Gathering                       Gives unlimited energy to all casting units

Game over man                       Ends your game as a loss

Staying Alive                       Prevents the mission from ending due to victory or defeat

There is no cow level               Completes the current mission

Whats mine is mine                  Free minerals

Breathe deep                        Free Vespene Gas

Something for nothing               Gives all upgrades

Black Sheep Wall                    Shows entire map

Medieval man                        Free upgrades to units

Modify the phase variance           Ability to build all buildings

War aint what it used to be         Disables fog of war

Food for thought                    Ability to build units beyond the support limit

Ophelia                             Enable level skipping cheat. *Note: Then enter the 
                                    mission you want to skip to (i.e., "terran10") 

Thanks to Revolution reader Dustin!

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