Pokemon Puzzle League
Trademark Taunts:
First you need two players. Next go into any two player mode. Then the first
person to choose a character can press the A button again and again to hear
different trademark taunts.
Unlock Extra Hard Mode:
Enter the following at the Game Settings Screen: Hold Z and press L, L,
A, and B.
Unlock Richie, Giovanni, Lorelie, and Bruno:
Select 2 player mode and when you get into the Player Select Screen on both
controllers hold Z and push both L and R buttons at the same time. First
you have to get the Key from the Spa Service by beating Giovanni.
Unlock Everything:
Go to the title screen hold Z and press A, B, R, A, A, B, R, A. This will
enable everything, just look at the Puzzle University
Player 2 as Mewtwo For Player 2:
Play a 2 player game and on the Player Select Screen on controller 1 hold
Z and push B, Up, L, B, A, Start, A, Up, R.
Levels 51-99:
In the Marathon Mode you can go up to the levels 51-99. On the start screen
of the game (Where they show Ash with Bulbasaur,Squirtle, and Pikachu).
Hold Z and push B, A, L, L.
Pokemon Box Remover:
Go to the profile menu and check any trainer. Select the pokemon in this
order. 1st/3rd/2nd/and the trainer 2 times. Press B and select any trainer.
The box will be gone until you A)Press B B)Go to the trainer C)Press L/R
Thanks to Revolution readers Steven Smilowski, Steven Smilowski, Michael
Fowlkes, Steven Smilowski, Gary Yoways and Steven Sterling!