Top Gear Overdrive
To enter the following codes, go to the Main Menu. Highlight the menu options
in the order shown below by selecting it with the analog stick, and press Z
to confirm each menu option selection. A smiling face should appear at the bottom
of the screen to confirm proper entry…
All Standard Cars: Credits, Championship, Championship, Versus All Standard and Bonus Cars: Credits, Credits, Versus, Credits, Setup, Championship, Championship, Championship, Versus Begin in Season 4: Versus, Championship, Championship, Credits, Setup, Setup, Championship Begin in Season 5: Setup, Championship, Credits, Versus, Versus, Setup, Championship, Versus, Credits, Championship Begin in Season 6: Credits, Setup, Versus, Championship, Championship, Credits, Championship, Versus, Setup, Championship, Credits, Setup, Setup Ending Credits: Setup, Setup, Championship, Versus Hot Dog car: Credits, Versus, Setup, Championship, Versus, Versus Nintendo Power car: Championship, Credits, Versus, Setup, Versus, Championship, Setup, Credits Nintendo logo car: Credits, Versus, Versus, Championship, Credits, Championship, Versus, Championship, Credits, Setup, Versus, Setup
Bonus Cars:
Complete all six seasons to unlock four extra cars: the Hot Dog, Taco car, Nintendo
Power Magazine car, and Nintendo logo on wheels.
Pony In a Glass Case:
When you get the “taco” car play the 6th season (with the taco car) 3 times
and you will get a “pony in a glass case” car.
Thanks to Revolution readers David and Joey, Cam Groves, Matt H., Viper, TyerM316,
Brendan, wasyl golyk and Chris Waugh!