Act of War: Direct Action PC Cheats

Act of War: Direct Action


New Camera Angle:

While playing a Skirmish game, hit Enter and type "bigbrother", press CTRL + SHIFT + J, then you may use your mouse wheel to zoom in and out.

Press Enter and type in the codes:

fortknox Get $1000
ineedalltechnos You may build any building
keyholemaster Reveal Map
yeepeekaye Shoot a falling star
bringoutthedead Ambulance
motherrussia M80 Tank
blackhawkdown Anti-air Missile
coolihaveanewcar CIA Armored Van
swatatyourorders SWAT
ymca US Cop
greenjelly UK Cop
coolimthepresident US President
duckhunt Flying Duck

Thanks to Revolution readers nubrin, Tyr, and Ed Simpson!
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