City of Heroes PC Cheats

City of Heroes


Alter Your Font Color:

(1) Type / bind without the space

(2) Then enter:

beginchat <color XXXXXX><bgcolor XXXXXX><bordercolor XXXXXX>

Change the XXXXXX with color names or hex values with a # before the value. See HERE for a hex color value chart.

When using hex values, put a pair of extra numbers, 0 thru 9, that will vary window-aspect transparancy.

NPC Info:

If you click on one of 7 different NPC's they may give you additional useful status information, depending which letter their names begin with. It may take a couple of clicks on the same NPC, but they'll cough up the info you want eventually.

K How much damage you have done today
J How many times you have used your powers today
N Amount of times you've logged in with your hero
O Duration of time you have been logged in with your hero
G Amount of heroes in your current zone
H Randomly deals out names of heroes in your current zone
F In-Game time
E Real-World time

Thanks to Revolution readers Hearth and Mark Gracie!

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