Diablo II: Lord of Destruction FAQ/Skill Guide

Diablo 2 Expansion Pack skill guide and FAQ

Version 1.1.1	07-09-01
Calvin Schneider	BuckBagger84@aol.com
This FAQ is Copyright 2001 Calvin Schneider

1.  Version History
2.A Druid Shapeshifting Skills
  B Druid Elemental Skills
  C Druid Summoning Skills
3.A Assassin Martial Arts Skills
  B Assassin Show Disciplines
  C Assassin Traps
4.  Act V Walkthru
5.  FAQ (coming soon)
6.  Future Plans
7.  Legal
8.  List of sites this is posted at.
9.  Anything else I've forgotten

Version 1.1.1 Just a small, quick update.
Version 1.1 The Act V walkthru is complete! It took a less time
than I expected. I'm going to add a bit more detail to it eventually
though. More 20+ skills done too. The next update probly won't come
out for a week or two.
Version 1.0 Well, this update came a lot sooner because I found the
level and experience address (I hex-hacked my save file to get all
of the skill levels) so now, all skills are in. Plus I added a few 20+
Version 0.9 First release, all Druid skills are in.
Version 0.0 Not released, checked for typos.

2.A Druid Shapeshifting skills

Required Level: 1
Prerequisites: None
Description: Allows you to transform into a Werewolf
Mana: 40
Duration: 40 Seconds
Life: +35%
Stamina: +25%

Level 	Attack Speed +%		Attack Rating +%
1 		20			50
2 		28			65
3 		35			80
4 		40			65
5 		45			110
6 		48			125
7 		51			140
8 		53			155
9 		56			170
10 		57			185
11 		59			200
12 		61			215
13 		62			230
14 		63			245
15 		64			260
16 		66			275
17 		66			290
18 		67			305
19 		68			320
20 		68			335
21		69			350
22		70			365

Pros: Well, other than being a pretty cool spell, In werewolf form,
you life is increased a lot and at high levels, your attack rating
is extraordinarily high. Also, the attack skills you can use in
Werewolf form will add even more effects.
Cons: You can't cast any elemental spells.

Lycanthropy (Passive)
Required Level: 1
Prerequisites: Werewolf
Description: Adds to the duration and to you maximum life while in
Werewolf and Werebear form

Level			Max Life +%		Duration +Sec
1 			20			40
2 			25			50
3 			30			80
4 			35			100
5 			40			120
6 			45			140
7 			50			160
8 			55			180
9 			60			200
10 			65			220
11 			70			240
12 			75			260
13 			80			280
14 			85			300
15 			90			320
16 			95			340
17 			100			360
18 			105			380
19 			110			400
20 			115			420
21			120			440
22			125			460
23			130			480
24			135			500
25			140			520

Pros: Adds to your life and to how long you can stay transformed
Cons: Hey, who can complain about more life and more transform time?

Required Level: 6
Prerequisites: None
Description: Allows you to transform into a Werebear
Mana: 15
Duration: 40 Seconds
Life: +100%

Level			Damage +%	Defense +%
1			50		25
2 			57		30
3 			64		35
4 			71		40
5 			78		45
6 			85		50
7 			92		55
8 			99		60
9 			106		65
10 			113		70
11 			120		75
12 			127		80
13 			134		85
14 			141		90
15 			148		95
16 			155		100
17 			162		105
18 			169		110
19 			176		115
20 			183		120

Pros: Once again, other than being a very cool spell, not only your
damage, but also your defense is boosted way up. The attack skills
for this spell are also very cool
Cons: You can't cast any elemental spells.

Required Level: 12
Prerequisites: Werebear
Description: Claw your enemies and possibly stun them. Adds to your
attack rating and damage after each successful hit.
Mana: 3 per hit
Duration of Dam/Atk Bonus: 20 seconds
Damage Bonus Increase per hit: +20%
Attack Bonus Increase per hit: 3%

Level		Damage +%	Attack +%	Stun Length (sec)
1 		25-75		20		1.7-2.8
2 		25-75		30		1.7-3.2
3 		25-125		40		1.7-3.2
4 		25-125		50		1.7-3.4
5 		25-150		60		1.7-3.4
6 		25-150		70		1.7-3.7
7 		25-175		80		1.7-3.7
8 		25-175		90		1.7-3.9
9 		25-200		100		1.7-3.9
10 		25-200		110		1.7-4.0
11 		25-225		120		1.7-4.0
12 		25-225		130		1.7-4.2
13 		25-250		140		1.7-4.2
14 		25-250		150		1.7-4.4
15 		25-275		160		1.7-4.4
16 		25-275		170		1.7-4.5
17 		25-300		180		1.7-4.5
18 		25-300		190		1.7-4.6
19 		25-325		200		1.7-4.6
20 		25-325		210		1.7-4.7

Pros: Adds a good amount of damage and attack to the Werebears
already  heavy damage. The stun ability is also handy.
Cons: There are attack skills much better than this one, but with a
couple of points in it, it's useful until you get a better attack.

Feral Rage
Required Level: 12
Prerequisites: Werewolf
Description: At you attack with this skill, you gain more life and
with each successful hit.
Mana: 3
Duration: 20 sec

Level	Damage +%	Attack +%	Life Steal %	Walk/Run Speed +%
1 	50		20		4-12			19-31
2 	55		30		4-16			19-36
3 	60		40		4-16			19-36
4 	65		50		4-20			19-40
5 	70		60		4-20			19-40
6 	75		70		4-24			19-43
7 	80		80		4-24			19-43
8 	85		90		4-28			19-45
9 	90		100		4-28			19-45
10 	95		110		4-32			19-47
11 	100		120		4-32			19-47
12 	105		130		4-36			19-49
13 	110		140		4-36			19-49
14 	115		150		4-40			19-50
15 	120		160		4-40			19-50
16 	125		170		4-44			19-52
17 	130		180		4-44			19-52
18 	135		190		4-48			19-53
19 	140		200		4-48			19-53
20 	145		210		4-52			19-55

Pros: Life stealing and a speed bonus are both great.
Cons: Like with the Werebears maul, there are better attacks than

Fire Claws
Required Level: 18
Prerequisites: Werewolf, Werebear, Feral Rage, Maul
Description: Adds fire damage and adds to your attack rating.
Mana: 4

Level		Fire Damage		Attack +%
1 		15-20			50
2 		21-26			65
3 		27-32			80
4 		33-38			95
5 		39-44			110
6 		45-50			125
7 		51-56			140
8 		57-62			155
9 		69-75			170
10 		81-86			185
11 		93-98			200
12 		105-110			215
13 		117-122			230
14 		126-135			245
15 		141-146			260
16 		153-158			275
17 		173-178			290
18 		193-198			305
19 		213-218			320
20 		233-238			335

Pros: Good for when you're in higher difficulties and encounter a
monster who is immune to physical attacks
Cons: It would be nice if it added more than just fire damage.

Required Level: 18
Prerequisites: Werewolf, Feral Rage
Description: Adds poison damage to your attacks.
Mana: 10
Poison Duration: 4 Seconds.

Level		Poison Damage	Attack +%
1 		18-43		50
2 		31-56		57
3 		43-68		64
4 		56-81		71
5 		68-93		78
6 		81-106		85
7 		93-118		92
8 		106-131		99
9 		121-146		106
10		137-162		113
11 		153-178		120
12 		168-193		127
13 		184-209		134
14 		200-225		141
15 		215-240		148
16 		231-256		155
17 		250-275		162
18 		268-293		169
19 		287-312		176
20 		306-331		183

Pros: Poison damage is great. Especially when it's 331 poison damage!
Cons: The attack bonus is also less than on the other attack skill.
Also, I don't see why a bear couldn't get rabies either! :)

Shock Wave
Required Level: 24
Prerequisites: Werebear, Maul
Description: Stuns and damages nearby enemies.
Mana: 7

Level		Damage	Stun Length (Sec)
1 		10-20		1.6
2 		13-23		2.2
3 		16-26		2.8
4 		19-29		3.4
5 		22-32		4
6 		25-35		4.6
7 		28-38		5.2
8 		31-41		5.8
9 		36-46		6.4
10 		41-51		7
11 		46-56		7.6
12 		51-61		8.2
13 		56-66		8.8
14 		61-71		9.4
15 		66-76		10
16 		71-81		10.6
17 		78-88		11.2
18 		85-95		11.8
19 		92-102		12.4
20 		99-109		13

Pros: Has a VERY long stun length at high levels
Cons: By the time you get the skill, a damage of 10 to 20 isn't very

Required Level: 24
Prerequisites: Werewolf, Werebear, Feral Rage, Maul, Fire Claws
Description: Steals life and mana, adds to your attack rating but,
lowers your damage.
Mana: 3
Damage: -90% (remember, that's MINUS 90%)

Level 		Attack +%	Life/Mana Steal %
1 		50			187
2 		60			217
3 		70			240
4 		80			260
5 		90			275
6 		100			287
7 		110			297
8 		120			305
9 		130			315
10 		140			320
11 		150			327
12 		160			332
13 		170			337
14 		180			342
15 		190			345
16 		200			350
17 		210			352
18 		220			355
19 		230			357
20 		240			360

Pros: WOW, that's a lot of life and mana to steal.
Cons: The damage modifier is a BIG con. The biggest boosts, as usual,
are in the first few levels. I'd recommend only putting 3 or 4 points
into this.

Required Level: 30
Prerequisites: Werewolf, Feral Rage, Rabies
Description: Attack multiple enemies and increase attack rating
and damage
Mana: 4

Level		Hits		Attack +%		Damage +%
1 		2		50			100
2 		3		57			117
3 		4		64			134
4 		5		71			151
5 		5		78			168
6 		5		85			185
7 		5		92			202
8 		5		99			219
9 		5		106			236
10 		5		113			253
11 		5		120			270
12 		5		127			287
13 		5		134			304
14 		5		141			321
15 		5		148			338
16 		5		155			355
17 		5		162			372
18 		5		169			389
19 		5		176			406
20 		5		183			423

Pros: It's almost exactly like the Paladins Zeal attack, it's nice
to hit more than once with one click.
Con: Only 5 hits. (although, I can remember missing 20 times with the
Paladins Zeal attack too)

2.B Druid Elemental Skills
Required Level: 1
Prerequisites: None
Description: Shoot waves of fire out at your enemies
Mana: 4

Level		Fire Dam/Sec
1		3-7
2		7-10
3		10-14
4		14-17
5		17-21
6		21-24
7		24-28
8		28-31
9		32-36
10		37-41
11		42-45
12		46-50
13		51-55
14		56-59
15		60-64
16		65-69
17		71-75
18		77-80
19		82-86
20		89-92
22		100-104

Pros: It's a decent low-level spell.
Cons: Not much damage, not very accurate.

Molten Boulder
Required Level: 6
Prerequisites: Firestorm
Description: Rolls a ball of fire towards your enemies.

Level		Mana		Fire Dam/Sec
1		10		11-16
2		10.5		19-24
3		11		28-32
4		11.5		36-41
5		12		44-49
6		12		52-57
7		13		60-65
8		13		69-73
9		14		79-84
10		14		90-94
11		15		100-105
12		15		111-116
13		16		121-126
14		16		132-137
15		17		142-147
16		17		153-158
17		18		166-171
18		18		179-183
19		19		192-196
20		19		205-209
21		20
22		20		230-236

Pros: Good damage, explodes after a while
Cons: Rolls very slow. In other words, it doesn't hit too often.

Arctic Blast
Required Level: 6
Prerequisites: None
Description: The cold damage version of the Sorceresses Inferno

Level	Mana/Sec   Cold Dam/Sec    Cold Length (Sec)      Range (yd.)
1	4		8-15		4			5.3
2	5		14-21		4.6			6
3	6		20-28		5.2			6
4	7		26-34		5.8			6.6
5	7		33-40		6.6			6.6
6	8		39-46		6.8			7.3
7	9		45-53		7			7.3
8	10		51-59		7.2			8
9	10		58-66		7.6			8
10	11		65-72		7.8			8.6
11	12		71-79		8			8.6
12	13		78-85		8.4			9.3
13	14		85-92		8.8			9.3
14	14		91-99		9.2			10
15	15		98-105		9.6			10
16	16		105-112		10			10.6
17	17		112-119		10.4			10.6
18	17		119-126		10.8			11.3
19	18		126-133		11.2			11.3
20	19		133-140		11.6			12
21	20		140-147		12			12
22					12.8			12.8
23	21		154-161		12.8			12.8

Pros: Good range once it gets points in it, plus, decent damage and
it freezes your enemies.
Cons: Lots of mana/sec when it gets into high levels. Might not do
A lot in Nightmare and Hell

Required Level: 12
Prerequisites: Firestorm, Molten Boulder
Description: Opens cracks in the ground, burning your enemies.
Mana: 15
Duration: 3.2 Seconds.

Level		Fire Dam/Sec
1		15-25
2		21-31
3		27-37
4		33-43
5		39-49
6		45-55
7		51-61
8		57-67
9		69-79
10		81-91
11		93-103
12		105-115
13		117-127
14		129-139
15		141-151
16		153-163
17		169-179
18		185-195
19		201-211
20		217-227
22		249-259

Pros: Good damage.
Cons: Doesn't last long, not always accurate, doesn't span a
large area.

Cyclone Armor
Required Level: 12
Prerequisites: Arctic Blast
Description: Creates a shield protecting you from elemental
Level		Mana		Dam. Absorbed
1		5		40
2		6		42
3		7		64
4		8		76
5		9		88
6		10		100
7		11		112
8		12		124
9		13		136
10		14		148
11		15		160
12		16		172
13		17		185
14		18		196
15		19		208
16		20		220
17		21		232
18		22		244
19		23		256
20		24		268

Pros: It's a shield spell, and it absorbs some damage.
Cons: It's your only shield spell, and it absorbs only fire,
cold and lightning damage

Required Level: 18
Prerequisites: Arctic Blast, Cyclone Armor
Description: Shoots small tornadoes towards your enemies damaging,
and stunning them
Mana: 7
Stun Length: .4 Sec

Level		Damage
1		6-8
2		8-10
3		10-12
4		12-14
5		14-16
6		16-18
7		18-20
8		20-22
9		23-25
10		27-29
11		30-32
12		34-36
13		37-39
14		41-43
15		44-46
16		48-50
17		52-54
18		57-59
19		61-63
20		66-68

Pros: It stuns for a little while.
Cons: Low damage, hard to hit your enemies.

Required Level: 24
Prerequisites: Firestorm, Molten Boulder, Fissure
Description: Opens up a volcano which spews fire.
Mana: 25

Level		Fire Damage
1		15-20
2		19-24
3		23-28
4		27-32
5		31-36
6		35-40
7		39-44
8		43-48
9		51-56
10		59-64
11		67-72
12		75-80
13		83-88
14		91-96
15		99-104
16		107-112
17		119-124
18		131-139
19		143-148
20		155-160

Pros: It's an area attack.
Cons: Low damage, high mana.

Required Level: 24
Prerequisites: Arctic Blast, Cyclone Armor, Twister
Description: throw out a tornado towards your enemies.
Mana: 10

Level		Damage
1		25-35
2		33-43
3		41-51
4		49-59
5		57-67
6		65-75
7		73-85
8		81-91
9		95-105
10		109-119
11		123-133
12		137-147
13		151-161
14		165-175
15		179-189
16		193-203
17		213-223
18		233-243
19		253-263
20		273-283

Pros: Good Damage
Cons: Hard to aim.

Required Level: 30
Prerequisites: Arctic Blast, Cyclone Armor, Twister, Tornado
Description: A hurricane surrounds your druid, heavily damaging
any enemies around you.
Mana: 30
Duration: 10 seconds
Radius: 5.3 yards

Level		Damage
1		25-50
2		32-57
3		39-64
4		46-71
5		53-78
6		60-85
7		67-92
8		74-99
9		84-109
10		94-119
11		104-129
12		114-139
13		124-149
14		134-159
15		144-169
16		154-179
17		166-191
18		178-203
19		190-215
20		202-227

Pros: Good damage, hits everyone right around you.
Cons: Doesn't really last that long, also any monsters with a
range attack may be outside of the radius.

Required Level: 30
Prerequisites: Firestorm, Molten Boulder, Arctic Blast, Fissure,
Cyclone Armor, Twister, Tornado, Volcano, Hurricane
Description: Rains down fire around you, that will move with you
Mana: 35
Duration:10 Seconds
Radius: 5.3 yards

Level		Fire Dam/Sec
1		25-75
2		40-90
3		55-105
4		70-120
5		85-135
6		100-150
7		115-165
8		130-180
9		150-200
10		170-220
11		190-240
12		210-260
13		230-280
14		250-300
15		270-320
16		290-340
17		315-365
18		340-390
19		365-415
20		390-440

Pros: Great damage, follows you around.
Cons: Nothing really bad about this skill, could last a bit
longer though.

2.C Druid Summoning skills

Required Level: 1
Prerequisites: None
Description: Summon ravens who attack your enemies.
Mana: 6

Level		Ravens		Hits		Damage
1		1		12		2-4
2		2		13		3-6
3		3		14		4-7
4		4		15		5-8
5		5		16		6-9
6		5		17		7-10
7		5		18		8-11
8		5		19		9-12
9		5		20		10-13
10		5		21		11-14
11		5		22		12-15
12		5		23		13-16
13		5		24		14-17
14		5		25		15-18
15		5		26		16-19
16		5		27		17-20
17		5		28		18-21
18		5		29		19-22
19		5		30		20-23
20		5		31		21-24
21		5		32		22-24

Pros: ONE POINT is all that is needed, this spell isn't worth any
more. It's a good spell for about 3 seconds
Cons: Everything

Poison Creeper
Required Level: 1
Prerequisites: None
Description: A vine slinks underground and will poison enemies.
Mana: 8

Level		Life		Poison Dam/4 Sec.
1		15		4-6
2		18		7-8
3		2		10-11
4		24		12-15
5		27		15-17
6		30		18-19
7		33		21-22
8		36		23-25
9		39		28-30
10		42		33-34
11		45		37-39
12		48		42-44
13		51		47-48
14		54		51-53
15		57		56-58
16		60		61-62
17		63		67-68
18		66		73-74
19		69		78-80
20		72		84-86

Pros: Good in the beginning, and if you keep putting skills points
into it, it will be good for quite a while, but it the other vines
are better
Cons: Not much life

Oak Sage
Required Level: 6
Prerequisites: None
Description: summon a spirit to increase your life and the life
of your companions.

Level		Mana		Life		Life +%
1		15		30		30
2		16		39		35
3		17		48		40
4		18		57		45
5		19		66		50
6		20		75		55
7		21		84		60
8		22		93		65
9		23		102		70
10		24		111		75
11		25		120		80
12		26		129		85
13		27		138		90
14		28		147		95
15		29		156		100
16		30		165		105
17		31		174		110
18		32		183		115
19		33		192		120
20		34		201		125

Pros: This is a great spell, at max, it more than doubles your life.
Cons: Doesn't do anything else.

Summon Spirit Wolf
Required Level: 6
Prerequisites: Raven
Description: Allows you to summon up to 5 Spirit Wolves to help you
in battle, also adds a passive increase to Attack and Defense to your
other wolf and bear summons
Mana: 15
Life: 35
						Passive		Passive
Level		Wolves		Damage		Atk. +%		Def. +%
1		1		2-6		50		50
2		2		3-7		60		60
3		3		4-8		70		70
4		4		6-9		80		80
5		5		7-10		90		90
6		5		8-12		100		100
7		5		9-13		110		110
8		5		10-14		120		120
9		5		13-16		130		130
10		5		15-19		140		140
11		5		18-21		150		150
12		5		20-24		160		160
13		5		22-26		170		170
14		5		25-28		180		180
15		5		27-31		190		190
16		5		30-33		200		200
17		5		34-38		210		210
18		5		39-43		220		220
19		5		44-48		230		230
20		5		49-52		240		240

Pros: Great spell, even when you get Dire Wolf, this spell will still
add to the attack and defense of your wolves and bears.
Cons: It does get quickly replaced by Dire Wolf.

Carrion Vine
Required Level: 12
Prerequisites: Poison Creeper
Description: A vine that eats the corpses of your fallen enemies, giving
you life.

Level		Life		Heals +%
1		47		4
2		56		5
3		65		6
4		75		6
5		84		7
6		94		7
7		103		8
8		112		8
93		122		8
10		131		9
11		141		9
12		150		9
13		159		9
14		169		9
15		178		10
16		188		10
17		197		10
18		206		10
19		216		10
20		225		10
21		235		10

Pros: It gives you life and, in Act V, if it eats the corpses have
those pesky undead guys, they can't come back to life.
Cons: Doesn't give you much life.

Heart of Wolverine
Required Level: 18
Prerequisites: Oak Sage
Description: Increases your and your parties attack rating and damage.
Radius: 20 Yards

Level		Mana	Life		Damage +%	Attack +%
1		20	68		20		25
2		21	81		27		32
3		22	95		34		39
4		23	108		41		46
5		24	122		48		53
6		25	136		55		60
7		26	149		62		67
8		27	163		69		74
9		28	176		76		81
10		29	190		83		88
11		30	204		90		95
12		31	217		97		102
13		32	231		105		109
14		33	244		111		116
15		34	258		118		123
16		35	258		125		130
17		36	285		132		137
18		37	299		139		144
19		38	312		146		151
20		39	326		153		158

Pros: Adds a good amount of damage and attack rating, plus it lasts
A lot better than the Oak Sage because of the increased life.
Cons: Increases are a lot less in high levels, I'd only put a max
of 10 points in this one.

Summon Dire Wolf
Required Level: 18
Prerequisites: Raven, Oak Sage, Summon Spirit Wolf
Description: Summon up to 3 Dire Wolves and adds a passive
increase to life of other Wolves and Grizzly bear.
Mana: 20

				Passive Life +%
Level	Wolves		Life	(Wolves & Bears)		Damage
1	1		85		50			8-14
2	2		91		60			10-16
3	3		96		70			13-19
4	3		102		80			15-21
5	3		108		90			18-24
6	3		114		100			20-26
7	3		119		110			22-28
8	3		125		120			25-31
9	3		131		130			28-34
10	3		136		140			32-38
11	3		142		150			36-42
12	3		148		160			39-45
13	3		153		170			43-49
14	3		159		180			46-52
15	3		165		190			50-56
16	3		171		200			54-60
17	3		176		210			61-67
18	3		182		220			68-74
19	3		188		230			75-81
20	3		193		240			82-88

Pros: This is much better than Spirit Wolf, even though you can only
have 3, instead of 5. Plus this also increases the life of your
wolves and bears.
Cons: You can only have 3 of them and they don't attack for a whole
lot, although that isn't a major drawback.

Solar Creeper
Required Level: 24
Prerequisites: Poison Creeper, Carrion Vine
Description: Summons a vine that eats corpses and increases your mana
recovery rate

Level		Mana		Life		Mana Recovery %
1		14		82		2
2		15		98		2
3		16		114		3
4		17		131		4
5		18		147		4
6		19		164		4
7		20		180		5
8		21		196		5
9		22		213		5
10		23		229		5
11		24		246		5
12		25		262		6
13		26		278		6
14		27		295		6
15		28		311		6
16		29		328		6
17		30		344		6
18		31		360		6
19		32		377		6
20		33		393		6

Pros: Speeds your mana recovery, plain and simple, and, in Act V,
if it eats the corpses of those pesky undead guys, than they can't
come back to life.

Spirit of Barbs
Required Level: 30
Prerequisites: Oak Sage, Heart of Wolverine
Description: Summons a spirit which reflects damage back upon the
attacker, much (well almost exactly) like the Paladins Thorn aura.

Level		Mana		Life		% Damage returned
1		25		106		50
2		26		127		60
3		27		148		70
4		28		169		80
5		29		190		90
6		30		212		100
7		31		233		110
8		32		254		120
9		33		275		130
10		34		296		140
11		35		318		150
12		36		339		160
13		37		360		170
14		38		381		180
15		39		402		190
16		40		424		200
17		41		445		210
18		42		466		220
19		43		487		230
20		44		508		240

Pros: Great for those enemies with a lot of hp, takes 'em down
real nice.
Cons: You can't have any other spirits out, just the one.

Summon Grizzly
Required Level: 30
Prerequisites: Raven, Oak Sage, Summon Spirit Wolf, Summon Dire Wolf
Description: Summon a Bear to fight for you. Also, it increases
damage of bears and wolves.
Mana: 40
Life: 213
				Passive Damage +%
Level		Damage		(to Wolves and Bears)
1		37-75		25
2		52-91		30
3		67-108		35
4		84-126		40
5		101-145		45
6		120-165		50
7		139-186		55
8		160-208		60
9		189-239		65
10		221-272		70
11		253-306		75
12		288-342		80
13		323-379		85
14		361-418		90
15		399-458		95
16		440-500		100
17		492-553		105
18		546-609		110
19		602-666		115
20		660-726		120

3.A Assassin Martial Arts Skills
	Note that the charge level will be abbreviated as C1, C2
or C3. Also, the all Charge-up skills are listed first.

Tiger Strike
Required Level: 1
Prerequisites: None
Description: The "charge-up" skills allows you to save up "charges" for use
with a finishing move. The attacks themselves have normal damage, but the
modifiers are added to the finishing move you use. This applies for all
charge up skills.
This skill simple adds to the damage and to your attack rating for the next
finishing move.
Charge-up Skill
Mana: 1

Level	Attack +%	C1 Damage +%	C2 Damage +%	C3 Damage +%
1	40		100			200		300
2	50		120			240		360
3	60		140			280		420
4	70		160			320		480
5	80		180			360		540
6	90		200			400		600
7	100		220			440		660
8	110		240			480		720
9	120		260			520		780
10	130		280			560		840
11	140		300			600		900
12	150		320			640		960
13	160		340			680		1020
14	170		360			720		1080
15	180		380			760		1140
16	190		400			800		1200
17	200		420			840		1260
18	210		440			880		1320
19	220		460			920		1380
20	230		480			960		1440

Pros: This skills adds a high amount of damage to your finishing move.
Cons: There aren't any other mods to this one.

Fists of Fire
Required Level: 6
Prerequisites: None
Description: Adds Fire damage to your finishing move.
Charge-up Skill
C2 Fire Radius: 2 Yards
C3 Fire Burn Length: 2.5 Seconds
Mana: 2

Level		Attack +%	Fire Damage (on all charges)
1		50			6-10
2		60			11-15
3		70			16-20
4		80			21-25
5		90			26-30
6		100			31-35
7		110			36-40
8		120			41-45
9		130			51-55
10		140			61-65
11		150			71-75
12		160			81-85
13		170			91-95
14		180			101-105
15		190			111-115
16		200			121-125
17		210			141-145
18		220			161-165
19		230			181-185
20		240			200-205

Pros: The fire damage is nice at high levels, and doesn't have a
wide span.
Cons: No damage mod.

Cobra Strike
Required Level: 12
Prerequisites: Tiger Strike
Description: Adds Life and/or mana steal to your finisher
Charge-Up Skill
Mana: 2
Level	Attack +%	C1 Life Steal %		C2 Life/Mana %	  C3 Life/Mana +%
1	60		40			40			80
2	75		45			45			90
3	90		50			50			100
4	105		55			55			110
5	120		60			60			120
6	135		65			65			130
7	150		70			70			140
8	165		75			75			150
9	180		80			80			160
10	195		85			85			170
11	210		90			90			180
12	225		95			95			190
13	240		100			100			200
14	255		105			105			210
15	270		110			110			220
16	285		115			115			230
17	300		120			120			240
18	315		125			125			250
19	330		130			130			260
20	345		135			135			270

Pros: Adds a lot of Life % mana steal on charge 3, even at first level.
Cons: None of these moves have any major drawbacks, just that they have
one sole purpose, to help kill the monster and life steal, fire, etc.

Claws of Thunder
Required Level: 18
Prerequisites: Fists of Fire
Description: Adds Lightning damage to your finisher.
Charge Up Skill (Requires Claw weapon.)
Mana: 4

Level	Attack +%	C1 Lightning Dam	C2 Nova Dam.	C3 Charged bolt Dam.
1	80		1-80			1-20			1-40
2	95		11-90			1-35			1-60
3	110		21-100			1-50			1-80
4	125		31-110			1-65			1-100
5	140		41-120			1-80			1-120
6	155		51-130			1-95			1-140
7	170		61-140			1-110			1-160
8	185		71-150			1-125			1-180
9	200		91-170			1-150			1-220
10	215		111-190			1-175			1-260
11	230		131-210			1-200			1-300
12	245		151-230			1-225			1-240
13	260		171-250			1-250			1-380
14	270		191-270			1-275			1-420
15	290		211-290			1-300			1-460
16	305		231-310			1-325			1-500
17	320		261-340			1-360			1-460
18	335		291-370			1-395			1-620
19	350		321-400			1-430			1-680
20	365		351-430			1-465			1-740

Pros: High damage is ensured when maxed at C1, even higher is
possible at C3, but also possible is much lower damage.
Cons: The 1-X damage in C2 and 3, it's a big span.

Blades of Ice
Required Level: 24
Prerequisites: Fists of Fire, Claws of Thunder
Description: Adds Ice damage to your finisher.
Charge-up Skill (Requires Claw weapon.)
Mana: 3
Charge 2 cold radius: 3.3 yards.

Level	Attack +%	C1 Cold Dam.	C3 Freeze Duration (sec)
1	80		15-35			4
2	95		23-43			4.4
3	110		31-51			4.8
4	125		39-59			5.2
5	140		47-67			5.6
6	155		55-75			6
7	170		63-83			6.4
8	185		71-91			6.8
9	200		81-101			7.2
10	215		91-111			7.6
11	230		101-121			8
12	245		111-131			8.4
13	260		121-141			8.8
14	270		131-151			9.2
15	290		141-161			9.6
16	305		151-171			10
17	320		171-191			10.4
18	335		191-211			10.8
19	350		211-231			11.2
20	365		231-251			11.6

Pros: It's nice to have elemental damage once you get to physically
immune monsters.
Cons: The best damage is at level 1.

Phoenix Strike
Required Level: 30
Prerequisites: Tiger Strike, Fists of Fire, Cobra Strike, Claws of Thunder,
Blades of Ice
Description: Adds a strong elemental attack to your finisher, but ONLY
the current charge, not all of them.
Charge-up Skill
Mana: 4

Level	Attack +%	C1 Meter Dam.	C2 Chain Light. Dam.	C3 Ice Bolt Dam.
1	70		20-40		1-40			16-32
2	85		30-50		1-51			20-36
3	100		40-60		1-62			24-40
4	115		50-70		1-73			28-44
5	130		60-80		1-84			32-48
6	145		70-90		1-95			36-52
7	160		80-100		1-106			40-56
8	172		90-110		1-117			44-60
9	190		110-130		1-134			52-68
10	205		130-150		1-151			60-76
11	220		150-170		1-168			68-84
12	235		170-190		1-185			76-92
13	250		190-210		1-202			84-100
14	265		210-230		1-219			92-108
15	280		230-250		1-236			100-116
16	295		250-270		1-253			108-124
17	310		280-300		1-278			120-136
18	325		310-330		1-303			132-148
19	340		340-360		1-328			144-160
20	355		370-390		1-353			156-172

Dragon Talon
Required Level: 1
Prerequisites: None
Description: Finishing moves let loose the stored charges of
charge up attacks plus, add a little something of their own the
the hit.
Finishing Move
Mana: 6

Level	Kicks		Kick Damage +%		Attack +%
1	1		0			40
2	1		7			52
3	1		14			64
4	1		21			75
5	1		28			88
6	2		35			100
7	2		42			112
8	2		49			124
9	2		56			136
10	2		63			148
11	2		70			160
12	3		77			172
13	3		84			184
14	3		91			196
15	3		98			208
16	3		105			220
17	3		112			232
18	3		119			244
19	3		126			256
20	3		133			268

Pros: Simply a move that added a little extra kick for a finisher.
Cons: The + to Damage isn't as high as some other

Dragon Claw
Required Level: 6
Prerequisites: Dragon Talon
Description: A finisher that adds to Attack and Damage.
Finishing Move (Must have two Claw weapons equipped)
Mana: 2

Level		Damage +%	Attack +%
1		50		50
2		55		60
3		60		70
4		65		80
5		70		90
6		72		100
7		80		110
8		85		120
9		90		130
10		95		140
11		100		150
12		105		160
13		110		170
14		115		180
15		120		190
16		125		200
17		130		210
18		135		220
19		140		230
20		145		240

Pros: Adds a good amount of damage and a plus to your attack skill.
Cons: No other mods.

Dragon Tail
Required Level: 18
Prerequisites: Dragon Talon, Dragon Claw
Description: A high damage kick coupled with fire damage. It takes
your damage and adds extra fire damage correlated to that percent.
Finishing Move
Mana: 10

Level		Fire Damage +%		Attack +%
1			50		40
2			60		47
3			70		54
4			80		61
5			90		68
6			100		75
7			110		82
8			120		89
9			130		96
10			140		103
11			150		110
12			160		117
13			170		124
14			180		131
15			190		138
16			200		145
17			210		152
18			220		159
19			230		166
20			240		173

Pros: Adds a lot of fire damage to your move.
Cons: Again no MAJOR drawbacks.

Dragon Flight
Required Level: 24
Prerequisites: Dragon Talon, Dragon Claw, Dragon Tail
Description: A strong finishing kick that teleports you to your target
coupled with your charge-up move.
Finishing Move
Mana: 15

Level		Attack +%	Kick Damage +%
1		100		100
2		120		125
3		140		150
4		160		175
5		180		200
6		200		225
7		220		250
8		240		275
9		260		300
10		280		325
11		300		350
12		320		375
13		340		400
14		360		425
15		380		450
16		400		475
17		420		500
18		440		525
19		460		550
20		480		575

Pros: VERY high damage mod.
Cons: Again, no other mods.

3.A Assassin Show Disciplines

Claw Mastery
Required Level: 1
Prerequisites: None
Description: Adds a passive effect to your attack rating and damage
with claw weapons.
Level		Attack +%	Damage +%
1		30		35
2		40		39
3		50		43
4		60		47
5		70		51
6		80		55
7		90		59
8		100		63
9		110		67
10		120		71
11		130		75
12		140		79
13		150		93
14		160		97
15		170		91
16		180		95
17		190		99
18		200		103
19		210		107
20		220		111

Pros: Increase damage and attack
Cons: Can't complain about this one. This skill is a must for at
least a few point.

Psychic Hammer
Required Level: 1
Prerequisites: None
Description: Damage and knock-back enemies.

Level		Mana		Damage
1		4		2-5
2		4.2		3-6
3		4.5		4-7
4		4.7		5-8
5		5.		6-9
6		5.2		7-10
7		5.5		8-11
8		5.7		9-12
9		6		10-13
10		6.2		12-15
11		6.5		13-16
12		6.7		15-18
13		7		16-19
14		7.2		18-21
15		7.5		19-22
16		7.7		21-24
17		8		23-26
18		8.2		25-28
19		8.5		27-30
20		8.7		29-32

Pros: Very easy to aim and useful for a while.
Cons: A while means Act 1.

Burst of Speed
Required Level:
Prerequisites: Claw Mastery
Description: Ups your walk/run and attack speed for a while.
Mana: 10

Level		Attack Speed +%		Walk/Run Speed +%	Duration (sec)
1		21			23				120
2		27			29				132
3		31			34				144
4		34			39				156
5		37			42				168
6		41			45				180
7		42			47				192
8		44			49				204
9		44			51				216
10		45			52				228
11		46			54				240
12		47			55				252
13		49			56				264
14		50			57				276
15		51			57				288
16		51			59				300
17		51			59				312
18		52			60				324
19		52			60				336
20		52			61				348

Pros: It gives you a good boost to speed
Cons: not worth more than a few point, the bonuses get smaller and

Cloak of Shadows
Required Level: 12
Prerequisites: Psychic Hammer
Description: Lowers enemies defense and darkens the sky (just for
Mana: 13
Range: 20 yard
Duration: 8 seconds

Level		Enemy Defense -%
1		21
2		27
3		31
4		34
5		37
6		39
7		41
8		42
9		44
10		45
11		46
12		47
13		48
14		49
15		50
16		51
17		51
18		51
19		52
20		52

Pros: Looks cool, at high levels the defense drops a lot.
Cons: Doesn't last to long

Weapon Block
Required Level: 12
Prerequisites: Claw Mastery
Description: Has a Passive effect of allowing you to block with
two claw weapons. This skill is a MUST for the Assassin.

Level		Chance to Block +%
1		26
2		32
3		36
4		39
5		42
6		44
7		46
8		47
9		49
10		50
11		51
12		52
13		53
14		54
15		55
16		56
17		56
18		56
19		57
20		57

Pros: Like I said this is a MUST at least put 5 points in this,
after that it doesn't go up as much, but more than 5 will still
help you.
Cons: none

Required Level: 18
Prerequisites: Claw Mastery, Burst of Speed
Description: This skill temporarily increases your resistance and
lowers cure duration.
Mana Cost: 10

Level		Curse Length -%		Resist All +%		Duration (Sec)
1		47			19			120
2		53			27			132
3		58			33			144
4		62			38			156
5		65			42			168
6		67			45			180
7		69			47			192
8		71			50			204
9		73			52			216
10		74			54			228
11		75			56			240
12		76			57			252
13		77			58			264
14		78			60			276
15		79			60			288
16		80			62			300
17		80			62			312
18		81			63			324
19		81			63			336
20		82			64			348

Pros: This skill is very helpful in Nightmare and Hell because or the
resist all.
Cons: The Curse Length mod isn't always helpful, at least, it wasn't
to me.

Shadow Warrior
Required Level: 18
Prerequisites: Claw Mastery, Psychic Hammer, Weapon Block,
Cloak of Shadows
Description: Create a "shadow" of yourself to fight alongside you.

Level	Mana		Life		Attack Rating +%
1	27		124		0
2	29		138		15
3	31		153		30
4	33		168		45
5	35		183		60
6	37		198		75
7	39		213		90
8	41		228		105
9	43		243		120
10	45		257		135
11	47		272		150
12	49		287		165
13	51		302		180
14	53		317		195
15	55		332		210
16	57		347		225
17	59		362		240
18	61		376		255
19	63		391		270
20	65		406		285

Pros: It's always helpful to have an extra ally.
Cons: This is easily replaced my Shadow Master

Mind Blast
Required Level: 24
Prerequisites: Psychic Hammer, Cloak of Shadows
Description: Damages your enemies and has a chance to convert them to
your side.
Mana: 15
Conversion Duration: 6-10 seconds

Level		Damage	  Chance to Convert %
1		10-20		18
2		12-22		21
3		14-24		24
4		16-26		26
5		18-28		27
6		20-30		28
7		22-32		29
8		24-34		30
9		29-39		31
10		34-44		32
11		39-49		32
12		44-54		33
13		59-59		33
14		54-64		34
15		59-69		34
16		64-74		35
17		72-82		35
18		80-90		35
19		88-98		35
20		96-106		36

Pros: This spell is alright but don't put to many points into it.
The conversion rate doesn't go up much.
Cons: The conversion rate is very small and lasts for a very short

Required Level: 30
Prerequisites: Claw Mastery, Burst of Speed, Fade
Description: Poison your weapons.
Mana: 12

Level		Poison Damage (2 Sec)	Weapon Poisoned (Sec)
1		37-75				120
2		50-90				124
3		62-103				128
4		75-115				132
5		87-128				136
6		100-140				140
7		112-153				144
8		125-165				148
9		143-184				152
10		162-203				156
11		181-221				160
12		200-240				164
13		218-259				168
14		237-278				172
15		256-296				176
16		275-315				180
17		300-340				184
18		325-365				188
19		350-390				192
20		375-415				196

Pros: This has some nice high poison damage, always a plus.
Cons: Just to bad the poison doesn't last a bit longer.

Shadow Master
Required Level: 30
Prerequisites: Claw Mastery, Psychic Hammer, Weapon Block, Cloak of Shadows,
Shadow Warrior
Description: In essence, this is a Shadow Warrior upgrade. This Shadow has
all of your skills.
Mana: 40

Level		Life		Attack Rating +%
1		188		0
2		216		12
3		244		30
4		272		45
5		300		60
6		329		75
7		357		90
8		385		105
9		413		120
10		441		135
11		470		150
12		498		165
13		526		180
14		554		195
15		582		210
16		611		225
17		639		240
18		667		255
19		695		270
20		723		285

Pros: Great spell, it has all your skills and a lot of life.
Cons: Nothing really bad about this one.

3.C Assassins Traps

Fire Blast
Required Level: 1
Prerequisites: None
Description: Throw a small explosive device at your enemies.

Level		Mana		Fire Damage
1		3		3-4
2		3.1		5-6
3		3.2		7-8
4		3.3		9-10
5		3.5		11-12
6		3.6		13-14
7		3.7		15-16
8		3.8		17-18
9		4		21-22
10		4.1		25-26
11		4.2		29-30
12		4.3.		33-34
13		4.5		37-38
14		4.6		41-42
15		4.7		45-46
16		4.8		49-50
17		5		54-55
18		5.1		59-60
19		5.2		64-65
20		5.3		69-70

Pros: I used this spell heavily in Act 1, it works very well
against the clusters of Fallen, Carver etc.
Cons: It looses it's edge in Act 2 but Wake of Fire works good.

Shock Web
Required Level: 6
Prerequisites: Fire Blast
Description: Lightning bolts are fired at those who come near
this trap.
Mana: 6

Level		Spikes	Lightning Damage
1		6		5-6
2		6		6-7
3		6		7-8
4		6		8-9
5		7		9-10
6		7		10-11
7		7		11-12
8		7		12-13
9		8		14-15
10		8		17-18
11		8		19-20
12		8		22-23
13		9		24-25
14		9		27-28
15		9		29-30
16		9		32-33
17		10		35-36
18		10		39-40
19		10		42-43
20		10		46-47

Pros: This trap doesn't have much damage to it, but does have
a good amount of hits.
Cons: Low damage.

Blade Sentinel
Required Level: 6
Prerequisites: None
Description: A blade flies back and forth between where you cast it
and you, hitting any enemies that cross its path.
Mana: 7
Duration: 4 Seconds

Level		Damage
1		6-10
2		9-13
3		12-16
4		15-19
5		18-22
6		21-25
7		24-28
8		27-31
9		31-35
10		35-39
11		39-43
12		43-47
13		47-51
14		51-55
15		55-59
16		59-63
17		64-68
18		69-73
19		75-78
20		79-83

Pros: Does a decent amount of damage
Cons: Doesn't last long

Charged Bolt Sentry
Required Level: 12
Prerequisites: Fire Blast, Shock Web
Description: Shoots Charged Bolts at anyone who wanders to close
Mana: 13
Amount of bolts: 5

Level		Damage
1		1-7
2		2-8
3		4-10
4		5-11
5		7-13
6		8-14
7		10-16
8		11-17
9		13-19
10		15-21
11		17-23
12		19-25
13		21-27
14		23-29
15		25-31
16		27-33
17		30-36
18		33-39
19		36-42
20		39-45

Pros: Not to great of a spell, Wake of Fire is better.
Cons: Low damage

Wake Of Fire
Required Level: 12
Prerequisites: Fire Blast
Description: Shoots a triangular wave of fire at nearby enemies.
Mana: 20
Waves: 5

Level		Fire Damage
1		5-10
2		7-12
3		9-14
4		11-16
5		13-18
6		15-20
7		17-22
8		19-24
9		22-27
10		25-30
11		28-33
12		31-36
13		34-39
14		37-42
15		40-45
16		43-48
17		47-52
18		51-56
19		55-60
20		59-64

Pros: Nice little trap, alright damage for it's level.
Cons: The Damage could be higher.

Blade Fury
Required Level: 18
Prerequisites: Fire Blast, Blade Sentinel, Wake of Fire
Description: Throwing stars? Are thrown at your enemy, damaging
Minimum Mana: 3

Level		Mana/Blade	Damage/Blade
1		1		8-10
2		1		11-13
3		2		14-16
4		2		17-19
5		3		20-22
6		3		23-25
7		3		26-28
8		4		29-31
9		4		34-36
10		5		39-41
11		5		44-46
12		5		49-51
13		6		54-56
14		6		59-61
15		7		64-66
16		7		69-76
17		7		77-79
18		8		86-87
19		8		93-95
20		8		101-103

Pros: The damage/blade, times that by three because that is how
many you usually throw out.
Cons: times the Mana cost by three also

Lightning Sentry
Required Level: 24
Prerequisites: Fire Blast, Shock Web, Charged Bolt Sentry
Description: Shoots bolts of lighting at your nearby enemies.
Mana: 20
Shots: 10

Level		Lightning Damage
1		10-20
2		15-25
3		20-35
4		25-35
5		30-40
6		35-45
7		40-50
8		45-55
9		52-62
10		59-69
11		66-76
12		73-83
13		80-90
14		87-97
15		94-104
16		101-111
17		111-121
18		121-131
19		131-141
20		141-151

Pros: Another good trap, Shoots a lot of bolts and has good damage.
Cons: In higher levels, this does become ineffective.

Wake Of Inferno
Required Level: 24
Prerequisites: Fire Blast, Wake Of Fire
Description: Sprays fire at nearby enemies.
Mana: 20
Shots: 10

Level		Fire dam/sec
1		8-21
2		16-29
3		24-37
4		32-45
5		40-53
6		48-61
7		56-69
8		63-77
9		73-86
10		83-96
11		92-105
12		102-115
13		112-125
14		121-134
15		131-144
16		140-154
17		153-166
18		166-178
19		177-190
20		189-203

Pros: Good damage
Cons: The range isn't very far.

Death Sentry
Required Level: 30
Prerequisites: Fire Blast, Shock Web, Charged Bolt Sentry,
Lightning Sentry
Description: Blows up corpses when enemies are near and adds lightning
Mana: 20
Shots: 5
Damage: 40-80% Of Corpse Life

Level		Lightning Damage	Corpse Explosion Radius yds.
1		20-30			3.3
2		24-34			3.6
3		28-38			4
4		32-42			4.3
5		36-46			4.6
6		40-50			5
7		44-54			5.3
8		48-58			5.6
9		53-63			6
10		58-68			6.3
11		63-73			6.6
12		68-78			7
13		73-83			7.3
14		78-88			7.6
15		83-93			8
16		88-97			8.3
17		96-106			8.6
18		104-114			9
19		112-122			9.3
20		120-130			9.6

Pros: Good amount of damage from the corpse AND lightning.
Cons: If the corpse isn't near the enemy when it comes close,
it doesn't always hit them.

Blade Shield
Required Level: 30
Prerequisites: Fire Blast, Blade Sentinel, Wake of Fire, Blade Fury
Description: Casts a shield of blades around you that hit enemies
who stray to close.

Level		Mana		Duration (sec)			Damage
1		27		20				1-30
2		29		24				6-35
3		31		28				11-40
4		33		32				16-45
5		35		36				21-50
6		37		40				26-55
7		39		44				31-60
8		41		48				36-65
9		43		52				42-71
10		45		56				48-77
11		47		60				54-83
12		49		64				60-89
13		51		68				66-95
14		53		72				72-101
15		55		76				78-107
16		57		80				84-113
17		59		84				91-120
18		61		88				98-127
19		63		92				105-134
20		65		96				112-141

Pros: It's nice to have a shield (sort of a shield)
Cons: Doesn't actually absorb damage.

4.  Act V Walkthru
	Town: Harrogath
	NPCs: Malah-Magical Items
		Larzuk-Weapons/Armor, Socket Item (after Quest 1)
		Qual-Kehk-Hirelings (after Quest 2)
		Nihlathak-Gamble (until Quest 3 is completed)
		Anya-Gamble (after Quest 3), Personalize Item (after
		Quest 4)

	Waypoints:	Harrogath
			Frigid Highlands
			Arreat Plateau
			Crystalline Passage
			Glacial Trail
			Halls of Pain
			Frozen Tundra
			The Ancients' Way
			Worldstone Keep Level 2

Quest 1: Siege on Harrogath.
		Stop the siege be killing Shenk the Overseer in the
		Bloody Foothills.

When you first arrive in town, after entering the portal Tyrael
opens when you defeat Diablo, talk to people (if you want) just
to get acclimated to town. Then talk to Larzuk, he gives you Quest
1. This Quest is pretty simple to complete, exit town through the
main gate in the north (because of the isometric view when I say a
direction will be as follows: North would be the upper-left, South
would be lower-right, East would be upper-left and West would be
lower-right). You'll meet some of the new enemies, hack your way
through them continuing North, If you reach the Frigid Highlands,
you've gone too far. Before the Highlands, there is a larger area,
within here somewhere is Shenk, You'll receive a Quest notification
telling you to kill him, that means you are near him. on your auto-map
you can see a circle that appears reddish, he is always on or very
near this. Once you kill him open a portal, or go to the Frigid
Highlands and find the waypoint, For me it was always fairly near
the beginning. Talk to Larzuk, he will now add sockets to the item
of your choice.

Quest 2: Rescue on Mount Arreat
		Find The Soldiers in the Frigid Highlands.

If you went to the Frigid Highlands and to the waypoint, you'll
already have this Quest, otherwise, you'll have to speak with
Qual-Kehk, return through your portal and go north to the Highlands
(or back through the waypoint). This quest will take a bit longer
than Quest 1. You can level quite a bit here as there are a lot of
enemies, going north or east (it seems that most of time it is north,
I've only had to go east once, but either way, you'll know, if there
is a wall to the north you'll need to go east. It may also be west,
but I've yet to need to go that way.)you'll eventually see "buildings"
somewhere near these you can see white walls on your map, these
are the prisoner pens. There are three of them and to release the
prisoners you'll need to break down the doors. After a pen is
opened up, you'll get a quest notification telling you you'll need
to find 10 more prisoners (after the first pen) or 5 more prisoners
(after the second pen) don't worry, there are 5 prisoners per pen.
All three pens should be close to each other, most of the time, after
you've found them all you'll be able to see all 3 pens on the map.
Sometimes not. I can't give specific directions because like most
quests, the pen locations are random. Once all 3 pens are empty,
portal back to town and talk to Qual-Kehk, he will now allow you to
hire Barbarian Mercenaries and give you three runes which can craft
a runic item (you need a 3 socketed shield, but the item you make
isn't that great.

Quest 3: Prison of Ice
		Look for Anya under the Crystalline Passage by the
		Frozen River.

Continue going through the Frigid Highlands in whatever direction
you have been You'll reach the Arreat Plateau. Walk through here
and once you hit the mountain side, walk near this and you will
eventually see ice and a lot of snow, near here is a Unique
Overlord, kill him if you want to. You should also see and entrance
to the Crystalline Passage, go there. Once inside, explore around
also, beware Evil Urns, sometimes they have treasure inside, other
times, they act like monster shrines, summoning a Unique monster
and some minions. Once in a while, both. Eventually you will come
across an exit, if it says Glacial Trail, don't go here yet, that
isn't the right exit. There is a waypoint here, I recommend trying
to find it as you'll need to return here to go through that Glacial
Trail exit. Once you find the Frozen Rive exit, go through it. Walk
around here and eventually, you'll get a quest notification, that
means you are near Anya, there will also be a Unique Frozen Abyss,
Frozenstien. Once you reach Anya, you'll see she is encased in ice,
talk to her and she will tell you Nihlathak did this and that Malah
will be able to help her. Portal back to town and talk to Malah, she
will give you a potion for Anya. Go back to Anya and give her the
potion, she will return to Harrogath. Go Back to town and talk to
Malah, she gives you a scroll of resistance, which permanently adds
10 to all your resistances. Talk to her Anya and she will give you a
rare class-specific item, the ones I've gotten were all pretty good.
She will also open a portal in town to Nihlathak's temple and give you
the next quest

Quest 4: Betrayal of Harrogath
		Take Anya's portal to Nihlathak's Temple.

There isn't much to say about this Quest, enter Nihlathak's temple
and go into the Halls of Anguish. Find your way to the next
staircase, the Halls of Pain, there is waypoint here if you want to
hit it. Then go down again into the Halls of Vaught. Nihlathak is in
here. He explodes corpses so watch out. Once you dispose of him, return
to town and Anya will now personalize an item for you (say you have a
short sword, it will from then on be Yourname's short sword).

Quest 5: Rite of Passage
		Travel through the Ancient's Way to find the Ancients at
		the Arreat Summit

Okay, go back to the Crystalline Passage and find the Glacial trail
exit, go through it. The Glacial Trail is just like the Crystalline
Passage. Walk around until you find the exit to the Frozen Tundra.
Again, walk around in this area, you'll find an exit to the Ancient's
Way. The should be on a wall (it may be generated somewhere other
than a wall, I always thought the Underground Passage in Act 1 was
ALWAYS on a wall, then I discovered it wasn't, but most of the time
this exit is on a wall). I'd recommend hitting the waypoint in this
area, you may need to come back if you die while facing the Ancients.
In the Ancients way you'll find the exit to the Arreat Summit. Walk
east here and you'll see a circle, with 3 statues near it, and in the
center, Altar of the Heavens. Make sure you and (if you have any)
your minions are fully healed. Once you click on the Altar, the Ancients
will tell you that you must fight them to gain access to the Worldstone
Keep. Once the text is done the statues will come to life and you will
have to fight them, all at once. They are very and I recommend having
a lot of rejuvenation potions. Once all three are defeated, you can enter
the Worldstone Keep, Level 1. Now, i have recived many e-mails from people
saying that they gained stat and skill points and that is the reward, but
it's just because you've beaten 3 high-level monsters one after another.
So yes, in a sense there is a reward for beating them, their experience, and
experience from beating the quest but, no person give you a reward and that
is what I meant.

Quest 6: Eve of Destruction
		Find Baal's throne room.

Once in the Worldstone Keep, find the stairs to the second level and
hit the waypoint. Go down to the next level and then to the next, The
Throne of Destruction. Baal is on this level, once in his room you'll
see him sitting near a portal, he will throw out a ball of light
toward you, it summons a Unique monster and his minions, remember when
you get lag while he is throwing out uniques it is happening to
everyone. The minions or destruction are the most difficult. After about
5 of them Baal will go through the portal behind him, follow him. Once
in side, watch out for the tendrils that come from the floor, Baal will
also use aura's to slow you down. Nothing much left to say besides,
kill Baal. Once you do Tyrael appears, talk to him, then go through
the portal he open and enjoy the end cinematic. I won't tell you what
happens though.

Congratulations! You've beaten Act V and the game.

5.  FAQ
	Coming Soon

6.  Future Plans
	More effects of skills above and beyond level 20. I'm going to try for
	all skill effects through level 25.

7.  Legal
	This FAQ was made my Calvin Schneider and is copyright 2001. Please
	do not post this FAQ on your website without consent from me personally.
	This FAQ was compiled by me, through many late nights and even
	more pieces of paper strewn about with indistinguishable abbreviations
	on them. In fact, I may have created my own language

8.	This FAQ is posted at:

www.game-revolution.com www.gamefaqs.com www.cheatcc.com www.gamespot.com www.actiontrip.com http://gry.wr.pl/ (It's a polish game site) http://gameguru.box.sk www.megagames.com www.neoseeker.com If you see this FAQ ANYWHERE besides these listed sites, notify me immediately. 8. Extra Thanks to Blizzard for making this great game, even though the 1.08 patch REALLY stinks. Any questions, comment, suggestions or posting requests should be directed to Calvin Schneider at Buckbagger84@aol.com (I'll fill this section up later) Extra special thanks to Revolution reader Calvin Schneider!
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