Doom 3 FAQ

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MMMa      Doom 3 Guide by Grawl                                          aMMr;
:M:       grawler (@t) gmail (d0t) com                                      ZM
          08/31/04 - Version 1.19

It seems thousands of players enjoy my guide, seeing the countless mails I
receive. This makes me very happy, since it means my guide actually has some
use ;p I'm planning to do a guide for Half-Life 2 when it gets out, but as
you'll all understand, there won't be a guide without the game. So I'm asking
you, if you're enjoying this guide, could you perhaps donate some money? Heck,
I'll be happy with your 2 bucks you were going to spent on a cheeseburger 
later ;p Thank you!

This guide is written by Grawl (grawler (@t) gmail (d0t) com). Every question,
feedback, comment etc. can be mailed to the address. Put "Doom 3 Guide" in the
Subject, so I can pick out the mails easily. Thanks! Also add where you found
the guide, if possible, so I know what places attract the mainstream.

Don't mail me with:

* Stuff that is covered in this FAQ
* Complaining how bad the game is according to you
* If your PC will run Doom 3

If I get any of these mails, I'll ignore them, no matter how harsh it sounds.

Do mail me with:

* Stuff that is not covered in this FAQ
* Comment, questions, feedback and fan mail
* Asking if you can put this guide on your site

I'm not related to id software. This FAQ has been made for fun, not to make
any money out of it. Don't use this FAQ on your site/magazine etc. without
my permission. Copyright (c) 2004 by Grawl. If you are reading this guide
outside of the following sites, please let me know:
Cheat Code Central Also, parts of this guide will be used by for a Doom product. This guide contains spoilers where needed. If you don't want to know what happens, find a spoiler-free guide, or just try a bit harder yourself. You might wonder why there is a guide needed for a linear game like Doom 3. I can give you various reasons: 1 - Some players may like to know where to find enemies or where visions will appear. 2 - Some players may like to know where to find every PDA 3 - Some players may like to know where to find ammo, health, armor 4 - At some points the game will let you give 2 decisions, and some may want to know what'll happen when you select one. 5 - There are a few parts of the game where players tend to get stuck, so with this guide they can get past that point. 6 - Etc. To make searching easier, I added search-codes in the TOC. Just press CTRL + F and enter the code to jump to that part immediately. ============================================================================== Table of Contents [D3.00.00] ============================================================================== * Table of Contents.................................................[D3.00.00] * History & Next Version............................................[D3.01.01] * Story.............................................................[D3.02.01] * Weapons, Monsters and Bosses......................................[D3.03.01] * Walkthrough (Hints and Tips)......................................[D3.04.01] * Multi-Player......................................................[D3.05.01] * Cheats and Secrets................................................[D3.06.01] * FAQ...............................................................[D3.07.01] * Tweaking (aka Speeding-up Doom 3).................................[D3.08.01] * Compare Dooms.....................................................[D3.09.01] * Modifications.....................................................[D3.10.01] * Conclusion........................................................[D3.11.01] ============================================================================== Table of Contents (Expanded) [D3.00.01] ============================================================================== * Table of Contents.................................................[D3.00.00] * History & Next Version............................................[D3.01.01] * Story.............................................................[D3.02.01] * Doom (1993).....................................................[D3.02.02] * Doom III (2004).................................................[D3.02.03] * Doom II (1994)..................................................[D3.02.04] * Final Doom (1996)...............................................[D3.02.05] * Weapons, Monsters and Bosses......................................[D3.03.01] * Weapons.........................................................[D3.03.02] * Monsters........................................................[D3.03.03] * Bosses..........................................................[D3.03.04] * Other Items.....................................................[D3.03.05] * Walkthrough (Hints and Tips)......................................[D3.04.01] * Mars City.......................................................[D3.04.02] * Mars City Underground...........................................[D3.04.03] * Mars City Re-visit..............................................[D3.04.04] * Administration..................................................[D3.04.05] * Alpha Labs Section 1............................................[D3.04.06] * Alpha Labs Section 2............................................[D3.04.07] * Alpha Labs Section 3............................................[D3.04.08] * Alpha Labs Section 4............................................[D3.04.09] * EnPro Plant.....................................................[D3.04.10] * Communications Transfer.........................................[D3.04.11] * Communications..................................................[D3.04.12] * Monorail Skybridge..............................................[D3.04.13] * Recycling - Sector 2............................................[D3.04.14] * Monorail........................................................[D3.04.15] * Delta Labs - Level 1............................................[D3.04.16] * Delta Labs - Level 2 (South)....................................[D3.04.17] * Delta Labs - Level 2 (North)....................................[D3.04.18] * Delta Labs - Level 3............................................[D3.04.19] * Delta Labs - Level 4............................................[D3.04.20] * Hell............................................................[D3.04.21] * Delta Complex...................................................[D3.04.22] * Central Processing..............................................[D3.04.23] * Central Server Banks............................................[D3.04.24] * Site 3..........................................................[D3.04.25] * Caverns - Area 1................................................[D3.04.26] * Caverns - Area 2................................................[D3.04.27] * Primary Excavation..............................................[D3.04.28] * Multi-Player......................................................[D3.05.01] * Tomiko Reactor..................................................[D3.05.02] * Delta Lab.......................................................[D3.05.03] * Frag Chamber....................................................[D3.05.04] * The Edge 2......................................................[D3.05.05] * Lights Out......................................................[D3.05.06] * Cheats and Secrets................................................[D3.06.01] * Cheats..........................................................[D3.06.02] * Level Select....................................................[D3.06.03] * Video Discs.....................................................[D3.06.04] * PDA.............................................................[D3.06.05] * Monsters and Weapons............................................[D3.06.06] * Thank You Mails.................................................[D3.06.07] * Martian Buddy...................................................[D3.06.08] * Sites...........................................................[D3.06.09] * iddqd...........................................................[D3.06.10] * Rude Marine.....................................................[D3.06.11] * Super Turbo Turkey Puncher 3....................................[D3.06.12] * Cabinet Codes & Door Codes......................................[D3.06.13] * Soulcube on Nightmare...........................................[D3.06.14] * Unlock Nightmare................................................[D3.06.15] * Demon Mail......................................................[D3.06.16] * Skip Intro......................................................[D3.06.17] * Face on Mars....................................................[D3.06.18] * IDSPISPOPD......................................................[D3.06.19] * Nigerian Scam...................................................[D3.06.20] * Custom Flashlight, Music etc....................................[D3.06.21] * Magazines.......................................................[D3.06.22] * QuakeCon........................................................[D3.06.23] * Billy Goat Burgers..............................................[D3.06.24] * Pentagrams......................................................[D3.06.25] * Gorillas........................................................[D3.06.26] * Artifact........................................................[D3.06.27] * Designers.......................................................[D3.06.28] * FAQ...............................................................[D3.07.01] * Tweaking (aka Speeding-up Doom 3).................................[D3.08.01] * General Tweaking................................................[D3.09.02] * Unpacking .PK4-files............................................[D3.09.03] * Editing config-file.............................................[D3.09.04] * Triple Buffering on 64+ MB Video-cards..........................[D3.09.05] * Optimize FPS....................................................[D3.09.06] * Compare Dooms.....................................................[D3.09.01] * Modifications.....................................................[D3.10.01] * Conclusion........................................................[D3.11.01] ============================================================================== History & Next Version [D3.01.01] ============================================================================== Version 1.0 (08/03/04) - First version, everything is new ;p (40KB) Version 1.1 (08/04/04) - Added more info to the walkthrough, corrected a few spelling mistakes, added the FAQ section, added a few cheats and secrets. Basically this was a quick update to fix a few things here and there. (47KB) +7KB Version 1.2 (08/04/04) - Again fixed a small mistakes here and there, also made the walkthrough bigger, added a Tweaking-section. (71KB) +24KB Version 1.3 (08/05/04) - Small fixes here and there again, expanded the walkthrough, added more cheats, changed the weapons info, edited the FAQ, added more monsters and weapons. (92KB) +21KB Version 1.4 (08/05/04) - Added a tweak, expanded the walkthrough, added a secret, edited the video disks a bit. (105KB) +13KB Version 1.5 (08/06/04) - Added more weapons, corrected a lot of spelling mistakes. I'm terribly sorry there were in the guide in the first place. Also edited the config-tweak. Added a vision-tag in the walkthrough and expanded the walkthrough. Story also updated. (144KB) +39KB Version 1.6 (08/07/04) - Corrected a few things, edited a few cheats, expanded the walkthrough, checked the config-tweak, expanded the story, added a monster. (161KB) + 17KB Version 1.7 (08/08/04) - Attempted to be funny in the Doom 95 question in the FAQ, changed a small detail for Vagary, re-did the order of the stories, expanded the walkthrough (also with new PDAs), added a secret, added a few monsters and added details for weapons. (178KB) +17KB Version 1.8 (08/09/04) - Fixed some mistakes, added a counter to the walkthrough-section, expanded the walkthrough, added a few cheats, added an items section, added the Tick to the monsters. (200KB) +22KB Version 1.9 (08/12/04) - Added a few cheats, added a compare chart, edited the emulated CD question, expanded the walkthrough, added a monster, added a secret, added a FAQ. (207KB) +7KB Version 1.10 (08/14/04) - Added and merged a few cheats, added more details about weapons and monsters. A big update coming in a week. (213KB) +6KB Version 1.11 (08/18/04) - Back from my vacation, added more hints and details here and there on demand, few cheats added, FAQ edited, more secrets added. (223KB) +10KB Version 1.12 (08/19/04) - Fixed a small mistake in the last version update (the irony burns), fixed a few mistakes in the monster/weapons section, and finally expanded the walkthrough a bit. (240KB) +17KB Version 1.13 (08/20/04) - Added a FAQ, added the description of adrenaline, expanded the walkthrough, changed some enemy tactics. (264KB) +24KB Version 1.14 (08/21/04) - Added a few FAQs, added a few tactics, expanded the walkthrough, added secrets, expandend the walkthrough, changed the level cheats, changed the skip intro secret, changed Doom compare-chart, added more info to weapons, enemies and bosses, added a mod-section, added a few tweaks. (297KB) +33KB Version 1.15 (08/23/04) - Added more secrets, added a new TOC, fixed some mistakes, added a donations section on top, expanded the walkthrough. (309KB) +12KB Version 1.16 (08/25/04) - Fixed a few mistakes, expanded the walkthrough, updated level cheats, edited the FAQ-section, added level details. (363KB) +54KB Version 1.17 (08/27/04) - Removed a few details on demand, fixed some mistakes, expandend the walkthrough, added some info the the enemies, fixed level cheats. (379KB) +16KB Version 1.18 (08/29/04) - Added a few FAQs, shortened the mod-section, added the missing cabinet code, expended the walkthrough, changed some tactics. (407KB) +28KB Version 1.19 (08/31/04) - Fixed some mistakes, expanded the walkthrough, added a few secrets, edited some cheats, added multi-player section, edited the story a bit, added more FAQs. The semi-final version. (440KB) +33KB ============================================================================== Story [D3.02.01] ============================================================================== Doom 3 is a re-make of the original Doom, story-wise (this is said by Todd Hollenshead in an interview), that's why I placed it after the story of the first Doom. The story of Doom, Doom 2 and the Final Doom are taken from the manual in Doom: Collector's Edition. The story of Doom 3 is taken from the Doom 3 manual. If you want to get more background information, I suggest to read the official Doom Novels. They cost up to $5,- and are named Knee-Deep in the Dead, Hell on Earth, Infernal Sky and Endgame. They are a good read and will give you a lot of information. They story is almost the same as Doom 3, although you'll find some small differences. For example, the first Doom book starts at Phoebos, a moon of Mars, and not on Mars itself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doom (1993) [D3.02.02] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You're a marine, one of Earth's toughest, hardened in combat and trained for action. Three years ago you assaulted a superior officer for ordering his soldiers to fire upon civilians. He and his body cast were shipped to Pearl Harbour, while you were transferred to Mars, home of the Union Aerospace Corporation. The UAC is a multi-planetary conglomerate with radioactive waste facilities on Mars and its two moons, Phobos and Deimos. With no action for fifty million miles, your day consisted of suckin' dust and watchin' restricted flicks in the rec room. For the last four years the military, UAC's biggest supplier, has used the remote facilities on Phobos and Deimos to conduct various secret projects, including research on inter-dimensional space travel. So far they have been able to open gateways between Phobos and Deimos, throwing a few gadgets into one and watching them come out the other. Recently however, the Gateways have grown dangerously unstable. Military "volunteers" entering them have either disappeared or been stricken with a strange form of insanity babbling vulgarities, bludgeoning anything that breathes, and finally suffering an untimely death of full-body explosion. Matching heads with torsos to send home to the folks became a full-time job. Latest military reports state that the research is suffering a small set-back, but everything is under control. A few hours ago, Mars received a garbled message from Phobos. "We require immediate military support. Something fraggin' evil is coming out of the Gateways! Computer systems have gone berserk!" The rest was incoherent. Soon afterwards, Deimos simply vanished from the sky. Since then, attempts to establish contact with either moon have been unsuccessful. You and your buddies, the only combat troop for fifty million miles were sent up pronto to Phobos. You were ordered to secure the perimeter of the base while the rest of the team went inside. For several hours, your radio picked up the sounds of combat: guns firing, men yelling orders, screams, bones cracking, then finally, silence. Seems your buddies are dead. Things aren't looking too good. You'll never navigate off the planet on your own. Plus, all the heavy weapons have been taken by the assault team leaving you with only a pistol. If only you could get your hands around a plasma rifle or even a shotgun you could take a few down on your way out. Whatever killed your buddies deserves a couple of pellets in the forehead. Securing your helmet, you exit the landing pod. Hopefully you can find more substantial firepower somewhere within the station. As you walk through the main entrance of the base, you hear animal-like growls echoing throughout the distant corridors. They know you're here. There's no turning back now. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doom III (2004) [D3.02.03] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You are a marine, one of Earthí¢â‚¬â„¢s toughest, hardened in combat and trained for action. Shortly after reporting for duty at the Union Aerospace Corporationí¢â‚¬â„¢s Mars research facility, a massive demonic invasion overwhelms the base, leaving chaos, horror and uncertainty in its wake. As one of only a few survivors, you must use overwhelming firepower and all of your combat skill to battle through the demon hordes, find out what went wrong and prevent the evil from spreading. Only you stand between Hell and Earth. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doom II (1994) [D3.02.04] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Back at last. After days of hard fighting in space, you've returned home on well-earned leave. You're one of Earth's crack soldiers, hard-bitten, tough, and heavily-armed. When the alien invasion struck Mars, you were the first on the scene. By killing, killing, and killing, you won. You stopped the invasion, saved Mars base, and became a war hero. What they don't talk about so much is that you were the only survivor. But that's all behind you now. You've quit the military, and are heading home. Your drop pod lands with a crunch. You open 'er up, and look out. Damn! The city ahead is on fire. What the devil is going on? You stagger forward, clutching at your sidearm. Packs of refugees are fleeing the flaming metropolis. A band of them shriek in terror. You squint. What's that? Someone is attacking the refugees. You rush up and blast away, killing the troublemaker. It looks like a human, but something's wrong. His mouth is filled with half-chewed flesh, and he's all messed up, like a zombie from a bad horror movie. Hell, not again! You can feel it. It's all starting again, just like on Mars. First, people are taken over, turned into cannibal Things. Then the real horror starts, the deformed monstrosities from Outside. But now it's on Earth. It turns out that the invaders are all over. Monsters range from Tokyo to Timbuktu, from Stockholm to Scranton. Billions are dead. Some people have been transformed into flesh-eating mutants, but a few, a very few, are still alive and fully human. The wise men of humanity have evolved a plan to save what's left of the human race. They have built enormous ships to carry the remaining people into space, safely away from the ruined world. Unfortunately, Earth's only ground spaceport has just been taken over by the demons. They've instituted a sort of force field flame barrier over the port; no ships can land or take off. You gotta go back into action. The pathetic remnants of Earth's soldiers are making an assault on the invaders at the spaceport. If you win, you might be able to turn off the barrier, so that the ships can leave, and Homo sapiens may not go extinct just yet. If you lose, that's it. Humanity is history. You and your comrades make their attack. Soon, brave men drop like flies. You lose track of your friends, though sometimes you can hear them scream when they die, and the sounds of combat echo from deep within the starbase. Something hisses with rage from the steel tunnels ahead. They know you're here. They have no pity, no mercy, take no quarter, and crave none. They're the perfect enemy, in a way. No one's left but you. You... and Them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Final Doom (1996) [D3.02.05] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Though all the top management of the UAC were dead, and so were most of their personnel down to the janitors, the corporation survived, now under strict government supervision. The UAC still sought the secret to matter apportation, and continued its experiments under vastly increased safety measures. The UAC's base was set up on one of the moons of Jupiter, hoping that the increased distance would enhance Earth's safety if something went wrong. Marines were stationed at the base, ready for anything. Soon after the UAC opened its first Gate, the minions of Hell made their first attack. Suddenly, through the Gate flowed spiked, fanged, dripping techno-terrors. Meat machines flailed their armored limbs and slavered with bloodlust, seeking soft bleeding manflesh to rend. But in their seeking, they found only death. The United States Space Marine Corps was prepared for such an event, and they poured molten death into the hordes of Hell. More demons massed, hoping to overwhelm the defenders by their endless numbers. But mass alone was no match for the marines. Set up in defensive positions around the gate, the marines were able to slaughter the monsters by the hundreds, taking few losses. As suddenly as it had begun, the invasion ended. The last flaming skull screamed through, was hit by twenty simultaneous shotgun blasts, and the chamber was silent once more, except for the dripping of blood. Hell had failed. The research went on, more boldly, and less cautiously. All the marines received the Silver Star from a grateful government, and the UAC made an enormous contribution to the Veteran's Fund. The defensive positions were strengthened, and the marines watched closely for another attempt, all their attention drawn inward towards the Gates. They were looking in the wrong direction. Hell knew more than one trick. Months after the Gate incident, the yearly supply ship came ahead of time. On radar, the ship looked far larger than usual. And it was coming from the wrong direction. Strange, but not inexplicable. The lax radar operators reported the ship's approach, and personnel went out to the landing field to meet it. But it never landed. Instead, it hovered over the base, miles in the air. The men and women looked up at it, and saw that something was terribly wrong. The ship could not have come from Earth. It was huge, kilometers long, and was built of bone, steel, flesh, corruption, and death. It was a bio-mechano-magical construct from the depths of Hell and It had come through space for its vengeance. Enormous doors, large as football fields, irised open and hideous demons poured out, plunging to the ground and blanketing the entire base with their throbbing, pulsing bodies. They were everywhere at once. The marines' defenses, set up to prevent an attack from the direction of the Gate, were worthless. The monsters poured through the sewers, the air vents, the hallways, everywhere, rampaging, corrupting, and feasting. Once more, the surviving humans were left as zombified brain-dead monstrosities. existing only to kill and kill and kill. Only one man escaped death or zombification. The marine commander. You. You weren't at the base when the skies opened and devastation poured from the stars. You were miles away, enjoying a walk across the moon's rough-hewn landscape. Then you heard a snortling gurgle behind you, whirled, to face one of Them. The beings that still haunted your nightmares. Your reflexes weren't dulled by your expierences, and you pulled out your pistol and blew the imp to gory shreds. Hot-footing it back to the base, you saw it all and realized what had happened in a flash. The demon ship still floated above the infested base. Your boys -- the men you'd trained to fight and kill and die as no fighting man had ever been trained before -- were dead. You were not there when it happened, to die with them. Unlike the ancient Samurai, who chose to die with their men, you cocked your pistol. You were going to kill for your men. And if you died trying, well, you were going to die anyway, some day. Death at the fangs of demons might be the very worst way to die, but if they did manage to get you, Hell would know it had been in a fight. After Hell's catastrophic invasion of Earth, the United States took steps to prevent such an invasion from recurring. The old UAC corporation was refounded, under completely new management (since the old trustees and stockholders were all dead, this wasn't much of a problem), and sent to research tools and technologies to prevent such an incursion from happening ever again. Though the invasion had been stopped, and the remaining demons were gradually being exterminated by mopping-up squads, it was clear that the powers of Hell remained strong. While the Spider Mastermind and Baphomet seemed to no longer threaten, who knew what else lay Outside? Waiting. Watching. Preparing. The new UAC began working on quantum Accelerator devices, intended to close interdimensional gates at a distance and so prevent future incursions forever. The project began innocently enough. Naturally the scientists, in order to learn how to close Gates, had to relearn Gate technology first. This ability was rapidly regained. Perhaps too rapidly. Soon, beings from Outside had their dire attention drawn to the new experiments, and then, one day, a Gate opened in the heart of the research complex. Unnatural horrors from the pit poured in, ravening for destruction. But the UAC scientists had learned their trade. The Quantum Accelerator Device performed perfectly in its maiden test -- the invasion Gate was closed instantly and permanently when the Accelerator flicked on. A cyberdemon, halfway through, was snipped in two when the Gate closed. Earth would now be safe from literal invasion by Hell. At least, once the technology could be set up around the globe. The next day, a ring of seven Gates opened, throughout the base, and a monstrous legion rampaged through. The Quantum Accelerator began putting out the Gates at once, and within an hour, six were closed. But the hellish army was now too strong, too numerous. The marines fought like mad dogs, but were finally pulled down by the enemies' claws. The scientists, marines, and bureaucrats were all slain or transformed into undead mankillers. The Quantum Accelerator and its prototypes are deep inside the ravaged complex. A demon Gatekeeper guards them and mans the last Gate of Hell. The government, frantic that the Quantum Accelerator will be destroyed or used in some alien fashion upon us, has ordered all marines to the site at once, regardless of their location. You were on leave at the beach, only a few minutes from the complex, when you got the word. You suited up, grabbed a pistol, and raced your pickup truck to the complex. When you arrived, flashes of light, howls, and chanting could be heard from the interior. Corpses were scattered everywhere. Obviously the Gatekeeper was doing something inside -- something that would soon reach some kind of awful climax. You know that within an hour or two, an entire division of marines will arrive to assault the base with full artillery and air support. You also know that they will be too late. Far too late. The airplanes will be plucked from the sky by floating terrors, the cannons melted by diabolic rockets and fireballs, the soldiers blasted to shreds as they charge into the armored shell of the UAC buildings. In an hour or two, the monstrosities inside will have finished their awful task, and will be prepared, once more, to take on the world. It's up to you. You have to enter the complex and stop the Gatekeeper. Alone. ============================================================================== Weapons, Monsters and Bosses [D3.03.01] ============================================================================== What is a shooter without its fair share of weapons, monsters and bosses? You tell me! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Weapons [D3.03.02] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Some parts of the stats contain (SP) and (MP). SP means Single-Player, MP means Multi-Player. Then a small note on the Firing Rate part, let's say it says 1/6. This means it takes one second, for 6 bullets. 4/1 means 4 seconds for 1 bullet etc. * Fists - These can't run out of ammo ;p Good for you. When you are out of ammo, or find yourself in a confusing situation, they'll sure come in handy. They are extremely powerful in combination with the berserk power-up though. - Holdable Ammo: N/A - Direct Damage: 20 - Headshot Damage: 40 - Splash Damage: N/A - Splash Radius: N/A - Firing Rate: 1/1 - Switch Time: N/A - Multiplayer: Yes - Multiplayer Respawn: N/A - Bind Command: bind x "_impulse0" * Flashlight - Not only the most important tool you'll use, but you can also swing with it in close combat. If you really need to use a weapon in close combat, use the flashlight, not your fists, since it'll do more damage. - PDA: UAC Standard issue light source. This model utilizes a static transfer power supply, so battery replacement is unnecessary. - Holdable Ammo: N/A - Direct Damage: 40 (SP), 20 (MP) - Headshot Damage: 40 - Splash Damage: N/A - Splash Radius: N/A - Firing Rate: 1/2 - Switch Time: N/A - Multiplayer: Yes - Multiplayer Respawn: N/A - Bind Command: bind x "_impulse11" * Pistol - The first shooting weapon you'll get. However, you can shoot fast enough to do quite some damage in a short time. According to Type6 this is meant for medium to long ranged targets. I said close combat -____- I'm sorry. You can use it to weaken enemies at longer distance, then switch to a better weapon. - PDA: All UAC Security and Military personnel are supplied with this basic projectile side arm. - Holdable Ammo: 12 - Direct Damage: 14 (SP), 15 (MP) - Headshot Damage: 30 - Splash Damage: N/A - Splash Radius: N/A - Firing Rate: 1/3 - Switch Time: N/A - Multiplayer: Yes - Multiplayer Respawn: 20 - Bind Command: bind x "_impulse1" * Shotgun - A weapon that probably will become your favourite. That is, if you don't run out of ammo for it. According to Skippy this is meant for close combat, because it'll do the most damage this way. Silly me for giving wrong information. - PDA: The shotgun deals considerable damage at close range, however the wide spread limits long range effectiveness. - Holdable Ammo: 8 - Direct Damage: 182 (SP), 195 (MP) (13 pellets) - Headshot Damage: 195 - Splash Damage: N/A - Splash Radius: N/A - Firing Rate: 1.3/1 - Switch Time: N/A - Multiplayer: Yes - Multiplayer Respawn: 20 - Bind Command: bind x "_impulse2" * SMG (Sub Machine Gun) - A fast shooter, that's great for times you find yourself being overloaded with enemies. Don't confuse SMG with Sarah Michelle Gellar. Wouldn't it be great if you could use a Slayer to kill enemies? *cough* - PDA: The MG-88 Enforcer delivers a high rate of fire and dependable accuracy when fired in short bursts. Standard Marine Infantry issue. - Holdable Ammo: 60 - Direct Damage: 9 (SP), 12 (MP) - Headshot Damage: 24 - Splash Damage: N/A - Splash Radius: N/A - Firing Rate: 1/10 - Switch Time: N/A - Multiplayer: Yes - Multiplayer Respawn: 20 - Bind Command: bind x "_impulse3" * Chaingun - Automatic gun that's great for taking out enemies quickly. - PDA: The Chain Gun's 0.30 caliber armor piercing round delivers substantial damage, but heavy recoil reduces accuracy. - Holdable Ammo: 60 - Direct Damage: 20 (SP), 30 (MP) - Headshot Damage: 60 - Splash Damage: N/A - Splash Radius: N/A - Firing Rate: 1/6 - Switch Time: N/A - Multiplayer: Yes - Multiplayer Respawn: 20 - Bind Command: bind x "_impulse4" * Grenades - Just throw the grenade, keep the pin, not the other way around. Great when you are outnumbered by enemies. - PDA: The infantry issue fragmentation grenade is activated by a twist detonator. Fire delay is 3 seconds, with an injury radius of 30 meters. - Holdable Ammo: 50 - Direct Damage: 150 (SP), 75 (MP) - Headshot Damage: N/A - Splash Damage: 150 (SP), 75 (MP) - Splash Radius: 175 (SP), 150 (MP) - Firing Rate: N/A - Switch Time: N/A - Multiplayer: Yes - Multiplayer Respawn: 20 - Bind Command: bind x "_impulse5" * Plasma Rifle - Good rate, good damage and it's able to stop missiles. - PDA: Energy based weapons developed in the Mars weapon facility. Unit is powered by plasma canisters manufactured in the EnPro facility. - Holdable Ammo: 50 (SP), 30 (MP) - Direct Damage: 16 (SP), 30 (MP) - Headshot Damage: 60 - Splash Damage: N/A - Splash Radius: N/A - Firing Rate: 1/8 - Switch Time: N/A - Multiplayer: Yes - Multiplayer Respawn: 20 - Bind Command: bind x "_impulse6" * Rocket Launcher - Guess what this is =p - PDA: A portable self-propelled rocket designed for demolition and debris removal, this model has been modified for use as a military weapon. - Holdable Ammo: 5 - Direct Damage: 170 (SP), 100 (MP) - Headshot Damage: N/A - Splash Damage: 150 (SP), 100 (MP) - Splash Radius: 175 (SP), 125 (MP) - Firing Rate: 1/1 - Switch Time: N/A - Multiplayer: Yes - Multiplayer Respawn: 20 - Bind Command: bind x "_impulse7" * BFG 9K - Stands for "Big Fucking Gun". This is the strongest weapon in the game, the longer you hold the trigger, the stronger the blast. If you hold it too long, you'll kill yourself. The blast created by the gun kills all enemies in sight of the blast. According to JoyRider I had to tell everyone id Software intented to name this gun "Big Fraggin' Gun" ;p - PDA: This prototype fires a threaded variable energy charge. UAC technicians have warned of stability issues at full power. - Holdable Ammo: 4 - Direct Damage: 200 - Headshot Damage: N/A - Splash Damage: 100 - Splash Radius: 150 - Firing Rate: 4/1 - Switch Time: N/A - Multiplayer: No - Multiplayer Respawn: N/A - Bind Command: bind x "_impulse8" * Chainsaw - The best weapon from the original Doom. Vroom vroom! - PDA: Self powered chain-blade cutting tool. Part of a shipment incorrectly routed to the Mars dropship distribution centre. - Holdable Ammo: N/A - Direct Damage: 50 (SP), 60 (MP) - Headshot Damage: N/A - Splash Damage: N/A - Splash Radius: N/A - Firing Rate: N/A - Switch Time: N/A - Multiplayer: No - Multiplayer Respawn: 20 - Bind Command: bind x "_impulse10" * Soul Cube - After you have killed 5 demons, you are able to use this weapon. It can kill any enemy in your line of sight, then drains the health of the enemies and gives it to you. - PDA: An artifact discovered in the caverns excavation site. Research of the Cube's origin and function are ongoing. - Holdable Ammo: N/A - Direct Damage: 1000 - Headshot Damage: N/A - Splash Damage: 40 - Splash Radius: 100 - Firing Rate: 4/1 - Switch Time: N/A - Multiplayer: No - Multiplayer Respawn: N/A - Bind Command: bind x "_impulse9" Source: (parts) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enemies [D3.03.03] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For this section I'll tell you the weapon of choice. I created my own catagories for this: - Close Range: Shotgun - Long Range: BFG, Rocket Launcher - Rapid: Plasma Gun, Chaingun, SMG - Weak: Pistol, Chainsaw - Power: Grenades, Soulcube Ofcourse, when 5 Imps attack, throwing a grenade will be more efficient than shooting them off one by one with your shotgun. Use your own brains too. * Arch-ville - This enemy will summon Imps and Wraiths, plus it'll shoot fireballs and hit you. The tactic for this enemy is to kill him first, and then go after the summoned enemies. - Health: 425 - Claw Damage: 12 - Firewall: 20 - Flamewall: 20 - Incinerate: 20 - Weapon of choice: Long Range * Cacodemon - These flying creates have a very big head, and are easy to spot. They are not all that difficult, since their attacks are easy to dodge. Just keep shooting at it. They spit out fireballs at you. - Health: 200 - Fireball Direct: 12 - Fireball Splash: 5 - Fireball Splash Radius: 48 - Melee: 20 - Weapon of choice: Rapid * Chainsaw Zombies - A Zombie with a Chainsaw, kill them fast, since they can do quite some damage. They are a big stronger than the normal Zombies too. - Health: 125 - Chainsaw: 15 - Push / Kick: 12 - Melee: 20 - Weapon of choice: Rapid, Close Range * Cherub - Half creepy baby, half winged grub. Not hard to kill, but they are irritating anyway. They make an annoying noise, but that makes them easy to spot. - Health: 50 - Claw: 5 - Leap Attack: 15 - Melee: 20 - Weapon of choice: Rapid, Close Range * Commando-Zombie - A Commando that turned into a Zombie. Stay away from it and shoot with long-ranged weapons. It comes with a Chaingun or tentacle and are harder than your average Marine-Zombie. Never use a shotgun against them, because this'll take too long. When you are facing a Commando-Zombie with a tentacle, the tactic is to wait till he is going to hit you with his tentacle and quickly crouch. This way he'll miss and that gives you the time to finish the fight. - Health: 225 - Melee: 12 - Chaingun: 20 - Push / Kick: 12 - Tentacle: 12 - Weapon of choice: Rapid * Fire-Zombie - This Zombie enjoyed walking in the fire. They walk like one of their legs is broken, but they manage to move faster than the average Zombie. The fact that they're on fire and making an irritating noise doesn't help much. - Health: 150 - Melee: 12 - Weapon of choice: Rapid, Close Range * Hell Knight - A huge demon, apparently with small eyes or none at all. Can easily break you in two pieces and extreme firepower is recommended when encountered. Their plasmaballs can do lots of damage, and when they toss you around it can be nasty too. - Health: 900 - Plasmaball: 30 - Plasmaball Splash: 45 - Plasmaball Splash Radius: 120 - Smash Splash: 100 - Smash Splash Radius: 20 - Claw: 25 - Bite: 30 - Weapon of choice: Rapid, Long Range, Power * Imps - The classical Imp... This beast will hide everywhere, perhaps even under your bed. Might want to check that. Nevertheless, they are tougher than Zombies, and faster too. They crawl behind you, jump at you from the front (making your view shock, making it even harder to hit THEM instead of your leg), or decide to use the air vent and attack from above. Not only that, but they also shoot fireballs. - Health: 130 - Fireball: 12 - Fireball Splash: 5 - Fireball Splash Radius: 50 - Leap Attack: 8 - Claw: 8 - Weapon of choice: Rapid, Close Range * Lost Soul - Not really an enemy, but as soon as you see a golden skull pass, make sure your gun is loaded, because I can assure you at least one enemy is going to attack you in less than 10 seconds. Later in the game these pesky skulls will be able to hurt you and hunt you in packs, just like Trites. - Health: 20 - Melee: 12 - Charge: 12 - Weapon of choice: Rapid * Maggot - A creature that has 2 heads, and is extremely fast. However, they aren't that hard to beat. - Health: 80 - Claw: 6 - Leap Attack: 16 - Weapon of choice: Rapid, Close Range * Mancubus - A demon with rapid-fire rocket arms. Can take quite a lot of hits. They are fat, and move slow, but the damage they can do (especially when they work together) is devastating. - Health: 1000 - Rocket: 20 - Rocket Splash Damage: 20 - Rocket Splash Radius: 40 - Stomp: 40 - Weapon of choice: Rapid, Long Range * Marine-Zombie - A "parody" on the original Zombie. These enemies have guns to damage you. Sometimes a pistol, other times a SMG. - Health: 110 max. - Machinegun: 3 per bullet - Pistol: 4 per bullet - Shotgun: 24 (3x8) - Weapon of choice: Rapid, Close Range * Pinky - A fat half-robot/half-demon enemy, you most likely saw in screenshots of Doom 3. It's just like a fat dog. Don't get cornered by this beast, and keep your distance. - Health: 220 - Melee: 10 - Weapon of choice: Rapid, Close Range * Revenants - Skeletons with plasma rifles/rocket launchers on their shoulders. Hide when they shoot their rockets, then shoot them full bullets and just repeat that. The missiles can be taken out with your Plasma Gun. - Health: 272 - Missile: 10 - Missile Splash Damage: 10 - Missile Splash Radius: 30 - Claw: 16 - Melee: 16 - Weapon of choice: Rapid, Close Range, Long Range * Tick - These Spiders will explode. They often come in packs and try to surprise you. - Health: 20 - Explosion: 50 - Explosion Radius : 100 - Weapon of choice: Rapid, Power * Trites - Little Spiders that'll come out of all kind of places to kill you. - Health: 20 - Leap Attack: 20 - Bite: 8 - Explosion: 50 - Explosion Radius: 100 - Weapon of choice: Rapid, Power * Wraith - The Zerg from Starcraft makes its return. Well actually not, but they remind me or the Zergs =p Pretty easy to kill. Think of it like an Imp without the fireballs. They can teleport though, so watch out. - Health: 130 - Claw: 8 - Melee: 8 - Weapon of choice: Rapid, Close Range * Zombie - The easiest enemy, and they most likely won't be able to damage you, because you'll simply be faster. They come in different forms... fat, skinny... GET YOURS NOW! - Health: 150 max. - Melee: 20 - Wrench: 20 - Weapon of choice: Weak Source: (parts) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bosses [D3.03.04] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Vagary - A big Trite-like create, that is the Queen of Trites or something. She attacks using telekinetic and by hitting you. - Health: 1300 - Pincher: 12 - Melee: 12 - Objects: 12 - Weapon of choice: Rapid * Guardian - Take out the seekers. Once these are out, the Guardian can't spot you. At least try to avoid the search light. When he seekers are down, shoot the blue orb. Repeat until he dies. The more he smokes, the more damage he took. - Health: 800 - Headbutt: 30 - Smash: 20 - Smash Splash: 20 - Smash Splash Radius: 100 - Pound Ground: 20 - Charge: 30 - Weapon of choice: Long Range * Sabaoth - Just don't get hit and use rapid fire and power-weapons. He can hurt you by pushing you around or riding over you, so watch out for that. They also shoot with a BFG, so keep your distance. Just pump him up with rockets and he's toast soon. - Health: 1750 - Melee: 40 - BFG: 200 - BFG Splash Damage: 100 - Splash Radius: 150 - Weapon of choice: Rapid, Power * CyberDemon - Kill the "small" enemies to charge your Soulcube, then use it against the boss. That's the big tactic here. - Health: 4000 - Stomp / Smack: 400 - Rocket Direct: 40 - Rocket Splash: 40 - Rocket Splash Radius: 40 - Weapon of choice: Power, Long Range, Rapid Source: (parts) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Other Items [D3.03.05] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Armor - Armor comes in two forms; Shards, which are small pieces of armor, and suits. * Ammo - Ammo also comes in different forms; Bullets (Pistol), Shells (Shotgun), Cells (Plasma Gun), Chaingun Belt (Chaingun), Clips (SMG), Energy Cell (BFG) and Rockets (Rocket Launcher). * Health - Comes in three forms; small medkit, large medkit and adrenalin. The first two are straight forwarded. The adrenalin will give you unlimited stamina for a short while. * Power-ups - Two power-ups can't be found in the single-player part, but only in the multi-player; Invisibility and MegaSphere (increase health). For single- and multi-player there is the Berserk power-up, which'll make you invincible, speed you up and boost the damage you can do. * Backpack - Allows you to carry more stuff at the same time. * Key - Open certain doors that would otherwise be closed. * Oxygen Tank - Gives you oxygen when you have to venture outside. * PDA - Personal Data Assistant. Your most important tool next to weapons. Use it to view mails, Video Disks, view user data and to open door. * Video Disk - Gives you a video that shows you information. ============================================================================== Walkthrough (Hints and Tips) [D3.04.01] ============================================================================== You are about to start an adventure you never encountered before. It may look like Half-Life and Unreal at some points, but it's still a good story to follow. Let's start with some advice: * Save often, except when you're low on health. This is your key to surviving. * Get to know the controls before you enter Mars City Underground. If you are just standing still like a puppet the monsters will slay you easily. If you know how to move it'll be a lot harder for them. * You might want to set the brightness of the game a bit brighter, since the game is pretty dark. * Talk with everyone you can, interact with anything, read anything, listen to anything and watch everything. * Re-load your gun when you are not into combat to assure you don't have to reload when a group of zombies want to taste your leg and brains. * In combat, don't stand behind something that can explode. * In combat, aim for the head. * Listen carefully, since you can hear when enemies are nearby. * Use the right gun for the right situation. Don't use your plasma gun on one Trite, and don't use a pistol against a boss. * When entering a new room, equip the shotgun in case something is waiting for you. * Don't use a Health Stand when you have 99 health. You'll gain one point of health, the machine loses 10. Get my point? * Let Sentry Bots do the dirty work. It can't run out of ammo, and it'll spot any nearby enemy for you. * Don't shoot glass unless needed. Who knows what's behind it, maybe even an area with oxygen, which forces you to go faster through an area because you'll run out of oxygen if you aren't fast enough. * When you have enough health, and you see a medkit, leave it there. Maybe you need it a few rooms later. * Set the Flashlight to the right mousebutton. It's used by the jump button otherwise, and jumping with the keyboard is faster, easier and just works better. And it's easier to use the right mousebutton for the Flashlight, so you can switch easy without watching what you're pressing (that is, if you don't know that). * Use your flashlight to find goodies you wouldn't find if you don't use it. * Save ammo, don't shoot a dead Zombie. This isn't Doom 2. * Keep your distance whenever possible. Some enemies are nasty when they are close. If you are sure you hurt the enemy enough you can also get closer and make a nice headshot with your shotgun. * Your feet are further behind you than you think. If you need to do a leap jump, jump a bit later then you would normally do. * Cover during fights (or when reloading during fights). It's an easy way to dodge a rocket from a Mancubus or Revenant. * Shelves offer great cover. Fireballs, for example, can't go through, but your bullets can. * Pillars are great for covering too. You can keep firing at a Pinky, while going around and around and around the pillar. * Backtrack if you need. Go back to previous rooms to find health, ammo or armor. * Enjoy the game! The most important part =) Sean submitted two tactics to fight the evil: Shooting Monsters - You'll run into countless imps throughout the game, more than any other monster except maybe zombies. Maybe I'm just slow, but it took me a long time to learn how to dodge their fireballs. This is probably the most significant skill in the game. When you first see an imp, you need to start shooting and immediately try to find some open territory. Hallways are bad places to fight imps. Open rooms are good as long as you stay away from obstructions like furniture. If I'm in a confined area when I spot one, I like to retreat to the nearest open area and the imp usually follows. DO NOT advance into unknown territory during a fight, or you will activate more enemies. When the imp cocks his arm to throw the fireball, dodge to the left or right. Start your dodge earlier if you're closer to the imp. If you're farther away, you can wait til the fireball approaches then dodge. These tactics (return fire, find an open area, and dodge) apply to other monsters who use missile weapons like Revenants. You have to choose between fighting up close or creating distance. If you're going to stay close, you may be able to dodge the monster's shots, but don't get close enough for it to use its melee attack. The Shotgun works well at close range because of its increased damage and because you can dodge without trying to hold the reticle on target. The SMG works well for fights at a distance, because you can hold the reticle on the target and hold the trigger down. I like to use the plasma gun against Revenants because hitting one rocket of a two-rocket salvo seems to consistently blow both rockets up Non-Shooting Monsters - You need to use the opposite tactic when fighting melee monsters. These include flying monsters like Lost Souls, and charging ones like Pinky's. If you find yourself in an open area, these monsters can dodge your shots and attack from the left or right. Flying monsters can swoop down from above. These types of attacks make the monsters harder to hit, and require you to shift aim to engage multiple enemies. Therefore you should retreat to a hallway so the monsters all have to come from the same direction. If you're good, you should be able to use the Shotgun, and you may kill more than one enemy with one shot. Because of the reload time, you'll need to time your shot for the last second. You need to learn to fight all monsters with the Shotgun anyway, because it's the only weapon for which ammo is consistently available. I'm using a few tactics myself to venture through a room or hall; Baby-tactic - Walk really slow, and when an enemy attack you'll be sure to shoot before it can even attack you. Hero-tactic - Run through a room, turn around and shoot anything that showed up. Fast-tactic - Run, run, run, ignore everything that you encounter. If you find anything that's not covered in this walkthrough, please let me know. I'll add it, together with the credits you deserve. Playing on a more difficult level won't change the storyline or anything, just how hard the enemies are etc. Also, on Nightmare your health will drop to 25% (drops 5 every 2-3 seconds). Also there are no medkits, only Health Stands. Last but not least, this guide isn't made for every piece of ammo, health or armor in the game. Only if the goodies are out of sight I'll mention them. I don't see a point in telling you where something can be found that's in front of you, right? ============================================================================== MARS CITY [D3.04.02] ============================================================================== Items found: 2x PDA, 2x Video Disk ============================================================================== --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll get some short information about what's going on; you are going to Mars City on behave of the UAC. Your ship lands, and you step out of it. Also two other man set their first step on Mars, talking about how bad the city is. That's not a very good start, is it? --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- --OBJECTIVE------------------------------------------------------------------- Go to the reception. --OBJECTIVE------------------------------------------------------------------- Very hard objective, isn't it? It's probably the hardest in the game, so beware ;p Anyway, it's pretty straight forward. Just walk up the stairs, and enter the doors. You can also talk to various people here. The most people you'll encounter will just say "Hey you're new here, right?" or something like that, but others may give hints or tips. The man sitting on the bench will tell you how much he wants to leave Mars. His reasons are unknown, but you'll find out soon enough. Enter the door, and you'll end up at the scan-section. You'll have to step on a square, and wait till the bio scan is finished. You're fine to go. What a surprise! Enter the door that'll be unlocked. You'll end up in some bigger room. Listen to what the man tells you through the intercom. The Mars Facility is the best, and this and that. We'll see about that soon enough! Listen to his speech if you want, or just enter the door that's in front of you. Whatever you do, just go to the door to enter the room where the reception is. --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- The man behind the desk will give you a PDA, and tells you not to lose it. He'll also give you a new objective. --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- --OBJECTIVE------------------------------------------------------------------- Perform all your duties in a Military Manner. --OBJECTIVE------------------------------------------------------------------- A bit more information about your PDA. This is your most important device in the game, next to weapons. It'll show the current objective, weapons and items. You can read e-mail, listen to audio logs, watch videos and read information about the facility, combat etc. The PDA also functions as a key that'll unlock doors for you. When you encounter a PDA of someone else, you'll download his data on your PDA and gain more access, and you'll be able to read his mail and view/listen to his logs, which often gives away security codes or information that might be of use. Also there are various stands around Mars City where you can download information from. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Grawl (for me at least ;p) | I.D. Number: 381 9x-22 | Location: Departure Lounge | Rank: Marine Security | Security Clearance: Marine HQ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Director W. Banks | Subject: Welcome Message | Date: 11-15-2145 | Body: | | Welcome to Mars Marine. | | I would like to take a brief moment of your time and welcome you to what we | call our 'home away from home'. We will make every effort to make your stay | here as pleasant as possible, and if you need something, please feel free | to contact your supervisor for immediate assistance. I hope that you can | find the time to take advantage of some of our great staff amenities. As a | reminder, we engage in technical, highly secure testing and research here, | please refrain from wandering into unauthorized areas. Any security team | member will assist you if help is needed. | | Sincerely, | Director William Banks | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Sergeant Kelly | Subject: Report to Marine HQ | Date: 11-15-2145 | Body: | | Marine, | Report to Marine Command as soon as possible. Don't waste any time getting | here. We're short on troops and I need you out on patrol as soon as | possible. | | Sergeant Kelly | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Video Disk |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Marine Command Briefing | Creator: Marine HQ | Date: 03/11/45 | Description: Standard Operating Procedures on Mars | Shown: This is just a "we are the best" movie. | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ --OBJECTIVE------------------------------------------------------------------- Report to Marine Command --OBJECTIVE------------------------------------------------------------------- Walk back to the previous room (although the guy at the reception tells you to visit the chief immediately). There is such a stand here, Walk to it, and press the "download" button to get yourself a new mail. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Safety committee | Subject: Safety Awareness Month | Date: 11-15-2145 | Body: | | Safety is critical to everything we do on Mars. We will review all standard | safety protocols during the month of November - Safety Awareness month. | | It is mandatory that you schedule time to attend each of these valuable | workshops. | | Proper Plasma Handling: Review of the proper storage of plasma, how to | handle plasma leaks and the best ways to treat plasma burns. | | Emergency First Aid: Learn the location and correct use for all of the | Health Packs placed throughout the facility. Special attention will be | given to waste prevention methods. Health resources are squandered if a | large pack is used when only a small pack is needed. | | Storage of Weapons and Ammo: Special lecture on the safe storage of | weapons and ammo. Fred Nilsson will be giving hands-on lessons in | proper targeting and strafing. | | Emergency Loss of Environment: This lecture will focus on what to do is | you are faced with an air leak, structural failure, or airlock failure. | Special care will be paid to the locations of emergency air tanks. | | See postings outside UAC HR for times and locations. | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Walk (or run, I don't care) back to the reception. On the table there is a video disk. Pick it up. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Video Disk |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Welcome to Mars Research Facility | Creator: Human Resources | Date: 03/05/45 | Description: For additional help please see your UAC representative | Shown: Pretty much like the previous video you saw | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ A little further in the room, is another stand, where you can get yourself yet another mail. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: UAC Security | Subject: Code-Black: Missing Staff | Date: 11-15-2145 | Body: | | Dr. Jonathan Ishii from the Delta Science Team is missing. Security is | concerned that he may be injured and unable to respond to pages or return to | his post. Please keep an eye out for Dr. Ishii and report to UAC Security is | he is located. | | He was last seen in Mars City Underground approaching the airlock leading | to the old communications array. | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Now this is where the trouble starts, a missing scientist... Follow the path and you'll encounter a cutscene. --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll see your little friends from the intro again. He'll tell some guy he wants to check out stuff. The scary man seems a bit troubled by that. Is he telling lies? --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow the left path until you encounter a door that's in your way. Don't enter the door yet, but go right, into the cafeteria. Stand at the counter and watch the news that's on TV. It seems that the base where you are, are missing various people. You can also watch the rest of the news, but it isn't that much important. Plus the guy couching is irritating =p Anyway, there are various things you can do here. You can talk a bit, close the windows, play the best Arcade-game ever (it's fun, really =D) and pick up a PDA from someone else. When you do so, you'll download all the info onto your own PDA. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Adam E. Berneche | I.D. Number: 8321 -1 4 | Post: Mars City | Title: Maintenance Tech | Security Clearance: General Access | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audio Log |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Maintenance Update | About: Adam tells about what he did, and he says he's feeling rather | uncomfortable when he was working in the Underground area. Everyone there | looks weird and creepy, and he expects that he gets attacked. He also tells | the code 396. which is for a cabinet. Now that's what we were looking for... | Well not really, but you'll need it later ;p | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Ethan Peterson | Subject: Lost PDA | Date: 11-08-2145 | Body: | | Adam, | | Please take more caution in securing your personal data assistant. | It's turned up in lost and found three times this month. As you know, | your base security clearance are stored on that and it becomes a | serious security issue any time a PDA is lost. Failure to secure your | PDA could eventually result in your termination. | | Mr. Peterson | Maintenance Supervisor | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Ethan Peterson | Subject: Maintenance Report Needed | Date: 11-10-2145 | Body: | | Adam, | Your report is long overdue. Record an audio log for what you've done | today on your maintenance shift and send it to me immediately. I know | you recoded the cabinet today, and it is imperative that I update my | master list with the new code. | | I do not want to tell you again how important it is to record those | codes. | | Mr. Peterson | Maintenance Supervisor | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Delta HR | Subject: Volunteer Services | Date: 11-13-2145 | Body: | | Mr. Berneche, | | I have some great news for you, your name came up in our last | management meeting as a possible candidate for our Delta Labs outreach | program. As you have probably heard, we are conducting some very | exciting and important experiments here in Delta. Your supervisor | recommended you as a good candidate and in fact he insisted you | would be perfect for the job. I've reviewed your file and I agree with | this assessment, you will make a perfect test Subject. Our work here | is very important to the UAC and you should feel privileged that you | have a change to be part of it. | | Mr. K. Clearsky | Delta Future Systems | | p.s. Remember, volunteering is the best choice! I'd hate to invoke | clause 12.A of section 5443 of your employment contract; which if you | are not familiar with, allows us to appoint volunteered. | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ So we got the cabinet code for the Mars City Underground area, and we found out Adam was a bad worker and his current supervisor wanted to get rid of him =p Anyway, when you got enough of punching turkeys, go to the door I told you not to enter yet. Enter it now. You can overhear a conversation of 2 men. Apparently some guy complained and got transferred right way. There is a new stand here, so check it from yet another bullshit mail. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: HR Coordinator | Subject: Volunteer to earn extra credits | Date: 11-15-2145 | Body: | | Delta Labs is looking for individuals to fill critical positions. You can | help with our exciting break-through work and earn credits at the same time. | | Volunteers are needed in the following areas: | | Teleportation: We're looking for test Subjects to stress-test the new | teleporters. Experience tomorrow's travel technology, today! | | Medical Research: Our advanced pharmaceutical team needs volunteered to | participate in exciting medical studies. Help us find cures to everything | from the common cold to Ebola 7. | | Specimen Handling: We need volunteers to help handle and track the specimens | gathered through Delta Labs experiments. Health test and liability waiver | will be required. | | For more information about any of these opportunities or to post openings in | your department, please see an HR Coordinator. | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ There is only one way to go, and that's up to the steps, to the right. Follow the path, and some marine will tell you what way to go. Be a bad boy (or girl, for that matter) and go left to see what happens to volunteers. Whatever way you go, you'll end up in front of some steps. Don't go up yet, but enter the door that's to the opposite side to it to get yourself another Video Disk. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Video Disk |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Series 3 Plasma Gun Briefing | Creator: UAC Advanced Weapons | Date: 07/28/44 | Description: Informational Video on the Series 3 Plasma Gun | Shown: As description says... | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Now just follow the path, and you'll end up in the HQ. --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll get your first real objective. You have to find the missing scientist you read about earlier. Follow the bot to get to the Underground Passage, which is where we need to go. --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- --OBJECTIVE------------------------------------------------------------------- Search for the Missing Scientist. Locate Maintenance Entrance. --OBJECTIVE------------------------------------------------------------------- Just follow the bot to end up where you should be. There is a cabinet here. Enter the code you found before, 396, to get yourself some bullets. Enter the lift here. ============================================================================== MARS CITY UNDERGROUND [D3.04.03] ============================================================================== The Mars City sublevel was one of the first multi-purpose installations built on Mars. Housing storage, environmental systems, localized energy production, communications arrays, and rudimentary research systems, the aging facility is vital to keeping Mars City operational. ============================================================================== Items found: 3x PDA, 3x Oxygen Tank Enemies: 8x Imp, 15x Zombie, 8x Marine-Zombie ============================================================================== When you enter the room, you'll get yourself a pistol, more bullets and armor. After that the guy will take a radio test to make sure it works. Now enter the next door and we'll search for the missing scientist. --OBJECTIVE------------------------------------------------------------------- Reach Old Com Building. --OBJECTIVE------------------------------------------------------------------- In the room with the Crane, there is a guy operating the crane. Shoot him in the head to get his PDA. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Daniel M. Young | I.D. Number: 8946-55 | Post: Mars City Underground | Title: Crane Operator | Security Clearance: General Access | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Frank Delahue | Subject: Tired of working the crane? | Date: 11-15-2145 | Body: | | Daniel, | | I'm considering a promotion for you if you're interested. I'm down an | engineer in Reclamation and I think you would be the perfect replacement. | | Give it some thought over the next days and let me know what you think. | | Frank Delahue, | Engineering Manager | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Seraphim submitted this: "When you exit the room where you get your pistol and flashlight from the cabinet there is a room with a large chasm, a crane, and a locked room on the other side. If you press the controls for the crane you can rotate 90 degrees in one direction. After you do that head towards the door you use to exit this room. Just before the door look to your left. There is a tiny ledge with a medpack on it. If you jump onto the ledge over the railing and look to your left a little bit with the flash light you will see a rope that goes all the way across. Do some tightrope walking and you can get over there." It's all pretty straight-forwarded. Just follow the path. There is one weird guy down in "the dungeon" who tells you about the scientist, but suddenly stops talking. He doesn't want to tell you anything else. Veech told me 2 pieces of armor could be found under the stairs. Two rooms later (it's the room where some guy says through his radio "Why don't you get your fat ass down here and do it yourself?") you can find a cabinet, plus a PDA. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Grant F. Baston | I.D. Number: 2781 -61 | Post: Mars City Underground | Title: Services Supervisor | Security Clearance: General Access | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audio Log |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Unexplainable Things | About: Grant tells about reports of unexplainable things. The reports are | pretty high and people are frightened. Power losses etc. don't help either, | and about every day people call in sick. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: T. Brooks | Subject: You're not gonna believe this :) | Date: 11-13-2145 | Body: | | You will not believe this... actually you probably will. The late night | security detail couldn't figure out how to open the security cabinets | from the security office?!?! I spent the next morning walking them | through the steps in the security panels. They didn't realize that you | could open both cabinets from the one security panel. Where do they | find these people? | | -Brooks | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: UAC Security | Subject: UPDATED SECURITY CODE | Date: 11-14-2145 | Body: | | Unit Supervisor, | | November Security Update for your area, UNDERGROUND MAINTENANCE, has | been completed. | Please update the security cabinet code in the Energy Stabilization | Unit to 531. | | Thanks, | UAC Security | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ According to Synnystr you can walk along the walkway, but jump over the left railing before you would turn to continue along and go through the next door and you'll find a whole bunch of armor and bullets under the walkway. Use the code from the mail onto the cabinet to get more armor and shells. Now continue your little journey. There is only one way to go through, so you shouldn't have any problems. There's a broken panel and a guy who gets scared when you sneak up to him (remember the panel he is controlling though). In the next room the lights will power out. Time to use your flashlight to navigate through. You'll need this tool pretty much from now on, so get used to it. Follow the path, and you'll encounter a guy. Grab the bullets on the box, and shoot the Marine off to get his PDA. Open the airlock. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Mark B. Ryan | I.D. Number: 9368-41 | Post: Mars City Underground | Title: Security Officer | Security Clearance: General Access | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: T. Brooks | Subject: Got a new guy on the way | Date: 11-15-2145 | Body: | | Hey Mark, | We had a new marine just come through the security checkpoint. He's gonna | check out the old comm building for that missing scientist. Can you make | sure doesn't get lost... last thing we need is another missing person. | | Thanks Bro | -Brooks | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Now go outside and quickly go through the other airlock. Don't take too long, since you won't have infinite oxygen. According to Czar, instead of crossing the bridge, you can also go right, and grab some oxygen and ammo here. In the new door, use the lift to go up one level. Follow the path and you'll find the missing scientist. Also Synnystr provided me with this: Once you close the second airlock (after your quick dash across the terrain), you end up in a storeroom of sorts. To your right are some boxes and shelves. If you go around the back of the shelves and jump up, you'll find some more armor and bullets. --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- The scientist will tell you "they" need to be warned, and that time is running out or whatnot. If you watch the monitor, you'll see that there is some kind of portal open. A portal to hell? --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- --SPOILER--------------------------------------------------------------------- From here on monsters will appear. It's no more mister nice guy. --SPOILER--------------------------------------------------------------------- The scientist will turn into a Zombie, go kill him off with a few shots from your pistol. Out of the door will come a Marine-Zombie, so kill him off too. Yes, Anarchy is ruling Mars City. If you watch the monitors you'll see what happens. All kind of lost souls will enter the bodies of people, and they will turn into a Zombie. For now, you'll only encounter 2 types of Zombies; the normal Zombies, which don't have a gun and will just try to kill you with their bare hands. There are also Marine-Zombies, which will shoot at you. For now, this room is safe from Zombies, so look around a bit if you want. Click on the monitor at the panel to see how a Zombie kills a Marine. After a short while, you'll get a new objective. --OBJECTIVE------------------------------------------------------------------- Go back to the Security Checkpoint. --OBJECTIVE------------------------------------------------------------------- This security checkpoint is the part where you did the radio test and got the pistol and armor. Not that much of a walk you say? Well with Zombies around, I can assure you it is ;p When you are done in this room, get the medkit and bullets if needed. Then leave the room. Just around the corner there is another Zombie. Shoot it off. Not a problem, right? You might wonder where the hell they come from though ;p Also, at this point the game will also be known as Flashlight 3 =p Yea yea, I'll shut up and on with the show. Enter the lift you entered before. The lights will go out, but don't worry, there will be no monster that'll attack you (like the Skaarj did in Unreal 2). Go outside using the airlock, and take the short walk outside again. You'll see another one of those lost souls once inside, and a Zombie will be waiting for you to kill it. Give him what he wants ;p Remember the Marine that helped you before? He wasn't too lucky, since he got killed. When you go up the stairs, and you enter the door, a Zombie will attack you, so open the door and step back. Kill him off, and climb up the stairs. This is the room where you used the flashlight for the first time. Just enter the new room. A Zombie will be climbing up the ladder, but you can take it down before the poor lad even got a change to attack you. Go right, and you'll see a claw that tries to attack you. Make it your pet if you want, and call him Charly. However, Charly is a bad pet and walks away. When you jump down where the Zombie tried to climb up, you can find some shells. Remember that panel I told you to remember? Operate it now to make a bridge, since the door where you met Charly is blocked. ZZ submitted a small thing: "Left of where the guy was there's a ladder leading down into the area with the machinery. Down there you can find some ammo and armor in two corners." Cross the bridge, and kill the Marine-Zombie that jumps out of his little hiding place. Grab the stuff there, and enter the new room. Yet another lost soul will take over a body. Another Marine-Zombie is created. If children were created just as fast, we would have a serious problem. He'll run behind a box and shoot you from there. Keep distance and kill him, or just run to him and kill him. Just make sure he doesn't move and it's fine. Don't go down yet, because there is a Zombie hiding somewhere in a small shaft. Turn the light on him, then shoot him. However, if you shoot him before you walk down, a skull will go in the shaft... WHAT THE HELL DOES IT TAKE OVER THEN? THE SHAFT? Well just beware of the evil shaft then =p Just walk to the desk there, and grab the stuff, including the PDA. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Frank A. Delahue | I.D. Number: 8397-68 | Post: Mars City Underground | Title: Engineering Manager | Security Clearance: Engineering | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audio Log |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Power Demands | About: This man is the manager, and he lets everyone work 12 hours a day. | Good he's not my boss. He tells about the power demand, which is extremely | big. Also, the rumors seem to make people awkward. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audio Log |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Fire Blast Precautions | About: He tells about problems with the "main progress". People seem to get | injured because of it. He just gives precautions to bring the number of | injuries down. He mentions the code 842. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Brian Mora | Subject: Party in the Delta Labs | Date: 11-13-2145 | Body: | | Yo Frank, | Don't forget that we're starting the party early this time... 8:15 | | --BMora-- | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: UAC Security | Subject: RE: Request Security | Date: 11-14-2145 | Body: | | UAC Employee, | | We have received your complaint and will consider your request. Safety is | important to us and will do everything to insure security throughout the | UAC. | | Sincerely, | UAC Security | ----Original Message---- | Sent: 11-12-2145 | To: UAC Security | | I'm becoming increasingly concerned for the safety of myself and my | co-workers down here in Underground. We've had guys getting stuck outside of | the airlock that leads to the old comm building and there seems to be a | build up of tensions over the past few weeks. I've seen friendly co-workers | change... | | I formally request additional security as well as an investigation as to | what's causing all the angst. | -Frank Delahue | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Nice stuff eh? Anyway, walk up the pipe in this room for more supplies. With the new PDA info, you can access the other door in this room, that wouldn't open before. Death submitted you can move boxes and grab some health and armor above the evil shaft. As soon as you enter it, you hear something scream "PLEASE HELP ME AAARGH!". Aaargh is when his head is separated from his body. Look up to see who did this. Kill the zombie now, or just do it in a few minutes when you actually get to that area. It's all fine with me. Around the right corner is another Zombie that seems to dislike you. Get rid of him, grab the stuff behind the crate, and enter the door that's on the opposite side of the crate. According to Krayzie the guy can be saved. If you do so, he'll open up something for you. Nothing wrong in this room... yet. There is a crate on some kind of platform, with armor on it, and some stuff around. Walk to that spot, to get yourself a shotgun. Your favourite weapon for a while. The platform will go down, and you have to kill 3 Zombies'. They just don't stand a change. Climb up using the ladder. If you are in need of more supplies, crawl under the big pipe for a little area with stuff, otherwise continue through the only other door. There is a dead body over there. As soon as you walk through it, something will explode. Don't cry, he won't hurt you. He even has some nice goodies for you. When you walk up the stairs, however, a horde of Zombies (including a Marine Zombie) will cross the corner, and they will hurt you... or die trying (I certainly hope they die). They will, however, come one at a time, so nothing to worry about. The bad part is the light will go down, and it's time to switch between flashlight to see where the enemy is, and shotgun/pistol to shoot. When you go around the corner two times, a Zombie will attack from the left (he's hiding in the dark), and another one will be coming towards you from the hallway. Finish them both off. Near the door is a health machine. Keep using it till you are back to health, although I don't think you lost much health yet. Enter the next room. Onto the next room. On the left is a flame. If you want some stuff, you can crawl underneath it to get some stuff. If you want to enter the right door, be sure your gun is reloaded. --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- An Imp will crawl out of a little space and attack you. --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- Shoot the Imp down, and enter the new room. This is where the scientist is that was killed before. An Imp will come around the corner. I'm not completely sure if it's your pet you just killed, but in case it was, don't worry, you'll get another one. Enough, actually. Let me be honest with you, you'll be able to get more Imp pets than you want. Egh, I'll just shut up now about the pets. I'm wasting space here =p So before you continue down the corner the Imp came from, observe the control panel of the first valve, which is malfunctioning. Remember Frank Delahue's audio log? That's right, the code is 842. Now you can go back, past the spot where the flame used to be, to get some health, armor and ammo. After you're done, continue from the point of your last encounter with the Imp. There is a ladder there, but if you go down, you'll just end up where you already have been, so don't do that. Just walk down the hallway to find another Zombie. When you find yourself on top of stairs, look in front of you. In that dark space is a Zombie hiding, so watch out. Kill it, then enter that dark space to find some goodies. An Imp will appear from where you already have been (the stairs, that is), so take care of that too. Enter the door to the next room. Don't worry, nothing here that'll attack you. You can see the bridge you made earlier. And where you met Charly. Aaah the memories! :') So enter the next room, walk down the stairs, and follow the path. An Imp and Zombie will attack you. You know the drill, next room sir! Yes, you are right, this is the room where Charly tried to make friends. He isn't around anymore though. Hurts, doesn't it? You can make yourself feel better with some shells when you crawl under the floor (do so by going right of the door, and crawl). When you are done, enter the next room. Nothing dangerous in this room, but the next room will have an Imp that'll jump at you right away, so ready your gun. This is where you got the PDA earlier, but if you don't have it yet, you can get it now. The medkit that was in the cabinet may come of use now. However, out of nowhere will appear a Marine-Zombie, so get ready. When you dealt with him, continue the walk. Go down the stairs, where the guy was complaining earlier. Watch out, because an Imp will drag you down and try to kill you. Enter the next room when you're done. Another room that doesn't have anything that can harm you. But a dead Zombie will fall down and someone will whisper "Help me... help me...". Just walk through the next door. An Imp will appear from underneath the stairs. Kill it and walk further. See the explosive barrel? Walk to it, then walk back, shoot at it, and kill the Imp because of the explosion. When you try to walk up the stairs, some junk will fall down, so be careful. When you are done being scared, walk up the stairs. See the door with the green panel next to it? An Imp will come out of that. When it's killed, enter that room yourself. Kill the Marine-Zombie, before it's able to stand up. Grab the stuff here, use the Health Machine if needed, and then use the computer to unlock a door. Also, and Imp will found out that glass isn't breakable ;p Return back to the previous room. There is another Marine-Zombie here, so take care of that soldier. The door that was locked before is open now, so enter that one. The Imp that tried to break the glass earlier is still waiting for you. Kill it off, and be happy, because the objective is done. Well actually there's nothing to be happy about. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- Return to Mars City. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- According to Cobra and Erik, it's possible to get the guns behind the glass by going into the control room and unlock the glass. Nevertheless, open the door to the lift, kill the Marine-Zombie and enter it. Jeff submitted all the information you need to get the remaining goodies near the crane: "To get the stuff up in the crane cab, the crane has to be working so you can rotate it the 90 degrees (otherwise the ladder is blocked at the top and you can't get into the crane cab). The crane is broken on the way back, so you have to do this on the way out. You rotate the crane (you can do this from either side), cross the chasm, and then you can climb the crane's ladder and get the shells and armor. On the other hand, to get into the little maintenance shed (without noclipping), you have to unlock its door, and you can only do this on the way back because on the way out there's no way to get into the security office. You unlock the door from the same panel where you unlock the exit door and the little cabinet with the smg. So you basically go into the security office, kill everything in there, unlock the exit door, smg cabinet, and maintenance shed, and then go back, cross the chasm, and you can get into the shed." ============================================================================== Mars City Re-visit [D3.04.04] ============================================================================== Mars City is the gateway to all of Union Aerospace's Mars Base. All arriving personnel are processed here before moving to their assigned posts. Mars City houses the primary Marine Operations control room as well as the main administrator's office. ============================================================================== Items found: 5x PDA, 1x Keycard Enemies: 6x Imp, 14x Zombie, 38x Marine-Zombie ============================================================================== Don't think you can take a break now. You'll get a new objective, and a Marine-Zombie is shooting at you with his shotgun. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- Return to Marine Command. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- Walk around till someone drops a ladder. Climb up, and he'll tell you he has no clue what happens. Some kind of shockwave passes through the building and everyone changed. He's asking you to get help, and he's too scared to come with you, so just walk further and leave him alone. You have to crawl through the shaft. You can find some armor here, and a way down. When you do so, jump down, and run to the room. Turn around, kill the Zombie here, and also kill the Zombie that comes through the hall. There is a PDA waiting here for you. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Marcus C. Stanton | I.D. Number: 591 2-24 | Post: Mars City | Title: Manifest Controller | Security Clearance: General Access | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audio Logs |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Undocumented Cargo | About: Marcus is talking about the cargo, and someone preventing him to get | all the data on the cargo. The man is pissed. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: David Robbins | Subject: Would you believe - chainsaws? | Date: 11-12-2145 | Body: | | Marcus, | Those morons at Mixom have done it again. I requisitioned a crate of | jackhammers. What we got were several crates of chainsaws and no jackhammers | at all. What the hell were they thinking? Chainsaws serve no purpose on | Mars! | | I'm sending these back as soon as I get the time. Meanwhile, I would | appreciate if you could lodge another complaint with Mixom and expedite my | jackhammers when they do arrive. | | David Robbins | Industrial Complex | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Ray Gerhardt | Subject: Farewell for now | Date: 11-14-2145 | Body: | | If you've received this e-mail, you are someone I worked with while here on | Mars and have made an impression on my life. I want you to know I'm leaving | Mars and UAC to pursue other opportunities after one last assignment | tomorrow in Delta Labs. | | I will miss you terribly and will think of you often. I'm sure the | friendships I've made here will last the rest of my life and I will be sure | to keep in touch. As soon as I have a new address I will forward it along. | | I hope you will join me in the Mars City kitchen for a drink tomorrow | evening. My shuttle leaves first thing on 11/16 and I'd hate to miss my last | chance to see you... until next time. | | Ray Gerhardt | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Duncan Mathews | Subject: FW: Farewell for now | Date: 11-14-2145 | Body: | | Any idea who this guy is? I think he may be the funny looking dweeb from | Alpha Labs, but I always thought his name was Alan. | | Are you going to go have that drink with him? I wouldn't normally... but if | he's buying and other people will be there, it might be fun. | | ----Original Message---- | Sent: 11-14-2145 | To: Duncan Mathews | | If you've received this e-mail, you are someone I worked with while here on | Mars and have made an impression on my life. I want you to know I'm leaving | Mars and UAC to pursue other opportunities after one last assignment | tomorrow in Delta Labs. | | I will miss you terribly and will think of you often. I'm sure the | friendships I've made here will last the rest of my life and I will be sure | to keep in touch. As soon as I have a new address I will forward it along. | | I hope you will join me in the Mars City kitchen for a drink tomorrow | evening. My shuttle leaves first thing on 11/16 and I'd hate to miss my | last change to see you... until next time. | | Ray Gerhardt | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ So something is wrong with the cargo. I don't even care, that FW mail made me laugh =p The hallway the Zombie came from contains a few bullets, but I don't think you'll really need them. Just enter the next door. A Marine-Zombie will run at you, so shoot him off. Go to the left and try to access the door. Something will bump onto the metal... hard... --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- Obtain an ACO Key Card for access. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- Go to the door the Marine-Zombie came from, to find out another one is coming at you. But you're lucky, because you can grab his SMG when he's killed. There is another Imp behind the glass who finds out it's not breakable, so he just climbs up. There is an AGO card here however, so grab it and return to the door, then enter it. If you use your SMG, it's better to use short burst, because it'll be easier to aim. There are a Marine-Zombie and normal Zombie (with gun though) here, so kill them off, and then watch what happens behind the glass. That little bot seems to kill every enemy for you. So we are going to find this little guy, so he can help us a bit. Enter the next room. Nothing is here, so enter the next room again. Watch your back, because a Zombie will come from behind to attack. There are also a few Zombies in this room, so search around. There is also a Zombie without a head that walks around like a... Zombie without a head -__- There are 2 ways from here; there is a hall you can walk through, and a door. First go through the hall. There are 2 Marine-Zombies here, kill them, and grab some stuff, then enter the door. Walk a bit forward, and a Zombie-on-Fire will attack you. Bam bam! End of story for this guy. Enter the next room, and kill of the 2 Marine-Zombies. There is a little area on the left, where a fat Zombie is hiding. Kill him, and enter his hiding place for goodies. Walk to the doors in the hallway, and kill the Imp that'll appear. On the right isn't much to do, so enter the left door to enter the Alpha Lab. Walk to the desk to get a PDA. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | User Name: Marcus T. Caseon | I.D. Number: 1 394-39 | Post: Mars City | Title: Doctor | Security Clearance: General Access | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audio Log |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: High Incidence of Psychological Reports | About: Mark will talk about incidents and injuries happening. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audio Log |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Title: Patient Attack | About: Mark talks about a patient that attacks everyone with a scalpel | because of his medication. He carved three symbols in his arm. He gives the | code 347. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Jordan Kennedy | Subject: RE: Patient Attack | Date: 11-09-2145 | Body: | | Mark, | Thank you for sending me the audio report. I wish the news was better. | | I will coordinate with our colleagues here on Earth to find additional staff | and resources to assist. Given the situation there, it isn't going to be | easy. You may be on your own for a while. | | My advice to you, continue to document everything you can, attempt to find | the root of the problem, and for goodness sakes, stash weapons and medical | supplies for yourself in case things get worse. I'm glad to hear you've | already taken some precautions by locking some supplies in that cabinet. I | hope it is enough. I appreciate you including the code in your report and | will keep it secure. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Sarah Holsten | Subject: Leaving? | Date: 11-15-2145 | Body: | | Mark, | | I hear that you're leaving Mars. I'm happy that you'll be able to spend more | time with your family, but I am very worried about the deteriorating | situation here. We're short staffed already. Your departure will be a big | loss. | | Speaking of which, I've noticed that Zach in Operations has been behaving | more and more erratically. Since talking with you I'm not sure if I'm being | overly sensitive, or if he has caught the bug going around. IO swear he | tried to bite me today. | | In your absence is there anything I should do? | | -Sarah `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Open the cabinet with the code 347. Enter the next room and kill the Zombie, and the Marine-Zombie that walks in. You can find some stuff here, including a stamina-boost. Open the door, and a Zombie that's on fire will come at you ("mwhahahaha etc."). Go to the left, crawl under the flame, and walk further. The door won't open, but you'll find a PDA. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Sergeant Bill Tyson | I.D. Number: 7488-89 | Post: Mars City | Title: Staff Sergeant | Security Clearance: General Access | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audio Log |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: General Troop Morale | About: The general talks about the morale of the troops. Guess what, it's | getting lower. However, his man are the best -_- For the rest, nothing new | you hear. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audio Log |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Troop Deployments | About: The general talks about the new troops that will arrive. He just | brags about what he'll do with them etc. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: PFC Hagar | Subject: Sentry Bot Security | Date: 11-02-2145 | Body: | | Staff Sergeant Tyson, | | I have been a major supporter of putting Sentry Bots on routine patrols. In | the past, they have proven to be very reliable. That changed today. | | I witnessed two of our guys doing maintenance on a bot in Mars City. While | having it only partially assembled, they activated its sensors to test their | repairs. All of the sudden, the Sentry locked onto one of the marines as an | enemy and began firing at him. If the ammo had been loaded, that marine | would have been killed. Thankfully the other marine was able to immobilize | it quickly. | | The Sentry Boy is powerful - but maybe too powerful. why do we need that | much firepower in Mars City? Except for the odd report of individuals going | a little crazy, we don't have many problems. Do we really expect the Sentry | Bots to know the difference between someone having a bad day and someone | gone mad? | | I hope you can talk to Sarge about this before something worse happens. | -PFC Hagar | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Sergeant Kelly | Subject: New Arrival | Date: 11-10-2145 | Body: | | SSgt Tyson, | We have a new troop inbound to replace Allen. He will be arriving on the | next transport. | | Be sure to get the manifest filled out for his first issue. | Sergeant Kelly | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Central Security | Subject: Security Code Change | Date: 11-11-2145 | Body: | | SSgt Tyson, | Due to the upcoming personnel transfer, we will be changing the Weapons | Storage code in Marine Command to 584. The change will be take effect on | Nov 15, 2145. | Thank You, | | Central Security | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ So we got yet another code, 584. Walk back to where you came from, and this time take the other way, right that is. Kill the Zombie that kills a person here. Go straight ahead, and go left. Remember where you found that Video Disc? Go into that room, then enter the code 584 to enter the room. Get yourself loaded with armor and ammo. Then leave the room and walk to the panel to talk to Sgt. Kelly. You will get new access. Hooray. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- Join up with Bravo Team. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- So now we have to get to the Alpha Labs. We have to pass through the administration. Go back, and take the left passage. You can now unlock the door here. There is quite some killable stuff here. First off, there is a Marine-Zombie that just requires to be shot. Do so. There is an unlocked door, but don't open it yet. Go left there, and kill the zombie first. Now walk back, open the door, and kill the horde of Zombies. Listen carefully to be sure it's safe. Then go left into the cafeteria. Kill the Zombie with the flashlight, and walk to the Arcade Machine. It's broken ;_____; Get the medkit, and then kill the Zombie with the shotgun that appears. Walk back to the hall, and enter the toilet. --VISION---------------------------------------------------------------------- Shine with your flashlight into the mirror and you'll see yourself surrounded by flames. --VISION---------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow the path to find yourself a bot. Follow it, because he'll basically find every enemy and kill it. Help it a bit though, or it'll be destroyed before you will reach the hallway. Just follow it till it doesn't move anymore. There is a small shaft here. Enter it and climb up the ladder. You'll end up where the Imp was. You can find some goodies here, but also a PDA that'll give you more access. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Duncan A. Mathews | I.D. Number: 691 7-38 | Post: Mars City | Title: System Analyst | Security Clearance: Analyst Office | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Ray Gerhardt | Subject: Farewell for now | Date: 11-14-2145 | Body: | | If you've received this e-mail, you are someone I worked with while here on | Mars and have made an impression on my life. I want you to know I'm leaving | Mars and UAC to pursue other opportunities after one last assignment | tomorrow in Delta Labs. | | I will miss you terribly and will think of you often. I'm sure the | friendships I've made here will last the rest of my life and I will be sure | to keep in touch. As soon as I have a new address I will forward it along. | | I hope you will join me in the Mars City kitchen for a drink tomorrow | evening. My shuttle leaves first thing on 11/16 and I'd hate to miss my | last change to see you... until next time. | | Ray Gerhardt | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: UAC Security | Subject: RE: Equipment request | Date: 11-15-2145 | Body: | | We understand the pressures and concerns of civilians in Mars City. I want | to assure you that there is nothing to worry about. We in UAC Security have | everything under control. | | I've left the armor you requested on your desk. I hope this helps you sleep | a bit easier. We will not be able to fulfil your request for a plasma gun | at this time. I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that | civilians are not allowed the possession of weapons. If you ask again, I | will have no choice but to report you to UAC HR. | | If you do happen to find equipment, it is your duty to return it to UAC | Security immediately. | | Sincerely, | UAC Security | ----Original Message---- | Sent: 11-15-2145 | To: UAC Security | | Please requisition to my department armor and one plasma gun with ammo. With | all that has been happening around here, I don't feel safe. I haven't been | able to sleep and it has been difficult to work. | | If it would be easier, I could always just help myself to some of the armor | I've seen security leave carelessly around the base. | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ You can walk back a bit, grab some armor, ammo and health if needed. There should be one Zombie wandering in the main hall, but that's it. When you are done here, go back to the area where the bot dropped you and enter the lift. ============================================================================== Administration [D3.04.05] ============================================================================== The Administration Facility is the Corporate presence on Mars. Union Aerospace executives located in the upper level offices are responsible for all local and interplanetary administrative tasks. The facility also houses date archives and a global network access station. ============================================================================== Items found: 5x PDA, 1x Video Disk Enemies: 20x Imp, 2x Pinky, 6x Zombie, 10x Marine-Zombie ============================================================================== Another area/level. Yeeha! As soon as you enter the room, you'll have to view a cutscene. --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll see the two little friends talking again. Apparently they know what they're talking about. It's not an accident, it's an experiment! --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- There will be a Zombie-Marine shooting at you. Kill it. See the screens in front of you? Watch them for some "break taking" messages. Alpha Labs blablabla =p Continue down the hallway, and kill the Imp and 2 Marine-Zombies. Enter the small room here, kill the Zombie, and grab the PDA and Video Disc here. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Video Disk |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Alpha Labs Introduction | Creator: UAC PR | Date: 01/15/41 | Description: Alpha Labs: Past, Present and Future | Shown: The same video you saw before | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Alan E. Dorweiler | I.D. Number: 8321 -1 4 | Post: Administration Complex | Title: Controller Spec. | Security Clearance: General Access | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Ethan Person | Subject: Armaments in the cabinet | Date: 11-12-2145 | Body: | | Alan, | Per our earlier conversation I've stocked the storage cabinet in your area | with some ammunition and security armor. The door code is 586. I don't know | what's going on around here but we can't be too careful. I hope to God we | never have to use that stuff. | | If I hear anything else I'll email you. | Ethan | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Etan Peterson | Subject: UAC Corporate | Date: 11-14-2145 | Body: | | Alan, | I heard that UAC Corporate is sending someone up here to check on Betruger. | His name is Elliot Swann, I don't know who he is but John said he's a real | ball buster. He said that he always travels with a bodyguard. This can't be | a good situation. I hope this Swann guy doesn't shut us down. We are so | close to solving the stability problems and the transfer errors that are | exceptionally low now. | | I'll keep you posted if anything goes down. | Ethan | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: | Subject: Lightspeed Pharmacy | Date: 11-14-2145 | Body: | | Mr. Dorweiler, | | Online Pharmacy - No Doctor visit needed. | | We believe that ordering medication should be as simple as ordering anything | else on the Net. We can ship drugs anywhere in the galaxy.... Embargos, | Banned Pharmaceuticals, NO PROBLEM!! | | Goto: for my details. | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Use the health machine, and open the cabinet using code 586 for armor, ammo and grenades. There is only one door you can open in the area, so open that one. An Imp will jump out, so be careful. Continue the walk. A fat Zombie will throw a barrel at you, so avoid that and try to kill him. There's a injured Marine in the room left of the room where the fat Zombie threw a barrel at you. Talk to him, then open the lock here. Or try so, you'll get a new objective. Hannover_Phist told me the following: "The second two are in the Administration section on your way into Alpha Labs. The first of which you get to near the end of the level where the Fat Zombie chucks the barrel at you through the doorway. Don't bother shooting the zombie, he just walks away and disappears. Instead, nudge the barrel up against the busted out windows looking in on the funky science equipment. Hop up on the barrel and duck through the window. In here you'll find a crapload of Armor a couple of large medpacks and a backpack. The backpack is your friend. In it is a crapload of ammo. You get a couple of clips each of pistol, shotgun, assault rifle, and plasma rifle amunition." --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- Gain entrance into the Alpha Labs. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- Walk back to the area where you found the other PDA. There is an Imp waiting here for you, so kill it off. Return to the main hall of the Administration. 2 Imps will open the door for you. How nice of them. To thank them, kill them. Enter the new area, and walk a bit further. The lights will go out, and 2 Imps will drop down. One in front of you, and one behind you. Continue to walk further, and kill the 2 Marine-Zombies on your path. Explore a bit for more stuff, then open the only other door in this area. There is nothing here... yet ;p Enter the small office, grab the stuff and access the computer to open a door. --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- A new Pet! A Pinky will try to attack you. --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- The Pinky will try to break the door, then figure out it doesn't work and go through the glass. However, easy come, easy go. Just shoot it off with your shotgun. An Imp will appear from the unlocked door. Kill it, then enter the door yourself. Walk a bit through the path. A Pinky and Marine-Zombie will appear in front of you, and an Imp behind you. Kill them off, then go to the right to find yourself a PDA and a cabinet. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Jonathan A. Moses | I.D. Number: 2463-21 | Post: Administration | Title: Asset Coordinator | Security Clearance: General Access | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: | Subject: Free Stuff!! | Date: 10-09-2145 | Body: | | Mr. Moses, | | Congratulations, You have been selected to receive one of our free | promotional storage cabinets loaded with useful things that we think you'll | like. To access your new storage cabinet visit us on-line. | | Martian Buddy | ---and remember: You're always a winner with Martian Buddy! | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Jim Bowier | Subject: Storage Cabinet | Date: 11-07-2145 | Body: | | Mr. Moses, | | We've recently received your storage cabinet from Martian Buddy, where would | you like us to put it? | | Thank You, | Jim Bowier | Shipping Authority | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Jim Bowier | Subject: RE: Storage Cabinet | Date: 11-08-2145 | Body: | | Mr. Moses, | Thank you for the quick reply, we will have it delivered to your office by | the end of the week. | | ----Original Message---- | Sent: 11-07-2145 | To: Jim Bowier | Excellent, I can't believe it showed up so soon. Please have someone deliver | it to my office in the North Hallway of Administration. I can't wait to see | what they've sent me. | | -Jonathan | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Check the Martian Buddy-section of this guide to find out how to open the cabinet. You can get yourself a Chaingun this way. From here, walk straight ahead, facing the hall, and follow the path here. You'll walk on the upper floor. Enter the door that you encounter. Once again, and Imp will try to sneak behind you while you walk through the hallway, so watch your back, and show him how your Chaingun works. Down the stairs is a simple Zombie. Enter the door that says Executive Office. Be sure to enter the one that is on top of the stairs. You'll notice a conversation between your 2 friends again. Walk further when they're done. There are currently 2 enemies here. A Zombie, and a Marine-Zombies. You can find the room of William Banks, the guy you needed the PDA of, but he isn't there. However, when you walk a bit further, you'll see a pentagram on the floor, plus the PDA. Grab the PDA, and get ready, because 2 Imps are summoned. When you walk back outside, another Imp will appear from out of nowhere. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: William L. Banks | I.D. Number: 91 34-21 | Post: Administration | Title: Director | Security Clearance Alpha Labs | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audio Log |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Missing Personnel | About: William will talk about missing personnel. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audio Log |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Energy Deficiencies | About: Williams tells about power outputs and whatnot. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Malcolm Betruger | Subject: Religious Artifacts | Date: 10-02-2145 | Body: | | Director Banks, I need your urgent attention of this matter. | | It is very important to my research that all crates containing religious | artifacts arriving from earth, with a co-sign for Delta Labs, go directly | there with no interruption or delay. I can't have my previous cargo sitting | around the hangar waiting for your personnel to process it. I expect your | immediate attention on this matter. | | Dr. Malcolm Betrugger | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Matthew White | Subject: Missing Person | Date: 11-08-2145 | Body: | | Director Banks, | | Research Assistant Eric Raffel has not reported for work all this week. I've | called his quarters repeatedly without response. No one has seen him in days | and I don't know what to do, he is normally a very reliable individual. I've | contacted Mars Security with hope that they will try and find him. There | aren't a lot of areas to go on this base... man, I hope he's alright. | If I hear anything I'll send word. | | Thank You, | Matthew White | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: | Subject: New Web Site | Date: 11-10-2145 | Body: | | Director Banks, | | We're happy to report the roll out of the new corporate web page. Please | take a moment of your time to review it. | | Thank You, | Web Team | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Leave the room, kill the Imp, and leave this room too. You can either go down the stairs, and enter that door to go back, or you can walk all the way back using the upper floor, then into that big hall where you met the Pinky... If you take the last route, you'll encounter another Pinky. Whatever you do, please go back to the Marine you talked to earlier. On your way you'll encounter 1 Zombie, 2 Marine-Zombies and 1 Imp. At those times you'll love your new Chaingun. Open the lock here and click on the panel that's inside the room. Skywalker submitted this: If you walk back using the lower floor, and re-enter the place with the health machine and an already opened cabinet (The code is 586, cabinet No.13), you can now enter the place beside the cabinet which only granted William Banks access. Inside, u will see a medikit beside a ladder going up (which I can't seem to get past) and a door. Go through the door and you will be at the place where our 2 friends were talking just now, with the causeway where you were looking at them right above you. There's a PDA by Paul M. Simons here. Try going to the network station where your 2 friends were trying to access and you should get a network error. Otherwise exit this room and head back to the place where you met the injured marine. Death submitted you could climb this ladder, but you'll only find some shells. .-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Paul M. Simons | I.D. Number: 2463-21 | Post: Administration | Title: IT Specialist | Security Clearance: General Access | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audio Log |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: ADMIN: Network Security Status | About: Paul talks about problems with the network. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: IT Security | Subject: Network Breach | Date: 11-02-2145 | Body: | | Mr. Simons. | | We have been unable to find any problems with the network test that we ran | on your system. Everything checks out on our end, your firewall seems to be | functioning properly. Other IT managers have reported similar intrusions in | their networks. Whomever is doing this must be good or someone with very | high level of security clearance. We will continue to scan the network and | if anything odd appears we will inform you immediately. | | Central IT Security | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Russell Weilder | Subject: Email Spam | Date: 11-13-2145 | Body: | | Paul- | The email spam lately is getting out of control. The worst company is that | Martin Buddy place -I can't believe all the things they send me. I don't | know how they got my email address. Can't you do anything to stop the spam? | I spend all morning deleting junk from my inbox. | | Thank You, | Russ | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ ============================================================================== Alpha Labs Section 1 [D3.04.06] ============================================================================== Alpha Labs Sector 1 houses the Elemental Phase Deconstructor and Hydrocon systems, a revolutionary new technology that transforms raw materials native to Mars into useable resources. The primary EPD reactor feeds into the Hydrocon processing system for transport to Sector 2 MFS refinement and storage. ============================================================================== Items found: 3x PDA, 2x Video Disk Enemies: 18x Imp, 17x Maggot, 23x Zombies, 17x Marine-Zombies ============================================================================== There are quite some Zombies here, so run around, then go stand in a corner and let your weapon do the talking. When you're done killing, look around for a Health Stand and press the Panel to unlock the door. Enter the door, and kill the 2 Marine-Zombies here. Walk down the path, kill the Zombie and enter the door. Death submitted you can go back to the previous room, where a trapdoor has openened with a Zombie and some goodies. Enter the door, and an Imp will jump at you. Also 2 Marine-Zombies will try to kill you. Shoot them off. You can just jump into the room to the right, but watch out for the 2 Imps that are waiting for you. BK submitted you can find some shells and health under the stair in this room. Cross the room, and enter the room here. Kill the Marine-Zombie and Zombie, and grab the Video Disk and PDA. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Video Disk |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Elemental Phase Deconstruction | Creator: UAC PR | Date: 04/15/45 | Description: Information on the EPD system | Shown: A video about the EPD system, that is also shown on the video at the | beginning of the room. | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Kyle C. Berger | I.D. Number: 7861 -84 | Post: Alpha Labs. Sector 1 | Title: Research Supervisor | Security Clearance: General Access | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audio Log |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: EPD Accident | About: Kyle talks about an accident in EPD. The guy heard someone talking | and got distracted. He also gives the code 752. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: William Landow | Subject: EPD Status | Date: 11-04-2145 | Body: | | Dr. Berger, | | Everything is going exceptionally well as we prepare the EPD for its next | round of tests. Roy Patterson is setting up the baseline now and we should | be able to start testing later this afternoon. If your schedule allows | please feel free to join us down here in the lab around 2:00. Should be | exciting! | | Bill Landow | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: UAC Maintenance | Subject: EPD Collection Chamber status | Date: 11-102145 | Body: | | Dr. Kyle Berger, | | The maintenance team has just finished cleaning the EPD collection chamber. | All bio matter has been scrubber from the area. Deep scan also confirms a | clean sector as per your request. 14 collection cones and 5 trays have also | been replaced. Please be sure to stop by Maintenance as we will need your | signature for the parts requisition form. | | Thank You, | UPC Maintenance | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Go to the cabinet and open it to get more armor, ammo and grenades. Now walk back to the room and walk towards the corpse. --VISION---------------------------------------------------------------------- An Imp will scream, and things will start to fly around. After the vision, an Imp will come inside the room. --VISION---------------------------------------------------------------------- Enter the door here, and kill the Imp. Someone will whisper "follow me". Grab the armor on the right, then go left and access the panel. Be aware of the Zombie-Marine that'll shoot at you from a distance. Now enter the passage where the beam shoot at. Duck when it shoots to not get hurt. There is a button there. Press it to enter the small shaft. Kill the Marine-Zombie while you're at it and crawl out of the shaft. "Help me"... There is a Zombie here that doesn't enjoy having you around. Walk down the stairs to the left, and kill the Zombie here. Enter the door here. Grab the medkit on the left if you want, then follow the path. Kill the Imp... Suddenly the light goes out, and a man will laugh. Walk further, and go left, but not down the stairs yet. Shoot the corpse you see to attract 2 Zombies. Now shoot these off. Jump down on the left, and a fat Zombie will come after you. Go to where the Zombies came from, and you'll enter a new area. Run to the stairs, kill the Zombie that's there, then look down the stairs and kill the 3 Zombies that will come towards you. On the left of this platform will be a panel, plus a PDA. Use the panel to stop a gas leak, then grab the PDA. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Jack T. Smith | I.D. Number: 1 538-49 | Post: Alpha Labs. Sector 1 | Title: Benefits Analyst | Security Clearance: General Access | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audio Log |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: HR Accident Report | About: More accident happened... | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Brian Jenkins | Subject: New Safety Protocols | Date: 11-11-2145 | Body: | | Mr. Smith, | | In light of the recent increase of work-related accident in the Alpha Labs, | we feel it is necessary to implement a buddy system when routine maintenance | is being performed on some of the heavier equipment. We feel this should cut | down on some of the claims being filed in your department. Please get back | to me if you have any other ideas on how to keep Alpha Labs as safe as it | can be. | | Thank You, | Brian Jenkins | Safety Coordinator | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Ari Braden | Subject: Buddy system?! | Date: 11-13-2145 | Body: | | Jack- | Please tell me the UAC Corporate is kidding. How the hell is a buddy system | going to do anything with accident claims except double them? Tell me how a | buddy system would have prevented Joe 'TorsoBoy' Moss from having his arms | and legs hacked off by the Albuquerque Capacitator? Maybe his buddy would | have heard the thing growl and engage without power or a CRF module? Maybe | his buddy's hair would have burst into flames instead and saved us the | trouble of needing to run and find water to put him out. | | Next thing they'll do is try to fix the problem by having us fill out more | MAR forms or reforecast our ODF. | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ You can explore here for some stuff (and 2 Zombies), but when you are done, walk back to the room where the light went out. Enter the door you see here, walk around the corner and kill the Marine Zombie. A door will open, where an Imp and Marine Zombie will shoot at you. Kill them, grab the stuff, and then go back and jump down onto the lower platform. Grab the armor, turn around, and kill the Imp. Climb back up and enter the door. Grab the stuff and walk a bit further. --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- There is a Zombie on the roof that appears to be in a world of pain. You'll see Maggots appear from everywhere. --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- Kill them all off with your shotgun. Then go down the hole you see there, because there is no other way. Just crawl further, you are safe for now, because whatever tries to attack you, it can't reach you. When you can choose to go left, or straight ahead, go straight ahead first, grab the stuff there, then crawl back and take the other way. There are still 2 living Zombies here, so kill them off. Grab the stuff, and walk down the path and open the door. Just shoot at a barrel to get rid of the enemies here. Then go inside, and go right. Kill the Marine-Zombie. Walk further. Someone doesn't seem to like you because you'll get a few barrels on your head if you don't watch out. Walk up the stairs and kill the Maggot and Marine-Zombie here. Enter the door. There is a small panel here, which you can click on to shut it down. In the area with the high pillars, grab the goodies and an Imp will attack you, so get rid of it. Then go up the stairs and enter the door. --VISION---------------------------------------------------------------------- The rooms that are behind that glass will catch fire and you can't move. --VISION---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Imps will now be summoned, so kill them off, then look around for a small panel so you can open the locked glass to grab some stuff. Then enter the door on the other side of the room. There is a Zombie hiding on the left, so don't get surprised by it. There is a door you can't enter yet, so go into the left door. First grab the Video Disk though. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Video Disk |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Hydrocon | Creator: UAC PR | Date: 04/15/45 | Description: Information on the Hydrocon system | Shown: A video-file about the Hydrocon. It'll solve the problem of fuel and | water that we are losing more and more. | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Kill the Maggot here before it can see you. Then go into the other side of the room and kill the headless zombie. Shut down the little panel and kill the Imp that'll appear. Then go up the ladder. You'll meet a scientist that tries to get things under control. Run to the other side, when the big thing doesn't come down. You can find armor and other goodies here, but also a new PDA. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Bernie Lipsitz | I.D. Number: 3902-21 | Post: Alpha Labs. Sector 1 | Title: Research Assistant | Security Clearance: Hydrocon Access | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: John McDermott | Subject: Time off | Date: 10-24-2145 | Body: | | Hey Bern, | | Some of the boys and I are headed over to Mars City tonight after the | shift for some beers. You, as always, are welcome to come along with us, | buddy. I WILL see you there! | | John | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Frederic Anubus | Subject: Hydrocon O2 leak | Date: 11-14-2145 | Body: | | Lipsitz, | | A siphon hose in the oxygen displacement valve is forming a leak due to the | lowered temperature required to boost production in the Hydrocon Labs. If | this hose were to rupture, it would cause severe instability in the Hydrocon | systems and could result in a very dangerous situation. It should really | be replaced. | | Dr. Anubus | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ You can also kill the scientist to get another PDA (thanks to Death for this hint). ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: George Krietman | I.D. Number: 6903 -50 | Post: Alpha Labs, Sector 1 | Title: Research Assistant | Security Clearance: General Access | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Dr. Pat Harvey | Subject: Lost PDA | Date: 11-13-2145 | Body: | | George | | I seem to have misplaced my PDA with my security clearance. I was | adjusting the oxygen intake on the Hydrocon the other day and recall | using it at that time but I can't seem to remember where the heck I put | that thing. If you see it around while on your shift could you put it | someplace safe for me? | Thank you, | | Dr. Harvey | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Drop down the hole, and use the PDA to open the lock on the door. Enter it and kill the Zombie and Marine-Zombie here. Walk further and you'll hear a monster scream. When you walk down the stairs, your 2 friends will run there. However, you better start to take care of the 2 Maggots here. After that, enter the next door. Shoot at the barrel to get rid of the enemy. Then stock up with goodies, heal yourself and enter the next door. The path to the left is blocked, and to door in front of you leads to a place you can't enter yet, so enter the right door. Pass through his path, and kill the Maggot. Also beware of the Marine-Zombie behind you. Go down the hole for goodies, then enter the next door. Run to the other side of the room, then turn around to kill the 6 Maggots that come out of nowhere. Look around for armor and health, and then enter the lift. ============================================================================== Alpha Labs Section 2 [D3.04.07] ============================================================================== Alpha Labs Sector 2 processes and stores hydrogen fuel through the facility's primary system, the Molecular Fuel Storage Compactor. The sublevel section houses the coolant control system needed for proper hydrogen fuel refinement. ============================================================================== Items found: 3x PDA, 1x Video Disk Enemies: 15x Imp, 7x Maggot, 23x Trite, 5 Zombies, 6x Marine-Zombies ============================================================================== As soon as you walk around, you'll see a corpse float away. When you walk up the stairs, 2 Imps will be summoned. Kill them off and enter the door. When you enter the room, the plate on the ground will jump up for a second, and you hear someone walking around. Just enter the door on the right. Maybe you expect a vision here, right? Don't worry, nothing will happen. However, there is a Zombie near when you enter, so shoot it off. When you walk into the room after the hall, the light will go out, and various monster will attack. A fat Zombie, and 2 Maggots. When they are killed, look around and climb up the ladder. Someone will ask for help, and is nearby. We'll have to look for locker C7. Enter the shaft. When you have to choice between the left or right path, go right first. Grab the stuff, kill the Maggot, then go to the left path and go there. On your way through the shaft, you'll see a Zombie eating a corpse. When you leave the shaft, an Imp will attack you from behind. You can only go one way, since the other one will leave to the door that was jammed before. So anyway, go that path and kill the Imp. Then enter the room to the right. This is where you saw the Zombie eat, so kill it off, then grab the PDA. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Andrew Chin | I.D. Number: 11 98-31 | Post: Alpha Labs. Sector 2 | Title: Research Team Leader | Security Clearance: General Access | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audio Log |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Treatment of Research Team | About: Andrew just talks about the UAC being rude to his staff members etc. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: | Subject: Play Uanet's DracoWyzard now! | Date: 10-11-2145 | Body: | | On-Line Gamer, | | The quest for the Chalice of Sanguine Drak begins now! The evil Vloxomire | has cast a dark cloud of evil across the lands of Nozgath. Who will rise | above and challenge his legion of Wyldwulves and Berserkotrolls? | | Raise your scimitars alost and strike back! Join Uanet's hottest RPG | DracoWyzard today for only 29 credits per month! | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Walter Connors | Subject: 8 sides die | Date: 10-12-2145 | Body: | | Dear Chin, | | I am writing in regard of the 8 sides die you borrowed from me. If you are | not going to invite me in the game, then I would like my 8 sides die back. | It has been 2 weeks and I am very irritated. | | Walter Connors | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Erik Reeves | Subject: The E-Rock Has Landed | Date: 11-08-2145 | Body: | | Andy, | | Just got in. That ride sucked. I flew in with the new systems analyst, | Jaime Mendoza. He was always getting into it with these two security goons, | Jim Daly and Mark Walters. They would argue for hours (and sometimes days) | about ANY topic. A month and a half in that sardine can will make anyone | bug out after a while. | | Anyway, let's get some lunch. I need some real food! | | -Erik | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Brian Wellington | Subject: Storage cabinet 038 | Date: 11-12-2145 | Body: | | Mr. Chin, | the repairs to storage cabinet 038 have been completed. The door is no | longer stuck and we pilled the dent from the side. It would be a good idea | in the future to remember your cabinet codes instead of trying to force it | open with a wrench. Just for your records the new code for cabinet #038 is | 409, might be a good idea to write it down. | | Maintenance | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ So we got the code 409. Hooray! You can also watch the cameras around the building. On the last camera you can see the guy that called for help before. Let's go find him. Leave the room and enter the big door. If you want armor, first crawl into the hole. In the next room, enter the other big door, since there is nothing else to do. You'll be in a room where you don't have oxygen, but at least there is light =D Kill the Maggot and Imp, then enter the next room. Kill the Imp here and enter the next door. Kill the Marine-Zombie here, and watch the video if you want. If you are done, enter the next room. You will see a whole load of Marines pass by, but they don't seem to see you. Too bad, just follow the hall and enter through the door. No monsters... bit unrealistic, right? Don't worry, all out of a nowhere a Maggot will appear, plus 2 Marine-Zombies. That's better. You'll also get a new objective. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- Hear through engineering and find the entrance to Alpha Labs Sector 3 --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- Grab the video-disk, and PDA. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Video Disk |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Molecular Fuel Storage Compactor | Creator: UAC PR | Date: 04/15/45 | Description: Information on the MFS system | Shown: As description says | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Walter I. Connors | I.D. Number: 371 0-66 | Post: Alpha Labs. Sector 2 | Security Clearance: General Access | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audio Log |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: The Success with the MFS Compressor | About: Walter talks about the MFS Compressor. The guy has a bit of an ego. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Walter Connors | Subject: Collection | Date: 10-12-2145 | Body: | | Note to self: | Need to remember to get my eight-sided die back from Chin. Should never have | lent it to him in the first place. He never invited me to play. He is not my | friend. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Walter Connors | Subject: Note to self | Date: 10-16-2145 | Body: | | Note to self: | Need to remember the code for cabinet #039 - 102. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Derek Wayland | Subject: MFS Compressor Numbers | Date: 11-02-2145 | Body: | | Walter, | | I wanted to personally thank you for your latest modification proposal for | the dilation matrix. The boys here at CPU have crunched your numbers and | after some deliberation we've agreed that this is the most fantastically | bogus theory that we've ever seen. | | If you are remotely interested in not getting your gnome-loving | dragons-slaying power-leveling ass fired, I'd suggest you lay off the | role-playing and learn some basic math. | | Good luck on your next review :) | -Derek | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Yes kids, that'll happen when you play RPGs too much! Also you'll get the code 102. Behind the big machine is a cabinet. It's the cabinet that was in the previous PDA (opened with a wrench ;p), so open it with code 409. You can also use the panel where you found the PDA to access a ladder. You'll get to the spot the Imp was shooting at you a few minutes ago, for armor and health. When done go through the next door. Walk down the hall and enter the door here. Lyta submitted this: "Before you go through any doors after killing those marines, there's a secret panal in the floor by the machine with the blue tubes. You'll have to attack some portion of the floor to find it though (it is pretty close to the machine end). I found it cause I hurled a grenade while in a fire-fight with the zombies. The blast was enough of a catalyst to knock the grating from the floor and expose the secret way. It's nothing special down there, but is is a secret. ^_^" killer_storm submitted the correction for that, because he found it a bit misleading: "Before you go down on lift, you can find a secret plate on floor (it has scratches on it, located near the end of machine with blue tubes). hit it and it will go down. there's some stuff and imp. note that there's further passage blocked with barrels." In this room, 2 Marine-Zombies are shooting at you, and an Imp will be summoned. Grab the medkits here, then use the lift. A Maggot will see you, and as soon as you are down, it'll attack. An Imp wants to check your inside too. Kill them both, then enter the door here. Talk to the man, and follow him around. You'll be attacked by 3 Imps and 1 Maggot during the journey, so beware. When you reach the exit, an Imp will attack and the man will be killed. Kill the Imp before it gets you. I suggest you walk all the way back using your flashlight to find ammo, armor and health. There are no more enemies around anyway. When you are done, climb up the ladder. You can see a cabinet here, that'll open with code 102, but it only contains armor. Just enter the next room. Walk to the locked door. Now look around. I can assure you this isn't done by Spiderman. Jump down and enter the shaft. Follow the shaft. You'll end up in a big room. Press the panel to bring the ladder down, ready a gun and kill of the Trites that'll come at you. Not a few, but a lot of Trites! When they're killed, climb the ladder, then kill the Trites here and unlock the bay door. Enter it, press the panel here, and visit Alpha Labs 3. ============================================================================== Alpha Labs Section 3 [D3.04.08] ============================================================================== Alpha Labs Sector 3 contains the secondary coolant control system for the Molecular Fuel Storage Compactor. Waste material from the MFS system is also processed here, and sent to the Recycling plant for post-refinement and disposal. ============================================================================== Items found: 3x PDA, 1x Keycard Enemies: 11x Imp, 7x Maggot, 3x Pinky, 24x Trite, 7 Zombies, 21x Marine-Zombies ============================================================================== Leave the lift, and on your way through the hall kill the various enemies (2 Imps, 3 Marine-Zombies). Take the left path when you have to choice. Kill the Maggot and Trites here. You'll find out the door here is locked and a card is needed, so take the other path for now. Don't enter the door yet, but first kill the Maggot and Trites, after that, enter the door. Grab the PDA here. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Mark B. Lamia | I.D. Number: 2452-76 | Post: Alpha Labs. Sector 3 | Title: Operations Coordinator | Security Clearance: General Access | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audio Log |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Incompetent Employees | About: The guy seems to be from Russia, and the way he talks and what he | says was funny enough for me to listen to it 4 times =D He'll | complain about his employees. He also gives the code 123. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: George Poota | Subject: Won't be in today | Date: 10-28-2145 | Body: | | Mr Lamia, | | I am not feeling very well today. I don't think I will be able to come in to | work today. Could you get someone to cover my shift? | | Thank you, | George Poota | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Graham Fuchs | Subject: Storage lockers | Date: 10-31-2145 | Body: | | Mr. Lamia, | | What is the code to the storage lockers here? I know you told me a few days | ago, but I can't remember. None of my usual codes work. | | By the way, I believe I'm going to be late with my Q4 Analysis. I had a late | start this morning due to that party in Mars City. I should have known | better than to drink that much during the week. | | Graham Fuchs | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: George Poota | Subject: Doctor appointment | Date: 11-02-2145 | Body: | | Mr. Lamia, | | I am feeling under the weather again today, and have an appointment with the | base physician this afternoon and won't be able to make any shift. Could you | find someone to cover for me? | | Thank you, | George Poota | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Dusty Welch | Subject: Crates moved | Date: 11-12-2145 | Body: | | Mr. Lamia, | | I just want to tell you again how happy I am to be working here on Mars in | your department. I don't usually go on like this, but I'm just so excited by | this opportunity. My last employer didn't appreciate my skills the way you | do. | | I've taken the crates from your office to your quarters as you requested and | I organised your closet to your specifications. I'd like to add that you | have excellent taste in music. | | One again, please let me know if there is anything I can do to better serve | the UAC. | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Use the panel here to operate the claw. Get rid of the barrels with the green smoke. Basically, lower the claw first, then bring it to the right position. Press the 'close'-button, then press the button in the lower left corner. Do this with both barrels to get rid of toxic gasses. You'll get a new objective. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- Locate the entrance to Alpha Labs Sector 4. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- When you leave the room, a Marine-Zombie will be waiting for you. Shoot it off, then enter the room where the toxic gas was. You'll find a keycard here, so grab it. Enter the door. Nothing here yet, except for a lot of barrels. Walk up the stairs and call the platform. 2 Marine-Zombie will come up, but with a shot at the barrel they'll be gone soon enough. Open the cabinet with code 123. Then go on the platform for some armor. Now return to the locked door you couldn't enter before. On your way you'll come across 4 Marine-Zombies, so get rid of them. There is a PDA here, so grab it. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: George Poota | I.D. Number: 4450-86 | Post: Alpha Labs. Sector 3 | Title: Waste Management | Security Clearance: General Access | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Mark Lamia | Subject: Hours of operation | Date: 10-28-2145 | Body: | | George, | | It has come to my attention yet again, that you did not show up for your | shift on Wednesday. This is the fourth time this month that you have missed | a shift. I am getting tired of your pathetic excuses. You had two prostate | exams last month and I will not hall for that excuse again! Consider | yourself on notice, Mr. Poota. | | Mark Lamia | Operations Chief Alpha Labs, Sector 3 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: | Subject: ++FIRE YOUR BOSS!!++ | Date: 10-28-2145 | Body: | | Tired of your boss getting you down? Do you want to make your own hours? | Looking for the chance to double or even triple your income?!! Well here's | your big opportunity! It's as easy as logging onto! | Come find out how easy it is to work from home making the BIG$$$$! | | | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ In this room there'll be a Marine Zombie, Imp and a few Trites. Get rid of them all. There is another cabinet here, which can be opened with the code 123 too. Walk up the stairs and enter the door. You can also crawl into the area with the pipes if you want a medkit. A Maggot will come out of the door, so ready your gun. In this room an Imp and Marine-Zombie will be waiting for you. Try to open the locked door, then run to the other side of the room and kill the Trites. A Marine-Zombie will come out of the locked door. Enter this door. Kill the 2 Zombies here. If you are in need for more goodies, run (yes, run!) into the path too the left, all the way till the end, and grab the armor. Suddenly you are overwhelmed with Zombies and Imps (2 Imps and 5 Zombies I believe). Kill them off, then look around for goodies. When you're done return back to the previous room and enter the door here. killer_storm submitted this: "in "boiler room monitoring" to the right side from the door there is a computer panel, there's button "open ventilation access gate 3" there. click it. it will open vent gate in room where you came from ("boiler room"). go to ventilation to find medkit. go further - one of gates blocking path there can be removed with hit, so you can reach pipes near ceiling. go on this pipes to find some armor." Death submits even more "From those armor shards walk back to where the pipes turn, jump onto the red and green pipes, then make a jump onto the purple pipes, turn right, walk to the end of the purple pipes crouching the last part of the way, and there is a plasma gun.". Reinheld submitted some additional information on this part: "When you get to the pipes above the room and get the armor shards, go back to the area over the main room and you will see some blue pipes. Get over to them and you will berewarded with a plasma gun that is at one end of the pipes(above the storage cabinet on the floor below). You can also get to this set of pipes by jumping on the handrail for the stairs and across to the skinny pipe on the right. Walk around so that you are between the red and blue pipes and it is an easy jump to the blue pipes. Beware because falling here costs 10-20 health. Also, right below the stairs in this same room, there is a set of pipes you can walk around on. Go all the way to the end to find health and some SMG ammo." In this room, you have to kill some Trites and a Zombie at the upper level. Use the lift to get down. 1 Imp and 4 Maggots will be summoned. When they are killed, enter the big door. When you reach the end of the room, 2 Pinkies will attack you, and an Imp will be summoned. --VISION---------------------------------------------------------------------- This isn't as bad as the others, but the screen with turn a bit red, and then the glass will break. --VISION---------------------------------------------------------------------- Go to the next room using the broken glass. You can open the cabinet using 123. Unlock the bay door to leave this section of Alpha Labs. ============================================================================== Alpha Labs Section 4 [D3.04.09] ============================================================================== Alpha Labs Sector 4 seals and prepares shipments of processed hydrogen fuel for dropship distribution to UACC bases and subspace platforms. The system is fully automated and personnel access is limited due to open machinery hazards. ============================================================================== Items found: 3x PDA, 1x Video Disk Enemies: 1x Vagary, 23x Imp, 8x Maggot, 71x Trite, 27x Marine-Zombies ============================================================================== As soon as you enter, you'll get a new objective. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- Reach the Enpro Plant as quickly as possible. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- Death mailed me the following - "At the very beginning of the level, don't move and let the sergeant finish talking over the comm. Looking straight ahead you will see 2 yellow eyes, they will even blink. When you move foreword you will hear a female gasp, and the eyes will move back and behind the boxes. Behind the boxes are some armor shards." Look around here a bit for more ammo and health, then enter the door. There is a panel here, and a person inside. You can do two things now; 1 - Active the chamber, the person will get killed. 2 - Open the doors, and he'll open a lock later with goodies When you kill the guy, 2 Marine-Zombies will come in. Whatever you do, enter the door and take the lift down. In case you saved the scientist, you'll be able to enter a door. Grab the PDA and Video Disk. Unlock the glass to get yourself a whole load of ammo and armor. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Video Disk |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Mach-2 Chain Gun Briefing | Creator: UAC Advanced Weapons | Date: 03/20/42 | Description: Informational video on the Mach-2 Chain Gun | Shown: As description says | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Michael G. Abrams | I.D. Number: 6734-51 | Post: Delta Security. Level 2 | Title: Security Chief | Security Clearance: General Access | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audio Log |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Security Report | About: Michael talks about the Chaingun and problems in the Delta Labs. | He gives the code to his door; 901. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Henry Nelson | Subject: Security Sweep Request | Date: 10-26-2145 | Body: | | Mr. Abrams, | | We've been getting a lot of reports about strange noises (voices?) down | here. My team is on edge and most are unable to work. It might help if you | could send a security detachment of Alpha Sector 4 to do a sweep of the | area. | | I know this sounds crazy but it would make myself and my team feel a lot | better. | | Henry Nelson | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Human Resources | Subject: Personnel Request | Date: 11-10-2145 | Body: | | Security Chief Abrams, | | As you requested we are sending more security guards to your security unit. | The events of Gormen's death were tragic and we hope that any future | incidents can be dealt with safety. | | Expect the new rotation of personnel in about 10 working days. | | Director Kellsie Krisch | Human Resources....'We make working on Mars feel like home' | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: I.T. Security | Subject: Invalid Number in code | Date: 11-15-2145 | Body: | | Mr. Abrams, | | We are unable to process your door code request because you included a 0 in | the number sequence and as you should have known 0 is not a valid number on | door codes. Because of the importance of your request we've decided to take | it upon ourselves and replace the 0 with a 3. Please advice if this causes | a problem. | | I.T. Security | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ If you are evil, kill the man to get his PDA too =D ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Larry Kaczynski | I.D. Number: 3492-40 | Post: Alpha Labs. Sector 4 | Title: Chief Researcher | Security Clearance: General Access | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: David Carter | Subject: Chamber Calibration | Date: 11-1-2145 | Body: | | Dr. Kaczynski, | | I checked the chamber calibration as you requested, and at first found | everything to be within acceptable limits. As I was leaving the chamber | though, I started to hear a low whispering sound that seemed to be emanating | from the main coupler. Though when I stooped down for a closer look the | sound stopped. This happened every time I was leaving the chamber. You may | want to check into this matter yourself as I can't seem to pinpoint the | source of the sound. As far as everything else is concerned, it all seems to | check out. All graphs are running at 2.4 or higher so I don't foresee any | other problems. | | David Carter | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: John Okonkwo | Subject: Hello | Date: 11-9-2145 | Body: | | Good Day | | I am DR.John Okonkwo. Civil Servant in the Ministry of Health. I know this | proposal will come to you as a surprise because we have not met before | either physically or through correspondence. I got your contact from our | chamber of commerce here in Nigeria and have no doubt in your ability to | handle this proposal involving huge sum of money. My father Chief Isama | OKONKWO. (Mow Late) was the Royal Head of my community, ELEME (an oil rich | town) in Nigeria. My community produces 5.8% of the total crude oil | production in Nigeria and 0.5% of the Dollar value to each barrel is paid to | my father as royalty by the Federal Government. My father was also the | Chairman of ISAMA Special Oil Trust Fund. In his position as the Royal head | and Chairman of the Oil Trust Fund, he made some money which he left for me | as the only heir to inherit. | | The money is Eighteen Million, Five Hundred Thousand US Dollar (US$18.5). | This money originated from the accumulated royalties between 1976-1998. Due | to poor banking system in Nigeria and political instability as a result of | past Military rules (1985-1999), he deposited this Money in a Strong | Room/VAULTS with an open beneficiary in a security company pending when he | would finish arrangement to transfer it abroad. He was planning this when he | died late last year of Heart Attack. | | Just before my father died he called my attention to the money and charged | me to look for a foreigner who would assist me in the transfer/investment of | the funds abroad. So I would be very grateful if you could accept to help me | achieve this great objective. I promise to give you 25% of the total funds | transferred to your vital bank account as compensation for your assistance. | Five percent (5%) has been sent aside to take care of all expenses we may | incur during the transaction. To indicate your interest, contact me urgently | and confidentially for more information and the roles you will play in this | business. | | All the legal Documents concerning this Money will be sent to you as soon as | we agreed together. Please I will appreciate that you send your | telephone/fax numbers to enable me contact you immediately for discussions. | | Yours faithfully, | | John Okonkwo | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Let me tell you, that mail was not funny to type =p So anyway, leave this room, go right, go past the chamber you unlocked before, enter the door there, then wait in front of the next door, read my tactic, and continue through the door. As soon as you enter, an Imp will appear. Shoot it off, then run to the end of the room, go up the stairs, run all the way through the doors, and when you can't run any further, grab your Chaingun and shoot every enemy that came after you, and I'm sure that are a lot of enemies =p Either this, or you do it step by step. Whatever you do, make your way onto the stairs, back into the room with 2 doors. I prefer to use my Chaingun for this situation by the way, because there are really a lots of enemies to kill. Look around for a lot of ammo, armor and health. When you are done, enter the big door that leads into another hallway, then goes around the corner. Stand near the big locked door. --VISION---------------------------------------------------------------------- A woman will say "they took my baby" and you'll hear a baby cry. --VISION---------------------------------------------------------------------- James provided me this: "Also, I discovered something cool in the "they took my baby" vision in Alpha Labs 4. Wait outside the corridor where the vision occurs after all enemies in the area are dead, but before triggering the vision. You'll see some bloody foot prints appear on the floor, and a female voice saying "follow me, there isn't much time". The footsteps will walk up to the door, and pause until the door gets opened, in which case they'll continue onwards. Follow them into and down the bent corridor, and you'll get that "they took my baby" vision and the baby crying (a prelude to the cherubs, perhaps?). Also, an interesting fact here is that I found my mouse sensitivity dropped dramatically during the vision, making it difficult to look around." Go back (grab the goodies on your way back) and enter the other door. Walk to the end of the path, enter the door here, then grab the PDA. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Henry Q. Nelson | I.D. Number: 7977-87 | Post: Alpha Labs. Sector 4 | Title: Plant Manager | Security Clearance: General Access | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audio Log |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Strange Voices... | About: Well what do you think eh? ;p It's about the voices again that tell | people to come over somewhere. The man talks about his own | experience. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Jeff Dickens | Subject: Strange Voices | Date: 10-24-2145 | Body: | | Henry, | | I haven't slept in three days and can't concentrate on work. Ever since | Hal's 'accident' everyone's been pretty freaked out. I really thought the | guys saying they heard voices were full of ****, but lately I've been | hearing them too. I don't know how UAC expects us to work like this. | | J. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Greg O'Brian | Subject: Missing tools | Date: 11-13-2145 | Body: | | Henry, | | The tools in storage cabinet 064 were missing again today. I'm going to | change the combination to 651 this afternoon. Please do me a favor and don't | tell Seneca the new combination. I believe he's the one taking my tools all | the time... the guy thinks he's a real riot. | | Thanks, | Greg | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Use the Panel to operate the bridge. If you select the first option, the bridge won't be made, and you'll have to jump, but no Marine-Zombies will come to shoot at you. If you select the second option, you can just walk to the other side, but 2 Marine-Zombies will come out of the big door. Whatever you do, go to the other side. When you try to cross the other bridge, the doors behind you will open, revealing a few Imps and Trites. Kill them off. Cross the bridge now. A Marine-Zombie will appear, so kill that one. Enter the big door here. Daniel submitted the following: "In the "Alpha Labs Section 4" inside the room where you can use the panel to activate/deactivate the bridge, if you look to your right, just after entering the door, there is a ladder that takes you to the bottom area of the room. There are a few imps down there, an armour and some more goodies. Also, I don't know if you notice it already, but if you decide not to activate the bridge, and enter the small room via the rotating bridge. There is another terminal which you can use to activate the "floating conveyor belt" in the following area. Is just another way to get to the exit, you have to jump a lot, change platform a few times, and I think is shorter -I prefer the one you use in the walkthrough, anyway-. And yes..., you can find another "hidden" plasma gun this way; it's just next to the pipe behind of the first moving platform. You'll have to do a tricky jump to get it." A few Trites will appear, so watch out. The lift is broken, so take the other way. Enter the door here. Kill the 3 Marine-Zombies (I'm pretty sure id 'borrowed' this from Valve -___-). When you go to the other way of the room, a Maggot will be summoned. Enter the door here. Walk to the other side of the bridge. An Imp will open up something, so kill the Imp, then go up the ladder. Follow the path. Make your way to the other end. On your way 2 Maggots and 1 Imp will be summoned, and another truck of Trites will show up. Go down the ladder when you walked through this small area. Grab the armor here, and... wow.. something will open. However, no one is there, but someone will keep whispering "over here". Follow the voice to find a Plasma Gun. Of course, another load of Maggots and Imps will be summoned, so take care of that with your new gun. Leave this 'secret' area and then kill the Marine-Zombie and Zombie. Walk to the other side of the bridge now. In here, a Maggot will be summoned, and just one Trite will appear. Use the health stand, grab the armor, then climb up. A Marine-Zombie will come out of the door, so kill that off. Also, use the cabinet to get more ammo. The code, as stated in the mail, is 651. Then go to the door, and to the door you find there. Run down both stairs, then quickly run back and kill all the Trites. When this is done, look around for health and ammo, then open the big door. There are various Marine-Zombies in this area, but because of the barrels they aren't hard to beat. There are about 5 Marine-Zombies here. When you killed them, enter the only door you can find. There is only one Marine-Zombie here, so kill it, and enter the door. Now this doesn't look good, does it? Look around if you want, the enter the next door. There is an Imp hiding in the dark (it's been a while, right?). So kill that, then continue your walk. Whatever happened here isn't good too. Grab the armor, heal yourself, then go to the door into the Trites nest. --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- The first boss will appear =) Vagary is her name. --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- This boss had 2 kind of attacks. The first one is just running at you and hitting you, the other one is telekinetic. She'll send various objects towards you using this trick. You can avoid this by moving a lot, and jumping/crouching at random intervals. When she's destroyed, enter the lift here. ============================================================================== EnPro Plant [D3.04.10] ============================================================================== The EnPro plant provides primary power to the Communications Tower and backup power to the entire Mars UAC Facility. Plasma canisters are also manufactured here from the CRC power production byproduct. ============================================================================== Items found: 4x PDA Enemies: 45x Imp, 14x Maggot, 8x Wraith, 31x Lost Soul, 4x Zombie ============================================================================== --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- Bravo Team will get killed... ;_____; All the trouble for that? --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- Locate the Military Transmission Card. Reach Reactor Control Room and Replace Cooland Rod 2. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- Go to the health stand for health, then grab the armor for... armor... Now enter the big door. When you walk down, a bot will be waiting for you. Follow it (and help it too) and get rid of lots of Imps and Maggots. When it stops moving, go back all the way. On your way you'll meet 1 Zombie, and an Imp or Maggot here and there, just get rid of it. You'll be able to find quite some goodies, and a PDA. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Paul E. Raad | I.D. Number: 31 26-66 | Post: EnPro | Title: Chief Technical Officer | Security Clearance: General Access | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audio Log |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Cooling Rods Replacements | About: Problems with the Cooling Rods. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audio Log |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Sentry Problems | About: Problems with the Sentry ;p | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: | Subject: The New Taboo! | Date: 11-10-2145 | Body: | | New Clone Porn movies posted daily! Is this the new taboo? Come and see what | everyone is talking about. See gorgeous identical clones in action. | | Only 15 credits per month! | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Social Committee | Subject: Ice Cream Social | Date: 11-12-2145 | Body: | | All Staff, | | As a reminder, tomorrow is our Ice Cream Social in the Mars City Kitchen. We | will have the typical flavors of vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, | blueberry... and a few surprises. | | I really hope you'll be at this event. The Social Committee is working hard | to find fun things for us to do on your meager budget. It is a real downer | when people don't show up. | | I mean, c'mon... only 7 of you came to our pizza social last month. If | you've got better ideas for the Social Committee, please forward them along. | | We hope to see you tomorrow! | |`-PDA UPDATE----------------------------------------------------------------- When done, walk back to the bot. When you are in need for armor and ammo, go left, follow the path, jump over the railing, then go down the ladder and follow the narrow path. When done, go back to the bot and use the ladder on the other side. Climb up, follow the path and enter the small room here. --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- A woman (the first one in the game so far =p) will ask for help, then a Lost Soul will come out of her head. --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- Kill the Lost Soul, then grab the PDA. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Theresa M. Chasar | I.D. Number: 0368-05 | Post: EnPro | Title: Weapon Analyst | Security Clearance: General Access | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audio Log |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Weapon Research | About: The woman talks about how good the Plasma Gun is. She also gives the | code 972. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Lloyd Renstrom | Subject: Plasma Storage Capacity | Date: 11-02-2145 | Body: | | Theresa, | Please take a few minutes in the next day or so to create an audio report | based on your plasma storage findings. The board is looking forward to | hearing about your accomplishments. | | As you know, security has been tight lately with all the accidents and as a | result we can't be too careful. Please make sure you lock up your test | weapon and add the cabinet code into your report. | | Great Job, | Lloyd | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Lloyd Renstrom | Subject: Your Work | Date: 11-05-2145 | Body: | | Theresa, | Hope you like your new office. I think you'll find it much easier to | concentrate on the plasma gun project without those dweebs in engineering | drooling all over you. How pathetic, right? | | Anyway I'll be down there from time to time if you ever want to talk or get | something to eat. You're probably sick of hearing it, but I think seeing you | every day is more valuable to me than any amount of money I've gotten from | working here. Believe me, being a supervisor I make a lot! | | Your pal, | Lloyd | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Elizabeth McNeil | Subject: RE: Lloyd is driving my nuts! | Date: 11-10-2145 | Body: | | -T. | I know what you're talking about, when I was still there I felt like I was | the only woman surrounded by a bunch of drooling men. I miss the work but I | don't miss that place, I feel like I'm lucky to be out of there. | | Keep your eyes open for trouble; I don't trust some of the executives up | there. | | I can't wait to see you back on Earth when your research is complete. | | Your Friend, | Liz | | ----Original Message---- | Sent: 11-07-2145 | To: Elizabeth McNeil | | Liz, | Lloyd has really outdone himself this time. He's moved me into the office | next to the trench in Enpro. Does he really think by moving me to the most | remote office on this wretched base that I'll be more attracted to him? | might be working. Being isolated for this long is getting to me. | I'm a chatter-box whenever I get the change to talk to a real person. | | Ok, I've got to get back to work. | -T. | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Open the cabinet with code 972 to get a Plasma Gun and cells. Then go to the panel here and activate it. Open the door, and get ready to kill a few Lost Souls. These guys are a pain in the arse -____- Walk to the bridge, then cross it and open the door. Then walk to the other door and open that one too. When you enter the new room, 2 Lost Souls will attack you, so kill them. Follow the path until you find a door you can enter. On your way you'll encounter another 2 Lost Souls. Then enter the door, then enter the other door. Kill the Imp, and then kill the 2 Lost Souls. Go back into the other room, and kill the 2 summoned Maggots here. That'll save work later on. Return back to the other room. Walk to the other end of the room. On your way a few Imps and Maggots will be summoned, so take care of those. Also watch behind you. Use the lift that's here to go a long way down. Leave the lift, and walk a bit further. Kill the 3 Lost Souls, then walk a little bit further and kill the Imp. Enter the door that you'll find at the end of the room. Kill the Imp that's here, and watch out for the Maggot that gets summoned behind your back. Walk a bit further and kill the Imp, then watch out for the 2 Maggots behind you. Then enter the door here. Walk to the small room that's on your left, and kill the Imp. Then enter the room here. Use the health stand if you need, then use the panel. --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- Your Marine will replace the rod, and see how your 2 little friends are planning to cancel the transmission. --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- Leave the room and get attacked by a bunch of Lost Souls and Imp. Kill them off before they got you. Might want to use that health stand again after this battle ;p Leave this room through the door you entered before. Get rid of the Imp that comes out first. Leave this room too, then run to the lift, this'll prevent some enemies from even seeing you. Kill the Maggot and the Wraith that appears, then use the lift. Go to the other side of the room, and kill the Lost Souls that get summoned. There as a door that wouldn't open before, but since it's unlocked now, enter it, then follow the hall and enter that door too. Kill the Maggot and Revenant here. On the left is an Imp hiding, so kill it and get the goodies here. Then go to the other side of the room and follow the path there. A Maggot will appear from the lift, so kill it off, then grab the ammo here and kill the other Maggot. Now go to the other side of the path to enter a room. 2 other Maggots will be waiting here for you, so welcome them. Then enter the door here. When you enter, a fat Zombie will attack, so kill it. You can also see another Zombie that's waiting for you at the other side of the room, so shoot it too, will help later ;p Go to the other side of the room and enter the door. Kill the Imp that's waiting here, then go up the stairs. Kill the Maggot that'll appear. Enter the door here, then kill the Maggot that runs up behind you. 2 Lost Souls will attack, so watch out. When you walk a bit further 2 Imps will be summoned. One to your left, so just shoot a barrel to get rid of it. One will be summoned in front of you. Then go down the stairs here. There is only one door that's open, so enter that one and enter the new room. --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- One of Bravo Team members will give you the transmission card, then gets attacked by a Wraith. --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- Kill the Wraith, then find the PDA by some crates. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Steve L. Hammer | I.D. Number: 2671 -93 | Post: EnPro | Title: Service Technician | Security Clearance: General Access | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audio Log |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Plasma Ammo Code | About: Steven tells about how a guard to mad at some machine and went nuts. | He gives the code 734, for a storage room. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Mathew Morton | Subject: More on Swensen | Date: 10-25-2145 | Body: | | Steve, | I'm still shaken from that incident with Swensen. When I close my eyes I | still see that look on his face in the instant between the impact of the | plasma, and when his head turned to blue vapor. I don't think I'll ever be | able to sleep again. | | I never liked him, I don't know who was crazy enough to give him a plasma | gun, but no one should go that way. The worst of it is I've seen a lot of | folks who seem more on edge than Swensen was. Something needs to be done. | | We should lock up the ammo in one of the storage lockers for starters. You | pick the code. Make sure you file a report too. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Eric Grossman | Subject: Lets help this poor girl! | Date: 11-15-2145 | Body: | | guys..... this isn't a chain letter, but a choice for all of us to save a | little girl that's going to die of a serious and fatal form of cancer. | Please send this to everyone you know...or don't know at that. This little | girl has 6 months left to live her life, and as her last wish, she wanted to | send a chain letter telling everyone to live their life to fullest, since | she never will. She'll never make it to prom, graduate school, or get | married and have a family on their own. By you sending this to as many | people as possible, you can give her and her family a little hope, because | with every name that this is sent to, the UAC will donate 3 credits per name | to her treatment and recovery plan. One guy sent this to 500 people!!!! So, | I know that we can send it to at lest 5 or 6. Come on guys.... and if you're | too selfish to waste 10-15 minutes and scrolling this and forwarding it to | EVERYONE, just think it could be you one day....and it's not even your | credits, just your time. Please help this little girl out guys, I know you | can do it!! I love you guys! | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Now open the door here with the code 734, grab the goodies inside, then open the airlock. ============================================================================== Communications Transfer [D3.04.11] ============================================================================== Comm Transfer connects EnPro and Communications, and acts as a multi-purpose facility for power distribution, equipment repair, and cargo transfer to other base sectors. Due to the frequency of broken pressure seals, oxygen tanks are well stock in this sector. ============================================================================== Items found: 3x PDA, 17x Oxygen Tanks Enemies: 17x Imp, 4x Pinky, 13x Trite, 6x Wraith, 11x Cacodemon, 25x Zombies, 5x Marine-Zombies ============================================================================== Press the panel to open the airlock. Outside are various oxygen tanks, so you should never get out of oxygen. However, a Cacodemon will attack. Kill it, then run to the other side and open the airlock. Enter the new building. A Zombie and Marine-Zombie will attack you, so kill them. Grab the stuff on the shelf. --VISION---------------------------------------------------------------------- Some stuff will start to float around, then an Imp and Wraith will be summoned. --VISION---------------------------------------------------------------------- Kill these 2 little buddies of you. Another Imp will be summoned, so kill it. Enter the door here, and kill the Zombie-Marine. Go down the stairs and walk to the door. --VISION---------------------------------------------------------------------- A tentacle will pop out of the door, then goes away. Some guy speaks Latin on the background. --VISION---------------------------------------------------------------------- No go to the other side of the room, and a few Imps will be summoned. Kill them, then use the panel. Crawl down the small shaft. --VISION---------------------------------------------------------------------- See the skeleton? Suddenly it'll move for a bit. The guy that spoke Latin before starts to laugh. --VISION---------------------------------------------------------------------- Go further down the shaft, until you enter a small room. Kill the Zombie here and go down the hole. Ready a gun that can shoot fast. The best is to run through this area, because you don't have infinite oxygen. Just jump over the Trites, and find a panel that will lower a lift. Press that, then kill any Trite that followed you. When the lift is there, step on it and go up. Kill the 2 Marine-Zombies in the room in front of you, then enter the small room to the right. Turn around to find an Imp. Enter that area to find some more goodies, then go into the room. An Imp will shoot you from the upper level, so kill it, then climb the ladder. Kill the Zombie here, and also kill the Cacodemon that appears. Grab the goodies around, then go into the next room. Kill the Marine-Zombie, then kill the 2 Cacodemon that appears. There is a small opening in the garage door, so crawl in the room there to find some goodies, then go back. Follow the path. There is a small room with ammo. Enter it, and kill the Imp that gets summoned. Then walk towards the door that's on the steps, and kill the 2 Wraith. There is only one room that you can enter, so go through that door. Pick up the PDA here. Suddenly, 2 Zombies with Chainsaws will come out of some hidden areas. Get rid of the quickly, because they can do a lot of damage. Then grab the Chainsaw and kill the 2 Zombies out of the room (hehehe). Go back to get some stuff, then read the PDA. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: James A. Holiday | I.D. Number: 7085-64 | Post: Communications Transfer | Title: Transport Controller | Security Clearance: COMM Transfer Access | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audio Log |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Artifact Transport Concerns | About: James will tell you about transport problems. Also his PDA seems to | be broken. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Ron Ridge | Subject: Those Damn Chainsaws! | Date: 11-13-2145 | Body: | | Hey James, | What are we gonna do with all those chainsaws? We've got two shipments of | excess medical equipment coming in very soon and we're gotta need the space. | I can't believe someone mis-shipped those things. I can't think of a more | useless piece of equipment than a chainsaw on Mars?!? Anyway you gotta help | me get rid of these Beavertooths. | | Thanks, | -RR | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Shipping Authority | Subject: Site 1 needs | Date: 11-15-2145 | Body: | | The UAC has terminated all research at site 1. This includes the McNeil | Projects. Arrangements for transportation and storage of useful equipment | should be made immediately. | | -Shipping Authority | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Enter the door that was locked. Watch out for the Zombie with a Chainsaw though. --VISION---------------------------------------------------------------------- The whole room will display weird symbols. --VISION---------------------------------------------------------------------- There is a Zombie in the area on the right, and one will come at you after a while, so get rid of them. Just follow to where the symbols are coming from. An Imp will try to kiss you, so get rid of it. Also and Pinky will be summoned. After everyone is killed, the light will go on. Try to call for the lift. Well apparently the lift doesn't have enough power, so you'll have to take the only door in this area. An Imp will shoot at you, and a Wraith will try to kill you too. Kill them off, then take the door here. First kill the Cacodemon though. Well it seems Hell really is breaking lose here. Climb the ladder and a Cacodemon will be summoned. Aim for the head (HAHAHAHAHA... *cough*). --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- Use the service lift to reach the upper control room in order to unlock the maintenance area doors. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- Walk a bit around, and kill the summoned Imp. Before using the service lift, enter the door that's open. Kill the Imp and 2 Wraiths here, then enter the small room. Go into the left path (seen from when you first entered the room) and go into the room. Kill the Pinky that'll be summoned, then grab the goodies. Now take the other path. Go down into the small area here. An Imp was summoned, so kill it of. Now enter the room here. Kill the Imp that tries to surprise you and grab the PDA. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Ron I. Ridge | I.D. Number: 8735-80 | Post: Communications Transfer | Title: Officer | Security Clearance: Unsafe Driving | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audio Log |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Unsafe Driving | About: Well, guess what. These security lifts aren't safe =p | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: UAC Authority | Subject: Maintenance Lift Access Restrictions | Date: 11-14-2145 | Body: | | Ron, | | We need you to enforce Maintenance Lift Access Restrictions from this point | forward. Several of these lifts can be fused to gain entry into areas that | are off-limits to the personnel that might only have maintenance access. | Please see to it that this is enforced. | | Sincerely, | UAC Authority | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: James Holiday | Subject: RE: Those Damn Chainsaws! | Date: 11-14-2145 | Body: | | Ron, | I don't have any idea what to do with those things. Why don't you throw them | down the chasm near enpro like you did that other ****? | | -James | | ----Original Message---- | Sent: 11-13-2145 | To: James Holiday | | Hey James, | What are we gonna do with all those chainsaws? We've got two shipments of | excess medical equipment coming in very soon and we're gotta need the space. | I can't believe someone mis-shipped those things. I can't think of a more | useless piece of equipment than a chainsaw on Mars?!? Anyway you gotta help | me get rid of these Beavertooths. | | Thanks, | -RR | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Before calling the lift, follow the rail on the side to find an Imp you can kill and some goodies. Then go back and call the lift. Go back to station 2 using the panel, and kill the Marine-Zombie and Cacodemon on your way. Now go to station 3 and step on solid ground. Kill the summoned Cacodemon, then manually navigate to the only area you can't reach with your legs. You can bring the lift up to get to the platform. On the side note, you might wonder how to open the 2 locked doors in this area on the same level as the lift. These 2 doors link to each other, and it's not needed to get here. If you want to anyway, go to the area where the Imp was before, then open the door. Kill the headless Zombie and the Wraith. Then use the panel. Well back to the upper floor we were eh? You can jump on the bridge from here, so do so. There are two doors here. Enter the door that's closest to the lift. Enter the room a bit further. Kill the Imp and Marine-Zombie. Walk a bit further and kill the Zombie with a Chainsaw. Then use the panel to complete your objective. Let's go have some fun first though. There is another door that's not open yet, so enter that. Follow the path and enter the big door here. Kill the Pinky that wants to hug. This is basically... a boring room, so go back to the bridge and take the other path. Kill the Imp that's here. Now use the lift, and walk back to Station 1. Use the lift and go to Station 3. Enter the door here. Aren't you glad I told you to kill all the monsters already? =p Run (or walk) to the other side of the hall. Suddenly the platform will drop down and you are able to use your first Berserk Power-Up. Use it and a horde of Zombies will appear. Don't worry, just kick the freak out of them and have a good time ;p Experience how it's like to be drunk =D When you are done, then go up and enter the door. Kill the Zombie with a Chainsaw here and enter the airlock. You'll see your friends fly away. I'd rather worry about the 2 Cacodemons though. Kill them off, then enter the next airlock. Or look around for ammo, armor and health. Whatever suits you. Just leave the level. It was based on Half-Life again, wasn't it? ============================================================================== Communications [D3.04.12] ============================================================================== The Communications Tower is the primary link for off-planet communications. Broadcast dishes are aligned for communications directly with UAC-Earth and bridged for deep space communications via the Phobos Routing Station uplink. ============================================================================== Items found: 6x PDA Enemies: 27x Imp, 6x Wraith, 9x Cacodemon, 10x Zombies, 28x Marine-Zombies ============================================================================== Enter the new area. A Cacodemon will be summoned, so kill it. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- Locate the Main Communications Room --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- Walk to the lift. Kill the summoned Cacodemon. Near the entrance of the room is a small shaft. Enter that and grab the stuff. In the main room 2 Imps will be summoned, but you can kill them off from here. Crawl a bit further for some more goodies, then go back to the lift. Go to level 3 (you are one 2 now, and 1 is not a part of the journey right now). Exit the lift, and kill the Marine-Zombie (also kill the Zombie on the left of the room). Follow the path. --VISION---------------------------------------------------------------------- The corpse will suddenly fly up and fall down. --VISION---------------------------------------------------------------------- Kill the Wraith that gets summoned and enter the door here. There is a small panel near the lift to open a shaft. The shaft is next to the door, so crawl under it and grab the health and armor here. An Imp will be summoned, so shoot it off, then enter the next room. You can see where you walked before, so enjoy it ;p Then enter the next door and kill the two Marine-Zombies here. Then walk over to the panel where you can unlock two doors. Well actually you can only unlock one door, so do that now. Two Marine-Zombies will enter the room and a Cacodemon will be summoned, so kill them both, then enter the new room. You can find a few shells, and a Health Stand. If you are done, enter the next room. You'll see your 2 friends, using the BFG and blowing things up. Two Marine-Zombies will appear, one from the back, one from the front. Kill them (or let them live, like I care =p) both. You might want to go back to the Health Stand if you lost some health, then venture further into the room. Before you enter the next door, you can go crawl under the floor to find some ammo. When done, enter the next room. There is one locked door here, and one that's open, so enter the door you can enter. Hooray, you completed the objective. Too bad, you'll get a new one as soon as you walk towards the panel. Be sure to grab the PDA. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- Make your way through Engineering and locate the Satellite Control Center. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Seamus J. Blake | I.D. Number: 6805-1 4 | Post: Communications | Title: Technician | Security Clearance: Communications | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audio Log |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Module Replacement | About: Seamus tells about replacing the module | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Crater Music | Subject: Your receipt # 9318691220 | Date: 10-10-2145 | Body: | | Order Number: M8909848 | Receipt Date: 10/10/2145 | Order Total: $269.83 | Billed To: Universal Credit | | Crater Classic Music thanks you for your order | | Those who purchases your selection (Champagne Tomiko by The Zsecs) also | purchased: | The Head On My Tongue - Hellish Dragons | 20th Century Classics - Various Artists | | Please retain for your records | | The entire Crater team thanks you | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Karl Roper | Subject: Question?? | Date: 10-11-2145 | Body: | | Hey Seamus... | | What the hell is up with the Sentry Bots that are stationed in Engineering. | I thought you told me this was a better place to work than Admin. Why do you | get to hang around the Main Communications room while I'm stuck down here? | | later, | -Karl | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Go back to the previous room. When you walk up the stairs, an Imp will show up for a second (which scared me =p). A Marine-Zombie will appear, plus, when you try to enter the locked door, a Zombie will show up. So beware, young Jedi. Enter the door, and kill the Zombie here. Grab the stuff and walk into the next room. The Imp you saw before will show up (I think), so kill it, together with the Marine-Zombie that's in the back of the room. One Marine-Zombie will come from behind, so kill that too, then call for the lift. As soon as you are down and leave the lift, a Zombie and Imp will attack you. Enter the new room. Kill the Marine-Zombie and Imp here. The Imp won't even move, so it's an easy kill. On the other side of the room is another Marine-Zombie waiting, so kill that too, then enter the next room. Two enemies here so far, one Zombie and an Imp. Kill them both, then go to the left side of the big machine. A few Wraiths will be summoned, so shoot these. When you walk a bit further, another Imp and Zombie will appear, so give them my regards too. Then go back to the begin of the room and use the panel to open a shaft. Enter it for some health, armor and ammo, then enter the next room. Run a bit through the room to summon 2 Imps. Kill these beauties, yes? Then crawl under the floor for stuff. There are two doors here. Enter the door that was on the opposite side of the room first. Kill the Zombies here and grab the stuff. When you return to the previous room, a Maggot will attack. When done, enter the other door. There is an Imp here, and a Marine-Zombies. Grab the stuff when they are killed and then go to the other side of the room. Just don't get yourself hit by the big machine and enter the door here. "MWAHAHAHAHA"... well at least someone thinks it's funny eh? The Maggot thinks it's funny too, he even wants to hug. Better shoot it though. Enter the small area he came for, then kill the new Imp. Use the lift to go a level higher. Out of nowhere an Imp will appear, so kill it, then enter the new room. There are 2 Marine-Zombies here, a few goodies and PDA. Guess what you have to do. Kill the goodies and grab the Marine-Zombies ;p Yes, and grab the PDA. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Ben. B. Wolfe | I.D. Number: 9866-53 | Post: Communications | Title: Officer | Security Clearance: General Access | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audio Log |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Unauthorized Bandwidth Usage | About: As title says =p | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: | Subject: Join Now and Save 20% | Date: 11-08-2145 | Body: | | Dear Radar Enthusiast, | | You're being offered a one time exclusive opportunity to become part of the | most exciting subject in the Solar System, Radar Technology. Please take | this opportunity to save 20% off of our normal prices. | | If you feel this is for you, please respond immediately. | | Martian Buddy - Where you save!! | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Security Authority | Subject: RE: Request Security Access | Date: 11-12-2145 | Body: | | Your request for Communications Security Access if granted. Officers are now | allowed access to Level 2 Security areas. Communication Cabinet Code is 246. | | ----Original Message---- | Sent: 11-11-2145 | To: Security Authority | | I hereby formally request access to secure areas in the Communications | Facility. As an officer I feel this is necesarry. | | Sincerely, | Ben Wolfe | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Enter the next room. When you come close to the other door, a Marine-Zombie will appear, and a Cacodemon is summoned. Kill them, then enter the door that is not locked. There is a Marine-Zombie here, so kill it. You can open the cabinet with code 246, and activate a Sentry Bot. Do so, and follow the little friend. When you arrive near the lift, go back all the way to find goodies. When done, go back to the lift and use it. Go up to the third level, exit the lift and grab the PDA. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Robert J. Finch | I.D. Number: 9848-52 | Post: Communications | Title: Maintenance Coordinator | Security Clearance: Communications | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Brent Davis | Subject: Quiz Night | Date: 11-14-2145 | Body: | | Finchy, | | Don't forget that Trivia Quiz Night is this Wednesday. Do yourself a favor | and brush up on the Shakespeare, mate. If we lose to those twits in | administration again, we'll never hear the end of it. | | Brent | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Steven Finch | Subject: On your way home!! | Date: 11-15-2145 | Body: | | Hey Bro, | Mom told me you were heading home in a week or so... I bet you can't wait | for that, can ya? | | I've been pretty busy down here... Little Annie is almost 9 now. Can you | believe that? Dianne and I are thinking about another one soon, we're gonna | have to move into a double-wide orbiter :) | | Anyway, I won't keep ya... see ya soon | Flapper | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ The lad never got home. Isn't it sad? Follow the path to enter the Satellite Control system. Use the panel. Your friend will tell you to cancel the transmission. Do what you want, it doesn't matter for the story. Either Kelly is happy or mad... ;p --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- Return to lobby and head for the monorail station. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- Go back to the lift and go to level 1. Leave the lift, and kill the Imp and 2 Marine-Zombies. Further down the room is another Imp, and some health you may need. Enter the door here. There are 2 Imps waiting on the left, and a Marine-Zombie will rush in, so kill them. Then enter the door here. There is another Marine-Zombie here, and when you go a bit further, an Imp will come down from the ceiling. You know what to do. You can use the Health Stand, and some stuff, then use the lift. You are now back in the lift you entered at the beginning of the level. You have to go back to the room where you could unlock 2 doors, so go to level 3 and go there. Only one Marine-Zombie is bothering you. Enter the bay door and leave this (pretty nice) level. Minas submitted you can jump to where the 2 Imps were to get full armor. ============================================================================== Monorail Skybridge [D3.04.13] ============================================================================== The Monorail Skybridge crosses over the primary recycling station, a key element in processing waste products into useable resources. ============================================================================== Items found: 3x PDA, 12x Oxygen Tank, 1x Video Disk Enemies: 37x Imp, 15x Maggot, 7x Pinky, 10x Revenant, 17x Trite, 5x Cacodemon, 10x Zombies ============================================================================== When you leave the bay area, the whole hall in front of you will become trash. Go down, and kill the Cacodemon. There is some stuff here, and the airlock you need to enter. So when done, enter it. In the new room, walk down the hall. When you go around the corner, you'll get a quick vision (not even worth to mention) and a Pinky will attack, so shoot it off. When you go a bit further, a fat Zombie will appear, plus a Maggot will try to attack to. You know what to do. When you get to the man hanging out of the ceiling, kill the other fat Zombie, and the Maggot, that appears behind you. There is a medkit here and a Health Stand. Obviously, use the medkit first, then the Health Stand if needed. Enter the door here. --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll meet your first Revenant, which'll shoot a rocket. Some stuff will come down. --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- Get rid of the Revenant, most likely the hardest enemy till now. See the enemies section to find a quick way to get rid of it. When it's killed, you can find a medkit at the lower level. When you go up to the stairs, another Revenant will appear, so kill that too. Go back to the lower level, and climb the platform that came down (on the right side when you first entered the room). There is another room here, with an Imp and goodies. When done, enter the only door you can enter in this room. On the right is a Zombie, and a Pinky will appear. Just get them to the barrel and shoot that, that'll get rid of them quick enough. In the area where the Zombie came from is a medkit, and on the left of the room is some ammo and adrenaline. On the other end of the room is an Imp hiding, so kill that too, grab the goodies and then enter the door. Once again, another demonic laugh will be heard, and an Imp and Maggot will be summoned. Just kill them, then grab the goodies here. Call the lift and go to the lower floor. Kill the 2 Maggots here. When they are killed, go around the corner. Another Maggot will surprise you (he scared me ;___; ). Follow the path. When you see a stairs that lead down, a Revenant will appear. Also an Imp will appear from the room with the lift. When killed (and I mean you killed the monsters, not yourself), take the stairs down. When you pass the big door, an Imp will appear, so kill it. When you follow this path you'll come back to the stairs again. There is a piece of armor located in this looping hall. If you grab it, 3 Imps will be summoned. When you are done, enter the big door. When you walk a bit further, 2 Pinkies will attack you. Shoot them off and go around the corner. Follow the path here, until a fat Zombie will appear from the left. Shoot if off and enter the new room. There is an Imp and 2 fat Zombies here, so be sure to kill them off. Grab the goodies and walk further. Another Zombie will appear to kiss you. When you go up the stairs, and Imp and Maggot will try to cut you open. Kill them and walk further once again. Then enter the door that's here. There is a new Revenant waiting for you here, plus a Maggot. Welcome them with some gunpower. Then enter the door here. When you enter the room here, you'll get yourself a new objective. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- Find the pump control panel to shut down the malfunctioning pump. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- There is only one way you can go, and that's by jumping on the platforms right from you, and going that way. When you walk further, an Imp will jump at you. When you go further down the hall, and Imp and Maggot will appear. Use the barrels to get rid of the Imp and kill the Maggot with your gun. Grab the goodies here, then go up the stairs. Watch out, because an Imp will push something down. Kill it (that is, if you didn't get smashed ;p) and go further. Enter the door, and kill the Imp. There is a video disk and PDA here. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Video Disk |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Maintenance Safety Video | Creator: Central Authority | Date: 10/05/2145 | Description: Maintenance Department Safety Video | Shown: Just a safety video | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Nick Sadowayj | I.D. Number: 4223-1 8 | Post: recycling Sector 1 | Title: Hazmat Specialist | Security Clearance: General Access | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audio Log |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: HAZMAT Response | About: Another Russian worker? ;p Nick talks about the Hazmat that gives a | bit problems here and there. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Henry Varela | Subject: Pump Malfunction | Date: 11-02-2145 | Body: | | Nicholas, | | I've redirected control for the main pump to the flow service terminal | located on the maintenance platform above this area. If the main pump should | crack or malfunction and cause a spill the only way to shut it down would be | from there. Entry into the pump room would just be too dangerous. If you | have any questions please see me. | | Thank You, | Henry | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Scott Johnson | Subject: Locked Armaments | Date: 11-10-2145 | Body: | | Mr. Sadowayj, | | I fear that the rumors I've been hearing might actually be true. The other | day someone from my team was cleaning up a toxic spill in Delta and they | said they actually saw some sort of creature down there, he didn't know what | it was but it really scared him and got us thinking. | We can't bee too careful; I've locked some ammunition and combat armor in | the cabinet by the monorail airlock door here in Sector 2. If you ever need | to get in it the code is: 483 | | -Scott | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Use the panel to extend a service ladder. Now climb the ladder and follow the path. Kill the 2 Imps here (I bet they are married) and continue to walk. You'll end up in a system of pipes. Cross it to enter a new room. Grab the goodies here and use the panel to complete the objective. Now return to the room with all the toxic on the floor. On the way there you'll meet an Imp, plus in the room with the toxic is another Imp. You can now walk on the floor here, which leads to a stairs with a new door. Enter the door. An Imp will be summoned (*cough*barrel*cough*), so kill it, then go up the ladder. When you enter a bigger room, a Pinky will appear. Grab all the goodies here (armor, ammo and there is a Health Stand), then enter the big door. Well hoo-****ing-ray! More Trites! Yay! Woopy! etc. Kill these little creatures (also watch your back), while venturing through his hall. On your way one Imp will be summoned, so kill that too. Then enter the big door at the end of the hall. A Maggot will appear, plus a Revenant will be standing at the platform on the other end of the room. Just hide while shooting it, not a problem at all. There is only one path you can walk, so follow that. An Imp will appear, but it's an easy kill due to the barrels. Enter the door here. Let's first explore this room and hall. There are 2 Maggots and one Imp. But that's not the thing you'll care about. The big deal is the Rocket Launcher, grab that, then go back and grab the PDA. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Anthony R. Garza | I.D. Number: 4222-1 8 | Post: Recycling Sector 1 | Title: Hazmat Specialist | Secutity Clearance: General Access | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Michael Abrams | Subject: New Rocket Launcher | Date: 10-30-2145 | Body: | | Tony- | I'm sending you one of the new rocket launchers that we've received from the | marines. Please take some of the surplus toxic barrles lying around outside | and blow them up. Be careful not to hurt yourself - the area damage is much | larger than previous rocket launcher models. | | Thank you, | Michael Abrams | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Michael Abrams | Subject: RE: New Rocket Launcher | Date: 11-04-2145 | Body: | | I put in a request for more rocket ammo, I didn't realize how many barrels | we needed destroyed. | | ----Original Message---- | Sent: 10-31-2145 | To: Michael Abrams | | Mr. Abrams, | Thank you for the rocket launcher but I will need more than the | pre-installed five rockets for it. We have quite a few barrels here that | need to be destroyed. I've placed it on my weapon rack for now and will | begin destroying the barrels once I have more ammo. | | Thank You, | Tony | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: | Subject: Sleep Away!! | Date: 11-06-2145 | Body: | | Dear Valued Customer, | | Are you tired at work often? | Do you feel like you have less energy? | Introducing the new and improved Sleep Away Pill. Now better than over the | new Sleep Away Pill will keep you feeling refreshed and going strong all | day. | For more information visit: | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Enter the door here and open the airlock. Go outside, and kill the Revenant (try your new rocket launcher). Go right, and kill the Revenant here too, then climb up and follow the path. Kill the Cacodemon and enter the bay door to finish this level. ============================================================================== Recycling - Sector 2 [D3.04.14] ============================================================================== The Recycling Plant is key to survival on Mars, processing waste products into useable resources. Sector 2 primarily refines and recycles chemical and biological waste. ============================================================================== Items found: 3x PDA Enemies: 19x Cherub, 25x Imp, 3x Mancubus, 11x Revenant, 8x Lost Soul, 7x Zombies ============================================================================== Don't worry, there is nothing here that'll attack you, so look around. There is one room you can enter, with a PDA and a panel. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Jeffery R. Moen | I.D. Number: 8492-1 3 | Post: Recycling Sector 2 | Title: Pump Specialist | Security Clearance: General Access | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Henry Varela | Subject: Pump Malfunction | Date: 11-04-2145 | Body: | | Jeff, | The man waste processing unit here in Sector 1 is running at a higher | pressure level than it was rated for. I'm very concerned about the stability | of the whole system. One fault or stress fracture in any of the lines could | cause doom for the whole mechanism. This processing system here was never | designed to process that much waste but they keep shipping it to us. | We urgently need a new pump here before this one fails. | | Thank You, | Henry | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Gregg Brandenburg | Subject: Toxic Waste Storage | Date: 11-09-2145 | Body: | | Mr. Moen, | | It is very important that you remember to store toxic waste barrels in their | proper locations. Having volatile substances so close to where people work | is very dangerous, especially around doorways and narrow passages. If one of | those barrels exploded it could cause a lot of damage and someone might be | seriously hurt, or worse - killed! Please address this problem immediately! | | Brandenburg | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Use the panel. Mr. Betruger will tell you he's everywhere, and it's a pity you cancelled the transmission (if you didn't cancel it, he won't say that of course). He'll assure you, you won't see the fleet arrive though. 3 Imps will be summoned, so kill them. Did you recognise the voice by the way? Mr. Betruger was the "mwhahahaha"-guy. When you leave the room, another Imp will attack, so kill it. Then use the pump to go up to the higher level. A woman will tell you that the toxic level is increasing, and Betruger will tell you you'll die because of the toxic gasses. There is only one door you can enter, so enter it. There will jump an Imp at you, one Imp will attack from the front, one from behind, and 2 Lost Souls will appear. Kill them all, then enter the big door in the next hall. You'll get a new objective when you enter the room. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- Reactivate Air Filtration System to gain access to the Monorail Station. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- There is a cabinet here that you can open with code 483, for some armor and ammo. There is only one way you can follow, so go there. When you come near to the barrels, 2 Imps will appear (one in front, one from behind). When you go a bit further, another Imp will appear, and when you go even further Betruger will tell you your soul is his, and he'll summoned a few monsters (1 Zombie, 1 Revenant, 1 Lost Soul). Enter the door here when they are killed (and use the Health Stand if needed). There is only one Imp here, and a few goodies. When you are done here, enter the door. An Imp will jump down, so kill it, then go down the stairs. There will appear a Revenant from the hall (use the barrel!), so kill it. When you walk further into that path, an Imp will appear from behind, so kill that one too, then walk further (notice the annoying sounds on the background). A fat Zombie will appear from a small area, so watch out. When you enter an area where you can go left or right, first kill the enemies (1 fat Zombie, 1 Zombie, 1 Revenant (mine killed itself using his rockets =p)). Go into the way where the Revenant came from and follow it to the end. Try to enter the big door. Use the Health Stand if needed. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- Vent lethal gas. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- Now go back, and go left, up the stairs. In this area are 2 Imps and 2 Lost Souls, so take care of then, then enter the door here. When you go further into the room, 2 Imps will appear (behind you, in front of you). When they are killed enter the door here. There is a Zombie on the left, so kill that, then use the panel to vent the gasses. 4 enemies will appear, 1 Zombie from behind, and 3 Imps from a secret room. Go back to the big locked door. When you are in the room where you battled 2 Imps and 2 Lost Souls, Betruger will summon another 2 Lost Souls, so kill them. But you didn't think he'd leave it like that, now did you? Silly you! A bit furter a Zombie will appear, and a Revenant (and Betruger says "kill him!"). Back at the big door is another Imp, so kill it. Then enter the new room, and a Revenant will appear (piece of cake because of the barrels). Kill it and enter the new room. 4 Cherubs will attack you (but are easy kills), so kill them and follow the path. In the room with barrels, just enter it, and when you hear monsters, shoot the barrels. Easy as that, I didn't even know what enemies attack =p Enter the door here. An Imp will come down the stairs, so kill it. When you go up the stairs, an Imp will appear from behind. Kill that too, the enter the door at top of the stairs. There is a lift here, so call it, then go down. Kill the 2 Cherubs, and go further down the path, into the room. Kill the Cherub here, grab the goodies and go down the stairs. At the end of the stairs are goodies, so grab that, and follow the path. --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- A fat big Mancubus will appear. --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- Shoot this fat bastard off. Well actually 3 fat bastards, and when they are killed, another 4 Cherubs. Grab the goodies when they are killed (it should take you back to full health and armor, or at least close), then go up the platform and follow that path. There is another Cherub here, and more armor and a Health Stand. Then enter the door. There are 2 Cherubs here, so kill them, then call for the lift. When you enter it, Betruger will tell you your soul will burn in hell forever (what's the deal? first he wants it, now it's going to burn in hell?). Use the lift to go up. You'll have to hurry up, because there are toxic gasses here that hurt you. You have to active 3 vents here, which is done by going past every panel and activating it. Once they are all activated, the gasses go away, and a Revenant will appear. Kill it off, then grab the PDA here. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Scott P. Johnson | I.D. Number: 421 1 -1 2 | Post: Recycling Sector 2 | Title: Plant Manager | Security Clearance: General Access | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Nicholas Sadowayj | Subject: RE: Locked Armaments | Date: 11-11-2145 | Body: | | Scott, | That is an excellent idea, we can't be too careful around here... | | ----Original Message---- | Sent: 11-10-2145 | To: Nicholas Sadowayj | | Mr. Sadowayj, | | I frea that the rumors I've been hearing might actually be true. The other | day someone from my team was cleaning up a toxic spill in Delta and they | said they actually saw some sort of creature down there, he didn't know what | it was but it really scared him and got us thinking. | We can't bee too careful; I've locked some ammunition and combat armor in | the cabinet by the monorail airlock door here in Sector 2. If you ever need | to get in it the code is: 483 | | -Scott | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Enter the big door here. You are back into the room at the beginning. Open the bay door and leave this level. ============================================================================== Monorail [D3.04.15] ============================================================================== The Monorail serves as transportation between the low level access sectors of the UAC Complex and the priority access research facility. Have all identification and security clearance data prepared for inspection. ============================================================================== Items found: 5x PDA Enemies: 16x Imp, 20x Trite, 19x Zombies, 10 Marine-Zombies ============================================================================== --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll see how Betruger creates a Commando-Zombie. --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- Leave the bay door. Doesn't this just remind you of Max Payne? ;p There is a cabinet here that's already open, and a PDA. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Samuel J. Harding | I.D. Number: 61 07-37 | Post: Monorail | Title: Engineer | Security Clearance: General Access | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audio Log |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Magnetic Lock Repairs | About: Sam talks about... accidents... wow! =o | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: James Torbin | Subject: Door Repair | Date: 10-23-2145 | Body: | | Sam, | I completed the repairs on door A32 today it should open more smoothly. | | On a separate note, did you see those artifacts that the science team | recently shipped into the Delta Complex? I don't know what they were but I | certainly don't like them being transported outside of the cargo crates, it | just creeps me out seeing them, knowing that we are working above some sort | of alien ruins. Just the thought of what might be lurking in those caves | gives me shivers. | I don't know, maybe I'm just over-reacting.... | | Jim | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Karl Cullen | Subject: Turret Gun Mounting Brackets | Date: 11-03-2145 | Body: | | Harding, | | I need you to check the mounting brackets on the turret gun here in | security, they seem to be rattling when the turret moves. | | Karl | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Karl Cullen | Subject: RE: Turret Gun Mounting Brackets | Date: 11-05-2145 | Body: | | Thank you for repairing that so quickly. | | ----Original Message---- | Sent: 11-04-2145 | To: Karl Cullen | | Karl, | I fixed the mounting brackets this morning; it was those damn Mixom bolts | again. I really wish the UAC would find a better sub-contractor. | | Thanks, | Sam | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Enter the train here, and activate the panel to get the monorail working. A man will come out of the closed door behind you, and tell you it's not a safe place. He must be kidding! He was waiting for his partner to return, who was checking things out, but the guy never returned. He'll just stay in the train. When the ride is done, you'll get a new objective. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- Manually override the monorail airlock systems. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- Leave the train. There is some stuff on the lower floor. When done, enter the big door. As soon as you open the door, a Commando-Zombie will attack. Yes, it's not an easy enemy. There whole next room is filled with enemies, about 2 Commando-Zombies, and a load of Imps and Marine-Zombies. My tactic is to first walk around every part of the room, killing everyone you encounter, then go and look for goodies. There are a small area near the big door on the other end of the room with some stuff, and under the stairs near that door is a shaft with more stuff. Near the beginning of the room is a PDA. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Gary Ross | I.D. Number: 321 7-4A | Post: Site 2 | Title: Lead Engineer | Security Clearance: Monorail Security | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Delta Security | Subject: ADS operational | Date: 10-23-2145 | Body: | | Mr. Ross, | | This is a quick note to remind you that the new Automated Defense System, at | the Delta Labs entrance, is fully operational. Please contact Delta Security | with any questions. | | Thank You, | Delta Security | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Central Security | Subject: RE: Airlock Request | Date: 11-04-2145 | Body: | | As you requested, the Junction 5, Site 2 Airlock code has been updated to | 826, this will allow you manually override automated rail sensor systems | allowing you to open any of the track doors. | | ----Original Message---- | Sent: 11-03-2145 | To: Central Security | From: Gary Ross | Subject: Airlock Request | | The Site 2 engineering team will be conducting a few test on the J5 airlock | system next week. We will need to manually override the ARSS for these test, | and request the input code be upated to 826, to conduct the tests. | | Thank You. | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ There is a door at the upper floor, which leads to a small room (watch out for the Commando-Zombie). When you enter it, 4 Trites will enter the big room, so watch out for them. There is another PDA here. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Charles L. Hollies | I.D. Number: 5437-98 | Post: Monorail | Title: EAP Director General | Security Clearance: General Access | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audio Log |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: EAP Policy Modification :: Site 2 | About: Charles talks about some changes in Site 2. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Yon Brady | Subject: Site 2 Closure | Date: 10-11-2145 | Body: | | Mr. Hollies, | | I would like to report that the main tunnel passage to Site 2 has been | sealed. I will transfer the door codes to the archaeological division today. | For all practical purpose that dig site is now closed for good. | | Thank You, | Yon Brady | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Yon Brady | Subject: Remaining Ammunition | Date: 10-13-2145 | Body: | | Mr. Hollies, | | As you requested I've placed all remaining ammunition from the security team | stationed at Site 2 in storage cabinet 054 with door code: 142. | | Thank You, | Yon Brady | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Phil Wilson | Subject: Artifact Inventory Tracking | Date: 10-27-2145 | Body: | | Charlie Hollies, | | We've received a few artifacts from Site 2, without proper discovery and | time-date information on them. It is very difficult processing all these | pieces when we don't know where or when they were uncovered. Please check | your records and send the requested information back to me for artifacts | 34-x91, 21-x23, and 86-y12. | | Phil Wilson | Delta Research Team | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Open the cabinet behind you with code 142. After that, use the panel and enter code 826. Now go back to the train. Use the Health Stand if needed, but there are enough goodies around, so I don't think you'll need it. There is one Trite waiting near the train, so kill it, the enter it and use the panel. Your friend is killed though. After a short ride, the train will crash. --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll climb out of the train. --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- The only way is up the ladder, so go there. A Commando-Zombie will come running at you, but there's enough time to kill it. There really is only one way to go, and that's by using the door that's closest to you. Walk through the room, and watch out for the Trites that appear from the small shaft. Enter the door here. A Commando-Zombie will be running around, so kill it off. You can go down for some armor and cells. There is a door leading to the Delta Labs, so enter that. There is one Zombie, and one Imp here, so kill them. When you try to enter the door here, a Commando-Zombie will jump out at you. Active the alarm system using the panel, then go through the door, to the other door, into the next room. A Marine-Zombie will come and shoot at you, so kill it. Then go up the stairs and grab the PDA here. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Karl P. Cullen | I.D. Number: 61 67-07 | Post: Monorail | Title: Security Personnel | Security Clearance: Delta Security | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Security Authority | Subject: New Automated Defence System | Date: 11-06-2145 | Body: | | Mr. Cullen, | | Please inform your team that an automated security turret gun will be | installed at the main entrance to Delta. This is due to the increased | sensitive nature of the experiments and the security problems we've | recently had. | Please ensure that your team members have correct security clearance and are | in the IFF database. We don't want a repeat of the problems we had when the | guns were installed at Marine Command. | | Thank You, | Central Security Authority | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Chris Baughman | Subject: RE: Turret Shutdown Codes | Date: 10-12-2145 | Body: | | Thanks, I freaking hate loaded guns with an automatic IFF. | | ----Original Message---- | Sent: 11-11-2145 | To: All Security Personnel | | Guys, | I've encoded the shutdown sequence for the turret gun into my PDA, you can | use it at the security terminal near the metal detectors if there are any | problems with the gun. | I would rather have it off-line than killing anyone.... | | Thanks, | Karl | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Lee Pommeroy | Subject: Extra Medical Supplies | Date: 11-02-2145 | Body: | | Karl, | | As the medical supervisor in this section I feel it's my obligation to be | proactive in regards to safety especially now that we have a turret gun in a | heave traffic area. As a precaution I've stocked medical supplies in the | storage cabinets adjacent to the security office. Both cabinet codes are | 364. I hope we never need them. | | Lee Pommeroy | Medical Supervisor | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Sam Harding | Subject: Mounting brackets fixed | Date: 11-04-2145 | Body: | | Karl, | I fixed the mounting brackets this morning; it was those damn Mixom bolts | again. I really wish the UAC would find a better sub-contractor. | | Thanks, | Sam | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Mathew Gaiser | Subject: Additional Security Needed | Date: 11-09-2145 | Body: | | Mr. Cullen, | | We are going to be transporting a large specimen from Delts. Normally we | would not be using the Monorail, but we need to get it to Phobos Lab and | this is our only option. | | The specimen will be sedated, however given both the importance and the | hazardous nature of it, we feel it is prudent to have an enhanced security | presence. You and your men should be prepared with full armor and plasma | funs. However, lethal force should be only used a last resort. Brining this | thing alive through the teleporter costs seven men their lives and it would | be a shame to waste that effort. | | Also, as you know there are plenty of rumors about our specimens. I do not | want this to get out of control. Information about this transport must be | kept to only those that need to know what is in the container. | | Thank you for your cooperation in this. | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Isn't that last mail disturbing? Teleport? Seven men their lives? What happens in those Delta Labs? Stay tuned kids! Enter the door here and kill the Imp, the enter the next door. When you cross the bridge, Betruger will laugh. I hate him -____- Enter the door here. A Commando-Zombie will come out of the door, and an Imp will come from behind. When killed, enter the next door. There will come a Commando-Zombie at you, plus some other enemies. However, the turret is running, and shooting everyone that tries to pass. Enter the small office here (only one Imp will make it through). Open the door behind you and open the cabinets with code 364 for ammo, armor and health. When done there, go back to the office, wait till the enemies are killed, then use the panel and enter the bay door. Small level eh? But it was fun =D ============================================================================== Delta Labs - Level 1 [D3.04.16] ============================================================================== The Delta Complex is the most advanced research facility on Mars. Sector 1 contains the power systems, energy core distribution center, and services the administrative functions of the entire Delta Complex. ============================================================================== Items found: 3x PDA Enemies: 22x Imp, 13x Cacodemon, 20x Lost Soul, 29x Zombies ============================================================================== When you enter the bay door, you'll get a new objective. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- Restore power to the Delta Labs. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- An Imp will crawl over the window on the outside, and some panel will come off, and a flame will appear. Woopydoo ;p Grab the PDA that's there. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Robert M. Price | I.D. Number: 5438-71 | Post: Delta Labs. Level 1 | Title: Operational Director | Security Clearance: General Access | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audio Log |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Engineer Placement | About: Robert talks about how the engineer got replaced. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audio Log |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Disciplinary Action Report | About: There are some disciplines problems in the Delta Labs... He gives the | code 298. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Price@kpjNET | Subject: Did you get it?!! | Date: 11-13-2145 | Body: | | Hey Rob... it's me again :) why haven't you written me back yet? I sent all | your old books and **** to you via the UAC... Did you get them? It sure is | nice to get all that crap out of the living area. Donated a lot of other | stuff to some charity place too. In six months when you come back you'll | see the difference. | | Anyway, PLEASE!! write back soon... I'm so lonely down here. | | See Ya, | Tanya | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Ryan S. | Subject: RE: You guys experiencing this? | Date: 11-14-2145 | Body: | | Robert, | | I know exactly what you're talking about, although not nearly as frequently | as what you're describing. I'll follow up with you on this after I do a | little investigating but it certainly is weird. | | -Ryan | | ----Original Message---- | Sent: 11-13-2145 | To: ryan s. | | Hi Ryan, | Are you guys getting strange sounds coming through walls and floors? We've | been getting this all over the place the last couple of days. I think it's | worse in the lower level of Delta but we can't pinpoint what the origin is. | | anyway, I'm just checking in with others around the UAC. | | Thanks, | -Robert | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Walk to the big door you see. --VISION---------------------------------------------------------------------- A body will float a bit, and something behind you will drop down. --VISION---------------------------------------------------------------------- Enter the only hall you can enter, and follow the path, until you end up in a room with a big power-generator or some sort. Walk up to the panels and use them. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- Retrieve the Data Linker to allow Delta Labs Control Access. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- Go back into the hall, and some panel will fly up (it scared me ;____; ). Go down there and crawl into the other room. On your way something will stomp on the ground. Doesn't sound good eh? Leave the small area into the new room. There is a map here to look at. You have to go to the Access Lobby for now, so head there. On your way, someone will whisper "help us...". In the Access Lobby is the item you want (and some cells). Go back to the Generator room, and walk to the panels to complete the objective, and get a new one. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- Locate Reactor Control Room. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- When you walk away from the panels, a video request is... requested ;p It's your friend Kelly who tells you some yadayada. Just go back to the Main Lobby. There will be an Imp that crawls out of the small area you crawled under, and when you are in the Main Lobby, one Imp and Pinky will appear, so kill them. Now go back to the room where you found the Data Linker. You'll see a guy that gets dragged away, into the ceiling. A Commando-Zombie and Imp will attack you, so kill them. There are two doors you can enter, the one up the platform where you found the Data Linker, and one that is near some burning door. Enter the one near the burning lift, and find some goodies there (and an Imp =p). Now go through the door near the Data Linker. Once you are in the hallway, Betruger will laugh, and an Imp will be summoned. Kill it, then go into the next room. Kill the 2 zombies over here. When you go a bit further, a Pinky will appear, so kill it. When you go towards the only door you can enter, a Commando-Zombie will appear, so kill that too, then enter the door. When you enter, an Imp will come down from the ceiling. Kill it off, then kill the Zombie that walks towards you. There is a Health Stand here, so use it if needed, but watch out for the Commando-Zombie that walks into the room when you do. Enter the door here. As soon as you go down the platform, a whole truckload of Lost Souls will attack you. I just hide under the stairs and shot, shot, shot =p There is a dead Marine on the other side of the room. When you come near it, Betruger will say "Your friends are with me now, and soon you'll join them" and laugh, plus summon a Revenant. Kill it off. Then go in the small shaft and enter the new room. When you set your first step in the room, a Cacodemon and Imp will appear. Kill them, grab the goodies and use the cabinet. You got the code in the beginning of the level, it's 298. Kill the Imp on the right. When you explore the room, a Revenant will be summoned, and 3 Cacodemons will appear. See the higher platform? You can go there using some stairs. When you do so, and walk to the end of it, and Imp and Commando-Zombie will appear, but at least you can grab some goodies. There is only one way to go, so go there. On your way an Imp will appear. Use the lift when you encounter it. When you are down, 2 Imps and 2 Revenant will attack, so kill them. What's with all the fighting? If I were a hippy, I would make a mod that would make all monsters kind ;p Enter the door here. There is only 1 Zombie here, so kill it, the enter the next door for some serious fighting. Well 4 Lost Souls, so kill them. Go up the ladder, kill the Lost Soul and walk to the other side. Suddenly, 4 Lost Souls and Cacodemon will appear, so kill them. There is one door here you can enter, but before you can enter, kill the Revenant. Then enter it ;p Use the panel here to complete your objective. Enter the next room and kill the Zombie. Use the Health Stand if needed and climb the ladder. There are 1 Zombie and 1 Imp here, so kill them, then climb the next ladder. When you walk towards the door, 2 Imps will appear and attack, so kill them, then enter the door. 2 Cacodemons will appear, so kill them. There is a PDA here. If you grab it, 2 Lost Souls will attack. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Brian Karr Mora | I.D. Number: 9966-22 | Post: Delta Labs. Sector 1 | Title: Delta Reactor Engineer | Security Clearance: Reactor Engineering | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Delta Authority | Subject: Reactor Safety | Date: 11-14-2145 | Body: | | Mr. Mora, | Your complaint has been filed with Central Authority, they will be handling | your case from this point forward. | | ----Original Message---- | Sent: 11-9-2145 | To: Delta Authority | As the engineer responsible for the Reactor Upper Level Maintenance, I feel | it necessary to bring the current safety issues to your attention. If we are | going to be required to take readings from the upper level while the reactor | is offline then there will eventually be accident. I recommend remote | sensors be used for these readings and that the upper level be closed while | Reactor is offline. | | Sincerely, | Brain Mora | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: | Subject: BECOME A BETTER PERSON NOW! | Date: 11-12-2145 | Body: | | LOWEST PRICE! | FREE SHIPPING | DISCREET PACKAGING | | Are you Sad? We'll make you happy! | Are you Lethargic? We'll perk you up! | Do you lack Concentration? We'll help you focus! | | We carry all brands of the latest Bioengineered Neurological Drugs. Contact | our salespersons this week and save 15% off of our already low advertised | prices. | | Thanks from Martian Buddy | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Go back to the panel to active the Reactor. On your way, 2 Commando-Zombies will attack you. Enter the new room and kill the Imp, then enter the door here. Kill the Cacodemon once you go down the stairs. Walk to the door you see. On your way, 2 Cacodemons will be summoned. Enter the door when they are killed. Kill the Commando-Zombie and use the lift to go down. When you walk through some doors, 2 Imps will attack. Go up the stairs once you encounter them. Kill the Commando-Zombie and enter the door. Kill the Zombie. If you need armor or health, use the Health Stand, and crawl under the floor. Call for the lift and go in. When you come out, kill the Pinky and Imp. There is only one door you can enter, so enter that one. Enter the only door you can enter. Follow the hallway, until you find a small set of stairs. I used a slightly different tactic here. I ran to the other side, then into the next room and shot everything with my Rocket Launcher. This way the (Commando-)Zombies didn't bother me ;p Walk back for some goodies and then enter the next door. There are 2 Commando-Zombies here, one with a tentacle, the other with a Chaingun. Kill them both, grab the stuff, then enter the next door. There isn't anything to do it, so enter the next room. You are not on the upper floor of the room where you found the Data Linker. On the right is the lift that was broken. 2 Cacodemons appear, so kill them, then enter the next room. This is the upper floor of the broken stairs. Grab the goodies, and then go back to the lower floor. When you walk around, a Revenant will appear. When it's killed, a Commando-Zombie will appear too, so kill that one too. Now go back one room through the hall, to the Main Lobby. When you arrive, 2 Commando-Zombies appear, so kill them, then use the elevator. That was a pretty long level eh? ============================================================================== Delta Labs - Level 2 (South) [D3.04.17] ============================================================================== Delta Labs Research Facility - Sector 2 South contains the Matter Transfer division focusing on human experimentation and other biological testing. The prototype transfer platform is contained in the upper research hall. Teleporter distance is limited, serving only to test biological effects of matter transference. ============================================================================== Items found: 4x PDA, 1x Keycard, 1x Video Disk Enemies: 29x Imp, 3x Revenant, 43x Zombies ============================================================================== When you leave the lift, you'll be able to go left, and right. First go right, and kill the 2 Imps that appear. Go back, and stand next to the other lift. A women will say "over here..." and an Imp will be summoned. There is only one door you can enter, so go there (beware of the weird sounds). --VISION---------------------------------------------------------------------- Everywhere are corpses, and there is some kind of blood going down the walls. The walls are full of weird symbols. --VISION---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Imps will appear, a Commando-Zombie, plus a normal Zombie. Kill them all. There is a lift here, plus a door you can enter. Enter the door first, and you'll end up in a bathroom (o no...). There is a fa Zombie on the toilet, which ISN'T dead yet, so shoot it before it surprises you. When you grab the armor there, am Imp will be summoned, so kill it. Return to the main lobby and kill the 2 Imps, then use the lift. Head for level 2. Barboelsch submitted this - "If you are in the main lobby and crawl under the table you will find a small panel on your left hand side that opens a hatch right behind you. It is filled with lots of loot: shells, hand grenades (yippie!), health and armor. And it looks suspiciously like the hatches we know from Duke Nukem 3D!" When you are half-way through the room, a Commando-Zombie will rush out of the door, so kill it. When you try to enter the door, an Imp will appear. Kill that and go to his hiding place if you need armor. Then enter the door. You'll hear more weird voices. 3 Zombies will come towards you. When they are killed, a Commando-Zombie will be summoned. When you walk around a bit more, and grab some ammo, another Commando-Zombie will appear. There is also a PDA here. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Peter N. Raleigh | I.D. Number: 2334-55 | Post: Delta Labs. Level 2 | Title: Medical Supervisor | Security Clearance: General Access | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audio Log |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Observation of Science Personnel | About: Peter just talks about his observations of the personnel. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audio Log |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Death of Steve Jenson | About: Peter tells you about how a patient died. He suffered from what most | workers suffered; he heard voices etc. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Ben Peterson | Subject: Anti psychotics shipment in today | Date: 11-09-2145 | Body: | | Dr Raleigh, | | Just a reminder to let you know your order of anti psychotics have arrived | from pharmaceuticals. There are quite a few large boxes here, and we are a | bit short-handed at the moment. If you could have someone from your | department come and retrieve these packages it would be much appreciated. | | Ben Peterson | UAC Supply Coordinator | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Phil Wilson | Subject: Overburdened | Date: 11-12-2145 | Body: | | Dr Raleigh, | | We are filling up the available infirmary beds faster then we can get | patients released. I don't see myself releasing any at all actually. I am | gravely concerned about where we expect to put more men if the current trend | in testing isn't relaxed before we can determine the cause of this | psychosis. | | Sincerely, | Medical Technician Phil Wilson | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ There is a room here with a few plasma cells. There also is a box near the only door you can enter. Push the box to the only opening in the glass (there is a dead body there), so you can enter it. Ah yes, kill the Zombie too =p Enter the door and kill the 2 Zombies. Betruger will talk about your progress and how your soul will be his etc. Blablabla =p Enter the next door. (The cabinet will come later) At first only 1 Commando-Zombie will appear, but when you fight a bit more, another Commando-Zombie will join him, plus a Revenant will appear too. There are 3 new doors here, but only one you can enter, and that's the door in front of you. Enter that one. Follow the path and enter the only door you can enter (the other one won't budge). --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- A man will tell you he was part of this, and he actually set the demons loose. Well that's not nice, is it? =( He'll show you an artifact, which is the Soul Cube. --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- Retrieve the Plasma Inducer from the Operations sector server room. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- The man will unlock a few doors for you. How nice. Download the report using the panel. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Research Archive | Subject: The Soul Cube | Date: 11-14-2145 | Body: | | Report filed by Ian McCormick: | | I've been working on the Soul Cube for a few weeks now. It is a fascinating | artifact and as it turns out, it has some amazing properties. I wrote a new | glyph pattern query yesterday and let it run all night. With the new query, | the linguistics computer finally cracked the remaining glyphs! | | The Soul Cube is by every definition a weapon, and it seems to have been | built to repel whatever type of creatures invaded this ancient culture. If | I am reading them right, during a battle the cube gains power with each | life the wielder takes. When it is fully charged it can be used to slay | even the strongest of creatures. Even more impressive is that when it kills | a creature it transfers that creature's life force back to who is using the | cube! | | I know this sounds like magic and I have not been able to active it to | prove the theory buy this is what the glyphs illustrate. | | The glyphs specifically point out what you must kill five creatures before | it charged and then amazingly it will tell you it is ready. It is almost | like a sentient being; this object is a fantastic find. | | Ian McCormick | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Go back to the room with the previously locked doors. Kill the Commando-Zombie and after it's killed, kill the Revenant. There are two doors here, one with Sector 2, and one with Sector 3. Enter the one with Sector 2, and kill the Imp. Enter the next door. Kill the Imp that jumps at you. Go left, and kill the Commando-Zombie in the bigger room. Then go back and take the other path. When you walk past all the doors (check them out), an Imp will be summoned behind you, so watch out. When you reach the other end of the hall, you'll get a new objective. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- Go to sector security and terminate the ops lock down. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- Go back to the room with the previously locked doors. On your way, 2 Imps will attack, so kill them. Enter the room with the sector 3 panel. Enter the next door here. When you enter the room, 3 Zombies will attack you. There is only one door you can enter, so do that. There is another Zombie behind the desk here, so kill that one too. When it's killed, 2 Imps will summon, so kill them too. There are 2 areas with goodies here; behind the supercomputers near the desk, and below the floor. You can go there using the pipes. Enter the door here. Kill the Fat Zombie and follow the path. Enter the new research room here. Kill all the Zombies, then go to the panel to listen to the audio log. Peter tries to talk to some guy who went mad (remember the mail?), but it doesn't really work out. You can use the panel for various report of November and October. ,-REPORTS--------------------------------------------------------------------- | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 10-01-45 |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | We sent the first batch of volunteers through the teleporter today. Subjects | were administered a mild anaesthesia to put them under for the duration of | the experiment. They reported no side effects when awakened, and the only | reported injury was subject #7 who had several facerations after | recombination on the receiving pad. We have speculated they were somehow | self-inflicted during matter transference, but are unable to fully explain | how physical damage could be administered during an instantaneous transfer. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 10-12-45 |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Research subjects have become increasingly delusional. An interesting | pattern has emerged in recent psych evaluations, all subjects are reporting | supernatural experiences. While common enough as a schizophrenic | manifestation, I have never seen the same psychosis affect all subjects in a | controlled test group. Recommend occipital probes to check for growths or | swelling, applied pressure in this region might explain the mass | hallucinations. Again, I suggest halting experimentation on these subjects | until we discover what is affecting them. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 10-29-45 |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Jameson cleared the order for holding the test subject pending a detailed | physical analysis. I uploaded a request for new volunteers, so we should | have a few new transfers that are looking for free credits. I am copying | Sandra on this log entry, be sure and check ALL potential candidates for | immediate family or local social ties. Make sure they won't be missed, | Corporate does not want to deal with any more litigations. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 11-02-45 |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Test Subject 4 attacked an inspector today. I want to know who was | responsible for letting them into the rc area, especially when it was known | that non-UAC personnel were coming through today. The last thing we needed | was another accident. Bertuger assured me that no report would be filed, but | until we block these inspectors from entering secure areas we risk exposure. | We have retired #4 and moved the remaining subjects into the empty Sector 2 | offices for closer observation. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 11-9-45 |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | The research subjects continue to deteriorate mentally. I have requested a | security guard onsite. I am beginning to question my own safety working in | close proximity to the them. Test Subject 8 never stops screaming. I have | informed the guard in that offices occupied by the subjects are to be locked | at all times. I asked Dr. Brasky to place some military supplies in the | security room locker, if things get out of hand again I want to be ready. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 11-15-345 |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | We escorted #8 to the medical lab after further instances of | self-mutilation. I have cleared him for final research and disposal, he is | no longer useful as a data subject. Testing for today has been halted due to | increased power functuations, however Ian thinks he can bypass the failsafes | to boost our throughput, giving us the necessary power to move ahead with | the final phase of Test 11. He is currently working on the problem in MC | Routing. I am going to security to seal this area until testing can resume. | `-REPORTS--------------------------------------------------------------------- There is a panel where you can open the hatch for a Health Stand. When done, enter the door here. Follow the hall, kill the Imp and enter the next room. 2 Zombies are located in this room, and when they are killed, 2 Imps will appear. Once THEY are killed, another 2 will come out of the previous hall. There is a panel here. You can use it to unload and load those bins in the wall. Box 1 contains a monkey skull, box 2 some mess, box 3 a monkey skull and some mess, box 4 nothing, box 5 some mess, box 7 a skull and box 9 more mess. However, let's get serious now. Unload box 3, and wait till it's done. Tell the machine to return the box to spot 3, and quickly jump on the bin. When it's almost back into its spot, jump on the little walking space on the right. Follow it until you enter a new hall through the shaft. Kill the 2 Imps and follow the hall. There is a BFG in the room here, but you can't open it. Or can you? Back in the old days... alright, a few levels ago, you got the code 901 from some PDA. Also, the PDA contained a mail the code would change to 931. And guess what, you can open the door with code 931 and get the BFG! When done, walk through the hall. Enter the door here. There is another panel here with reports... WHY DON'T THEY JUST USE PDAS FOR THE LOVE OF... ME? ,-REPORTS--------------------------------------------------------------------- | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Report Filing Station |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Dr. Raleigh requested military supplies placed in a storage locker incase of | emergency. A security team member delivered the supplies today and secured | them in locker 116. The lock code was set at 972. | | REPORTUPLOAD ACCEPTED 11-14-45 | `-REPORTS--------------------------------------------------------------------- Open the cabinet with the given code, then use the other panel to disable the Halon System. Enter the room and access the panel here to complete the objective. Kill the Imp and return to the room with the previously locked doors. You expect an attack, you get an attack, yet it scares you -____- Kill the Revenant and Imp, then go back to sector 2. All the Zombies here are set free, so watch out when you venture through the halls. Check out all the rooms for PDAs. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Phil W. Wilson | I.D. Number: 51 51 -27 | Post: Delta Labs. Level 2 | Title: Medical Technician | Security Clearance: General Access | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audio Log |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Volunteers | About: Phil tells about the teleportation volunteers. He certainly doesn't | like it. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Dr. Peter Raleigh | Subject: Patient work load | Date: 10-24-2145 | Body: | | Phil, | | I am going to need you to help me next week with my work. I've got so many | files and reports to enter into the computer that I don't have time to | actually see my patients. | I will box up some of my paper work and send it over to you, if you could | enter the reports into the computer that would surely help me. | | Thank You, | Dr. Peter Raleigh | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Frank A. Cinders | I.D. Number: 9602-84 | Post: Delta Labs. Level 2 | Title: Private First Class | Security Clearance: General Access | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audio Log |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Status Report | About: Frank talks about his first teleportation experience. As you listen | to his descriptions of the place, you already get the clue he's | talking about hell. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: | Subject: Baklava bake oven on sale now! | Date: 10-28-2145 | Body: | | Tired of the same old , same old when it comes to snacking? Store bought | treats getting you down? Then you need the NEW Martian Buddy Li'l Baklava | oven! You hear right BAKLAVA! how many times have you said MMMMBoy! I could | really go for some scrumptious Baklava right now? Well not its quick and | easy anytime! come to for more info on the NEW Martian | Buddy Li'l Baklava oven, and hundreds of other great products! | | Remember, Martian Buddy is Your Buddy! | | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Guy Harollson | Subject: your lunch | Date: 11-15-2145 | Body: | | Hey Frank, | | You left your lunch on the desk, again. I put it in the storage cabinet, | number 112. The combination is 5-3-8. Try to remember to pick it up, last | time you forgot it was in there for a week, and that stuff stunk to high | heaven. What the hell you got in there? ;) | | Guy | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ You can go back to the cabinet you couldn't open before and open it with 538 for some ammo. When you are done, enter the door you couldn't open before. There are a lot of Zombies here (and one Imp who will appear from behind), so kill them all. Enter the door on the right, after walking up the stairs, to find the Plasma Inducer. There is a cabinet here, and the code is on the side of it, it's 751. If you wiggle your way under the stairs, you can find some armor and cells, according to J Marler. Kill the 2 Zombies and push the box into the lift, the go down using the lift. Go back to the room with the previously locked doors. In the small hall between sector 2 and this room are 3 blood thirsty Zombies. Kill them, then go through the door and kill the 2 Commando-Zombies. Go back to the scientist. The man will power up things, so you can teleport. He'll also give you a PDA. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Video Disk |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Teleportation Experiments | Creator: Ian McCormick | Date: 11/15/45 | Description: Results of the human teleportation experiments | About: Ian explains about the teleportation. At first it was all good, but | things got out of control. Yet, Betruger wanted to continue and | capture some creatures from the strange new area. Everyone who | returned from teleportations went crazy. Betruger went through the | portal himself. He changed when he came back and took the Soul Cube. | And then "living... hell... got in the base". He asks forgiveness | to God and that's it... Well this all explains it eh? | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Use the Health Stand if needed, then enter the door that says "Chamber 1" and go to the teleporter. Grab the goodies on your way if needed, then use the teleporter. --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll be teleported and go through some weird portal. --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================== Delta Labs - Level 2 (North) [D3.04.18] ============================================================================== Delta Labs Research Facility - Sector 2 North contains the Biological Research division, focusing on studying various specimens from matter transfer tests. All specimens are catalogued and stored locally. ============================================================================== Items found: 5x PDA, 1x Keycard, 2x Video Disk Enemies: 4x Arch-Ville, 42x Imp, 22x Zombies ============================================================================== Leave the teleporter and enter the door here. Follow the hall. On your way, a Flaming Zombie will attack you. Kill it, then enter the room here. There is an access card here, but watch out for the headless Zombie. Return to the hall, and kill the 2 Imps. Then enter the locked door. There are 2 Commando-Zombies here, so kill them. There is a panel you can use, to unlock the storage room. Use it, then go inside and kill the Zombie. Grab the goodies and use the Health Stand if needed. Then enter the door in the previous room. Special tactic here again ;p Run to the corner and kill the Commando-Zombie and Zombie. When they are killed, an Imp will be summoned right next to you, but you can easily kill it before it can even react. Grab the PDA that you can find here. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Francis R. Erikson | I.D. Number: 71 25-64 | Post: Delta Labs. Level 2 | Title: Maintenance Supervisor | Security Clearance: Central Access | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Delta Security | Subject: Locker code change request | Date: 11-02-2145 | Body: | | Francis, | A few extra supplies for the Central Security Team will be sent to your | area. Please store them in Locker 103, and change the code to 259. | | Thank You, | Thomas Sandersen | Delta Security, Clerk | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Corbin Hues | Subject: Martian Buddy Cabinet | Date: 10-30-2145 | Body: | | Francis, | | Shipping received one of those dumb Martian Buddy storage cabinets again but | no one here can figure out how to open it. Can you go on-line and see if you | can find the code? I'll have the guys put it in one of those storage rooms | upstairs for you. | | Thanks for the help | -Corbin | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Enter the locked door, which you can open with your new security clearance. Kill the Imp and 2 Commando-Zombies. Enter the room a bit further and kill the Zombie. Walk down the path and enter the new room. And woopy! An Arch-Ville will be summoned. This is the most irritating enemy in the game -_____- When it's killed (plus the countless other enemies), walk further down the hall. There is an Imp here, and when you open the door, 2 Commando-Zombies will attack. Kill them off, then go into the next room, grab the goodies and use the lift to go up. There is a lift here according to Legion and Ryan that brings you armor and clips. When you walk to the upper floor of the room where the Arch-Ville was summoned, another one will be summoned at the lower floor ;___; Kill it off quickly. Enter the shaft here. Grab any goodies you find, then drop down to the lower floor. The scientist here will give you the code 624. When you go a bit further in the room, you'll find cabinets on which you can use this code for goodies. When you are done, turn around and enter the hall with all the boxed piled up. When you come in a new room, kill the Imp, and the... Arch-Ville... boooo! When you go to the other side of the room, a Commando-Zombie will rush out of the room. Enter that room. Weeeee... monsters! Well they won't attack, I forgot to add that ;p You can download information about the monsters here. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Research Archive | Subject: Specimen 197 -Imp | Date: 11-15-2145 | Body: | | Specimen 197 -Imp | | This humanoid's long and muscular limbs make it extremely agile as a biped | or quadruped. Its long and sharp claws allow for climbing steep surfaces. A | configuration of 10 eyes provides this creature with a wise field of vision | and the ability to see with clarity in low-light environments. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Research Archive | Subject: Specimen 42 -Living Dead (partial) | Date: 11-15-2145 | Body: | | Specimen 42 -Living Dead (partial) | | Able to function without recognizance brain activity, this creature has | little regerd for self-reservation. Though slow moving, its behaviour is | aggressive and tenacious. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Research Archive | Subject: Specimen 31 - Hellknight (partial) | Date: 11-15-2145 | Body: | | Specimen 31 - Hellknight (partial) | | The cranial mass of this bipedal specimen indicates that is one of the | largest creatures inhabiting the site. Overpowering its prey with sheer | might, the Hellknight is one of the most ferocious predators known to our | researchers. Like the imp, this creature is able to defend itself at | long-range with thrown plasma projectiles. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Research Archive | Subject: Specimen 27 - Imp (partial) | Date: 11-15-2145 | Body: | | Specimen 27 - Imp (partial) | | -Left forearm amputated for biological study. | Researchers are currently studying how this creature is able to manifest and | throw an explosive plasma projectile from its hands. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Research Archive | Subject: Specimen 218 - Revenant | Date: 11-15-2145 | Body: | | Specimen 218 - Revenant | | This creature's endoskeleton is visible through a translucent non-solid | skin. Despite the absense of any visibly muscles, this creature is able to | strike at close-range targets with enormous strength. Two shoulder-mounted | cannons controlled by its nervous system allow this creature to fire guided | rocket-propelled missiles. | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Leave the room. You can hear a guy ask for help. Use the panel up the stairs to open a room. Climb down, follow the path, kill the Imp and grab the PDA. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Jacob L. Stemmons | I.D. Number: 7545-99 | Post: Spec. Analysis. Level 2 | Title: Analysis Supervisor | Security Clearance: General Access | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Thomas Franks | Subject: Storage Locker Update | Date:11-13-2145 | Body: | | Jacob, | We have recently changed the code on the storage locker near the statis | transfer control to: 371. Please be sure to annotate this on the Security | Report for the local security detail. | | Thank You, | Thomas Franks | Delta Security, Clerk | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Maintenance | Subject: RE: Power Out!! | Date: 11-13-2145 | Body: | | Mr Stemmons, | We are aware of the power problems in your area. Presently, we are dealing | with several power issues throughout the entire Delta complex. It would be a | great help if you would check some of the circuit breaker boxes in Maint-04 | to determine if it is simply a breaker issue. Please file a report with the | helpdesk and we will be out to your department as soon as possible. | | Thank You, | Maintenance Division | | ----Original Message---- | Sent: 11-13-2145 | The damn power has been fluctuating all week in the Specimen Transfer Area. | These conditions make it extremely frustrating to work! Can you please send | someone down here to check on the situation. | | Thank You, | Jacob Stemmons | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Climb up the ladder to find some goodies, then return to the room where you opened the door, and enter the bigger door here. Kill the imp first. You can access the conveyor to get some light when venturing through this path. There are a lot of Imps (and goodies here). Everything is easy as it comes, but one note is needed. When you find a gun on top of a box, and grab it, the platform will go down and you'll need to kill 2 Imps. When you are done, enter the only door you can enter. You can view that happens to the tanks, and open the cabinet with code 371. Do so, then enter the next door. Kill the Imp that jumps at you. This is another pitch-dark room. Explore it, kill the Imps, grab the goodies and enter the next room. Kill the 2 Imps here and grab the Video Disk. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Video Disk |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Specimen Stasis Museum | Creator: Central Authority | Date: 10/05/45 | Description: Central Authority 'Demon Museum' | Shown: A video about the museum you visited earlier. | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Use the lift and go up. There is only one door here, and an Imp that will appear. Most likely you saw that one coming. Grab the goodies. Now... did you see THAT Imp coming? ;p Enter the door when you're done hanging around. The Soul Cube used to be there... Not anymore. Too bad. You can find a Video Disk here, and a PDA. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Video Disk |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Soul Cube | Creator: Central Authority | Date: 10/05/45 | Description: Central Authority Research Archive | Shown: A movie about the Soul Cube | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Larry A. Bullman | I.D. Number: 51 45-84 | Post: Delta Labs. Level 2 | Title: Research Director | Security Clearance: General Access | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audio Log |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Soul Cube as a weapon | About: Larry talks about the Soul Cube as a weapon, but no new information | is given. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Malcolm Betruger | Subject: RE: Soul Cube as a Weapon | Date: 10-20-2145 | Body: | | Dr. Bullman, | I received your report and I find it rather perplexing. Given how little we | know about this object I cannot imagine how you've come to such a bizarre | conclusion, let alone any conclusion at all. Send me all your notes for | immediate review. | | In the meantime, for your own sake, do not share these findings with anyone | else. i would hate people to think of my highly regarded scientists is prone | to flights of fantasy. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: | Subject: You may be a winner! | Date: 10-22-2145 | Body: | | Dr. Bullman, | I hope you will find this e-mail. I have hidden my true name and address by | disguising this email. He may be reading your message. | | Your boss (I will not mention his name) is far more dangerous than you can | imagine. I believe he is using you and corrupting your work. | | I believe your findings are correct and he knows it. He wants to hide the | findings from the UAC and use the object for himself. I don't know why yet. | but I will find out. | | Do what you can to stall him. Do not let him take possession of the object! | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: HR Coordinator | Subject: Volunteer today | Date: 11-01-2145 | Body: | | Delta Labs is looking for individuals to fill critical positions. You can | help with our exciting break-through work and earn credits at the same time. | | Volunteers are needed in the following areas: | | Teleportation: We're looking for test Subjects to stress-test the new | teleporters. Experience tomorrow's travel technology, today! | | Medical Research: Our advanced pharmaceutical team needs volunteered to | participate in exciting medical studies. Help us find cures to everything | from the common cold to Ebola 7. | | Specimen Handling: We need volunteers to help handle and track the specimens | gathered through Delta Labs experiments. Health test and liability waiver | will be required. | | For more information about any of these opportunities or to post openings in | your department, please see an HR Coordinator. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Ian McCormick | Subject: It is a weapon! | Date: 11-14-2145 | Body: | | Larry, | You were correct, the Soul Cube is a weapon! I've translated the glyphs and | now I understand how it works! | | The Soul Cube must be charged before it can be used. The souls within it | must sense at least five deaths before the spiritual potentiality matrix | reaches positron abstrictions. Based on our interpretation of the glyphs, the | Cube has a way of acknowledging its readiness for auction, but it's unclear | how this happens. More importantly, we still don't know what will happen | when it's released. | | This has gone way beyond the purview of Mars station or even the UAC. We | can't trust Betruger, he's gone mad! I'm preparing a report to send to the | highest authorities on Earth. | | Good luck and God help us. | Ian | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Things are falling into place, aren't they? Martian buddy isn't really a spam service, but it is someone who sends out cabinets with weapons and ammo. Betruger seems to gone mad. In fact, he's possessed by the devil. There you have it! When you are done crying, shaking and whatnot, follow the only path you can follow. There is a cabinet here with the code 372, but an Imp will jump out. When you get near the door, Betruger will say he has the Soul Cube in hell. Enter the door. In this room is 1 Imp and 1 Cacodemon. Kill them, then enter the door here. There is one (hidden) Imp here, and 2 Cacodemons. Kill them, then enter the only door you can enter and grab the PDA. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Elizabeth A. McNeil | I.D. Number: 51 45-84 | Post: Delta Labs. Level 2 | Title: Research Director | Security Clearance: General Access | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Elliot Swan | Subject: Investigation Report | Date: 10-02-2145 | Body: | | Ms. McNeil | | I have received your formal request for an inquiry into the activities on | Mars. As requested by the Board, I will be departing soon to investigate | your claims. Your charges against Dr. Malcolm Betruger are being taken very | seriously. As you may already know, he UAC, as a matter of policy, will not | acknowledge or comment on questions or statements advanced by the press | based on rumors or heresy. I have been asked to explain that you are not to | discuss this situation with anyone outside of our legal department. | | Thank You, | Elliot Swann | UAC Executive Counsel | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Michael Abrams | Subject: Storage room code changes | Date: 10-08-2145 | Body: | | All Delta Level 2 Personnel, | | In an effort to minimize supply requirement errors, I'm having all the | access codes to secure storage areas changed. We must continue to keep tight | records for all inventory kept in storage. Please update your records with | the new code for Storage area 07, to: 7 2 5. | | Thank You, | Mike Abrams | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Michael Abrams | Subject: Level 3 Access Code Change | Date: 10-08-2145 | Body: | | All Delta Level 2 Personnel, | | Level 3 access codes have been changed due to the six month rotation. The | new code is 463. | | Thank You, | Mike Abrams | Delta Security, Chief | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ First, go to the storage room and open it with the code 725. Grab the stuff, use the Health Stand, and open the Martian buddy cabinet if you want for another BFG. Then go to the other door, and open it with code 463. Enter the room, kill the Arch-Ville, then leave this level. ============================================================================== Delta Labs - Level 3 [D3.04.19] ============================================================================== Delta Labs - Sector 3 contains the second generation transfer platforms, able to teleport variable distances to small portable receiving platforms. Test chambers must be reserved prior to experimentation. All access is under security observation. ============================================================================== Items found: 4x PDA Enemies: 29x Imp, 8x Revenant, 21x Zombies, 11x Marine-Zombies ============================================================================== Leave the lift. When you open the door, 2 Marine-Zombies and 1 Commando-Zombie will attack. You can enter the area where they came from for goodies, then enter the room behind you. Use the panel to unlock the bigger door you saw. A Commando-Zombie will rush in to kill you. Enter the door the Commando-Zombie came from. There will drop a panel down, but more interesting is the bridge you'll see on the left. It's melted away... Doesn't look funny, does it? Enter the door that says "restroom". There are 2 Marine-Zombies here, so kill them off. When they are killed, a Commando-Zombie will rush in and attack. Grab the goodies, then go back to the previous room and kill the Imp. Enter the other door you didn't check out yet. You can hear some Marine-Zombies here, but you better worry about the Imp in front of you that'll be summoned first. When they are killed, there are 2 Marine-Zombies remaining, so kill them. When you go down the stairs and enter the room on the right and kill the Imp. Look around for goodies, and be sure to also grab the PDA. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | User Name: Frank Z. Cerano. Ph.D | I.D. Number: 2001 -78 | Post: Delta Labs. Level 3 | Title: Doctor | Security Clearance: General Access | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audio Log |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Personal Audio Log | About: Frank talks about how much power teleporting costs. Betruger wants | to have the teleporter open for about 60 seconds, but that just isn't | possible. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Delta Control | Subject: Immediate medical attention | Date: 10-23-2145 | Body: | | Dr. Cerano, | | Recently, Delta science team members have reported serious cases of | irrational behaviour and insomnia. They believe these issues are directly | linked to the recent teleportation experiments. Please report to Delta Level | 3, ASAP, and assist with medical needs. | | Thank You | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Delta Control | Subject: Assistance Request | Dr Cerano, | | We currently cannot process your request for additional medical personnel in | Delta level 3. As you are aware, the medical staff has experienced serious | HR shortages within the past two weeks and cannot take on the additional | workload. There are surplus medical kits located in storage room D3-1, | across from the lower terminal offices. The code to storage cabinet #317 is | 841. | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Storage room D3-1 is here, but the doom is jammed, and only one door is left you can enter. When you enter that one, 2 Commando-Zombies will attack. One will jump down and attack you with his tentacle, the other is shooting you from the upper floor. Kill them, then enter the door straight ahead of you. Grab the PDA here. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Han M. Lee | I.D. Number: 1 567-77 | Post: Delta Labs. Level 3 | Title: Administrative Assistant | Security Clearance: General Access | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audio Log |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Expedition Team Report | About: Han talks about the team that got teleported. Nothing new. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audio Log |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Missing BFG Guns | About: Another team got teleported, but they didn't return. They were | equipped with BFGs, which are lost too. Hooray! Hell has BFGs now -_- | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Delta Security | Subject: Security Team info | Date: 10-23-2145 | Body: | | Han, | | Due to the incident last week, the Delta Security Team will be storing | additional supplies in cabinets 386 and 387 near the first teleport chamber. | We will update the access codes to 836 as soon as the equipment arrives. | | Thank You, | Thomas Palena | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ There is a panel here to open a chamber, so use that. When you leave the room, an Imp will be summoned, and a Commando-Zombie will jump down. Kill them both, then enter the chamber. Wait till you can pass and enter the next room. Kill the Imp that jumps at you, and also the Commando-Zombie that rushed towards you. Enter the door. You can open the cabinets with code 836. When you are done shopping, enter the next room, with a huge teleporter. Kill the 2 Commando-Zombies; one at your floor, one at the upper floor. There is one door here. Enter it if you want. You can find a shotgun, an Imp, and a blocked path by some big tentacle. There is a panel in this room. You can use it to teleport yourself. You can go to the other side of the room (path 1) or the balcony (path 2). Go to the balcony, and kill the summoned Revenant. Enter the door here. Pass the scan, then enter the next door. Betruger will say his patience is growing thin. That's just too bad, isn't it? Kill the Commando-Zombie that rushes in, then go into the storage room. Kill the Marine-Zombie here. When it's killed, an Imp will summon, so kill that too, ok soldier? Grab the goodies (and use the Health Stand if needed) and leave the room. Enter the room where the Commando-Zombie came from. "Look around you Marine, everyone is dead, and soon you'll join them". Betruger is such a nice guy =) He'll summon a few enemies for you. 1 Revenant and 1 Imp will be summoned, and a Marine-Zombie will join the party. Kill them off, look around for goodies and enter the only door you can enter. Grab the goodies here (including adrenaline), use the Health Stand if needed, then use the panel. 2 Commando-Zombies are in the previous room now, so you might consider killing them. There big door is now unlocked. Enter it, but don't touch the blood. You don't want to get dirty, do you? Even though we live in 2045, there aren't many showers around. There is a Marine-Zombie here, plus an Imp will be summoned. Kill them, then enter the next room (enjoying the scenery?). Betruger will laugh again and summon 2 Imps. When you venture through the hall, and grab goodies, you'll bump into 1 Commando-Zombie, and 4 Imps. When you are done, drop down into the shaft and find your way to the next room. There are 4 doors you can enter. Yes, 4 doors. First look behind you. A Commando-Zombie will come out of a door there, so kill it. The other near door leads into a storage room. When you blow up the barrels here, an Imp will be summoned. Grab the goodies, get some health, then go to the other 2 doors. Take the left one first. Kill the Imp here and wait for a Revenant to appear. Kill that one too and grab the goodies. This takes care of later business ;p Now enter the other room. You can teleport yourself again. Teleport yourself to the storage room (path 3). Grab the goodies and leave the room. There isn't much here, but in the next room there certainly is. 1 Commando-Zombie, 1 Revenant and 1 Marine-Zombie. Blast them off, get yourself some health, grab goodies and enter the next room. Well before you do, kill the 2 summoned Imps too ;p This is the room with the melted bridge. An Imp will jump down, and when you reach the end of the room, another one will be summoned. Kill them both off, the enter the next room. Enter the door here. There are 2 Imps here. When you go down the stairs and come close to the locked door, 2 more will be summoned. Kill them, then enter the only door you can enter. Go down the ladder and kill the Imp. Then enter the next door. Use the panel here, get some health if needed and go back to the door down the stairs back in the previous room. On your way you'll bump into a Revenant and Imp, so be sure to kill them. Enter the door when you reach it, and enter the next door once the test is done. The power will go down. Remember the mail about the power? Someone is teleporting it seems. When you enter the next door, you'll see who. You're too busy killing the Commando-Zombie though ;p When you reach the room with the teleporter, a Revenant will appear, plus 2 Imps will join a bit later. Kill them, then walk to the panel to operate the teleporter. First go to the storage room (path 3). You can open the cabinet here with code 841. There is also a medkit you can reach by some jumping. You'll have to walk the whole way back to the last teleporter you used, but at least no monsters will attack. When you are back, go to the Security Room (path 2). Grab the PDA and go back to the teleporter again. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Marten R. Shultz. Ph.D | I.D. Number: 9431 -52 | Post: Delta Labs. Level 3 | Title: Doctor | Security Clearance: Level 3 Control Station | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audio Log |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Personal Audio Log | About: Marten talks about the teleportation. Wow... what a surprise eh? ;p | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Frank Cerano | Subject: Teleportation Transfers | Date: 11-10-2145 | Body: | | Marten, | Our systems can only build enough of a charge to have the portals open for | approximately 10 to 15 seconds. Enough time to get a team though, but not | enough time to send in some of the heavier equipment. Do you have any idea | how we can route supplemental power from the stabilizers into the | converters? I think if we can increase the hold field by 13% we could | achieve full transfer power and open the field for a longer amount of time. | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Use the teleporter for one last time and go to the exit (path 1). Betruger will say "making progress aren't we?" once again. Leave this interesting level using the bay door. ============================================================================== Delta Labs - Level 4 [D3.04.20] ============================================================================== Delta Labs - Sector 4 houses the third generation transfer portal. All teleporter destination research is classified. Only top level personnel have access to the central control room and activation grid for the primary test chamber. ============================================================================== Items found: 1x PDA Enemies: 2x Zombies, 3x Hellknight ============================================================================== Go wild in this level, use any weapon you want. You'll find out why soon enough. Not just for the enemies, but in the next level you'll lose all your weapons. Betruger will say you'll never find the Soul Cube. We'll just have to see about that. Follow the path, and enter the door. Kill the Chainsaw-Zombie and grab the PDA. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Jack Gilbert | I.D. Number: 561 9-89 | Post: Delta Main Portal | Title: Security Specialist | Security Clearance: General Access | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Paul Downing | Subject: Ammunition Cabinet | Date: 11-05-2145 | Body: | | Jack, | | Just a little reminder, they changed the security clearances again today. | The new code for locker 104 is 5-7-9, though I doubt you will need to use | it. | | Paul. | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Uninspired PDA -____- Why not an audio log or something with more terror? =p When you follow the hall, you'll find another Chainsaw-Zombie. You can find a control room with the cabinet. The code is even on the screen. Grab the goodies, get your health to 100 and enter the only door left. Get ready for some hardcore action. Equip your favourite weapon. --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll see how a scientist comes out of the portal, but is killed by a Hellknight. Then another Hellknight will join. --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- A BFG can take care of these babies easily, but other weapons will take some more time. Whatever you choice, it's your fight ;p When the fight is over, you'll get sucked into hell. ============================================================================== Hell [D3.04.21] ============================================================================== Items found: 1x PDA Enemies: 1x Guardian, 20x Cherub, 10x Hellknight, 26x Imp, 8x Mancubus, 32x Lost Soul, 5x Zombies ============================================================================== Betruger will say you are in his domain, and you'll never find the Soul Cube. Blablabla =p Grab the Shotgun and Pistol, ammo, and if you need, armor and health. As I stated before, all your weapons and ammo are gone. Give the corpse a kick. He'll float away and land into the lava. How fun. Just follow the path and enter the beam of green light. You'll first fall down, and get yourself in a cage. Suddenly you'll land and 4 Imps will attack. When they are killed, you'll be able to go further, so do that. This part of the game kinda reminds me of American McGee's Alice. Inside the cave, you'll end up in a big room. --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll see how a Hellknight appears. --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- Kill the Hellknight with your Shotgun. When you go back to where you came from, you can find another Pistol. In this room are 3 Cherubs and 1 Imp. Kill them off, then look around for goodies. You can also find a Chainsaw here. Enter the next room. In the room to the right isn't much to find. Touch the wall at the end. 2 Imps will be summoned. Go to the other room to find yourself a Chaingun and some goodies. Return back to the bigger room and kill the Lost Souls. Now go into the next room. When you walk through the next room, some Lost Souls will appear, so kill them. When you crossed the room, enter the next hall. There are 2 Lost Souls here, and when you walk around, a Hellknight will appear. A bit further away from the Hellknight, is a small room where an Imp will be summoned. Not just that Imp, 2 other Imps too. When they are killed, the gates will open, so (once you grabbed goodies) enter that room. A Mancubus will be summoned, and some Cherubs will appear. Kill them all (that's not easy with just these weapons eh? ;p), then enter the next room and grab the Plasma Gun. You'll fall down, and Betruger will say some things that aren't even scary anymore ;p The lights will go out when you land, then back on and you'll fall further down. Run to the Berserk power-up and knock down as many Imps and Hellknights as you can. Obvious, first kill the Hellknights, since you can take them down easily now. Look around for goodies, and kill the remaining enemies. There is a door here, with a Rocket Launcher and a PDA. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Simon R. Garlick | I.D. Number: 8623-68 | Post: Delta Labs. Sector 3 | Title: Research Specialist | Security Clearance: General Access | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audio Log |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Separated from Team | About: Simon tells how he got separated, and he's going to look for the | rest of the team. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audio Log |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Still Separated from Team | About: Simon talks about the team a bit more. He's seeing demons... wow, | I wonder why ;p He even cries a bit. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Heather Elaine | Subject: Expedition Expectations | Date: 08-06-2145 | Body: | | Simon, | As you know, you have been assigned to Expedition 14A-2. There are several | goals we hope your team will be able to meet while on expedition. Since you | are familiar with the discovered tablets, we would like you to find | cooperative evidence on the other side of the Main Portal - similar writings | of any kind should be photographed and collected. | | Primarily, we are looking to capture several more bio-specimens. Having | already collected many of the smaller 'Imp' creature, we would like to bring | back one of the larger ones, described by others as a 'Hell-Knight'. | Previous expeditions have reported seeing them at the Main Portal | destination, where you will be arriving. You will have several weapons with | you, but we ask that you attempt to use non-lethal force, we would really | like to have a live specimen if possible. | | Finally, travelling through the portal has caused varied reactions. For our | records we would like you to keep an audio log of everything you experience | for us to later analyse. | | I hope you have a safe trip. | Heather | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Earl Besch | Subject: Dimensional Uniqueness | Date: 08-06-2145 | Body: | | Simon, | In preparation for your 'jump' next week, I wanted to inform you of | another tasklist item we need to cover. Since the Main Portal has not been | operational for a few weeks, we have not had time to follow up on some of | the physiological reports. While on the other side of the portal, pay close | attention to your stamina while working and moving around. Many individuals | have reported a lack of being tired, and some work constantly without the | need for rest. One of the teams called it 'the Hercules complex'. Anyhow, to | help us further our study, please record any additional information related | to this phenomenon. | | Thank You, and good luck next week! | | Earl Besch | Research Scientist | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Enter the next room. There will be 3 Mancubusses summoned, so kill them. Cross the room. When you are near the cave, 2 Lost Souls will attack. Kill them and walk into the cave. Go back to the previous room and kill the new Mancubus. Now follow the cave, up the stairs. Kill the Imp, grab some goodies if needed and leave this room. According to Barboelsch you can also ignore the Mancubusses by just running away. 2 Imps will attack. Kill them and go up the stairs. Kill the Imp here and enter the door. Kill the 3 Lost Souls and walk further. Kill the 3 Imps, and go further once again. Kill the 2 Lost Souls you encounter and climb the stairs. When you go into the big hall, kill the 2 Lost Souls. Grab the goodies and kill the Zombies that appear from all over the place. Enter the door. Kill the Hell Knight on the right, plus the 3 Lost Souls. Grab the goodies if needed, then enter the next door. Kill the Hellknight that is in front of you. When you venture through the room and grab goodies, 2 more Hellknights and about 3 Imps will attack you. Follow the path when done. There is a BFG around here. If you grab it, 2 Lost Souls will attack you. Kill the Hellknight and the 4 Cherubs that appear. When you follow the path another Lost Soul will be summoned. Kill it, then go further. Near the goodies, another Lost Soul will be summoned. Kill that too, then go further once again. In the new room, kill the Mancubus and grab the goodies, then go up the stairs. When you enter the door, a Mancubus will be in front of you. Shoot if off. When it's killed, another Mancubus will appear, so be sure to kill that one too. Also kill the 4 Cherubs that appear. Follow the path. If you are low on health, the best tactic now is to just run until you find a portal. Grab the goodies here, and enter the portal. That's what I did ;p --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- The Soul Cube will ask to be saved, and you'll be teleported near the Guardian, your next boss. --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- This boss isn't easy. It has two attacks; a fireball attack, and a stomp attack. The fireball attack means he'll stomp on the ground and 8 fireballs will go in every direction. The stomp attack means he'll just hurt you. Keep at a safe distance and it'll be fine. You should run all the time, because you have unlimited stamina. You should first kill the 3 Seekers. When those are shot down, the Guardian shows a blue orb above his body. Shoot that orb with a rocket launcher or BFG. Repeat this until the boss dies. --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll see the Guardian die. --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- Grab the Soul Cube. --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- The Soul Cube will tell that you can unleash the power when you killed your enemies. --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- Step into the portal, then walk down, grab the goodies and use the panel to leave this scary level. ============================================================================== Delta Complex [D3.04.22] ============================================================================== The Delta Complex is the most advanced research facility on Mars. The complex is divined into three main sectors each serving unique purposes and one smaller sector that houses the main test portal. Access can only be gained through the Monorail or CPU Complex. ============================================================================== Items found: 3x PDA Enemies: 5x Arch-Ville, 2x Revenant, 31x Tick, 16x Zombies ============================================================================== Aaah... Mars feels much better, right? ;p Betruger will say the portal isn't needed anymore and the fleet from Earth will arrive soon. Grab the goodies here (pistol, SMG) and drop down the shaft. You'll get a flashlight. Crawl further into the shaft to find grenades. Follow the shaft. When you are about to leave it, kill the Commando-Zombie on the floor above you. You'll earn a Chaingun, and there is ammo for it near the bay door. Don't enter the bay door yet, but go back to the way you entered this level at first. There is a Commando-Zombie in the previous room, so kill him. Grab the Chainsaw and some goodies, then go back to the bay door and open it. This doesn't look good eh? When you leave the bay door, a truckload of Trites will attack, so kill them off. Then enter the hallway here. When you reach the door, 2 Commando-Zombies will be summoned, so kill them both. Grab the goodies here, including a Plasma Gun. Climb the ladder in the small room. All the way on the top is some armor, so grab that. Then enter the shaft. When you reach the end, you'll hear (and see) a Commando-Zombie. Kill it before it gets a change. Why not use the Soul Cube? Drop down, and quickly throw the Soul Cube at the Commando-Zombie. You'll get all his health, and he'll die. Isn't it great? When you go down the stairs, a Commando-Zombie will attack, so kill that one too. When you come near the garage door, an Arch-Ville will appear. You know what to so. After it's killed, go up the stairs. When you come near the door, another Arch-Ville will appear, so kill that bastard of too. Then enter the door, call for the lift and go down. When you come near the door, a Commando-Zombie will appear, so kill it (I really love the Soul Cube =D). When you enter the door, a Revenant will attack. Kill it, then enter the next room. Use the elevator here and go to level 2. There isn't anyone to attack you, unlike last time, when an Imp and Pinky where waiting for you. There is only one door you can enter, so do so. Swann is here, and he'll tell you Sarge was against you all the time. Campbell went after Swann. Grab his PDA. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- Using Swann's PDA gain entrance into the CPU Complex. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Elliot Swann | I.D. Number: 7992-1 3 | Post: UAC Corporate | Title: Counsellor | Security Clearance: CPU Complex | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audio Log |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Heading to Communications Facility | About: Swann tells you he's on his way to the Communications Facility, to | stop all communications, because otherwise everyone will be doomed. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audio Log |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Heading to the Caverns | About: There is another portal, created by the demons themselves. The fleet | is on its way, and the portal needs to be destroyed. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: UAC Board | Subject: Mars Research Post | Date: 09-23-2145 | Body: | | Dear Counsellor Swann, | | The Board has unanimously approved a resolution for a full operations review | of the Mars Research Facility. You've been designated as our official | representative in this matter and we suggest full preparation begin today. | | We expect a complete appraisal of all research developments. Both current | and future directions must be brought inline with the Board's expectations. | We must be able to control Dr. Betruger. His extra-dimensional research is a | potential risk to the teleportation experimentation, which we can not | afford. The Board considers teleportation the UAC's single most important | scientific endeavour and is not willing to jeopardize it's dominance in this | area of research. | | Anticipate a formal briefing and itinerary in the next few days. | | Sincerely, | UAC Board Chairman | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Liz McNeil | Subject: Looking forward to your arrival | Date: 10-02-2145 | Body: | | Counsellor Swann, | | I was pleased to hear of the Board's decision to have you investigate the | current state of the UAC on Mars. I've become more and more worried about | Dr. Betruger's research direction and my hope is that this intervention will | bring much needed changes. I've also learned that I've been reassigned by | Dr. Betruger to a post back on Earth. Although this is disappointing I do | fear for my own safety and sanity if I were to stay here. | | I hope your intervention won't be too late. I look forward to meeting with | you back on Earth once your visit is concluded. | | Sincerely, | Elizabeth McNeil | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Malcolm Betruger | Subject: UAC Board Review | Date: 10-03-2145 | Body: | | Counsellor Swann, | | I've been extremely patient with my Board to date, but the decision for a | full operations review is hard for me to stomach. | | There is no need for you to come to Mars and there is no need for this | review. All I need is more money and more time. The research being conducted | here will change mankind in ways no one can imagine. Our research is | beginning to yield amazing results which I cannot allow to be compromised. | | Don't waste your time coming here, Swann. You will only get in my way and | impede the outstanding work we're doing here. | | Sincerely, | Malcolm Betruger | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Go into the there, and drop in the shaft here. Follow it, until you enter a room with a lot of goodies. Grab the goodies, then use the panel to extend the ladder. Go down the ladder. An Arch-Ville will be summoned, so kill it quickly. When it's killed, another Arch-Ville will be summoned. Kill that one too and grab the PDA. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Bruce L. Jackson | I.D. Number: 3447-70 | Post: CPU Complex | Title: Security Guard | Security Clearance: General Access | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: | Subject: Drowning in Debt? | Date: 11-04-2145 | Body: | | Lost all your money? | Job not paying you enough? | Woman took all your credits? | | **DON'T WORRY** | | Martian Buddy has got you covered. | | You can earn extra credits every week by helping us in our direct marketing | campaign. | All you need to do is sent out emails from the comfort of your own computer | and rake in the credits - it's that easy. | | Contact Martian Buddy for more details. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Michael Abrams | Subject: Security Assignment | Date: 11-14-2145 | Body: Bruce, | | You have been reassigned to the CPU complex effective immediately. We've had | numerous reports of computer break-ins and security breaches there in the | last few weeks. | | I've placed a rocket launcher is in the cabinet near the security | checkpoint. The door code is 571. I know a rocket launcher might seem | excessive but people tend to listen when you point it at them. | | Be careful over there and remember the report anything odd immediately. | | Michael Abrams | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Enter the door to the CPU Complex. Inside here is a Revenant waiting (*cough* Soul Cube *cough*). Grab some goodies and get the pentagram mail if you want (see the secrets section to find out what is says). Then enter the bay door. ============================================================================== Central Processing [D3.04.23] ============================================================================== Central Processing houses the control systems which are used to process data for experiments, archive data, and manage the CPU overhead for security and regular day-to-day operations of the entire outpost on Mars. ============================================================================== Items found: 3x PDA Enemies: 5x Arch-Ville, 27x Cherub, 19x Imp, 28x Trite, 13x Wraith, 6x Zombies ============================================================================== --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll see Campbell searching for Kelly. --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- Leave the bay door and enter and follow the hall. When you come near glass, 2 Imps will be summoned, and one will break the glass. Kill them both, then enter the room. There is a cabinet here with a Rocket Launcher, the code is 571. Grab the stuff (and health if needed) and enter the next room. Kill the Wraith, and 3 Cherubs. See the door with the big red arrow that points down? When you come near it, you'll get a new objective. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- Find replacement door panel in Lab A to gain access to Data Library. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- There is one door near, but don't enter that yet. Instead, go the other way, where 2 Cherubs came from. When you come near the locked door, an Arch-vile will be summoned, plus you'll get a new objective. Kill the Arch-Ville (I'm not sure if the Cherub that attacked was summoned by the Arch-Ville, or just was there, but whatever it was, if you encounter it, just kill it ;p). --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- Obtain access codes for Lab A. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- Go back to the door I told you about before. Also check the 2 small rooms on your way. One has some goodies, the other an Imp. When you come near the door with the arrow, another Imp will be summoned. Kill it, then enter the door. Betruger will say Sarge is waiting. Just enter the next room, and when you are there, enter the door. When you set step in this room, 2 Imps and a few Trites will appear. Kill them off. When you go to the other side of the room, a Commando-Zombie will be summoned in the previous room, so kill it. When it's dead, a Commando-Zombie will be summoned on the other side of the room. Kill that one too, then look around for a panel where you can view cameras. When you select the second choice, a Trite will appear. The third one will show you a meeting room, and the code 627. There also is another panel in this room. Use it to open a hatch. There is a PDA hidden in this hatch. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Tony F. Bates | I.D. Number: 1 733-86 | Post: Central Processing | Title: Mars Security. IT | Security Clearance: General Access | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audio Log |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Lab A Security Door | About: Tony will give you the code 627. WE ALREADY KNEW THAT DORK! | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audio Log |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Network Security Breach | About: Tony talks about a hacker and whatnot. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Brian Franko | Subject: Security Concerns | Date: 10-22-2145 | Body: | | Mr. Bates, | | I am concerned about the lax security measures that you have implanted in | Lab A. I have received numerous reports now, about your team-members | flagrantly disregarding security procedures, and posting the daily security | codes on the data-boards. | With corporate bringing by so many investors lately, you need to say more | vigilant in maintaining security in the lab. The last thing we need is more | people wandering around, unsupervised, with all the odd goings-on lately. | | Thank you | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Martian Buddy | Subject: Increase your Pen1s size! | Date: 11-04-2145 | Body: | | Tired of being a loser with the ladies? Want a more exciting and fulfilling | love life? Visit us at and find out how! | | Your Martian Buddy! | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Edward Sorrenson | Subject: Your Test Results | Date: 11-08-2145 | Body: | | Tony, | | I've had a chance to run the formulas you provided us. The results have been | uploaded to your mailbox. | | Please pay particular note to page 12, section F, part 2. The left side of | the graph is showing unusual spikes over the last 3 weeks, which van only be | explained by unauthorized access to the EnPro power grid. | | It's not possible to attain the figures you have shown, without exceeding | power limits for your areas. | | This should probably by reported to Dr. Betruger at once. | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Return back to the Lab A door. On your way, a few Trites will attack you, so get rid of them. Enter the code 627 and enter the new room. On the left is some lava, so go right. --VISION---------------------------------------------------------------------- Symbols will appear on the wall, stuff will fall down or start to float. --VISION---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cross the room, and enter the door. When you venture through the room, 5 Cherubs, 2 Imps and 1 Wraith will appear eventually. Kill them all, grab all the goodies and enter the door here. Grab the goodies you can get by jumping a bit, then go back to the previous room. Kill the 2 Cherubs, Imp and Commando-Zombie. Grab the PDA when they are killed. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Charlie D. Haskell | I.D. Number: 8890-1 3 | Post: Central Processing | Title: Delta Labs Technician | Security Clearance: General Access | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audio Log |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Request for System Time | About: Some boring talk about maintenance stuff. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: System Admin | Subject: Mail Delivery Failure | Date: 11-13-2145 | Body: | | Failed to deliver to ''. | STTP module(domain | host name is unknown | | Reporting-MTA dns; | | Original-Recipient rtg374; | Final-Recipient rtg374; | Action failed | Status 5.0.0 | Received from [] (account chaskell HELL | | by (SpaceGate Pro STTP 5.2.6) | with ESMTP id 8302948-033-4488291 for; Thu, 13 Nov 2145 | 173249 -0500 | Message-Id | X-Sender | X-Mailer MARSMAILER Xenerix Vartoxi Version 9.3 | Date Thu, 13 Nox 2145 173249 -0500 | To | From Charlie Haskell | Subject: MFC Failsafe failure | Mite-Version 3.6 | Content-Type text/plain; charset=us-ascii16; format=flowed | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: John Bianga | Subject: How have you been? | Date: 11-15-2145 | Body: | | Charlie, | | How have you been? I hear things are getting pretty busy over there. Rumors | are flying that you guys are on to something big. BTW I left you some | goodies in locker 669. The combination is 468. Sorry, I had to take back the | pr0n video disc! Take care mate! | | J.B. | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ There is some information on the big screen, but nothing important. There is a lift in this room, so use that one. Be sure to kill the 2 remaining Cherubs. There is a lot of bad guys here, so beware. To be exact, as you venture through the room, you'll meet 3 Wraiths, 1 Arch-Ville, 2 Cherubs and 7 Trites. There is another lift here, so use that one and go up once again. In this room are 2 Imps, 2 Cherubs and 1 Commando-Zombie. Grab the goodies, then enter the next door. In this room are 2 Imps and a Commando-Zombie. When you grab the shelves near the pillar, you'll summon and Imp and 2 Cherubs. Kill them too. Enter the next room. Kill the Imp that'll appear. When you get near the cabinets, the music turn up and you'll hear trance music. Kinda suspicious, isn't it? Open the cabinet on the left with code 468 and grab the goodies, then grab the stuff in the other cabinet. This summon a truckload of enemies. But why would you spent your time fighting? Kill the enemies in the room (1 Imp, 1 Arch-Ville and a few Trites). Jump down into the lower floor, run to the lift and go down. If you didn't do this, you'd have to fight a load of Imps, Wraiths, Cherubs and Arch-Villes. Just go back to the main room and enter the door with the red arrow. There is a room here, but there is only one Trite here. Enter the big door. Kill the 2 Imps and use the lift. When you follow the hall, you'll find Campbell. He'll tell you Sarge got his BFG. Wow... Good work! Betruger will say he killed Campbell, and he'll kill you too. He's been saying that for a while now, isn't he? Go down the shaft and grab the goodies, then enter the bay door. ============================================================================== Central Server Banks [D3.04.24] ============================================================================== Central Processing houses the control systems which are used to process data for experiments, archive data, and manage the CPU overhead for security and regular day-to-day operations of the entire outpost on Mars. ============================================================================== Items found: 2x PDA, 1x Video Disk Enemies: 1x Saboath, 3x Arch-Ville, 14x Imp, 5x Revenant, 17x Trite, 9x Wraith, 6x Cacodemon, 7x Zombies ============================================================================== This is the level the old Doom fans will like. No bullshit, just run and shoot. In the first (big) room, you'll bump into loads of enemies and goodies. You'll have to kill Revenants, Wraiths, Imps, Trites and an Arch-Ville. Kill them all, get yourself back to health, then enter the only door you can enter. Call for the bridge. When it's done, go to the panel, and kill the Cacodemon. You can go to 4 places. The one you came from (CPU Bank), Central Processing, Storage Room and Server Bank. Let's first go to the Storage Room. Enter the door, and go into the door to the left. 2 Imps will be summoned. Grab the goodies, then follow the hall. Kill the 2 Commando-Zombies and enter the door here. Grab the stuff, then enter the next room. Kill the Revenant. When it's killed, an Arch-Ville will appear, so kill that one. Grab all the goodies and go back to the bridge. There is a new Cacodemon here now. If you want health, go back to the CPU Bank. Now go to the Server Bank and enter the door here. There will be 2 Imps summoned, so kill them both, then enter the door here. Down on the lower floor is a Commando-Zombie. Kill it, and also kill the Imp that'll be summoned. Enter the door, and go to the room the Commando-Zombie came from. On your way, kill the Imp and the Trites. In this room, enter the office. Watch the video of the BFG, and grab the PDA. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Steve H. Tooloose | I.D. Number: 1 736-1 6 | Post: Central Processing | Title: C.P. Controller | Security Clearance: Central Processing | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Henry Bielefeldt | Subject: Storage Problem on Server | Date: 11-04-2145 | Body: | | Steve, | | I've been noticing a steady degradation in filesystem performance on server | A12. Could you please head up to the third floor and look into the problem? | I'm working on matter transference problems for the guys in Delta, and all | my data is stored on that server. | If we have backups from last night, could you please restore them to server | A17 if it's not in use? I can patch into that server to continue my work. | | Thanks, | Henry | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Brian Franko | Subject: BFG Info Video | Date: 11-14-2145 | Body: | | Steve, | | Corporate needs the new BFG video I placed in your office uploaded to the | server and placed on our internal web site. Don't forget to convert it to a | .uacmov so it'll play on all terminals. | | Fire me an email when it's up, I can't wait to see it. | | -Brian | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Go back to the upper floor and kill the 2 Imps. There is some stuff you can see, which you can reach by doing a long jump. It's tricky, so beware of that. Go back to the bridge, and go to Central Processing. Kill the 2 summoned Cacodemons and enter the door. Grab the stuff here (rockets, why, I wonder ;p), including the video disk. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Video Disk |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: BFG 9000 Briefing | Creator: UAC Advanced Weapons | Date: 10/10/45 | Description: Informational video on the BFG 9000 | Shown: The video about the BFG you already saw | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Enter the door and be ready for your next boss fight. Use your most powerful weapons and be ready to dodge/destroy his BFG shot. Maybe he looks hard, but he's pretty damn easy. Just run around and unleash your rockets and he'll be toast in 30 seconds. --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll see how Serge dies. --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- Grab all the goodies (including the BFG by touching Sarge) and go into the shaft. Leave the shaft, grab the goodies and enter the lift. ============================================================================== Site 3 [D3.04.25] ============================================================================== Site 3 is the ground level access point to the original subterranean Mars base structure. Research objects from the lower levels are analysed and studies in this facility. ============================================================================== Items found: 2x PDA, 1x Video Disk Enemies: 2x Arch-Ville, 3x Hellknight, 20x Imp. 15x Maggot, 5x Revenant, 8x Wraith, 7x Cacodemon ============================================================================== Leave the lift. --VISION---------------------------------------------------------------------- Panels will go up, and a Hellknight will appear. --VISION---------------------------------------------------------------------- Kill the Hellknight. But that's not it, 1 Imp and 2 Wraiths will also be summoned, so kill them too. Go to the other site of the room. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- Gain security clearance for all Site 3 Areas. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- There is only one door you can enter, so enter that one. Great idea eh? The glass will break inside, and 2 Cacodemons will appear. When you go further down the room, a Hellknight will be summoned, but with the barrels around, it's a laugh. To enter the door, you'll need the proper access clearance, and with only one door around you can enter... hard, isn't it? Enter the door ;p Cross the hall, and enter the next door. Kill the Wraith and Cacodemon that try to attack. When you go to the other side of the room, a Hellknight will be summoned. Kill it, grab the goodies, and enter the door. At first, nothing is wrong. Until Betruger laughs, the lights go out, and suddenly candles are all over the place. Also, you should get rid of the Arch-ville. Look around for armor and health, then enter the next door. Kill the Revenant here. When it's killed, an Imp will attack from behind. Enter the next door. A Wraith thinks it's funny to attack. Well it's not, is it? Shoot him as some sort of punishment. Go down the ladder, and kill the Maggot and 2 Imps in this room. Then grab the PDA. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | User Name: Richard S. Davis, Ph.D | I.D. Number: 51 81 -98 | Post: Site 3 | Title: Archaeologist | Security Clearance: General Access | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audio Log |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Discovery in the Ruins | About: Richard talks about the artifact he found. Crystal, it glows... It | shows a link between Mars and Earth. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Malcolm Betruger | Subject: Discovery in the Ruins | Date: 08-10-2145 | Body: | | Mr. Davis, | | I received word of your discovery. Very impressive start, but I am not yet | convinced. Do not lose sight of the bigger picture. We still have a lot of | work to do before any of these findings will be ready for distribution or | publication. Analysis must continue on the remaining artifacts. | | Your audio reports in the future need to be more analytical and less | emotional. It is important that we all maintain our professionalism and do | not become biased or too attached to our work. I do not want to remind you | of this again. | | Continue to forward me your findings, and I will help you manage like | reports so as not to give Corporate the wrong impression. | | Malcolm Betruger | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Lowell Foshay | Subject: Ruins safety concerns | Date: 10-16-2145 | Body: | | Hey Dick, | | The structural integrity of the Ruins is deteriorating. Our initial rock | form and in-ground analyses prior to deep ground exploration inferred no | immediate dangers. In fact, the Ruins structure itself was determined to be | very sound. | | As you already know, expansive underground digs of this nature are an | engineering nightmare. The heightened pressure to open up the primary dig | site was a dangerous oversight. Just recently, one of our engineers, Peter, | got crushed by a falling brick - yup those huge stoned lining the entire | wall and ceiling of the Ruins! | | some of the guys are mumbling about the walls being alive or something, but | you and I know it's just the horizontal stretching of the regional tectonic | stresses. Heh, stones... alive... spoooooky. I think we all need a long | vacation. | | Anyway, watch your step and don't forget to look up once in a while. | | Foshinator out! | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Pierce Rogers | Subject: Tablets are key | Date: 11-10-2145 | Body: | | Richard, | | I thank you for your industrious support of the work being conducted here. | I've been compiling your data along with mine and have made some startling | new discoveries. I firmly believe your work with the tablets are the key to | solving the mysterious relationship between the Soul Cube, the Ancients, and | us. | | I am sending word to the Executive Council for an immediate increase of our | research budget. I have a strange feeling that we must find the answer soon | or... no, I dare not to say it just yet. | | I will contact you post-haste with any news regarding our funding. | | Pierce | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Enter the door here. At the end of the hall are a Revenant and Imp. Take the path left, and kill the Imp. The whole area is filled with locked doors, and the only way through is by climbing the ladder. Walk through the shaft and drop down, into a new room. When you come to the middle of the room, 2 Maggots and 1 Hellknight will be summoned. Kill them off. See the artifacts? Check the secrets section to find something funny, although I'm sure you'll be able to find it yourself if you are a Doom fan. Enter the door, and the man will tell you to get his PDA. You'll get a new objective. Also grab the Video Disk and PDA. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- Find the Hell Gate. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Video Disk |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Ancient Civilization | Creator: Pierce Rogers, Lead Archaeologist | Date: 08/21/45 | Description: What we know about the ancient civilization and the artifacts | found | Shown: Pierce will tell about artifacts and stuff. He talks about Site 1, | Site 2 and Site 3. He also explains about the ancient civilization. | It's a good watch, and it'll explain you what's going on. | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Name: Pierce M. Rogers, Ph.D | I.D. Number: 5304-29 | Post: Site 3 | Title: Archaeologist | Security Clearance: General Access | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audio Log |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: The Soul Cube in the Answer | About: The teleporter should have never been opened. The artifacts explained | what'd happen if one would open. The ancient people created the Soul | Cube to drive the demons back. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Richard Davis | Subject: Scanner Results | Date: 10-17-2145 | Body: | | Pierce, | | The scanner results for the ceiling carvings are back and I can say without | a doubt that this is a map of our solar system. There's a very clear | indication that Earth may have been a possible teleport destination for the | survivors of this race. Is the dates on these artifacts are correct there's | a distinct possibility that we could be descendents of this race! | | I can barely comprehend how immense this is. All the struggles we've had in | the past year have suddenly become trivial. | | Richard | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Timmy Rogers | Subject: Thanks! | Date: 11-02-2145 | Body: | | Uncle Pierce, | | Mom says we're going to get to see you next month. I can't wait. You've been | away for so long. I hope your project is still going well. I know you can't | tell me about it, but your work always sounds so exciting and mysterious. | Working on Mars must be really cool. | | Thanks for sending me the video games for my birthday. Have you tried these? | The new Quake-43 blows my mind. It is even better than Super Turbo Turkey | Puncher. I haven't played that since I got these new ones from you. | | I love you, and we miss you lots!!! | Timmy | | P.S. Mom says HI! | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Server: Mail Failure | Subject: The Soul Cube is the answer | Date: 11-15-2145 | Body: | | Server: send failure, unable to link to orbital communication satellite. | Please contact I.T. system administrator(code 504) | | ----Original Message---- | Sent: 11-15-2145 | To: Elizabeth McNeil | | I can now only beg your forgiveness. You were right about everything. I wish | that you had been wrong and that this had somehow been a nightmare that I | will soon wake from. Now I can only pray that this message reaches you. | Betruger is mad and things have gone worse than you could have imagined. Now | your banishment from Mars has become a blessing in disguise. It has likely | saved your life. You must get the word out. The answer is the Soul Cube | object. It always has been. Listen to my report. I will upload my findings | to the databank. | | Warn them all. You must not let this spread to Earth. | | God Bless You, | Pierce | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Get some health from the Health Stand, then leave the room. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- Locate the freight loader control tower to unlock the entrance to the caverns. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- When you come to the pentagram, 3 Maggots and 1 Imp will appear. Kill them, then leave the room. Go to the other locked door. On your way, a Revenant will be summoned. Kill it, then enter the door. Kill the Imp and enter the door the Imp came from. There is another locked door here. Enter it. Kill the Imp on a higher floor, plus the Maggot that'll get summoned. You can go down the ladder here for some goodies. Enter the lift when you are done and go up. A Maggot will attack, but a grenade will take care of him before he'll even see you ;p Grab the goodies on the left when needed. Enter the door and follow the hall. Leave it when you have to, and kill the Imp. In the room are some Plasma Cells if you want them. Go up the stairs and kill the summoned Cacodemon. Then enter the door. A Maggot will attack, and a Cacodemon will be summoned. Also, an Imp will appear. When they are killed, grab the goodies in the next room and enter the door. Walk down the hall, go down the ladder and use the control panel. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- Use the freight loader to gain access to the caverns entrance. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- Go back to the room with the 2 Cacodemons. A panel will drop down, revealing a new way. Go down the ladder and follow the hall. At the junction, a Maggot will attack from the front, and an Imp from behind. Kill them. Follow the strange hallway and return back to the room with all the barrels. Enter the door to the hall here, kill the Imp and enter the freight loader. When you arrived, leave it, go around the lift for goodies, then use the lift. ============================================================================== Caverns - Area 1 [D3.04.26] ============================================================================== Caverns Area 1 is the location of the original Mars Case. While all research has been moved to newer structure, the aging facility still serves as the primary material transfer point between Area 2 and Site 3. ============================================================================== Items found: 1x PDA, 1x Keycard Enemies: 3x Arch-Ville, 4x Hellknight, 28x Imp. 35x Trite, 29x Wraith, 22x Cacodemon, 12x Zombie ============================================================================== You may recognise the loading picture from screenshots. The screenshot with the Revenant and Pinky. Maybe you'll meet them eh? Maybe they'll give you an autograph (well I'm sure they won't hesitate to "sign" your chest with their claws). When you leave the lift, a few Trites will attack. Shoot them off, and grab the goodies. Go up the stairs and kill the Imp. Follow the hall, and kill the 5 Wraiths that appear from everywhere. One from behind the boxes, the rest from the lower floor. Stay where you are and they are easy to defeat. Enter the door, and the next door too. Kill the summoned Imp. If you need health, use the Health Stand. Grab the goodies, then enter the next room. A wraith will appear from behind, so kill it. There is a BFG Cell here, and you can read what the guy was typing. He's asking for help... Enter the door. There is a Commando-Zombie here, and 2 Wraiths. Kill them, go around the corner and enter the door. Enter the door here, and run forward. An Arch-ville will be summoned, so kill him. Of course, the Arch-ville will summon other monsters, so kill them too. A Commando-Zombie will also rush in after a while, so kill that too. Enter the door. Kill the Trites and Imp. Use the Health Stand if you need, then enter the door. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- Activate the Service Lift to reach the lower levels of the Caverns. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- There is a panel here, which you can use to extend a ladder. Climb the ladder, then kill the summoned Cacodemon. Enter the room through the platform. Use the panel, grab the goodies and enter the next room. Grab the goodies here and call the lift. Go down with the lift. When you reach the bed, a bunch of Trites will appear. Kill them, grab the goodies and enter the next room. You are back in the bigger room. You can use the panel now to call the lift. While you are waiting, kill the Hellknight and 2 Imps. Use the lift to go down. I thought a load of enemies would attack, like in Half-Life, but the only enemy that attacks is a Commando-Zombie when you arrive. Go down the ramp. When you come close enough, an Arch-Ville will be summoned. Kill it quickly, because a Hellknight in this kind of situation isn't something you want. Also, a Cacodemon will appear. Grab the goodies, then use the panel to extend the ladder. Climb the ladder, kill the Wraith, grab the goodies and enter the door. Kill the Imp and Wraith, then go up with the lift (or get some health first). Kill the Trite and 2 Imps here. There are 2 doors here. When you try to enter one door, you'll get a new objective. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- Locate the Security Card to gain access to the dig site. --NEW OBJECTIVE--------------------------------------------------------------- Take the other door to go outside. Kill the 2 Cacodemons and climb the ladder. Enter the door and kill the Imp. Then go down the ladder here. And the next ladder, and the next ladder etc. ;p After a while, you won't see any ladders anymore. You'll see platforms that pop up and out the wall. You can go down safely this way. Go down the ladder here (don't get burned). You'll find a lot of goodies, and a guy who is hiding. He doesn't like you. Grab the keycard and use the panel. Climb all the way to the top now and go outside. Kill the 3 Cacodemons here. Go back to the room with the locked door, kill the Wraith and enter the door. Kill the 3 Trites and PDA. Also grab the goodies. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | User Name: Robert O. Cody | I.D. Number: 11 97-82 | Post: Caverns | Title: Maintenance | Security Clearance: General Access | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audio Log |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Dangerous Conditions in the Caverns | About: Robert doesn't tell anyone else. But why the hell are people even | working down there? | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Maint. Control | Subject: Generator Repairs Needed | Date: 10-07-2145 | Body: | | Mr Cody, | | Several crews working in the caverns have reports of at least a dozen | generator failures after the recent seismic activity. Please assemble your | assigned team and report to Maintenance Supervision for the detailed report. | We need those generators operational as soon as possible. | | Thank You, | Maintenance Control | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: Mark Robertson | Subject: Sorry old pal | Date: 10-08-2145 | Body: | | Hey Bob, | | I see that you've been assigned generator duty again, good luck down there | with the 'howlers'. Remember to try and keep your team focused, I was | assigned down there last month, so I'm very aware of how difficult it can | get, especially with all those tremors! Anyhow, give me a shout when you get | some free time, we can hit up one of the common areas and down some suds. | | Talk to ya soon, | Mark | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Go outside. Follow the path and kill the 2 Imps and 2 Wraiths. Don't enter the door yet, but climb the ladder near the door you come from. Kill the Wraith, and enter the shaft. Grab the goodies here and enter the door I told you not to leave yet. Go around the corner and enter the room. Run forward, and kill the Wraith (watch out, some panels will drop down). Turn to the right, and go there. Kill the Imps and Commando-Zombies, then go to the place the Commando-Zombies were. Grab the goodies, then use the panel to open the door. Enter that door. There are quite some enemies here. To start with, when you walk a bit forward into the room, 2 Imps, 2 Commando-Zombies and 3 Cacodemons. Grab all the goodies, and climb the ladder. Use the panel here to operate the crane. First, go all the way to the right. Then jump up the platform you carry with you, and jump down. You'll take some damage, but you'll survive. Kill the Imp and Cacodemon, and grab the goodies in the pipes. Enter the office, kill the Imp and enter the door. Follow the path and grab the goodies. Use the panel here and you'll get a load of Imps and Wraiths over you. Also 1 Commando-Zombie will appear. Kill them all. When you're done, call the lift, and kill the Hellknight you brought with you (*cough*Soul Cube*cough*). Use the lift. Leave the lift and enter the main room. Kill the Arch-ville that gets summoned. Follow the path, and kill the Wraith and Imp on your way. After that, enter the door. When you walk into the room, you'll bump into a Commando-Zombie and 3 Cacodemons. Kill them, then cross the room. Enter the room, grab all the goodies and use the lift. ============================================================================== Caverns - Area 2 [D3.04.27] ============================================================================== Caverns Area 2 is the primary archeological excavation site. All items are processed and transported to Site 3 for evaluation and analysis. ============================================================================== Items found: 1x Keycard, 1x Video Disk Enemies: 2x Vagary, 2x Arch-Ville, 6x Hellknight, 12x Imp, 42x Trite, 16x Wraith, 4x Cacodemon ============================================================================== You are going deeper down Mars. When you leave the lift and set step in the room, an Arch-ville will be summoned. Kill it and grab any goodies you find. One door requires an access-card, so it's an easy choice which door to take. Follow the path, and kill the 3 Wraiths on your way. In the room you find, grab the goodies, and follow the path further. In that room, kill the summoned Arch-ville, and grab the goodies (also a key-card). Go back to the first room. On your way, kill the Imp and Wraith. When you enter the first room, a lot of Trites will appear. Kill them, then enter the Storage Room using the keycard. Grab all the goodies and wait for a while. After a minute or so, more Trites and a Cacodemon will appear. Kill them, then go back to where you found the keycard. You can grab the goodies on the platforms by some jumping. If you use the panel for the power, 2 Hellknights and 3 Cacodemons will be summoned. Enter the building. Use the panel here too, to put the lights on. When you walk a bit further, a few Trites will appear, so kill them. Walk further down the hall. You'll end up in a room with strange artifacts. Kill the Imps and Wraiths. Grab the final Video Disk on the desk. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Video Disk |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Title: Tablets | Creator: Central Authority | Date: 10/05/45 | Description: Central Authority Research Archive | Shown: Information about the tablets you saw in Site 3. | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Walk down the path. You'll end up in another room. Kill the Hellknight, Imp and Trites that appear. When they are killed, follow the path. When you reach a new room, you'll bump into weird spiked objects, that remind you of... Vagary. And guess what, you'll have to fight Vagaries and Trites in this room. Keep your distance, and use the BFG and Rocket Launcher. Grab any remaining goodies, then open the door with the light. Grab the goodies, turn on the power and get ready for the final level. Use the lift. ============================================================================== Primary Excavation [D3.04.28] ============================================================================== The primary excavation site houses the ancient burial chamber. The discovery of this chamber unearthed the stone tablets, soul cube, and many other valuable artifacts. ============================================================================== Items found: 1x PDA Enemies: 1x Cyberdemon, 1x Imp (and way more during the last fight), 1x Maggot (and way more during the last fight) ============================================================================== This is it, the end of the game. Enjoy it while it lasts =) Grab all the goodies here, and follow the path. Be sure to check the secrets section to find the hidden PDA. After some walking, you'll find the boss. --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll see how the Marine finds the last boss, the Cyberdemon. --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- The tactic is to use the Soul Cube against the boss. Kill the enemies that appear to charge the Soul Cube, then use it against the boss. That's it. Go ahead and kill it. --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll see the final cutscene. The Hell Gate gets destroyed, and the fleet from Earth arrives. And Betruger? "He's nowhere to be found". --CUTSCENE-------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================== Multi-Player [D3.05.01] ============================================================================== When you select the Multi-Player section, you can select to join a game, or create one. When you join one, you can set a filter, or connect to an IP of someone you know. When you select to create a server, you can select various gametypes: * Deathmatch - Kill (frag) as many other players as you can. When you killed the most players, you win. * Team Deathmatch - The same as Deathmatch, but you work with teams this time. * Last Man Standing - You have to survive as long as possible. * Tourney - You'll fight 1 vs. 1, and others specate. This way a winner is selected. You can set things like a frag limit, time limit, max. players, spectars, warm-up, password etc. When it's all set, you can begin. You can find 3 items in Multi-Player; Berserk, Mega Sphere and Invisiblity. These are described in the "Other items" section. Multi-Player comes with all weapons, excluding the BFG and Soul Cube. ============================================================================== Tomiko Reactor [D3.05.02] ============================================================================== This level has two levels, and the Berserk power-up. To find the Berserk power-up, you'll have to find the Tomiko Reactor. Once there, wait till the laser beam stopped, and drop down. Grab the Berserk and you'll get teleported. This map uses parts from the Single-Player map Central Server Banks. ============================================================================== Delta Lab [D3.05.03] ============================================================================== This level also has two levels, and the Mega Sphere power-up. Find the machine that can generate the power-up. You'll have to wait 20 seconds before you are able to grab it. This level looks like the Delta Labs, but that shouldn't come as a surprise ;p ============================================================================== Frag Chamber [D3.05.04] ============================================================================== This map comes with 2 power-ups; the Mega Sphere and the Invisiblity. The invisibility power-up can be found by using the panel to active the chamber. Everyone inside will get crushed. Once the process is done, the power-up will appear. This map uses parts of the map Alpha Labs Section 4. ============================================================================== The Edge 2 [D3.05.05] ============================================================================== The biggest Multi-Player map of Doom 3. Use the barrels and lights as you advantages. You can reach a Berserk power-up through a teleported (the blue beam). This map uses parts of the Caverns. ============================================================================== Lights Out [D3.05.06] ============================================================================== To find the Backpack in this level, you'll have to shoot the UAC logo and go down the stairs. You can use the generator in this level to put the lights off. However, there is a bug in the game which allows other players to still see others, because of the shadows. There is an invisiblity power-up in this map. ============================================================================== Cheats and Secrets [D3.06.01] ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cheats [D3.06.02] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Activate the console using Ctrl+Alt+Tilde (~). Now enter this command, so you can open it by just pressing Tilde in the future: com_allowConsole 1 Now use any of these codes. Please note that you can turn on this using "1" and turning it off with "0" (showFPS, pm_thirdperson etc.): aviDemo = Make an AVI out of a Demo-file benchmark = Game Benchmark com_showfps 1 = Show FPS doomhell = Skip all levels to last editor = Open Editor freeze = Freeze all on screen g_nightmare 1 = Unlock Nightmare-mode g_showplayershadow 1 = See your shadow during Single-Player gfxinfo = Graphics card information give all = Full load of weapons, armor and ammo give ammo = Max ammo give armor = Max armor give berserk = Berserk give health = Max health give invis = Invisibility give keys = Acquire all the keys you'll ever need god = God mode kill = Commit suicide killmonsters = Kill all monsters noclip = No Clip notarget = Invisible to most enemies playdemo demo_name = Play a Demo playdemo stop = Stop recording a Demo pm_crouchspeed ### = Define how fast you can crouch pm_runspeed ### = Define how fast you can run pm_walkspeed ### = Define how fast you can walk pm_noclipspeed ### = Define how fast you can navigate using the noclip-cheat pm_jumpheight ### = Define how high you can jump pm_thirdperson 1 = 3rd Person-view on quit = Quit recorddemo demo_name = Record a Demo set g_dragEntity 1 = Grab objects/bodies when you fire at them status = Your game status Type6 submitted that's it's possible to find every code in the game by pressing a letter (A, for example) and pressing TAB. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Select [D3.06.03] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Add "map" in front of all of the following codes: Single Player Levels (sorted on level, not names): game/mars_city1 - Mars City game/mc_underground - Mars City Underground game/mars_city2 - Mars City Re-Visit game/admin - Administration game/alphalabs1 - Alpha Labs Sector 1 game/alphalabs2 - Alpha Labs Sector 2 game/alphalabs3 - Alpha Labs Sector 3 game/alphalabs4 - Alpha Labs Sector 4 game/enpro - EnPro Plant game/commoutside - Communications game/comm1 - Communications Transfer game/recycling1 - Monorail Skybridge game/recycling2 - Recycling Sector 2 game/monorail - Monorail game/delta1 - Delta Labs Sector 1 game/delta2a - Delta Labs Sector 2a game/delta2b - Delta Labs Sector 2b game/delta3 - Delta Labs Sector 3 game/delta4 - Delta Labs Sector 4 game/hell1 - Hell game/delta5 - Delta Complex game/cpu - CPU Complex game/cpuboss - CPU Boss game/site3 - Site 3 game/caverns1 - Caverns Area 1 game/caverns2 - Cavern2 Area 2 game/hellhole - Primary Excavation Multiplayer: game/mp/d3dm1 game/mp/d3dm2 game/mp/d3dm3 game/mp/d3dm4 game/mp/d3dm5 Test Maps: game/pdas - Room with all the PDAs and Video Disks testmaps/test_box - A simple room testmaps/test_boxstack - Lots of boxes testmaps/test_lotsaimps - Lots of enemies Source: GameFAQs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Video Disks [D3.06.04] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ give video epd - EPD Video give video hydrocon - Hydrocon Video give video mfs - MFS Video give video bfg - BFG Video give video chaingun - Chaingun Video give video demon_museum - Specimen Stasbib Museum give video ian_report - Teleportation Experiments give video ipn_news - IPV News give video plasmagun - Plasmagun Video give video recycling - Recycling Video give video soulcube - Soulcube Video give video tablets - Tablets Source: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PDA [D3.06.05] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ give pda admin_banks give pda admin_dorweiler give pda admin_moses give pda admin_simons give pda alphalabs1_berger give pda alphalabs1_krietman give pda alphalabs1_lipsitz give pda alphalabs1_smith give pda alphalabs2_chin give pda alphalabs2_connors give pda alphalabs3_abrams give pda alphalabs3_lamia give pda alphalabs3_nelson give pda alphalabs3_poota give pda alphalabs4_kaczynski give pda caverns1_cody give pda comm1_blake give pda comm1_finch give pda comm1_wolfe give pda commoutside_holiday give pda commoutside_ridge give pda cpu_bates give pda cpu_haskell give pda cpuboss_tooloose give pda delta1_mora give pda delta1_price give pda delta2a_cinders give pda delta2a_raleigh give pda delta2a_wilson give pda delta2b_bullman give pda delta2b_erikson give pda delta2b_mcneil give pda delta2b_stemmons give pda delta3_cerano give pda delta3_lee give pda delta3_shultz give pda delta4_gilbert give pda delta5_jackson give pda delta5_swann give pda enpro_chasar give pda enpro_hammer give pda enpro_raad give pda hell_garlick give pda hell_hebert give pda hellhole_id give pda marscity2_caseon give pda marscity2_duncan give pda marscity2_stanton give pda marscity2_tyson give pda mc1_berneche give pda mcunderground_baston give pda mcunderground_delahue give pda mcunderground_ryan give pda mcunderground_young give pda monorail_cullen give pda monorail_harding give pda monorail_hollies give pda monorail_ross give pda recycling1_garza give pda recycling1_sadowayj give pda recycling2_johnson give pda recycling2_moen give pda site3_davis give pda site3_rogers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Monsters and Weapons [D3.06.06] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ give weapons = All weapons give weapon_bfg = BFG (Big Fucking Gun) give weapon_flashlight = Flashlight give weapon_chaingun = Chaingun give weapon_chainsaw = Chainsaw give weapon_handgrenade give weapon_machinegun = Machinegun give weapon_pistol give weapon_plasmagun = Plasmagun give weapon_rocketlauncher = Rocket Launcher give weapon_shotgun = Shotgun give weapon_soulcube = Soulcube Add "spawn" in front of all of the following codes: weapon_bfg = BFG 9000 weapon_chaingun = Chaingun weapon_machinegun = Machinegun weapon_pistol = Pistol weapon_plasmagun = Plasma Rifle weapon_rocketlauncher = Rocket Launcher weapon_shotgun = Shotgun weapon_soulcube = Soul Cube adrenaline = Adrenaline megahealth = Mega Health invisibility = Invisiblity char_betruger = Betruger char_campbell = Campbell char_campbell_bfg = Campbell with a BFG char_campbell_bfgcase = Campbell with a BFG case char_hazmat = Scientist in Hazard Suit char_sentry = Sentry Bot char_security_goggles_pistol = Guard with Pistol char_swann = Swann marscity_marine_helmet_p90_walking = Armed Guard env_gibs_leftarm= Left Arm env_gibs_leftleg = Left Leg env_gibs_rightarm = Right Arm env_gibs_rightleg = Right Leg env_gibs_spine = Bloody Spine env_gibs_torso = Torso moveable_base = Base moveable_base_fixed = Base moveable_base_barrel = Barrel moveable_base_boulder = Boulder moveable_base_brick = Base Brick moveable_base_domino = Domino moveable_blaptop = Laptop moveable_burger = Burger moveable_burgerboxopen = Open Burger Box moveable_burgerboxclose = Close Burger Box moveable_burningbarrel = Explosive Barrel moveable_burningtank = Explosive Oxygen-Tank moveable_cannister = Cannister moveable_cartonbox (1 to 8) = Cartonbox moveable_cokecan = Coke Can moveable_chair (1, 2 or 5) = Chair moveable_computer = Computer moveable_explodingbarrel = Explosive Barrel moveable_explodingtank = Explosive Oxygen-Tank moveable_gizmo (1 to 3) = Gizmo moveable_item_(any weapon here) = Any Weapon moveable_ktable = Table moveable_monitor = Monitor moveable_paperwad = Wad of Paper moveable_wrench = Wrench monster_demon_archvile = Arch-Vile demon monster_demon_cherub = Cherub monster_demon_hellknight = Hellknight demon monster_demon_imp = Imp monster_demon_imp_crawler = Crawling Imp monster_demon_imp_crawl_armdoor = Imp behind a door monster_demon_maggot = Maggot demon monster_demon_mancubus = Mancubus demon monster_demon_pinky = Pinky Demon (Cyber dog) monster_demon_revenant = Revenant monster_demon_tick = Tick monster_demon_trite = Trite demon monster_demon_wraith = Wraith monster_flying_cacodemon = Cacodemon Demon monster_flying_lostsoul = Lost Soul monster_boss_cyberdemon = Cyberdemon monster_boss_guardian = Guardian monster_boss_guardian_seeker = Guardian's Seeker monster_boss_maledict_cinematic = Maledict (from the ending cinematic) monster_boss_sabaoth = Sabaoth monster_boss_vagary = Vagary monster_zombie_bernie = Zombie-on-Fire monster_zombie_boney = Boney Zombie monster_zombie_commando = Commando Zombie monster_zombie_commando_cgun = Chaingun Commando Zombie monster_zombie_fat = Fat Zombie monster_zombie_fat2 = Fat Zombie #2 monster_zombie_fat_wrench = Fat Zombie with Wrench monster_zombie_labcoat = Zombie in lab coat monster_zombie_limb = Zombie missing limb monster_zombie_jumpsuit = Zombie in jumpsuit monster_zombie_jumpsuit_eating = Eating Zombie monster_zombie_maint = "Yellow Jacket" Zombie monster_zombie_maint_bald = Bald Zombie monster_zombie_maint_nojaw = Zombie with no jaw monster_zombie_maint_flashlight = Zombie with flashlight monster_zombie_maint_skinny = Skinny Zombie monster_zombie_maint_wrench = Zombie with wrench monster_zombie_maint = Zombie monster_zombie_maint2 = Zombie #2 monster_zombie_pipe = Zombie with a pipe monster_zombie_sawyer = Chainsaw Zombie monster_zombie_skinny = Skinny Zombie monster_zombie_suit_bloodymouth = Zombie with bloody mouth monster_zombie_suit_neckstump = Zombie without a head monster_zombie_suit_skinny = Skinny Zombie monster_zombie_tshirt_bald = Zombie in T-shirt monster_zombie_tshirt_blown = Zombie in brown T-shirt monster_zsec_machinegun = Z-sec Zombie with SMG monster_zsec_pistol = Z-sec Zombie with pistol monster_zsec_shield = Z-sec Zombie with shield monster_zsec_shotgun = Z-sec Zombie with Shotgun Source: GameFAQs, Doom3Files, IGN, GameSpot ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thank You Mails [D3.06.07] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In the final level, Excavation Site, after going down the elevator into Hell, stick to the left wall. Make sure to stay to the left, or the final cutscene will trigger. You should come to a dead end with candles barely lighting a brick with the id logo in the centre. Click this brick and a wall will open to your left. Walk inside the room to find the id Software PDA containing "Thank You" emails from the staff. Source: GameFAQs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Martian Buddy [D3.06.08] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ When you progress in the game, you'll find mails about Martian Buddy. When you visit, you'll get the code 0508. Some cabinets in the game use this code, and will give you strong guns. These cabinets are found here, if you know more, please mail me. * Prior to the Alpha Labs, contains a Chaingun * At the end of Delta Labs 2, contains a BFG 9000. James told me the code has to do something with the original release date of Doom 3. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sites [D3.06.09] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Many know the site, but there are other sites that can be visited: - Martian Buddy - Union Aerospace Corporation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ iddqd [D3.06.10] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Open the console, and enter this code to get the message "your memory serves you well!". This also works with other Doom codes, but you get the idea. Source: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rude Marine [D3.06.11] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In the beginning, set the detail to high/ultra, and watch what the guy behind the desk is typing. "I would also like to add that this new transfer is exceedingly rude. He has hovered over me reading everything I type. Stop it." Source: RedDog418, Mikael ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Super Turbo Turkey Puncher 3 [D3.06.12] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ When you get a score of 25,000 or higher in Super Turbo Turkey Puncher 3 and you'll get a new mail. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Mail |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From: HR Coordinator | Subject: New High Score! | Date: 12-12-2145 | Body: | | Congratulations! You set a new high score in Super Turbo Turkey Puncher 3!!! | | Your parents can rest easier knowing that they have raised another shining | example of humanity. | | Due to the incredible amount of time you wasted punching poor defenseless | turkeys, your vacation time has been docked two days. | | Have a nice day. | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cabinet Codes & Door Codes [D3.06.13] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Apparantly people want a quick list, so fine, here it is. Martian Buddies 1 and 2 - 0508 #001 - 396 - Bullets #003 - 483 - Grenades, Cell, Armor, Clips #009 - 752 - Large Medkit, Armor, Grenades, Clip #013 - 586 - Grenades, Shells, Clip, Armor #017 - 347 - Shells, Clip, Armor, Large Medkit #023 - 531 - Armor, Shells, Large Medkit #038 - 409 - Armor, Clip, Grenades #039 - 102 - Clips, Armor #047 - 123 - Grenades, Clips #048 - 123 - Cells, Ammo Belt, Large Medkit #049 - 123 - Armor #054 - 246 - Grenades, Armor #054 (second) - 142 - Armor, Rockets, Grenades #063 - 972 - Plasma Gun, Cells, Small Medkit #064 - 651 - Armor, Clip, Cell #078 - 364 - Large Medkit, Clips, Grenades #079 - 364 - Large Medkit, Clips, Grenades #103 - 259 - Cell, Shells, Large Medkit #104 - 579 - Rockets, Armor, Ammo Belt #112 - 538 - Armor, Cells, Shotgun #114 - 715 - Backpack, Armor, Clip #116 - 972 - Large Medkit, Armor, Plasma Gun, BFG Cell #116 (second) - 624 - Shells, Bullets, Plasma Cell #117 - 624 - Armor, BFG Cell, Grenades #213 - 371 - Shells, Clip, Plasma Cells #21D - 298 - Armor, Rockets, Large Medkit, Grenades #317 - 841 - Armor, Rockets, Large Medkit, Clips, Bullets #386 - 836 - Clips, Large Medkit, Ammo Belt, Bullets #387 - 836 - Clip, Rocket, Grenades, Large Medkit, Armor #452 - 571 - Rocket Launcher, Rockets, Grenades #666 - 372 - Imp, Armor #669 - 468 - Grenades, Plasma Cells, Armor Weapons Storage (Mars City) - 584 Plasma Storage (EnPro) - 734 Monorail Airlock (Monorail) - 826 Storage 07 (Delta 2) - 725 Level 3 Access (Delta 2) - 463 Chief M. Abrams (Delta 2) - 931 CPU Lab A (Central Proc.) - 627 Source:, Planetdoom, UpSetChaps ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Soulcube on Nightmare [D3.06.14] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ When playing on Nightmare, you'll get the Soulcube from the beginning. You'll be able to first use it, when you reach the marine near the Airlock. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Unlock Nightmare [D3.06.15] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To unlock the Nightmare Difficulty, simply beat the game. Easy as that. You can also edit the baseDoomConfig.cfg and set seta g_nightmare "0" to seta g_nightmare "1". Also, you can cheat a bit through Nightmare: g_healthTakeLimit "25" - Set this to something else. This is how far you health will drop. g_healthTakeTime "5" - How much time will it take for your health to drop g_healthTakeAmt "5" - How much health will drop each time Source: IGN, Ryan, King Mortal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Demon Mail [D3.06.16] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Just before you are going to leave the Delta Labs, there is a console where you can download a mail from that is for the demons. ,-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Data |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | From:Research Archive | Subject: Valuable sacrificial pointers | Date: 11-16-2145 | | Our time is here! Soon the humans will suffer eternal torment as spoken of | in the prophecy. We will feast upon thier souls! | | While opening sacrificial portals, it is important to remember: | | - Virgin blood is best | - Goat blood must be no older than 3 days | - Entrails must be removed and apportioned either before death or no later | than 30 min | - Candles must be sorted by tallest in back to shortest in front - never the | other way around! | | Most important - pentagrams must be drawn from the center to the outside and | left to right. | `-PDA UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------ Source: IGN, Rampage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Skip Intro [D3.06.17] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you don't want to do the whole Mars City intro, turn around as soon as you start the level and run forward. You'll fall to your death and are able to restart the level, but without doing the intro. This means you will skip the Mars City Intro, and the Mars City Underground section, so you'll start at level 3. Damo mailed me you shouldn't do this in the Nightmare difficulty, because you won't get the Soulcube this way. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Face on Mars [D3.06.18] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Somewhere on Mars City, is a poster that says: "MARS DELTA LABS changing The Face of Mars UAC UNION AEROSPACE" In the little white space, is a face that looks like it's tilted 45 degrees. This refers to the face found on Mars. More information can be found here: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IDSPISPOPD [D3.06.19] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ When you have to select if you want to cancel or submit the transmission to Earth, some text will start to scroll. It'll show the old cheat "idspispopd. This is the noclip cheat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nigerian Scam [D3.06.20] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ There is a PDA in the game, that refers to a Nigerian scam. The mail in the PDA is from John Okonkwo. For more information, check this site: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Custom Flashlight, Music etc. [D3.06.21] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ All the data in Doom 3 is stored in .pk4-files. You can make your own flashlight, music etc., but using the following method. Once you have an empty .pk4 file to work with, create a folder named "lights" (without quotes). Grab the image you want to use and convert it to a .tga file (256 X 256 pixels is a good size). When you use the image it will be reversed, so mirror your image before saving it. Name the image flashlight6.tga, place it in the lights folder and make sure that folder goes in your .pk4 file. Then, rename the .pk4 file so it is the highest number in your Doom 3 directory. For example, if you have a pak005.pk4 file already, you will have to name your new flashlight texture file pak006.pk4 for it to take effect. Source: To create a .pk4 file, just use WinRAR, compress the file using the ZIP-method and rename it to .pk4 (I'm not helping you on that one, sorry, Google for more information yourself). Althought I didn't try it, I'm sure this'll work with music, textures etc. too. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Magazines [D3.06.22] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ There are various magazines to be found in the game, referring to games, movies and whatnot. * At the end of Sector 5 of the Delta Labs, there is a magazine called GameHOG. It features "DOOM Ultra-XL". * In the security office in Alpha Labs 2 there is a copy of the UA corp magazine lying on the desk. Featured on the front page is Milton's famous red swingline stapler - from the movie "Office Space". For more info: Source: ThePet, Mark ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QuakeCon [D3.06.23] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In the beginning in the cafeteria, in the news cast that is going on, you can watch it to find an egg relating to QuakeCon, just wait and watch the "ticker" (scrolling marquee text bar) at the bottom of the screen. Source: Keith ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Billy Goat Burgers [D3.06.24] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Keith also submitted there is a hamburger on the counter in the cafeteria called Billy Goat Burger, with a goat with the face of a pentragram. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pentagrams [D3.06.25] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This one also got submitted by Keith. If you watch the id logo in the beginning of the game in slow-motion (you can also watcht the trailer) you'll see the original Marine from Doom grinning, as if he would get a new weapon. Also, you'll be able to see the UAC logo, and a Dopefish in this pentagram, if you look properly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gorillas [D3.06.26] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This one is submitted by Keith too. In Alpha Labs Sector 4, are some orange containers. Use the noclip-cheat go get a good view on them and you can read "Contents: 12 Live Gorillas". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Artifact [D3.06.27] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Not sure why this one wasn't in my guide yet. Anyway, in the Site 3 level, you'll find an artifact that looks just like the original Doom cover, but this time DoomGuy is holding the Soul Cube. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Designers [D3.06.28] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Throughout the game, you'll be able to find the names of various designers on panels, or as persons. A few examples are Eric Webb, Steve Roscoe, Matt Hooper and Jerry Keehan. Check your manual and see if you can find more. ============================================================================== FAQ [D3.07.01] ============================================================================== Q: How does this Doom '95 cheat work? A: Honestly, I have no idea, but when I find out I'll let you all know. It seems the game DOES add it to your inventory, but you just can't use it. Brandon says that basically anything will be added to the inventory. You can also give the command "give dirt", and it'll add the unknown item dirt to your inventory. Actually there is a way to get this to work! I found it out today. Follow these steps careful: 1 - Go to the store. 2 - Look around for the Doom: Collector's Edition. If this fails, go to another store and repeat. 3 - Grab the box, go to the lady behind the desk. 4 - Put the box down, she won't destroy it, she'll give it back. 5 - Pay for it. 6 - Go home. 7 - Put the CD in your drive. 8 - You can now play Doom '95! Q: Was that sarcastic (someone really mailed me that!)? A: Yes, it was. Q: Where can I find the editor? A: Open the Doom executable with "+editor". So basically "Doom3.exe +editor" is how to open it. Be sure you get the in-game settings to 1024x768 or higher or else it'll be impossible to use it. Q: When I load up the game, I get the message "CD/DVD emulation software has been detected. Please disable all CD/DVD emulation software and re-start the game" A: If you have any CD emulation software installed, uninstall it first. Examples are CloneCD, Daemon-Tools and Alcohol 120%. If this doesn't work, and sometimes this happens, you'll have to crack the game. No help from my side on that though. JonDoogish provided me with a few hints that doesn't involve uninstalling. For Daemon-Tools: Right click the tray icon, select "Virtual CD/DVD-ROM", then "Set Number of Devices", and finally "Disable. For Clone-CD: Right click the tray icon, and deselect "Hide CDR Media" (So it has no checkbox next to it). For Alcohol 120%: Choose Options from the File menu, click Emulation on the left, uncheck all options on the right. Q: How does the avidemo cheat work? A: Digital Anomaly submitted this: "aviDemo is not a cheat command, it is a tool to convert recorded demos into .avi format. To test this out, set the avi output height and width using com_aviDemoHeight and com_aviDemoWidth. Try setting width to 640 and height to 480. Then type í¢â‚¬ËœaviDemo demo1í¢â‚¬â„¢ which will convert the existing demo1.demo into an avi file." You can record a demo-file using the recorddemo cheat. Q: In earlier level you can use panels to cut down the power in some areas, is this a waste of time, or is it used later in the game? A: I'm not sure, but I think it's just a waste of time. Q: What happens if I cancel or submit the transmission to earth in the Communications Tower? A: If you cancel it, the sergeant will be mad, plus Betruger will submit the transmission in the Recycling Sector 2 anyway. If you submit it, the sergeant will be happy, and Betruger won't have to submit it himself to create a living hell ;p Q: I'm getting motion sickness from playing the game, what can I do? A: Create a file called autoexec.cfg in the base-dir of Doom 3, and enter the following: seta pm_runbob "0" seta pm_runpitch "0" seta pm_runroll "0" seta pm_bobpitch "0" seta pm_bobroll "0" seta pm_bobup "0" seta pm_crouchbob "0" seta pm_walkbob "0" This should solve your problem. If it doesn't, you can also play in the third person mode, by using this command: seta pm_thirdPersonDeath "1" Q: Can I use my own custom resolutions? A: Yes, once again, make a file called autoexec.cfg in your base-dir of Doom 3 and enter the following: seta r_customHeight "..." seta r_customWidth "..." seta r_mode "-1" Obviously, replace ... with your own resolution. Q: How can I give my name a color in multiplayer? A: You can add ^number in front of your name. Here is a list of all the codes: ^1 = Red ^2 = Green ^3 = Yellow ^4 = Blue ^5 = Cyan ^6 = Magenta ^7 = White ^8 = Grey ^9 = Black Q: How can I make Doom 3 brighter? A: Ofcourse, you can turn up the brightness. You can also add these to the autoexec.cfg file: r_gamma (between 1 and 1.5) r_lightscale (between 2 and 4) Q: What are other scary games? A: A quick list would be Silent Hill, Resident Evil, System Shock 2, Undying, the Suffering, Alone in the Dark, AvP 2, Thief, Fatal Frame 2 and anything that involves Britney Spears. Q: How will the Xbox version be different? A: The first, most obvious aspect will be the control, graphics etc. I'm not sure if the console will work in the Xbox version, but I'm sure id Software will allow you to cheat. The thing you find more interesting will be the co-op mode, where people can join forces and fight evil together. You won't play the whole game, but you'll play more of a director's cut, which means you get to see the best parts of Single Player. Q: So for Single Player I can just use your guide, even if I use the Xbox version? A: You bet. Q: I'm Christian, can I play the game? A: I'm Christian myself, and have no problems with it. Sure, you'll see pentagrams, and a lot of other disturbing things, but why would that matter? You are fighting the evil forces, you aren't an evil force yourself, right? Q: The game is too scary, what can I do? A: First, the game isn't real. Keep that in mind. The Imps can't hurt you and the mighty Hellknight also isn't going to put its claws in you. You can also try these things: * Play when it's day * Play with the light on * Play with someone near you (that doesn't try to scare you =p) * Play with the sounds of (not recommended) * Play in small parts * Play it with the brightness all the way up Q: Where are my car keys? A: You tell me. ============================================================================== Tweaking (aka Speeding-up Doom 3) [D3.08.01] ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ General Tweaking [D3.08.02] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Before we are going to tweak Doom 3, first wonder yourself if it actually is needed, or possible. If you are running a low-end PC, and the game runs terrible because you just lack the hardware, it might not be that helpful. If you are running the latest system, and the speeds are already around 60 fps I don't think you need it either. But it's all up to you. Before playing with Doom 3 settings, however, you might want to check out these things: * Defrag your drive. This REALLY helps. Don't use the default Windows defragger, but use Diskeeper, for example. They do the job better and quicker. If you think this is not helpful, let me give an example. I have a Music dir on my PC, and opening took about 10 seconds. I defragged my drive, and suddenly it opened in a flash. * Kill processes not needed. You are running Doom 3, do you need WinAmp, Word and mIRC open? Most likely not. So kill these apps, they will free more memory and CPU power for Doom 3. * Overclocking could be an answer, but if you don't know what you are doing I don't recommend this. Google for it if you want more info. I don't want to get angry mails for giving wrong or incomplete info. * Make sure your drivers are up-to-date. Video-card, sound-card, and even your motherboard, if you know how to do that without breaking stuff. Also update DirectX. Note that ATI released beta-drivers to boost the performance of the game with about 7 fps. * You are using a low-end system. Is it smart to set the settings to high? It most certainly isn't. If you want to see those nice dynamic shadows and fire effects, buy a better video-card/CPU. Set things to low, see how it works. Turn advanced options off, see how it works. Just try it out until it works like you want it to work. * Re-format Windows, yet this could work, but it's most likely more work than is needed. For more hints, visit Try the following tweaks step by step, see if you like it, and then try another one, or leave it. Don't do them all together, you won't notice what works and what won't. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Unpacking .PK4-files [D3.08.03] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I read about this all over the Internet, so I tried to do this. 1) Go into your base dir and locate the .PK4-files 2) Open them one by one in WinRAR, and extract them in the base dir. Note this will take 3 GB extra space! 3) Move the .PK4-files away. I don't suggest deleting them, but just move them away, or the game will use the files anyway. 4) Now run the game. Maybe it was me, but it didn't work that great for me; | Before | After | ------------------------------- Loading Time | 120 | 150 | FPS | 20/30 | 40 | ------------------------------- Note you can't play Multi-player this way, because that required the .PK4-files. You can fix this by moving them back though. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Editing config-file [D3.08.04] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You can edit the doomconfig.cfg file and change the following things to make the game run better: seta image_useCache "1" seta image_cacheMegs "xxx" 29.2 FPS Medium tweaks, shadows on -> 23.6 FPS Lowest tweaks, shadows off -> 28.8 FPS (my video-card doesn't like all those low settings it seems =) My PC isn't a beast, as you can see at the FPS, and getting 60 FPS is what you should be aiming for. To see your FPS, do the following: 1. Access the console (ctrl + alt + ~) 2. Give the command "timedemo demo1 usecache" (without quotes) 3. When it's done, write down the FPS and tweak a bit if you want To enter the tweaks, create a file called autoexec.cfg in your base-dir of Doom 3. Then enter the following (ofcourse, use the proper tweaks): 64MB Video-Cards: seta image_usePrecompressedTextures "1" seta image_useCompression "1" seta image_downSizeLimit "256" seta image_ignoreHighQuality "1" seta image_downSizeBumpLimit "256" seta image_downSizeSpecularLimit "64" seta image_downSizeBump "1" seta image_downSizeSpecular "1" seta image_downSize "1" seta image_forceDownSize "1" seta image_roundDown "1" seta image_lodbias "0" seta r_preload "1" seta r_useCachedDynamicModels "1" seta r_skipBump "0" seta r_skipPostProcess "0" seta r_skipParticles "0" seta r_skipSpecular "0" seta r_skipNewAmbient "1" seta r_multiSamples "0" seta r_shadows "0" seta r_useOptimizedShadows "1" seta r_useTurboShadow "1" seta g_projectilelights "1" seta g_bloodEffects "1" seta g_decals "0" seta g_showBrass "0" seta g_muzzleFlash "1" seta g_doublevision "0" seta g_showPlayerShadow "0" seta image_anisotropy "1" seta image_filter "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST" 128MB Video-Cards: seta image_usePrecompressedTextures "1" seta image_useCompression "1" seta image_downSizeLimit "512" seta image_ignoreHighQuality "1" seta image_downSizeBumpLimit "512" seta image_downSizeSpecularLimit "128" seta image_downSizeBump "1" seta image_downSizeSpecular "1" seta image_downSize "1" seta image_forceDownSize "1" seta image_roundDown "1" seta image_lodbias "0" seta r_preload "1" seta r_useCachedDynamicModels "1" seta r_skipBump "0" seta r_skipPostProcess "0" seta r_skipParticles "0" seta r_skipSpecular "0" seta r_skipNewAmbient "1" seta r_multiSamples "0" seta r_shadows "0" seta r_useOptimizedShadows "1" seta r_useTurboShadow "1" seta g_projectilelights "1" seta g_bloodEffects "1" seta g_decals "0" seta g_showBrass "0" seta g_muzzleFlash "1" seta g_doublevision "0" seta g_showPlayerShadow "0" seta image_anisotropy "1" seta image_filter "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST" 256MB Video-Cards: seta image_usePrecompressedTextures "1" seta image_useCompression "1" seta image_downSizeLimit "1024" seta image_ignoreHighQuality "1" seta image_downSizeBumpLimit "1024" seta image_downSizeSpecularLimit "256" seta image_downSizeBump "1" seta image_downSizeSpecular "1" seta image_downSize "1" seta image_forceDownSize "1" seta image_roundDown "1" seta image_lodbias "0" seta r_preload "1" seta r_useCachedDynamicModels "1" seta r_skipBump "0" seta r_skipPostProcess "0" seta r_skipParticles "0" seta r_skipSpecular "0" seta r_skipNewAmbient "1" seta r_multiSamples "0" seta r_shadows "0" //NOTE seta r_useOptimizedShadows "1" seta r_useTurboShadow "1" seta g_projectilelights "1" seta g_bloodEffects "1" seta g_decals "0" seta g_showBrass "0" seta g_muzzleFlash "1" seta g_doublevision "0" seta g_showPlayerShadow "0" seta image_anisotropy "1" seta image_filter "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST" For more tweaks, which go much more in-depth, just visit: ============================================================================== Compare Dooms [D3.09.01] ============================================================================== This just looked like fun to do ;p | Ultimate Doom | Doom 2 | Final Doom | Doom 3 | ----------|---------------|------------|------------|-------------| Levels | 36 | 32 | 64 * | 27 | Weapons | 9 | 9 | 9 | 11 * | Monsters | 17 | 21 | 17 | 27 * | ----------|---------------|------------|------------|-------------| ============================================================================== Modifications [D3.10.01] ============================================================================== Just to make sure, I'm not going to make a list of every mod out there for Doom. That'll take too much time, and some mods are just so bad it'll be waste of time. To use/install a mod, follow these simple steps: 1. Extract the file into a new dir of your Doom 3 dir (for example, if you are using c:doom3 for Doom 3, install a mod to c:doom3modname) 2. Run the game, click on "mods" and select the mod, the game will restart. 3. The mod will work now. If you want to play the original Doom 3 again, just select the "doom3" mod in the mod-list. ============================================================================== Conclusion [D3.11.01] ============================================================================== I hope you enjoyed my guide, since I put a lot of work in it. If you encounter problems, feel free to mail me. Also suggestions, feedback, comment etc. are accepted, the mail addy is on top of this file. I wrote this guide using 2 computers; on one I played the game, on the other I wrote the guide while playing. Also this guide is made using TextPad, many help from other players, a lot of adrenalin, the love from my girlfriend and music. Thanks-list: Cheats/Secrets: GameFAQs, Bill, Brian, Type6, Brandon, RedDog418, flech, madsniper Tweaks: Chris, Rgoer, Dan, Olafski (Spelling) Mistakes: Cobra, Erik, Skippy, Type6, Ray, Joyrider, Omlette, WhiteDevil, Matt, Robert, Olafski, Paul, Clarence, Dan, Scott, Julian, Slime Bucket, Kevin, DaStinger, SiGARMS, Daniel, Minas, Sam, Mikael, Mark Additional Info: Erik, Krayzie, miikrr, Synnustr, Seraphim, Luis, Daniel, Czar, James, Nils, Lyta, Henry, Veech, JonDoogish, Skywalker, Hannover_Phist, Catbert, Mike, Minas, killer_storm, Verdict, Larzuk, Digital Anomaly, Tormozko, Poost, Slava Ozonov, Sean, Damo, Death, Tormozko, Malice DR, ThePet, Minas, Keith, Reinheld, Bernd, Aleoi, Rampage, ZZ, Barboelsch, Jeff, Natch20, Dave, Waldo, HTH, BK, Kaleva, J Marler, Ryan, Legion, Ryan, King Mortal And especially you, for reading this. For other guides, you can check this link: ============================================================================== "Good eye, sniper I shoot, you run The words you scribbled on the walls With the loss of friends you didn't have I called you and the time is right Are you in or are you out? For them all to know the end of us all" ~ Coheed and Cambria - A Favor House Atlantic "I thought you'd come back, at least I prayed the romance has been dead for years but I've been too afraid to dig the grave relief support never came" ~ UnderOATH - When the Sun Sleeps "I know the pieces fit cuz I watched them fall away Mildewed and smoldering. Fundamental differing. Pure intention juxtaposed will set two lovers souls in motion Disintegrating as it goes testing our communication The light that fueled our fire then has burned a hole between us so We cannot see to reach an end crippling our communication." ~ TooL - Schism ============================================================================== Copyright (c) 2004 by Grawl. All rights reserved. Extra special thanks to Revolution reader Grawl!
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