At main menu, type NUMBERONEDACRESTREET. You will now have access to several cheat options.
Now during play type (case sensitive):
FLATBROKE Turns off shading FLYMETOTHEMOON Racing on the moon GOURAUD Turns on gouraud shading HAVEALL All items INFINITELIVES Infinite lives (duh!) INFINITEWEAPONS Infinite weapons (that was a tough one!) MASTEROFTHEUNIVERSE Toggles textures OLDMACDONALD Protect farm from jumping cows SOLIDASAROCK Invincibility SUPERDAISY One shot kills WHATSTHEPOINT Dot texture mode WIREWEWAITING Textures off
Thanks to Revolution readers Tim “Cloud 99”, Wilmar Luna, Randy Russo, boris
of S.M.S, Joí£o Pedro, Luis Miguel, Erik Sanchez, and Robbert Uges!