Klingon Honor Guard PC Cheats

Klingon Honor Guard


Type in the following codes at the console (press ~ to enter the console). After typing in a code, press Enter, then exit the console.

AllAmmo		  Full ammunition
Fly		      Fly Mode
Ghost		  No clipping/Walk through walls
God		      God Mode
Invisible 1/0	Invisibility - 1 activates, 0 deactivates
Open XXXXXX	  Level Skip - Replace XXXXXX with any map name
Walk		  Turn off Ghost or Fly modes

behindview 1 External view behindview 0 Normal view flush Reset bad textures on walls or creatures hideactors Hide all monsters, weapons, and items showactors Show all monsters, weapons, and items killall XXX Kill selected monsters killpawns XXX Kill all monsters open Level or server select playersonly Disable timer slomo Set game speed (1 is normal) summon Summon weapon, item, or monster1 suicide Suicide Disable timer playersonly Set game speed (1 is normal) slomo Summon weapon, item, or monster1 summon Suicide suicide Walk mode; resets no clipping and flight modes walk Activates currently selected item in inventory activateitem SUMMON KLINGONS.XXXXXXX To summon weapons, items, or enemies, replace XXXXXX with any of the following names: AndorianBabe AndorianCaptain AndorianGrunt AndorianThress AntiGravBelt AssaultDisruptor AttackDroid AttackDroid1 AttackDroid2 Bat'leth B'Etor BigBoxAlien BigBoxKlingon BirdOfPrey BireQT BloodWine CargoShip CipherKey CombatArmor CombatGoggles Communicator D'kTagh DilithiumCell DWCaptain DWGrunt FlashGrenade Gagh GeneticKey GrenadeLauncher HERocketCase HGCaptain HGGrunt IceFish Korek Krax Lethian Lursa MagBoots MediKit MediPatch Nausican PalmKey ParticleCannon PasscardKey RetinalKey Ro'peD RPBeast RPCaptain RPGrunt SithHar SpinClaw StealthSuit TallBoxAlien TallBoxKlingon TarChop Targ Tricorder VacSuit Warden



Thanks to Revolution readers Duk'lah B'en-olin ar'g!

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