No One Lives Forever Walkthrough
-------------------- NO ONE LIVES FOREVER -------------------- - Quick & Dirty Walkthrough V2.0 - by Guiler (J Novakouski - with lots of help from Robo Chop ( special thanks to Frantic Jack ( for finding and typing up the list of intelligence items! This guide may be reproduced only with my permission, for non-profit purposes only. If you would like to post a copy of this on your fansite, email me at In addition, if you do so, I will automatically send you any updates I have made. THE OPERATIVE: NO ONE LIVES FOREVER is (c) 2000 Monolith This is by no means complete, but it ought to help you beat the game. If you know of something that I don't, drop me a line at and I'll credit it you for it. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS FAQ DOES -NOT- COVER THE PS2 VERSION OR THE GAME-OF-THE-YEAR VERSION. I HAVE -NOT- PLAYED EITHER OF THOSE VERSIONS. I GET ABOUT 5 EMAILS A WEEK ABOUT HOW THERE IS NO COIN IN THE PS2 VERSION, AND HOW THERE IS AN EXTRA LEVEL AT THE END OF THE GAME, OR ASKING HOW TO GET THROUGH THE 'NINE YEARS AGO' LEVEL. I HAVE NOT PLAYED THESE VERSIONS. I DON'T KNOW ABOUT THEM. PLEASE DON'T ASK ME. THANK YOU. TABLE OF CONTENTS: -Version History -Walkthrough -Other Stuff VERSION HISTORY: Version 1.0--through Safecracker Scene 6 (11/19/2000) Version 1.1--added Rescue Attempt through Alpine Intrigue, Scene 2 (11/19/2000) Version 1.2--added Alpine Intrigue, Scene 3 through the end (11/20/2000) Version 1.3--various updates, corrections, first batch of email (11/27/2000) Version 1.4--various updates, corrections, 2nd batch of email (11/30/2000) Version 1.5--various updates, corrections, 3rd batch of email (12/3/2000) Version 1.6--various updates, corrections, 4th batch of email (12/13/2000) Version 1.7--updates, complete list of intel items (1/8/2001) Version 1.8--updates (5/28/2001) Version 1.9--updates (10/14/2001) Version 1.95--updates (12/17/2001) version 2.0--updates (11/25/2002) WALKTHROUGH: 0.1 Notes 1.1 MISFORTUNE IN MOROCCO, SCENE 1 1.2 MISFORTUNE IN MOROCCO, SCENE 2 1.3 MISFORTUNE IN MOROCCO, SCENE 3 1.4 MISFORTUNE IN MOROCCO, SCENE 4 2.1 BERLIN BY NIGHT, SCENE 1 2.2 BERLIN BY NIGHT, SCENE 2 2.3 BERLIN BY NIGHT, SCENE 3 3.1 UNEXPECTED TURBULENCE, SCENE 1 3.2 UNEXPECTED TURBULENCE, SCENE 2 4.1 RENDEZVOUS IN HAMBURG, SCENE 1 4.2 RENDEZVOUS IN HAMBURG, SCENE 2 5.1 A TENUOUS LEAD, SCENE 1 5.2 A TENUOUS LEAD, SCENE 2 5.3 A TENUOUS LEAD, SCENE 3 5.4 A TENUOUS LEAD, SCENE 4 5.5 A TENUOUS LEAD, SCENE 5 6.1 THE DIVE, SCENE 1 6.2 THE DIVE, SCENE 2 6.3 THE DIVE, SCENE 3 7.1 A MAN OF INFLUENCE, SCENE 1 7.2 A MAN OF INFLUENCE, SCENE 2 7.3 A MAN OF INFLUENCE, SCENE 3 8.1 SAFECRACKER, SCENE 1 8.2 SAFECRACKER, SCENE 2 8.3 SAFECRACKER, SCENE 3 8.4 SAFECRACKER, SCENE 4 8.5 SAFECRACKER, SCENE 5 8.6 SAFECRACKER, SCENE 6 9.1 RESCUE ATTEMPT, SCENE 1 9.2 RESCUE ATTEMPT, SCENE 2 9.3 RESCUE ATTEMPT, SCENE 3 10.1 TROUBLE IN THE TROPICS, SCENE 1 10.2 TROUBLE IN THE TROPICS, SCENE 2 10.3 TROUBLE IN THE TROPICS, SCENE 3 10.4 TROUBLE IN THE TROPICS, SCENE 4 11.1 LOW EARTH ORBIT, SCENE 1 11.2 LOW EARTH ORBIT, SCENE 2 12.1 ALPINE INTRIGUE, SCENE 1 12.2 ALPINE INTRIGUE, SCENE 2 12.3 ALPINE INTRIGUE, SCENE 3 12.4 ALPINE INTRIGUE, SCENE 4 13.1 THE INDOMITABLE CATE ARCHER, SCENE 1 13.2 THE INDOMITABLE CATE ARCHER, SCENE 2 13.3 THE INDOMITABLE CATE ARCHER, SCENE 3 13.4 THE INDOMITABLE CATE ARCHER, SCENE 4 14.1 A VERY LARGE EXPLOSION, SCENE 1 14.2 A VERY LARGE EXPLOSION, SCENE 2 15.1 SUCH IS THE NATURE OF REVENGE, SCENE 1 15.2 SUCH IS THE NATURE OF REVENGE, SCENE 2 16.1 OTHER STUFF 16.2 INTELLIGENCE ITEMS 0.1 NOTE -------- It has come to my attention through various emails and communication, as well as replaying the game, that the location of key items changes each time you play the level. In Berlin, for example, the charges can and will be in different locations. I am playing the game to find as many possible locations for these charges as i can, but i will not be able to find them all; i am only one person. If you've found a key item like a charge in Berlin, a barrel on the cargo ship, any miscellaneous intelligence item (they are randomized throughout the whole game), a codebreaker, a lighter, or any other piece of equipment in a different place that i have found them, or in a place i have not even looked, please feel free to email me. I will give you appropriate credit and put it in the walkthrough. Thanks for everyone's help! I am also working hard to get 100% completeness on all the intelligence items, but as they are in different locations each time you play, this is a real trick! A special thanks to all those who sent me additions to the walkthrough. These people include (alphabetically): Kirk Bratvold (, C&V Caudwell, Mike Fay (, Frantic Jack (, James Garfield (, Brian Gerona (, jrdepriest (, Charles Koeller (, David Kramer (, Nicke Lekselius (, Marvin Long, Jr. ( Morris Maduro (, Christian Malbeuf (, Jake Martinez (, Peo ( "Redi Fuse" (, Adam Reuter ( Robo Chop (, Kerry Shireman (, and Smith ( Stoney Stonehenge ( Thanks and keep the info flowing! If you'd like to send in information to be added to the walkthrough, send it to ( An extra special thanks to the guys at Monolith who slaved for over a year to bring us this awesome game. Monolith, you rock. Announce the sequel, and i'll preorder it 2 years in advance :) 1.1 MISFORTUNE IN MOROCCO, SCENE 1 ---------------------------------- 'Where's the fun in that?' You have to shoot a bunch of assassins as they try and hit the civilian target. If you're nervous, ask Bruno to call out the shots for you. If you're cocky, tell him not to. When done, grab the ENVELOPE on the desk and the AMMO BOX and open the door. Go down the hallway and around the balcony, down the stairs. FUNNY CONVERSATION: audible from the balcony. There's also a LETTER on the far end of the balcony from the stairs. Note the window in the courtyard. Above it is a hook that you can later use the belt hook shot to get into. Don't use the window ledge next to it; it'll break on you. Up in the room is an ENVELOPE on the dresser. When you come out the door, you find you're in the room that the guy locked himself out of. Now, I've gotten a lot of emails about 'where do I get the belt hook shot thing?'. The answer is: you *cannot* get it the first time through. Later on, once you get to 'The Dive', you'll get it, and from that point on it will be considered 'unlocked'. You can then replay this mission and choose it as optional equipment. ----1.8---- suggests: In mission 1.1 "Misfortune in Morocco", you can get into the open window (above the courtyard where the guys are talking about the American Girl) without the belt hook. Go to the balcony that is closest to the open window, and jump up on the ledge (save before doing this). From there, you can jump to the windowsill, and go into the room. That way, you get it all done on the first try. ----1.95---- Go through the door on the ground level and down the hall to Apt 12. Make sure to open both windows. You'll now have to shoot a bunch of thugs who will try and get you through the door/wood panelling. Switch to your pistol or an automatic you might have and hide behind the upturned bench for cover. Before you leave, grab the FOLDER under the desk. Hopefully you got the AMMO BOX on the way in. Go back to the courtyard and leave via the 2 blue double doors. They are unlocked now. 1.2 MISFORTUNE IN MOROCCO, SCENE 2 ---------------------------------- 'You look like you need a monkey.' FUNNY CONVERSATION: audible from the starting position, about a monkey. Kill the guy here, quietly if you can. Hopefully the other guards will not notice. However, it is likely they will. Here is where you learn a painful lesson: enemies can shoot through gates and fences, and YOU, for the most part, cannot. So either pick the lock, or shoot it off. Make sure you grab the NOTE tacked to the wall next to the gate. Kirk Bratvold ( writes in: At the beginning, it's actually easier if you pick the lock BEFORE you kill the guy who is talking to the monkey salesman. This way, you can kill both enemies without having to worry about trying to shoot through the gate. --------- Go into the hotel via the rusted blue door. The hotel is circular in nature, so going right or left won't make much of a difference. Let us, for sake of being arbitrary, go right. FUNNY CONVERSATION: talk to the man standing next to the woman in the blue dress. Use the barrette to pick the lock on the door here. Go in and take the DOSSIER on the shelf. Follow the hall around to room 101, where you can find a LETTER hidden under the bed. There may be armor in room 103. Go past the toilette, past the girl at the soda machine, and halfway up the stairs. From here you should be able to hear another FUNNY CONVERSATION. Continue up the stairs and kill the guy in the red jacket. Go into room 204 and get the LETTER on the dresser next to the TV. There may be body armor in room 203. Get over to the balcony and over the railing. It's tough, but try to jump to the wooden ledge to the right. From there you can open the window to a locked hotel room. There is a BRIEFCASE inside. To continue on, go into the hallway between rooms 203 and 204. Go past the balcony into the patio. Grab the ENVELOPE on the bar. Continue past this to a courtyard. There is one guard leaning against a post, another patrolling at the far end of the courtyard, and a third with a submachinegun in the right tower. You can get the last one with the sniper rifle. Go past the courtyard. Head a little right, but not around the corner. FUNNY CONVERSATION. Shoot the guy, and then go over to the desk and get the FOLDER on the desk. Go through the hall past the desk and into the waiting room with the people. Get the DOSSIER near the guy at the window with the blue shirt. Now head toward the hall entrance; FUNNY CONVERSATION. Shoot the 2 guards and get the BRIEFCASE on the ice machine. Continue down the hall into the next courtyard-type-hall-thing. Shoot the 2 guards there. Grab the FOLDER on the bench surrounding the central plant and the BRIEFCASE behind the luggage cart. Note that there may be guards on the balcony above the central plant/bench area. Go through the open doorway and go right. Talk to the purple girl thrice; you'll get her to amuse the guards. Listen in for a FUNNY CONVERSATION. Then, go left and shoot the guard that patrols out the door with a sniper rifle (he is not always there). Get the FOLDER on one of the patio tables. Go in the door at the end of the patio/courtyard and down the hall with 2 guards. Proceed to the elevator room, and past it. Go straight at the T intersection. Note that there may be armor on the left. Follow the carpet until you see Bruno. This next part is a tough as you have to get to the guards and shoot them before they shoot the hostages. When possible, use the sniper rifle. Go over to the window and get the NOTE against the wall. You can return later and use the sunglasses to photograph the book. Return to the elevator room, shoot the guards, and disarm the bomb on the elevator door. Continue down the hall, shoot more guards, and disarm the next bomb on the conference room door. Quickly turn the corner and shoot the two guards before they murder the civilian. Continue back to the room with the guys standing next to the elevators and the luggage cart. There are more thugs and another bomb. Go further back and you will find 4 thugs trying to kill a guy. Wax 'em and go back towards the tourist desk and disarm the bomb near the phones. Go back into the courtyard; 2 more thugs and a civvie. Keep going back into the halls with the guest rooms in them (201, 202, etc) and you'll come across 2 more sets of thugs and civilians. Once you save them both, the level ends. 1.3 MISFORTUNE IN MOROCCO, SCENE 3 ---------------------------------- 'Oh! You are a horrible person!' Shoot all the thugs and go into the exit on the opposite end of the court- yard. Get the armor and DOSSIER on the bench there. Head right, past the sign, down the stairs, and get in a gunfight with the 5 or so guards there in the courtyard; or not, if you can sneak. Head towards the red door, and then around the corner. Go around the next corner towards the palm tree. FUNNY CONVERSATION audible from the balcony, about a monkey. Go around the balcony, left, and down the stairs near the blue columns, into the building. Head right, through the room with the carpet, out the other end of the building, and take another right. Note that there may be armor on the bench near the exit of this building. Get to the top of the ramp and go right, onto the wooden balcony. In the plants by the double doors can be found a LETTER. Then go back to the top of the ramp and towards the blue telephones sign in the building. Go in and grab the ENVELOPE under the telephone. Continue around, past the urn, to another room with a FOLDER on the floor. Go out of the building by going to the end of the hall past this room and jump across the gap to the armor by the melons. Find the LETTER under the table to the left on this porch. Cross the bridge to the other patio and find the DOSSIER under the table there. Head back down to the street, where the monkey guy is. Head up the dirt ramp near the monkey guy, go around the corner, and take a right onto the plank bridge. Up the ramp, and take a right. There are guards and a BRIEFCASE. Go through the next courtyard and up to where the guy knocks over the table. Go past this to the next courtyard and head left to the blue doors. Be careful, as the room has a couple guards in it. Go into the room, and be aware that there is a guy hiding behind the crates to the right. Get the FOLDER, body armor, and DOSSIER in this room. Continue on through the doorless doorway out onto the balcony on the left, and see if you can snipe some guys from here. When done, continue on down the hall that runs along the balcony and down to the street. Go down the stairs to the market stall to get the armor, and then dive into the water. Go along the canal. When you reach the end, go underwater and go right. Go all the way to the end of this canal, and get off on the right side to get a BLUEPRINT and an AMMO BOX. Go back up to the main courtyard and cross the broken bridge. Choose to capture the thug to get a FUNNY CONVERSATION. Just ask him nicely 3 times. Or, you can torture him. It makes little difference. 1.4 MISFORTUNE IN MOROCCO, SCENE 4 ---------------------------------- 'I will kill any man she leaves alive.' You start out at the far end of a field. Snipe some of the bad guys while you can. For fun, aim for the gas tank of the car. Go up to the tent to get an AMMO BOX. Then head left into the valley. When you see the next tent, snipe the guy in it if he's there. Then find the tent in the ruins on your right and get the ENVELOPE within. A car will pull up. Shoot the guy, or wait until he hits his own gas tank. There's body armor in a largish room nearby. Continue down the valley, past the minefield unless you have mine detector glasses. Out by the van in the minefield is a FIRE EXTINGUISHER, an AMMO BOX, and a BRIEFCASE. If you don't have the sunglasses, you can still get out there by going carefully along the left edge of the minefield. Good luck. Note that there is a NOTE tacked to the sign at the minefield gate. At the end of the valley is a large palace. The best way to get in is by falling down the well hole nearby. Fall into the water and then swim to the landing and wax the guy with the submachinegun. Get the LETTER at the bottom of the pool. Another guy will come down the stairs, so be ready for him. Follow the path to the top of the stairs. Go down the hall past the door to hear a quick FUNNY CONVERSATION. Go up, shoot the guys, and get the BRIEFCASE behind the chair. It may instead be by the open crate. Then, go back down the stairs to the door and through it. Get the DOSSIER on top of the crates. Cross the courtyard, watching for guards (there are many) to the locked door on the other side. Open it to get an AMMO BOX and body armor. Leave the storage room and head right, down the hallway, quietly. Listen for a FUNNY CONVERSATION, and one guard will actually kill another. Then you can ambush him. Cross this next courtyard and get the ENVELOPE under the tree. Head into either of the doors here; they lead to the same place. Go down the ramp to the gate and open it. Go behind the machine to get a BRIEFCASE. Go up the stairs for a FUNNY CONVERSATION. Wax the 2 guards and grab the LETTER on the balcony railing. Now either go back the way you came and down the hallway past the stairs to the courtyard, continue to the other side and then down the stairs on that side to the courtyard. Either way, you must go into the courtyard and leave via the doorway that is to your left as you face the gate. There's going to be one guard on your immediate left and 3 to the room on the right. When done, head right and out onto the balcony. Mission ends. 2.1 BERLIN BY NIGHT, SCENE 1 ---------------------------- 'Why must i be made to say such idiotic things?' Check below for Robo Chop's alternate Walkthrough for this level. Find your first contact somewhere out on the street. He's wearing a tan jacket. Then head for the payphone which is to the left of the guard house. Get the FOLDER there. Go into the building with the woman standing outside. Ring room 205. Go up the elevator, and knock on the door. Get the folder that is stuck under the door and then go back down to the street, and back into the alley near where you started. Go down the stairs to the bar and meet the guy there. Now go to the gate and talk to the guard. Before you go through the gate, grab the LETTER on the cabinet. Sneak into the compound and listen to the FUNNY CONVERSATION there. Wait for them to finish and separate, and then shoot one of them (hopefully without leaving the body in camera-shot). The garage should open and issue forth some guards. When you've dealt with them, go through the garage to the other side. If this does not happen, head over to the hatch on the left side on the patch of grass. Open or shoot the lock and go down. Follow it to the end, and then go up the ladder. Go to the little shack here and try and shoot the guy before he sets off the alarm, but don't leave the body in sight of the camera inside. Good freaking luck! After many many tries, i managed to do this once. Open the gate by pulling the lever here. Regarding this, Nicke Lekselius ( writes: You had trouble killing the guard by the gateswitch without setting of the alarm in Berlin by Night("Good freaking luck! I've yet to do this without setting off the alarm. "). Here's how I did: Open the door and move out of sight. Throw a coin away from the door and wait for the guard to come out, make sure he doesnt see you. He will search for the coin with the back to you. Take him out your favourite way, sneak in and open the gate! ------------------ Also, Kerry Shireman ( writes: Hey, I liked your FAQ on No One Lives Forever. I had a comment about Berlin by Night, Scene 1. It's about killing the guard in the shack to open the inside gate after you go through the tunnel. It is possible to kill him before he sets the alarm off and without the camera seeing his body. The first thing I do after coming out of the tunnel is pick off the tower guard across the way with my silenced 9mm. Then I open the door to the guard shack, barely crossing the threshold so he'll discover me. He goes apesh*t and runs for the alarm without drawing his weapon. Then I shoot him just as he gets to the alarm buzzer, but (obviously) before he trips it. I've been able to consistently kill him without setting off the alarm by doing it this way. The funny thing is the camera pans across where he lays. Who cares, it works! Even though I've been able to get through that piece undetected, it's still impossible to get through scene one without setting off the alarm. I can get pretty far though. After killing the guard in the shack and opening the gate, the ground guards inside the gate know where I'm at. I typically run back and take cover behind the fencing by the generator to the left of the tunnel exit. This draws fire from pretty much everyone. The action will draw both ground guards on the inside of the gate to go around to the outside of the gate, through the garage door and out the back door running right behind the two guards who hang out in the garage. All this and none of them ever trip the alarm. They just come out lined up like ducks. After the duck shoot I go back out through the garage, come back around to face the recently opened gate and stand about thirty yards in front of the gate entrance. I then take out the far tower guard directly in front of me. This is as far as I can get without tripping the alarm. After this is the last two tower guards and something like 4 ground guards and the 3 penned dogs. As soon as the next tower guard around the corner sees me, the alarm goes off every single frickin time. I have found NO way around it, but I just started playing the game so maybe I'll revisit it sometime. ---------------------------------------------------------------- James Garfield ( adds: You did ask for suggestions/additions, however, and I noticed that in Berlin by Night, Scene 1 you mention shooting the guard in the shack and not being able to do it w/out setting off the alarm. I happened to get lucky and work out a solution: 1)Position yourself to the right of the door (as you face it from outside) and crouch. 2)Toss a coin down the concrete walkway back towards the door to the garage. 3)The guard will slowly walk out the door in "suspicious" mode. You must shoot him after he leaves the doorway but before he reaches the edge of the opened door. One shot in the head. Inside the doorway, his body will set off the alarm. Too far down the walkway the other guards will be able to see his body and will get quite wise to your presence. It has worked for me now half a dozen times. -------------------------------------------- Christian Malbeuf ( writes: I know what you mean about that guard in the small guardhouse. If you want to get him without the camera spotting the body, simply walk on the concrete walkway in front of his door to get his attention ("What was that?"). Then stick to the garage wall and throw a coin in front of the door. He will actually open it and come out to investigate. One shot to the head. No noise. No cam. Also, the two guards at the very beginning of the mission can be dispatched with a simple throw of an explosive lipstick. They are killed where they stand, out of the camera's sight, and the garage guards somehow don't hear the explosion. --------------------------------- David Kramer ( adds: I noticed in your walkthrough that you & a bunch of people have had trouble with the guard in the guardhouse on Berlin by Night, Scene 1. I had some difficulty in the beginning, but now I can get him out of the guardhouse every time, and I've been able to kill him without anyone else being alerted. I didn't take the coins on the mission, so I thought I was screwed, but then I tried flashing the flashlight briefly at the window in the door ONLY. Works like a charm. Now I do it crouched from the far corner partially covered by the fence or the stairwell, and can usually double tap him before he can shoot. (sometimes not, and then I get spotted). ----1.9---- Back to the place at hand, the guard shack... Proceed back around through the garage to the gate and through it. Follow the street until it comes to a gate. Go in the door by the gate. Get the LETTER on the table there and into the office behind it, where you can get an AMMO BOX and turn off security by hitting that big red button. Go around through the back door, and shoot the guards and the guards in the tower with the spotlights. Then head to the gate in between. Update on this scene! I actually managed to get through the whole thing without setting off the alarm once! I did get the 'exciting music' once at the end when i shot one of the guards and his buddy came to cover him, but i didn't get in any spotlights and had no bullets fired at me. So it can be done (on super spy no less)! But it isn't easy. That quarter trick took me 10 tries and i finally shot the guy by the gate with the Hampton Carbine because i couldn't get the timing of 3 rounds right. ROBO CHOP'S ALTERNATE WALKTHROUGH for BERLIN, SCENE 1 Robo Chop ( writes in: After you bribe the guard and enter the main gate, the two patrolling guards begin their funny conversation. Both guards are standing by the van. They will begin their patrols once the conversation is over. I use this diversion to get to the hatch. I watch the camera until it starts panning away from me. I then creep along the edge of the outer wall until I get to the end. I then hide in the corner next to the building. The guards will still be conversing. The van and the guards are between me and the camera. I then wait for the camera to pan around again. I then sneak along the edge of the building with the van between me and the guards. I watch the second street corner camera before picking the lock to the hatch area. Speed is critical but the operation is not that difficult to do. Slipping past the third camera (in the hatch area) is not that difficult either. I then hop down the hatch. Leaving the hatches open in this Scene apparently has no effect on the guards. By the time you are in the underground pipe (the same one discussed in the first intelligence item of the scene) the guards have finished their funny conversation and have begun patrolling. At the end of the underground pipe, I pop up in another grassy area. I go directly to the gate house. I crouch next to the right side of the door. I pull out a coin. While crouched down, I open the door. (The door blocks the vision of the camera). Although the guard faces the door nothing happens because he doesn't see me. I then toss the coin on the path leading to the gate house. I quickly change to the silenced pistol. He comes completely out of the gatehouse to check the noise. I pop him with 3 silenced bullets. The camera doesn't see him because his body is completely outside the gatehouse. I sneak into the gatehouse and hide under the camera until it pans away from the gate switch. I then hit the gate switch and hide under the camera again. When it pans away from the door I sneak out. I then travel along the path back to the hatch. Halfway to the hatch I stop and face the gatehouse. You can see the tall guard tower which is located behind the gatehouse. I take aim at the guard and pop off 3 silenced bullets (with 2 bullets he shoots back at you. 4 bullets will cause a richocet and the alarm will be sounded; ditto for all the other guards.). I fire off my rounds when the guard patrolling on the ground is the furthest away from the tower. When the tower guard is killed the searchlight stops moving. I head back to the hatch and go through the underground pipe again. I pop up in the hatch area again. I crouch by the hatch door underneath the hatch camera. This time the two guards are on patrol. I watch until both are walking away from me (and the second street corner camera is panning away). I follow the second guard but stay by the wall so the second camera doesn't see me. The second camera will finish its cycle and start panning back towards the hatch before the guard finishes his walk. I sneak up behind the guard from the wall as he pauses at the end of his walk. With his back to me, I pop him with 3 silenced bullets (I've tried karate chops and the poisoned barrette but I've been unsuccessful in stopping him from shooting and causing the alarm to sound. The performance of either the karate chops or the poisoned barrette in NOLF has not been good so far. If you hit him with only two bullets he fires back at you. If you fire four bullets the fourth bullet often misses because the body has already fallen to the ground. The fourth bullet therefore causes a richocet which causes the alarm to sound). I then sneak down the street to the corner. The guard in the first tower is already dead. I watch the camera mounted to the outside of the gatehouse, race down the street and then stop underneath the gatehouse camera. I next use my sunglasses to zoom in on the guard behind the crates beside the second guard tower. I place the crosshairs on him. I immediately switch to the silenced pistol (without moving my mouse) and let off a volley (1 for head shot or 3 for body shot). He goes down. (Using the sunglasses in this fashion allows you to succeed with long distance shots with the pistol). I repeat this sequence with the guard in the second tower as well as the second patrolling guard. I then sneak to the street passageway leading to the next area. The tower in the next area will shoot immediately. The alarm sounds. All hell breaks loose. I shoot the tower guard. I then wait along the wall of the street. 6 guards will turn the corner and come directly at me. The 6 guards come at me in a straight line. I never move my crosshairs, I just keep firing and all 6 guards go down in no time. . For players who like to sneak... they should know that it's impossible to sneak through the entire scene. The alarm will always go off at some point during the scene. Even the moves I've described above have to be executed with precision. Any minor mistake will cause the alarm to sound. [Additional Tip: The fastest and most accurate way to fire three silenced pistol rounds is hold the fire button down for three shots rather that click the fire button 3 times. This is especially true for long distance shots and quick reacting guards.] Jake Martinez ( writes: Just wanted to let you know that I completed both Berlin 1 & 2 and most of 3 without being detected. So it *is* possible to complete both those scenarios with stealth. The only time you really have to break out the big guns is after you locate the doctor schenker. There is a scripted sequence where a bunch of goons run down the hall towards you - for that you will need either a grenade/impact explosive or good aim with a fully automatic weapon ;) Scene 1 *really* isn't that hard. Since you have the sunglasses with the zoom feature you can use that to aid your aim. By zooming in and centering a guards head with the glasses, you can then zoom out and switch to the 9mm and blow a hole in his head from very long range. There are 3 tricks to completing this level without setting off the alarm. 1) The first guard by the first gate after comming out of the sewer can be eliminated by using the coin to lure him out of the guard booth and shooting him in the back of the head. Works like a charm every time. 2) The guard dogs *can* be shot through their cages if you have good aim. You only need to shoot them in the body to take them out. 3) In the last building section there is a guy under a camera guarding the hall to the room where the button to turn off the alarm is. You can get past this by waiting until the camera is panning back across to your right facing the guard, shoot him in the head with the 9mm and then run like hell to the room with the alarm button in it. You can press the button and turn off the alarm system before the camera can focus in on his dead body. Once that is taken care of, getting to the far gate is an easy matter of prudent sniping and sneaking. I managed to get through this level with 100% accuracy, 0 detections, 0 disturbances caused and 0 bodies found. It *can* be done, it just took me a little bit of time to figure it out. Hope that helps some. ------------------------------------------------------------ 2.2 BERLIN BY NIGHT, SCENE 2 ---------------------------- 'That's not the worst part. Of course there was a scene...' Please note that there are 3 charges on this level, the location of which will change each time you play the game. I have noted where i have found charges, and in places where other people have found charges, but do not be surprised if they are not where i say they are. I am working to correct this and list all of the places where the charges may be found (if indeed this can be done). Bear with me please! If you've found a charge someplace and i don't have it listed, mail and i'll credit you for it and put it in. Thanks! Check below for Robo Chop's alternate Walkthrough for this level and other possible locations of the 3 charges. Grab the NOTE on the wall to the left and proceed into the courtyard. Go into the door on the left with the light over it. FUNNY CONVERSATION. Shoot the guys and get the letter under the camera. Then activate the CHARGE that may be on the barrel in this room. The rest of the building may be optional, depending on where your charges are. If you're not up for a challenge, leave the way you came. Now here's the real trick... Around the next bend or so is a hall where a guy patrols. There's also a security office on this hall, to your left. You have to sneak up the the edge of the hall, wax the guy in the office through the glass before he sounds the alarm, and THEN get his 2 buddies, making sure not to leave their bodies in the hall because there is a camera protecting it. What i do is shoot the first guy and then run back, baiting the other 2 to follow me so i can shoot them in the nearby hall, but once you kill one, the other will run for cover, so be quick and aim for the head. Get the body armor in the office. At the other end of the hall from the security office i found one of the CHARGEs, so this is another possible location for them. Proceed to the warehouse part, where you must shoot another guy in another office which is on the 2nd floor, and then another guy in view of a camera. Did I mention this whole part was optional? Up in the office is body armor, and down in the warehouse, on a shelf, is a TAPE. Leave via the double doors. This courtyard here with the truck is connected to the one you came in from, so those of you that skipped all that mayhem just to get one measley item pick up the story from here. From here, find the locked gate and open it. Jump up onto the crates and go in the window. Shoot the guard in the head and activate the CHARGE which may be hidden between the crates on the fuel barrel near the guy you just shot. Open up the garage door using the button on the wall near it. Shoot the 2 guys (hopefully shooting one will have the other one run to the body to check it) out of sight of the camera. Then go through the double doors with the windows to your left. Go down the hall and down the stairs over which the camera is hung. Note there may be a CHARGE on the fuel barrels to your left. There might also be armor behind the machines in the room adjacent to the room with the stairs. Leave the way you came, as the other way leads to a door out into the courtyard with the truck and the locked gate you just went through. Behind the van is a raised platform, a loading dock of sorts. You must go to the door under the camera, at the left end of the platform, or go in the window on the right side of the building. If you go in the window you'll be in a closet off of a barracks room with a body armor in it, out of sight of the camera. Going in the door will lead you to the dining room right next to the barracks room. Note: This part can be particularly difficult on super-spy because you only get one 'zoom' of the camera before it goes off Get into the dining room and dash up the stairs and through the double doors at the top. You're now in a courtyard with a patrolling guard. Instead of going in the double doors, go around instead to the right and in the side entrance. There will be 3 guards on the way. Once inside, grab the LETTER on the desk. X writes: In Berlin By Night, Scene 2, I found a CHARGE in your paragraph 13 after "... go round instead to the right ...". The CHARGE is on some barrels in a little alcove on the left just before the corner. ----2.0---- Go up the stairs and around the bend to the next office. This office is the main entrance room. Go through the double doors across from you, dispatching any guards, and into the first library room. Select the glasses and take a picture of the book when the target turns green. Do the same in the next room down the hall on the right. Go around the bend to the end of the hall and through the door and up the stairs. Up here is the lighter if you haven't already got one yet. Once you've got the charges set, taken the pictures, and gotten a lighter (if you didn't already have one), go back down to the side entrance to meet your contact. Equip the lighter and 'use' it on him. It should be blue. Once done talking to him, go back in the side entrance and use the lower door on your left. Go down to the basement and through the door. Go up to the shelf and 'use' it. Note that there may be a CHARGE in the first basement room; this can be easy to miss, and frustrating because you never think to go down there until you've met your contact, but you can't meet him until you set all the charges. ROBO CHOP'S ALTERNATE WALKTHROUGH for BERLIN, SCENE 2 Robo Chop ( writes in: I grab the NOTE and proceed into the courtyard. I sneak into the door on the left with the light over it. While the two guards are distracted because of their conversation I open the door between the outer room and their room [Note there is a Lighter on the desk in the outer room]. I back out. I use the coin trick again to get the two guards out of the adjoining room and pop them. I then grab the letter under the camera. I didn't notice any detonation charges in the room. The locations of the 3 detonation charges were different in my game. Here were their locations: #1 and #2 were located on the fuel barrels in the tough "warehouse part" location in your FAQ ("Now here's the real trick..."). #3 was located on the fuel barrels in the alley leading to the side entrance to the library. The fuel barrels are at the inside corner of the left hand turn leading to the side entrance/2 guards/and the agent you need to contact. Other things that I saw in Scene 2 were: 1. In the room where your CHARGE #1 was located I found a LETTER on the top of some crates. Next to the letter are an ashtray and a silver-red thermos (It's the only time I've ever seen a thermos). 2. You can enter the building containing the dining room either from a double door (left side) or a window (on the right side). The window doesn't open so I broke the window by shooting it. This let me enter the closet of the barracks room. The guard in the dining room stood with his back to the barrack room door which made it easy to dispose of him. 3. I found a LETTER on one of the dining room tables. 2.3 BERLIN BY NIGHT, SCENE 3 ---------------------------- "I don't trust you. I think you're planning to hurt me. Over." FUNNY CONVERSATION. Sneak behind the pillars. If the guards or cameras see you you're in for a firefight the whole way in. Get behind the desk and take a picture of the book that the woman is looking at. There is also body armor here. Go up and around the stairs and into the first office. Get the DOSSIER on the shelf. Talk to the scientist for some funny stuff, and then, if you think he'll sound the alarm, you can shoot him. Try and shoot the one guard in the hall in view of the hall intersecting it so his buddy will come running over, and then you can shoot him. Go past that hall and into the locker room at the end of the hall. Shoot the guard lounging by himself and get the LETTER on the bench near him. There is no need to shoot the other 2, as that will only raise the alarm. Go down that hall you just passed. Before turning the corner, listen to the FUNNY CONVERSATION. Turn the corner and go into the second office on the right and get the BLUEPRINT on the desk. Go into the next hall, shoot the guard, and use the steel door near the exit to the office (don't use the elevator yet). Go into the hall. FUNNY CONVERSATION. If you go down the elevator and have a code-breaker, you can get through a locked door by the platform with the goat on it. Otherwise, you might as well go down the elevator near the guard you just shot. Through the code- breaker door is a room with a very large goat and an office overlooking it with a FOLDER in it. Sneak out of the elevator. FUNNY CONVERSATION. The trick here is to either wax both guards without making a sound or to hide from them as they leave. When they're gone, get the LETTER on the table where they were talking. Be aware that before you leave there is a guard walking on the platform above you. You can try to shoot him if you want, but the camera might see the body (even though logically it shouldn't be able to). It might be best to avoid him. Head down the corridor that the guards were headed down; the one on the right. Head to the next room and up the stairs. Go down the hallway until you see a room with a glass wall. Hang out under the camera, and if the guard from the initial room is still alive, you can hear a FUNNY CONVERSATION. At this point, a guard will start coming down the hall toward you. Retreat to the stairs and ambush him outside of the view of the camera. The other guard will be in the room with the glass wall, and if you're a good shot you can get him from under the camera. His body won't be seen by the cameras. However, there is a scientist who will come in the room, and he will notice the body, so you'll have to shoot him, too. Or, you can just sneak past the whole thing. Next to this glass-walled room (a kitchen) is a cafeteria with a camera in it. Go around the cafeteria down the hall and around the bend to where you can see the balcony that overlooks the entrance, where a guard is/was patrolling, depending on whether or not you shot him or were spotted by him. Note that this balcony intersects with another hall; you will need to go down this hall to get to Schenker. For now, continue across the balcony to the next hall and go in the door with the radiation symbol on it. Get the BRIEFCASE on the ground next to the desk. Continue on down the hall, down the stairs, and kill the 2 soldiers there. Then go out into this room and take a right. You should see a lab there. Go in and get the FOLDER on the long counter against the wall. There is also body armor on a shelf in the hall in front of the lab. Now go back up the stairs to that hall that i mentioned before; the one that connects to the balcony overlooking the elevator. Sneak into the first office on the right and get the body armor by the wall and the FOLDER on the bench. Wait for a guard to wander into this room and shoot him (if the alarm hasn't already gone off). Continue to the end of the hall. Go in the lab on the left and get the ENVELOPE on the lab bench. Then go in the one on the right and get Schenker. You'll talk, and then be attacked by guards. Equip the AK and unload the clip at the door as they enter. Then talk to Schenker again. The alarm will have gone off. Get back to the end of the hall. Expect an ambush; there will be more guards waiting for you. If Schenker ever cowers from gunfire and you need him to move again, just 'use' him again. When you get to the balcony, head left. Follow the hall around, go down the stairs, and take the Gray door under the camera in that room at the bottom of the stairs. End mission. Jake Martinez ( writes: btw, if you've already played through the game once, you can keep the alarm from sounding all the way up to the end of scene 3. Right after you meet the doctor, if you use the sleeping gas perfume on the doorway as the 4 solders come through, you will sleep them all before they fire a shot and set off the alarm. The rest of the guards are pretty easy to eliminate with quick reflexes ;) -------------------------------- 3.1 UNEXPECTED TURBULENCE, SCENE 1 ---------------------------------- Frantic Jack ( writes: There are 3 Intel. items in the first scene -- 1. Talking to Dr. Shenker politely during the innitial conversation 2. The dosier in the room on the left where you start 3. Envelope in the sink in the restroom There are 5 intel items in the second scene-- 1. Envelope in the Conference room behind the cockpit 2. Briefcase on the table in the room at the buttom of the ladder 3. Dosier on the seat blocking the plane door 4. Film canister on the shelf by the two guards talking about parachutes 5. Envelope on the table in the last room before falling out of the plane And as for bonuses, you only get them once per mission for collecting all of the intel. items. You can redo the missions all you want, but you wont get bonuses the second time. Im not sure about which and how many bonuses are determined though. "It's not potato salad! It's cottage cheese!" Choose 'What about your wife?' and 'How is such a thing possible?' Once the cut-scenes are finished, equip the Hampton (or whatever heavy weapon you chose) and go out the door, left. Go into the first cabin on the left and get the DOSSIER there. Go back out and take a right from Schenker's cabin this time. Go through the next cabin and then into the bathroom in the next antechamber. Get the LETTER and body armor there. In the next cabin the door will burst open. Open the hatch in the floor and continue forward. Open the next hatch and listen to a FUNNY CONVERSATION. Go around the bathroom here and up the stair on your right. Then go into the cockpit. 3.2 UNEXPECTED TURBULENCE, SCENE 2 ---------------------------------- "Please be full of hay! Please be full of hay!" You are unarmed. Go into the conference room and get the FOLDER. Go down the ladder real fast and get the gun. Shoot the guy and grab the BRIEFCASE in the cabin to your right. Run back real fast and down the hatch. Go up and grab the DOSSIER by the ruined door. Run back the other way, shoot the two guys to get their ammo, and run into the next cabin. Grab the FOLDER on the table to the right and dash down the hall. At this point, the plane breaks apart and you are free-falling. No good, right? Here is the trick to this level. Look down. You'll see a guy below you. Catch up to him WITHOUT SHOOTING HIM. Once you get close enough, Cate will say something like 'mind if I borrow that?'. Get even closer, and you'll automatically grab it from him, ending the level. Think you got close enough, and the level didn't end? YOU DIDN'T GET CLOSE ENOUGH. GET CLOSER. WHEN YOU GET CLOSE ENOUGH, THE LEVEL WILL END. Of course, the problem is that there will be other parachuters coming down after you. Shoot them if can; their accuracy is uncanny, considering the circumstances. Robo Chop ( writes in: There's no way to quickly swoop down upon the guy located below you (he's the objective). I simply had to wait the 1.5 minutes of game time before I was down at his same level. The other parachutists have amazing aim! In order to stay alive for the 1.5 minutes I stayed away from the objective(!) and stayed away from the other parachutists. I fired off all of my rounds in the first 80 seconds. (maybe that's why I received an ammo bonus after the mission?!). When I was almost at the guy's level I rushed in towards him. That's how I survived this level. The trick I learned was to stay as far away from the objective as possible until the very end. The falling seat with civilian passed right through me during the freefall. I didn't receive an intel item. I'm very curious to know where the 8th intel item is. 4.1 RENDEZVOUS IN HAMBURG, SCENE 1 ---------------------------------- "Heck yeah, look at him. He's concentrating so hard on not being noticed he'd probably follow you into heavy traffic without a second thought." Talk to the woman in front of you and then note the FUNNY CONVERSATION. Sneak along the wall and jump onto the dumpster. Go in through the window. There is body armor here, but you will most likely not need it yet. Go straight towards the couple at the table, then right. Find the woman and the big guy at the table. FUNNY CONVERSATION. Keep following this hall until you find the women's bathroom. Go in and take the DOSSIER there. Turn back around and head back to the table with the couple that complimented your dress. Go through the doorway on the woman's side. Go past the phones and up the spiral staircase. Head right and then to the door in the area with the stone walls. Go in and get the LETTER on the desk. Return back down the stairs and head back to that same couple. This time go through the door near the man (you've been this way once before) and find the guy with the green shirt in the next room. Talk to him. Now head back to the women's room. Robo Chop ( writes in: My cover was blown a few times at the very beginning of the scene. Immediately preceding the "Blown Cover" failure screen I saw the second bouncer (the one being flirted with) running with his hands over his head. We don't equip any weapons for this Scene (except barrette) and I had nothing in my hands. This problem went away when I equipped sunglasses and then put them away. I think this is a bug. The software believes that I have a weapon in my hand at the beginning of the scene. ---------- Charles Koeller ( writes: I have something that you have missed in Rendevous in Hamburg, Scene 1. Before going into the office for the letter, there is a woman looking over the balcony. If you talk to her you will find she is the guys girlfriend who is waiting outside for her. If you talk to her again she will leave an envelope for you. This is the 3rd piece of information in this level. ----------- 4.2 RENDEZVOUS IN HAMBURG, SCENE 2 ---------------------------------- "Hell no! It's reckless and dumb! But that's not gonna stop me!" Go out the door and turn left. Shoot the 2 guys that are trying to hit the civilian. Head right and grab the perfume by the phones. Go into the store- room, down the stairs, and through the brown door. Kill the 4 or 5 guards, take a picture of the book on the table and grab the DOSSIER on the barrels. Go through the next door and watch out for the cart they knock down at you. Up the stairs, and take the left door. Get the LETTER on the table. Go back, take the door on the right, and kill all the guys in the kitchen. Get the folder in the sink. Go into the next room, around the next corner, and into the stage room. Shoot the 3 guys, and then watch the cut scene. Head out the double doors and down the stairs. Go into the bar room and get the DOSSIER there. Back up to the stage room. Go out the stage door into the next room, the storeroom. Get the body armor and the BRIEFCASE. Open a window and go out into the alley. Go past the dead agent and get the AMMO BOX under the sniper. Head back the other way, and down the stairs. At the end of the alley you can hear a FUNNY CONVERSATION about beer. Many people consider this to be the funniest one in the game (although your mileage may vary), so try not to miss it. Sneak around the corner and try to avoid the spotlight. Of course, you don't really have a silent weapon, and there is no alarm to be raised, and you're just trying to get away, so if you want to take the less subtle approach and blow everyone away, go right ahead! Head around, through the dock area (it's one-way) towards the HARM crates and right. Get onto the barge; end mission. Robo Chop ( writes in: 1. I grabbed the perfume (sleeping gas) at the phone booth. I go into the storeroom, down the stairs and open the brown door. I use the sleeping gas. It effectively knocks out most of the guards. I either use the sleeping gas again to finish the guards in the back of the room or use the pistol. [The sleeping gas is very effective!! I plan on using this item on future missions. ] 2. The conversation about beer is very funny. When I checked my ammo before the attack I noticed that I had phosphorus ammo. It must have come from the ammo box below the sniper of the dead agent. It's pretty cool ammo. I think most players won't realize they have it and will miss an early opportunity to see & use these tracer-like bullets. 3. At the end of the scene there are HARM crates next to the barge. Next to the HARM crates is a body armor. 5.1 A TENUOUS LEAD, SCENE 1 --------------------------- "Didn't you use to work for MISERY?" Advance slowly towards the gate, and listen for the FUNNY CONVERSATION. Kill the guard and go up to the gate. Pick the lock or shoot it off, and then dispatch the next guard. Make your way up the stairs to the office and get the LETTER on the desk. Go into the hall with the camera. The first office on the right has armor. The second one on the right has a guard and a LETTER. The one on the left has nothing of note. Leave the building and go into the alley by the green van under the camera outside. Go around the corner to the left, and shoot the guy in the head. Wait for his buddy to show up and shoot him, too. Proceed down this alley towards the wheel affixed to the concrete structure ahead of you. 'Use' the wheel and get back from it. There will be a guard that runs up to it. Ambush him. Continue around the corner to the right. If you have the belt buckle, you can use the hook above the camera to get onto the roof and go down the hatch on the roof to get a LETTER. If not, head into the building entrance near the camera and grab the FOLDER on the cardboard boxes on your right. Head down towards the locker room. Shoot the guy and his buddies around the corner. Robo Chop ( notes: In the locker room, check one of the lockers. In it is a letter and a body armor. He later adds: 2. Simply using the Hampton Carbine I'm able to sneak around "A Tenuous Lead" Scenes 1 & 2 and achieve virtually perfect scores. Here's the bad news. Even though I was killing everything with one shot, I started Scene 3 and soon ran out of ammunition (.45 caliber) for the Hampton Carbine. I then realized that there were no AMMO boxes in Scene 2!! Scene 1 only had one AMMO box which was in the room with the acid pool & valve handle. I was near the beginning of Scene 3 and I had plenty of weapons but I found myself without a stealth weapon (no ammo for Hampton Carbine and no Shepherd's arms with silencer). I would therefore have to RAMBO my way through the rest of "A Tenuous Lead". [Note: I outfitted myself for the "A Tenuous Lead" missions with the Hampton Carbine and the AK-47. ] I've therefore learned an important lesson for people who like to sneak through the missions: 1. Hampton Carbine ammo is very hard to find in the Scenes. 2. You don't find silencers in the missions. 3. The bad guys will always have submachine guns and AK-47's. Conclusion: When selecting weapons at the beginning of a mission you should select the stealth weapons (the Hampton Carbine and the Shepherd Arms w/ silencer) because you won't find them (the Carbine or the silencer) in the game. You can always pick up an AK-47 or submachine gun from your first victims. ------------------------------------------ You'll come to a set of steam blasts over a walkway. You're going to have to time it so you don't take any damage. Steam damage applies to health (red) rather than armor (blue), so it cannot be replenished in-mission. At the end of the hall you go into a room with malfunctioning electrical equipment. Go down the stairs. FUNNY CONVERSATION. Grab the NOTE on the wall by the valve machinery and go further down the stairs. Shoot the two guys, grab the NOTE on the wall next to the electrical box, pull the box handle, and grab the LETTER on the ground by the boxes. Go back up the stairs to the top and up the ladder where the electrical box was shorting out. Open the hatch there, climb down, and turn the wheel here. Head back down to the middle level and go through the blue double doors. Go around the corner, past the steam, to the space under the pipe and get the VALVE HANDLE. Note that it is possible to get the VALVE HANDLE without draining the pool of acid it's in (you did that by climbing up the ladder that was electrified) and you will take minor damage for doing so, but you cannot use the handle until you drain the acid (thanks to Robo Chop). Once you've got the VALVE HANDLE, use it on the steam generator on the stairwell that looks like it's missing a handle (it's on the middle level). Now go downstairs and out through the double doors. Up the stairs and through the door you'll meet Goodman. End level. Robo Chop ( writes in: This is an easy level for player who likes to sneak. Sneakers should be able to get a perfect score. I strongly recommend the Hampton Carbine in this mission (vice the Shepherd Arm's silenced pistol). 1. The valve handle is in the acid pool. A player can grab the valve handle without draining the pool. The player will take some minor damage. However, player can't use the valve handle on the valve stem until the acid pool is drained. It is a quirk of the game. Players need to know that the acid pool must be drained in order for the valve handle to work. 2. In the same room as the acid pool & valve handle is an AMMO box. it's in the corner behind one of the big steam generators. 5.2 A TENUOUS LEAD, SCENE 2 --------------------------- Please note that the locations of the CHARGEs in this level are random each time you play the level, so the locations i have here may/will not be the same as yours. Go in through the double doors by the guard. Go through the hall with the pipe and the camera and get the LETTER on the boxes around the corner. Through the double doors is an open area filled with pallets and crates. A guard patrols here. Go up onto the boxes to the left and onto the roof. Then open the window. From here, you can hear a FUNNY CONVERSATION and get the drop on the guards there. Wait for one to head towards the door, and then shoot the other one. The warehouse consists of a set of interconnecting large rooms filled with crates. The second one you come to from the entrance may have an explosive CHARGE set on a fuel barrel. Also, get the LETTER that may be on the forklift nearby. By this CHARGE is a set of double doors. Go through them, and then take the double doors to the immediate right. FUNNY CONVERSATION. There is a room with 2 guards and a set of lockers and a set of shelves. On one of the shelves is armor. There may be a CHARGE underneath the alcove under the stairs. Go up the metal stairs to find more armor. Around the corner is an office. Grab the FOLDER on the desk. Go to the end of the office and left. Go to the room at the end of the hall and pick the lock; or shoot it, if you want. Go in, and snipe the guy you see from here. Alternately, you can kill him by activating the power box behind the door and using the crane to drop boxes on his head (thanks to Robo Chop for this one). From here you might also see a pile of fuel barrels and a CHARGE attached to them, down on the warehouse floor. Go back down the hall to the doorway that leads to the yellow walkway and get down onto the floor. Activate that charge. Turn around and you might see another CHARGE, right in front of you at the other side of the room. Go around this corner and left, back into the locker room. Return to the yellow walkway above the warehouse floor and leave via the open doorway on the platform where the guard you sniped was standing. On your left may be more fuel barrels with a CHARGE on them. Activate it. Jump across to the barge and go around the crates. You may be able to find an ENVELOPE there. If not, it might be at the other end of the dock bridge, across the water from where you are. There may also be a CHARGE in an alcove over there, so it's worth checking out if you're missing one. Now you have to return to the beginning of the level. Unfortunately, the warehouse is now filled with HARM goons in full purple regalia with AK's. Be careful on your way back. On the way back, if you go upstairs through the warehouse (towards the crane control room) you may run into a FUNNY CONVERSATION. Wait for the suit guy to go into the office that was locked previously and then shoot both him and the guard. Inside that office is a TAPE. When you're done with that, head back to the beginning of the level and 'use' the double doors you came in. Robo Chop adds: Up until you activate the fourth detonation charge, this scene is a "Walk in the Park" for those players who love to sneak around. Up until the fourth charge, you can easily achieve a virtually perfect score on "Detected", "Disturbances caused" as well as "Accuracy" (assuming you are using the Hampton Carbine). 1. The first LETTER that you mention in your FAQ was not in my version of the scene. Instead it was on the fork truck in the middle warehouse. 2. Here were the locations of my 4 charges: #1 in warehouse room with two guards (funny conversation about smoking) #2 and #3 was in the room with the crane (just like in your FAQ) #4 was outside. Approach the barge. Turn right before you reach the barge. Walk down the pier. The barrels with the charge is right there. There is one patrolling guard nearby. A LETTER is on top of the nearby crates (There was no letter on the barge in my version of the scene.). There is a body armor near the barrels. P.S. It's a great night for a swim! OK... I'll admit it. I didn't do it intentionally. I kind of slipped off the barge. The good thing about it is that I was able to spot the patrolling guard and sniper him before he saw me. I guess the guards don't look for SuperSpy Frogmen. 3. The Crane is a lot of fun!!!! Once you get into the upstairs office (and grab the FOLDER from the 2nd desk), go down the hall to the door with a padlock. There's a sign on the door that says "Out of Service". Pick the padlock and enter the room. You can easily sniper the guard in the warehouse from this room, but what fun would that be. We've all sniper-ed guards a hundred times before. Wouldn't you rather dispose of him in a more spectacular manner!! The crane control mechanism doesn't work when you enter the room. But if you find the power panel in the back of the room and flip the power switch the crane control mechanism "sparks" to life! Throw one of the levers on the crane control mechanism and watch the action! But the fun isn't over! Leave the room, go down the hall, turn left and go into the warehouse. Watch what happens to the room you just left!! 5.3 A TENUOUS LEAD, SCENE 3 --------------------------- Grab the LETTER on the crate to your left. Go up the stairs, open the door and listen to the FUNNY CONVERSATION. Sneak around the corner to the office. Open the office door from cover and wait for the goon to inspect the shelf that is nearly right under the camera. Then get him with a head shot. Get the FOLDER and the ENVELOPE in this room. Go back out into the hall and head left. Go through the door marked 'exit'. Shoot the guard and then go out into the courtyard. If you have the zipcord hookshot belt thing you can get up onto the platform above and jump across to the window on the right. Smith ( writes: I think in Tenuous Lead Scene 3 when you walk out from a first building .. there are HOOK that require BELT to move up.. and use JUMP JUMP JUMP combo to goto the black tunnel.. I think earplug in there... --------------------------- By getting in there, i found the earplugs, armor, and a DOSSIER. It can be very difficult to get in there, at first but the trick is simple; don't make running jumps. Jump up, then hit forward, jump up, then hit forward, and so on. Note that the planks will begin to fall as soon as you get on them, so jump quick! Go under the yellow walkway up to the gangplank and left, quickly and quietly to avoid the 2 guards on the gangplank. If you actually sneak up the yellow stairs up to the corner, you can hear a CONVERSATION, although it's not very FUNNY. Doing so will cause one guard to leave. Go into the courtyard on the left and around behind the boxes to the stairs. Go down this hall, shoot the guard in the hall that intersects it, and continue
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