Oni PC Cheats


Oni Walkthrough


For a detailed list of cheats and hints click here.

                  O  N  I    F  A  Q    v  0  .  8
                            Oni Faq v0.8
                      for the PC (Windows Format)
             Written By Martin Gaston (RugbyMart@Lineone.net)

Unpublished work Copyright 2001 Martin Gaston

This FAQ is for private and personal use only.  It can only be
reproduced electronically, and if placed on a web page or site, may be
altered as long as this disclaimer and the above copyright notice
appears in full.  This FAQ is NOT to be used for profitable/promotional
purposes; this includes being used by publishers of magazines, guides,
books, etc. or being incorporated into magazines, etc. in ANY way. This
Oni FAQ was written and is owned by me, Martin Gaston (rugbymart@lineone.net).

Note: Can someone who owns the Playstation 2 version of Oni please check out
      the help section (the very bottom of this document).


I.     Introduction     
  1.    Revision History
  2.    Why I Wrote This FAQ    
II.    What Is Oni?                                    
III.   Controls                                        
IV.    Moves                                           
V.     Weapons                                        
VI.    Items  
VII.   In Game Info
  1.    HUD Info
  2.    Fighting Flashes
VIII.  Frequently Asked Questions                      
IX.    Walkthrough
  1.     TCTF Training                               
  2.     Syndicate Warehouse                          
  3.     Manufacturing Plant
  4.     Bio-Research Lab 
  5.     Airport Assault  
  6.     Airport Cargo Hangers
  7.     TCTF Regional HQ
  8.     Atmospheric Conversion Center (exterior)
  9.     Atmospheric Conversion Center (interior) 
  10.    Regional State Building
  11.    Rooftops
  12.    Dr. Hasagawa's Lab                 
     (more coming soon!)

X.     Cheats                                        
XI.    Web Links 
XII.   Help!                                                                              

Note: I know that the walkthrough section isn't completed yet, but
      if you are having serious problems with a level that ISN'T 
      covered yet, then e-mail me at RugbyMart@Lineone.net and I'll
      do my best to help you out.

I.     Introduction

1.     Revision History
Current Revision 

VERSION 0.8  Fixed a whole load of errors, Added 4 more levels to 
             the walkthrough and added more info about Hex editing 
             in the cheats section. (13th Febuary 2001)

Previos Revisions

VERSION 0.6  (12/02/01)     /     VERSION 0.1  (09/02/01)

2.     Why I Wrote This FAQ

I'm an anime fan, and when I first heard of Oni I was pretty excited to
say the least. The concept of the game was fantastic, beating up people
with martial arts move sounded much more exciting than any third-person
game that came before it.

When I got Oni, my impressions were justified. Oni was a fantastic game,
the gameplay was great and the characters beautifully animated. I quite
liked the story as well, but it was a little predictable. The game did 
have some minor problems, but the fantastic fighting action made up for
the errors that the developers made.

I've been wanting to write an FAQ for some time now, and Oni was the 
perfect opportunity to get started. And because it's my first ever
FAQ, I don't expect it to be perfect. If you find a crippling error
the please e-mail me at RugbyMart@Lineone.net and i'll correct it as 
soon as I can. Also, if you like my FAQ then please E-Mail me as well
so I know i'm doing a good job which will inspire me to write more FAQ's
and that's a good thing, isn't it?

II.    What Is Oni?                                    

Oni is a third person action game developed from Bungie and Gathering Of 
Developers (GOD), that mixes elements of Beat 'Em Ups, Shoot 'Em Ups and 
Adventure games. Ever wanted to unload a clip of bullets into your enemy and 
then run up to him and steal his gun? You can in Oni. Ever wanted to unleash a 
lethal barrage of punches and kicks onto 3 people at once? You can also this 
in Oni. It breathes new life into the Third Person genre after it was saturated 
to bursting poing by Lara Croft and the Tomb Raider series.

You play Konoko, a young woman who's strength, speed and vitality is greater
than the normal human. She doesn't know anything about herself because her 
whole life is a mystery. Konoko works for the TCTF, a band of elite police 
who put an end to crime. 

The world is run by the World Coalition Government and the wastelands outside 
the huge megacities is barren and poisonous to all life. And if that wasn't 
enough, a large underground group of terrorists called The Syndicate have 
world domination in their eyes.

III.   Controls                                        

The Controls in Oni take a little bit of getting used to, but once you've got 
them you'll be throwing people over your shoulder and snapping their necks in 
no time.

Default Controls

W            = Run Forward
S            = Run Backwards
A            = Sidestep Left
D            = Sidestep Right

Q            = Toggle Weapon/Pick Up Items
E            = Drop Weapon

SPACE        = Jump
Left Click   = Punch/Fire Weapon
Right Click  = Kick
SHIFT        = crouch

capslock     = Toggle Walk
CTRL         = Action

Tab          = Hypo
R            = Reload Weapon

It's not that hard to change the controls in Oni, but you've got to know what you are 
doing. Go into the directory that you installed Oni in (e.g C:GamesOni) and open 
up the key_config.txt file. You can then re-bind all of the keys to a new one.

IV.    Moves                                            

Konoko can do more than just kick and punch. She's got special moves for every
type of situation.

Escape Moves


These moves are great for dodging oncoming attacks, and they can also set you 
up in a good position to retaliate.

Jump Flip

JUMP, then press CROUCH while in mid-air

Besides looking really cool, the jump flip lets Konoko reach higher areas that 
her normal jump would. She can also attack enemies with this move too!


DOUBLE TAP FORWARD to dash, then press CROUCH

This move is good for dodging laser beams easily and can also be used to hit 
someone in the legs or while they're on the floor.



Throws are pretty easy to pull off, and do a large amount of damage. They also 
are unblockable by the enemy, but you have to be standing right next to them 
for the move to connect. And If you are close enough to throw an enemy, he's 
close enough to throw you.

Running Throws

press KICK when running

This move is just like a normal throw, but you have to run into your opponent 
first. This move is great for throwing opponents of ledges and building (which 
kills them instantly) but make sure that Konoko doesn't end up falling to her 
death as well!

Sledgehammer Heel


This move can be tricky to pull off, but if you can get it right it does a huge 
amount of damage. The last move does the most damage, but it can often get 
blocked by opponents.


stand in a neutral position (not pressing any buttons)

Oni's not all about attacking, sometimes you have to defend yourself to 
conserve you health. It's very easy to do, but can take some practice to 



Konoko will snatch the gun of the opponent if you use this move, which means 
you can easily get the upper hand during a fight.


from behind an enemy press FORWARD + KICK

This is an absolutely devastating move, and kills the weaker opponents of the 
game instantly.

Triple Hit Haymaker


A fast and quite powerful attack, and ever so simple to pull off. Good to use 
when surrounded, as the final punch knock the enemy to the floor.

Spinning Sidekick


This is slower but more powerful than the Triple Hit Haymaker move, and it's 
just as easy to pull of as well. If you're sure that the opponents won't 
counter attack, then use this move.

Willow Kick


Konoko delivers one extremely powerful kick to her opponents groin with this 
move, which leaves them stunned for a couple of seconds so you can set up 
another move. The Willow Kick can sometimes be tricky to pull off, but it's 
worth it.

Crescent Moon Kick

Kick, Kick, then FORWARD + KICK

This is one of the hardest moves in the game, and not really all that useful 
once you get some better moves. This is a 3-hit combo, and looks pretty flash 
as well.

Devil Spin Kick


Running Lariat

when RUNNING, press PUNCH

This is just like the Running Throw move, but you press punch instead of kick 
to do it. It's quick and deadly, and one of my favourite moves.

Rising Fury Punch


Like the devil spin kick, this move is tricky to pull off. Konoko unleashes 
a powerful punch that will hit opponents on the way up and on the way down.

Twister Kick


When unleashing this move, Konoko sidesteps away from on opponent an the spins 
her legs around in the air. Useful for attacking multiple enemies at once.

Stepping Disarm

press FORWARD + KICK while standing next to an opponent.

Sure, the disarm is a cool looking move. But what if you could kick your 
opponent in the face while doing that? Yes, that's the stepping disarm move for 

V.     Weapons                                          

Konoko has many high-tech weapons at her disposal that she can obtain 
throughout the course of the game. You should always keep in mind that 
every weapon has a weakness and that Konoko can only hold one weapon
at a time.

Campbell Equalizer Mk4 

Ammunition Type =    Ballistic Ammo
Magazine Capacity =  10 rounds
Fire Rate =          5 rounds per second

A simple gun that's good enough for killing. It's got a high recoil, so 
you've got to be careful with your aim. I recommend discarding it for one of 
the more advanced weapons as soon as you get a chance.

Hughes Black Adder SMG

Ammunition Type =    Ballistic Ammo
Magazine Capacity =  30 Rounds 
Fire Rate =          12 rounds per second

This machine gun is great at close range, but once the enemy is more than 6 
meters away it's only good for suppression fire. A good dirty tactic is to 
knock an enemy to the ground and start firing.

SML3 Plasma Rifle

Ammunition Type =    Energy Cells
Magazine Capacity =  10 rounds
Fire Rate =          1.1 rounds per second

The Plasma Rifle is ever so easy to dodge if someone's firing it at you. Simply 
dodge left and right a lot and you'll be fine. If you've got the gun, it's 
quite a good weapon to have. Fire off a stream of these as an enemy approaches 
you, and then finish him/her off with some throws.

Phase Stream Projector

Ammunition Type =    Energy Cells
Magazine Capacity =  300 Units
Fire Rate =          Continuous

There's no crosshair to aim on this weapon, so you have to direct the beam to 
your opponent's body. It fires a continuous beam of energy that can stagger 
or topple enemies with ease.

SBG Man-Portable Mortar

Ammunition Type =    Ballistic Ammo
Magazine Capacity =  4 Rounds
Fire Rate =          1 round per 2 seconds

This gun is referred to as the Superball Gun by it's users, as Scatter-pack 
Ballistic Grenade Man-Portable Mortar is a bit of a mouthful. Basically, it's 
your very own rocket launcher. Fire normally for default scatter pattern or 
Hold the trigger when firing to bounce shots, then release to detonate.

Van de Graaf (VDG) Pistol

Ammunition Type =    Energy Cells
Magazine Capacity =  5 Rounds
Fire Rate =          1 round per 3.1 seconds

The Van de Graad is an extremely powerful stun gun. Each shot is high voltage 
and low amperage so it causes minimal physical harm to the attacker. When 
fired, the enemy grabs his head and is stunned for a few seconds, making it the 
perfect weapon if you want the upper hand in physical combat.

Scram Cannon

Ammunition Type =    Ballistic Ammo
Magazine Capacity =  5 Rounds
Fire Rate =          1 Swarm per 2.5 seconds

The Scram Cannon fires swarms of homing missiles at the enemy. It's Useless at 
close range, but great if the missiles are given some time to home in on their 

Mercury Bow

Ammunition Type =    Ballistic Ammo
Magazine Capacity =  2 Rounds
Fire Rate =          1 round per 5 seconds

Oooh baby! This is my preferred weapon of the game. The Mercury Bow works by 
firing a compressed silver of frozen mercury at the opponent. It's got the 
strength to knock just about anyone down in 1 hit. It's great for thinning 
down packs of enemies that come running towards you.

Screamer Cannon

Ammunition Type =    Energy Cells 
Magazine Capacity =  6 Rounds 
Fire Rate =          1 round per 10 seconds 

This weapon fires capsules that release a mysterious entity known as a 
Screaming Cell. These creatures don't seem to exist in the same plane as 
Earth, but are drawn to life and feed off it. Konoko is immune to the 
Screaming Cell at first, but it eventually turns on you after it's released.

Wave Motion Cannon

Ammunition Type =    Unknown
Magazine Capacity =  Unknown
Fire Rate =          Unknown

This weapon is normally vehicle mounted and it would require superhuman 
strength to lift or fire! Luckily, Konoko has superhuman strength and 
she can blast away with the meaty gun. It's extremely heavy, so she 
can only walk very slowly with it equipped which leaves her vulnerable 
to attack. Only found at two points in the game, this weapon is good but 

VI.   Items                                            

Guns need bullets. Konoko needs health. Enemies need to be killed. 
Fortunately, the items in Oni cover all of these needs.

Ballistic Ammo

Co-ordinating the arms of mercenary and corporate forces during the Great 
Uprising had WCG researchers scrambling to solve their logistical problems. 
Their solution was modular, generic casings and projectiles loaded with 
mission-specific ordnance payloads. "Blank bullets" allowed modular components 
to adapt and reload any ballistic weapon on the battlefield. What that means is 
you can use Ballistic ammo for multiple weapons, e.g the Black Adder SMG and 
the Mercury Bow   

Energy Cell  

Governments and markets welcomed the emergence of the World Coalition 
Government, or were crushed beneath it. As hostilities subsided the WCG began 
to standardize "fundamental technical elements" across all market regions. The 
ubiquitous Energy Cell has replaced all other portable power sources. This 
means weapons too. The more electrical weapons use this as a source of 
ammunition, such as the VDG Pistol and the Plasma rifle.   

Hypo Sprays  

Hypo Sprays deliver stimulants, analgesics and active neuro-biological 
reinforcing elements through a sub-dermal injector. The solution takes time to 
act on the body; further shocks while it is active reduce the hypo's maximum 
healing potential. Even a few hits will cancel the effect altogether, so don't 
try using them in the middle of a fight if you can help it. Multiple Hypos can 
be activated at once to extend the maximum healing range. 

Because Konoko is 'different' to the average human, she can take her health 
over the maximum limit and go into 'overpower' mode. Her speed and strength 
are increased for a short time when like this.
Phase Cloak  
The Phase cloak agitates the user's molecules out of the visible light 
spectrum. The effect only lasts for 30 seconds; any longer and the user might 
suffer irreversible cellular damage. A weakness of the cloaking effect is that 
the wearer becomes visible for a moment during physical contact with non-phased 
bodies. Another point of consideration is that you still make sounds, so be 
sure to sneak around.   

Force Field  

The Force Shield surrounds the body of the wearer and absorbs the impact of any 
projectile that strikes it. The shield can only absorb a limited amount of 
punishment before it collapses; as it grows weaker its intensity fades. And 
melee (punches and kicks) don't get blocked by the field.

VII.   In Game Information

1.     HUD Info

The HUD (Heads Up Display) in Oni consists of 2 circles in the bottom of the
screen. The circle on the left deals with Ammo and Compass data and the circle
on the right is about your health and force field.

The left circle had a ballistic ammo and energy cell display on it's outer ring.
If you look closly at it, the ballistic ammo is shown in the top half and the 
energy cells are shown in the bottom half. As you can only carry 5 of each ammo
souce at one, there are only 10 slots on the display.

The inside ring shows you how many shots are left in your gun. This section depends
on the weapon you've got equipped, if you've got the mercury bow then it'll only
have two sections to it, but if you've got a Submachine Gun it'll have 30.

Finally, the middle ring contains the compass data. In the game there will usually
be a small yellow line that moves around when you run. When the line is at the north
of the display, you are running in the right direction. The ring grows bigger as you 
get nearer to your objective. There's also a small circle that might sometimes have an
arrow pointing up or down, depending on where you are in the level. If it's pointing up
then your objective is on a level above you, and if it's pointing down your objective
is on a level below you.

For health matters, you have to look at the right circle in the bottom right of your
screen. Firstly, the middle ring of this circle contains your health. It starts off 
as a nice long green bar but as you take damage it goes from green to yellow to red.
If your health gets into the red area, you're going to need a hypo and the bottom-left
part of the outer ring will show you how many hypo's you've got. You can carry a maximum
of 6 hypo's. The right part of the outer ring contains your force field's energy, if you
have one on you. The longer the bar is, the more energy you have. the center part of the 
circle can also contain special information regarding the mission e.g a timer or some

2. Fighting Flashes

I've played many third-person games before, and Oni's flashes are one of the best
features i've seen in a very long time. When you are fighting enemies, you might 
notice some flashes appear on the screen (you can't really miss them). Far from 
being a pretty effect, they serve a useful purpose to the actual game.

When you attack an enemy, a green flash should initally appear on the screen. This 
means that the hit connected and you damaged him. It also means that he's still got
most of his health remaining and your going to have to hit him a lot more to kill 

Throughout the fight, the flashes should gradually turn yellow in colour and then
red. When the flashes are red, it means the opponent is almost dead. When you manage
to vanquish an opponent, red dots will rise from the flash to inform you that the
enemy isn't getting back up again.

As well as the damage flashes, there are also one's to inform that the opponent's
blocked your attack. If you see a blue flash, it means your attack failed and the
enemy didn't take any damage.

VIII.  Frequently Asked Questions                        

Q: How do I change my controls?
A: It's not that hard to change the controls in Oni, but you've got to know
   what you are doing. Go into the directory that you installed Oni in (e.g 
   C:GamesOni) and open up the key_config.txt file. You can then re-bind all
   of the keys to a new one.

Q: How do I take screenshots?
A: Oni is set up to take screenshots whenever you press the F13 (Print Screen)
   key. However, this key doesn't work on many computers. Instead, load up the
   key_config.txt file and change the line that says "bind fkey13 to screenshot)
   and change it to another key (e.g "bind fkey12 to screenshot).

Q: How do I view screenshots?
A: Oni saves a screenshot you've taken in it's installed directory (e.g 
   C:GamesOni) as a file called screen_shotxxx (xxx is the number of
   screenshot's you've taken e.g 000, 001, 002 etc). Simply open up the
   file in a paint program to view it.

Q: I can't get past section xxx?
A: Check the walkthrough section to find out how to complete the game.

Q: Why can't I pull off all the moves?
A: Some of the moves arn't given to you at the beggining of the game, and Konoko
   learns them throughout the course of her adventure. Usually you are given a 
   new move at the begginning of every level.

Q: What are the cheats in Oni? How can I access them?
A: The cheats in Oni are easy to get to once you've set them up. Either complete
   the game or change some files. Check the cheats section for details.

Q: How do I watch the movies at the begginning of the levels again?
A: It's simple. Instead of loading the 'Save Point' parts, just load
   the name of the level again.

IX.    Walkthrough
Note: Because certain parts of Oni are extremely repetitive, this Walkthrough 
can sometimes get a little confusing. You should always use the compass data
to assist you when you play, it can really help you out.

1.     TCTF Training                                    

The training mission really isn't too hard at all, if you just follow the 
on-screen directions you'll be fine.

At the beginning of the exercise Shinatama informs you that your being run 
through TCTF training program beta 6 and after you've completed it you'll be 
ready for field missions. Great. You start with the basic movement training, 
which is simply doing a bit of running around. After that's been done, activate
the control console near the door to start your Dash training. You then have to 
run around a little track, which shouldn't be too hard. Then go and activate 
the other control console to get a little recap of everything you've learned 
so far and start the jump training. 

After learning how to jump, jump into the next room to start your advanced 
movement training. You are told to crouch, so do that. Before the program can 
continue, you have to jump on top of a box and watch a woman fight with 2 
robots. She beats one robot but gets taken down by the second. After that 
display of fisticuffs, you get taught how to creep, initiate your escape moves 
and sliding. Konoko is then told to slide under some laser beams a couple of 
times and are taught the jump flip before you can continue. Use the console to 
recap the moves and then jump into the next room to start your combat training.

You start off the combat training by doing a simple punches and kicks before 
you are instructed to do a punch-punch-punch combo and then a punch-punch-kick
 combo. You can then go into the next room to start fighting with a drone. In 
the next few rooms you have to practice a specific thing before you can 
continue. In the first fight you just have to kill the robot, in the second you
 have the throw the robot and in the third room you have to block the robots 
attacks. When you complete all of that successfully you can move on the next, 
and final, area. In this room there are a whole load of glass targets and a 
couple of robot drones. Pick up the gun on the table and start shooting the 
glass targets. You'll run out of ammo pretty quickly but some ballistic ammo 
will appear on the table as well. Pick it up, and then finish off shooting the 
targets. Then a Plasma Rifle appears and you have to swap your pistol for it. 
Shoot the robots with the plasma rifle to complete the training program beta 6. 
Shinatama tells you that Commander Griffin will be pleased.

But before you can finish the mission, you have to access your diary and use
the computer to recap the combat commands. After that the mission automatically 
ends and the next mission loads up automatically.

2.     Syndicate Warehouse                                

The Mission starts with Shinatama telling you about your health meter. If you 
don't know about your health meter, I recommend that you read it. You start 
this mission with a pistol, which can come in very useful before you find the 
machine gun later on.

Go through the door and down the stairs, and kill the man that attacks you. 
There's a data console around which tells you the that a Manifest 3Y-324-G 
contains six crates that contain ammo for a railgun that the TCTF seized 
from the syndicate. Push the switch on the other side of the room to open 
the locked door.

Go through the newly unlocked door, and Shinatama will give you some compass 
data, as well as teaching you how to use the compass. You are given a new 
objective at this point as well, which is to make contact with Operative Chung.

Go through the door with the sign that says stairs above it and climb the 
stairs. Go through the first door you see and into the next door. activate the 
switch to unlock the yellow and white diamond doors.

As you leave the room, a man will enter who you'll need to kill. Then go 
through the door that you just unlocked. You'll enter a new area which has 
another Engineer who is armed with a machine gun. Kill him and swap your pistol 
(if you've still got it) for it. Your next objective will be to unlock the 
green and white diamond doors, so go to the doors marked 'stairs' and into the
lower part of the room.

There are two rooms to the left and right of the stairs. The one on the right 
is empty, but the one on the left has the switch needed to unlock the doors and 
a Engineer who carries a Hypo spray. Kill the Engineer and take his Hypo. Shinatama 
will contact you and tell you about the 'overpower' effect. Unlock the 
green-white diamond doors with the console. If you go through the door on the 
floor you are on, the only thing you'll find is some ballistic ammo. Get that 
and then go back up the stairs you came down and through the other door you 

You notice a dead man on the floor, and when you walk up to him you realise 
it's Chung, the man you were supposed to meet. After a chat with Griffin, pick 
up Chung's datapad to find out about the whearabouts ofyour next mission, the 
Musashi Manufacturing plant.

But the mission isn't over yet. Shinatama gives you a new objective: find the 
warehouse manager. There's a Striker in one of the rooms (the one 
without the green light next to it) near to Chung's corpse, so dispose of him 
and get a Hypo spray as a reward. The stairs in this area will take you to a 
room with another Striker who will also drop a hypo spray when killed. 
You can get it if you want, but the way forward is through the other door (the 
one with the green light next to it) near Chung's body. In the next room are 
two Engineers, kill them both and go up the stairs. After you've gone up the 
stairs, the room nearest you contains a Engineer. He doesn't have anything so you 
don't have to kill him. Around the corner are two Strikers, one inside 
the room and one outside. Kill them. One drops a hypo, so pick that up. 

Continue going down the path until you reach the end. There will be two doors, 
one on the left and one in front you. The one on the left contains a Engineer, who 
you can kill if you want. The one in front of you has a staircase, go down it. 
At the bottom of the stairs lies a Striker, who carries a hypo. Through 
the door is another Striker and a locked door. The switch to unlock the 
door is at the end of the room, so unlock the door and go through it. There 
will be 3 doors in the next room, one leading to some stairs, one locked 
(red-white diamond logo on the door) and one containing a Engineer. The Engineer will 
run up the stairs and activate an alarm if he sees you, so chase him and kill 
him before he gets the chance. In the same room as the alarm is the switch to
unlock the door. Unlock the door and go down the stairs and through it to the 
next area. You will encounter a Engineer, and two doors. One of them leads to some 
stairs, which you don't need to go down. The other is the one that you have 
to go through to continue. In this room, you DO need to go up the stairs 
(not down) where you'll see a Striker attacking a civilian. Kill the 
agent and the civilian will tell you that the warehouse manager is upstairs. 
He'll also open the locked doors near you. Go through the doors after they've 
been unlocked. You'll enter on the top floor of a huge new area, and a Engineer 
will attack you. Kill the Engineer and go down the stairs, which are at the edge 
of the floor you are on. When you get to the bottom of the stairs, run to the 
other side of the room, killing the Engineer along the way, and go down the other 
set of stairs to reach the bottom floor of the building. There will be two 
Engineers that assault you, dispose of them and run over to the truck. 

Shinatama will inform you that the truck is trying to escape from the building 
and that there's no way you can get in it. You now have to find a way to stop 
the truck from leaving the building. You have a 3 minutes (which you can see in 
the bottom right of the screen) to stop the truck. A couple of Strikers 
instantly attack you, and one is armed with a pulse rifle. Take it if you want. 
Follow the compass data until you get to the stairs (it's almost a mirror copy 
of how you got down to the ground floor, but this time you are going up) 
killing the Engineers and Strikers along the way. Eventually, you'll reach 
a switch which you have to activate. Watch the movie and relax because you've 
just completed your first real level of Oni!

3.     Manufacturing Plant

You start the level being ambushed by 3 Strikers in the reception area. You've 
got two other TCTF agents to help you out, so it shouldn't be very hard to kill 

After you've done that, take a look around the reception area to get your 
bearings. There are 4 doors, 2 locked and 2 unlocked. There is also a staircase 
with leads to another door, which is locked too.

The unlocked door near the staircase has one man inside, who will give you some 
ballistic ammo when killed. The other unlocked door has two Engineers, a locked 
door and also an important switch. Push the switch to open the locked door in 
this room, and another door back in the reception area. Go back to the 
reception area and through the door you just unlocked to find a Engineer who 
drops a hypo spray when killed. Pick it up. Then go back and through the other 
door you unlocked, and go to the other side of the room and through that door. 
There will be two enemies in this room, and one of them tries to call for help 
by setting off an alarm. Kill him before he gets the chance, and then deal with 
the other man.

Leave the room and down the area with the alarm console in it, and through the 
door at the other end. You'll enter another room with a Striker and a 
switch to unlock the door up the staircase back in the reception area. You have 
to go back there now, but you can't go back the way you came as one of the doors 
has now locked itself. Instead, head out the other door in the room with the 
switch and keep going down the path until you reach a room where a syndicate 
agent is attacking two scientists. Kill the Striker before he kills any 
scientists to get rewards from them. There's a locked door in this room, and 
the switch to unlock it is in the area with the scientists. Unlock the door and 
go through it to end up back in the reception area, where a Engineer and 
Striker (armed with a plasma rife) will attack you. Kill them and go up 
the stairs and through the door that's now unlocked.

Go down the stairs and into the down the path to your left where you'll be 
attacked by 4 people. At the other side of the area, there is another door 
which will take you to the manufacturing wing of the plant. Griffin will talk 
to you before you can enter the door, but go through it when he's finished with 
you to enter the door and the manufacturing wing.

There will be two Engineers here, one of them armed with a submachine gun. Kill 
them and notice the door that's locked. There's another door that's unlocked in 
this area, so go through that and enter a room with a load of laser beams that 
you'll need to dodge. There's an exit at the end of the corridor, and an two 
exits to the right. One of them (the unlocked one) on the right leads to a room 
with a switch that's guarded by turrets and laser beams. You can't use the 
switch in this room, so don't bother trying or you'll just end up dead.

Go through the other unlocked door at the other end of the corridor, there are 
two Strikers here, a switch (the switch is pretty well hidden, so you 
might have to search for it) and another locked door. Kill them, and pull the 
switch in this room to deactivate the lasers guarding the switch in the 
previous room. 

Go back into the room with the switch guarded by turrets. Pull the switch to 
open the door back at the beginning of the manufacturing wing. In that room is 
another switch which unlock the door back in the laser corridor. Go into that 
room, and two Strikers will attack you. There's another switch in this 
room, which will unlock a door back in the room where you deactivated the 
lasers. Go through it.

When you go through it, you'll notice a Striker attacking a scientist. 
Kill the agent and then go down the stairs, and Shinatama will chat to you 
about the deadly brain. Go through the door to confront the machine. To defeat 
the deadly brain, you have to activate the 4 switches in the room while dodging 
the laser beams as you will get badly damaged and probably die if you do. After 
you've activated all 4 switches once, the switches will reset and you'll have 
to activate them all again. You have to do this 3 times, each time the lasers 
get harder to dodge. After you defeat the Deadly Brain, you'll have completed 
the level.

4.     Bio-Research Lab

You start this level with a fight with Barabas, the Syndicate's right-hand man. 
He can be one tough cookie if you don't know what you're doing but is actually 
easy to beat if you know how. The easiest strategy is to NOT let Barabas fire 
his gun at you! It takes off about 1/4 of your life bar, and you need all the 
health you can get in this level. Don't think you can escape him, because the 
only door in the area is locked. Start the fight by running up to Barabas and 
knocking him to the ground (the running throw move is a good choice) so he 
drops his gun, and then wait for him to get up again. When he gets up, launch 
a powerful move on him so he ends up back on the floor. Repeat until you've 
defeated him. He'll fly off and chat to Muro about you, leaving you to enter 
the building (the door is now unlocked) and continue the level.

The next level can be unbelievably hard, so be prepared. It helps to have a lot 
of health left from the fight with Barabas, so if you don't it might be wise 
to restart the level again and try to get better results. In the ground floor 
of the building will be two strikers, one at the end of the room and the other 
around the pillar near where you enter. Attack the striker near you to get both 
the enemy's attention, and then take cover behind the wall so that the striker 
armed with the machine gun can't hurt you too bad. After you've killed both 
strikers, run around the pillar and into the room. There will be a switch which 
will unlock all of the locked doors on this floor and 1/3 of the lock on the 
door at the top. While it might initially look like there are 6 different rooms, 
there are only 2 very large rooms with 3 exits each. The room to the left of the
stairs will lead to an attack by two strikers, but you can get two hypo's off a 
scientist after the fight. The room to the right of the stairs will only lead to 
an attack by one striker but you will only get one hypo from a scientist for 
reward. There's also an interesting data console in here about SLD's. You can 
go in both rooms to get three hypo's and you don't have to go into either one 
as well. But you DO have to pull the switch that unlocks the doors, otherwise 
you won't be able to advance in the level later.

Go up the stairs, and you'll notice that it's a lot like the floor you were just 
in. There are 6 doors, all locked and a room at the end which contains the switch 
to open them. There are also 4 strikers, one armed with a scram cannon, who can be 
tough to beat. I've found that one of the strikers will usually unlock the doors 
for you, and that two other strikers will go and attack the scientists in the 
rooms. Kill all of them, and if the doors haven't been unlocked, go and do it now 
and then collect your rewards from the scientists. One scientist will give you a 
force field, and the other will give you a hypo. Then go up the stairs. This floor 
is a bit different to the other two, as the stairs are behind you when you enter. 
There's also quite a lot of things the same, like 6 locked doors and a switch in 
a room which unlocks them. You'll get attacked by two strikers on the floor, so 
kill them and go and pull the switch to unlock the doors and the final part of 
the door at the top of the building. The doors on this level that you've unlocked 
will contain one striker each, and all of the scientists have been killed by the 
time you get there. But there are still some nice items to salvage, 1 pulse cell 
and a hypo, in the rooms. If you want them, go and get them, and then climb the 
stairs and go through the door with the 3 lights that you've been unlocking to 
access the rooftops.

On the rooftops, make sure that you don't fall off otherwise you'll plummet to 
your death. There is a striker on the rooftops, kill him and move on. There is 
only one path that you can travel down, and it shouldn't be too hard to find. 
You'll eventually end up at some stairs, go up them. There are 2 Strikers on 
the stairs but one of them usually attacks you before you even start to climb 
them. At the top of the stairs, there will be a locked door and a path to 
another room, which is where you should go next. You'll be attacked by a new 
type of enemy, the Bomb Trooper. After he's been vanquished, there will be a 
small cut-scene that's funny to watch. Konoko will run to the lift (the door 
that was locked) and go down it and you regain control of her at the lobby, 
where the TCTF agents have just entered.

There are two sets of stairs in the lobby that lead to different areas. Also, 
at a certain point (usually around 30 seconds after you enter the lobby) the 
area will get assaulted by lots of armed strikers. If you hear gunfire, you 
know they're attacking. Turn around 180 degrees, and go down the stairs behind 
you. A TCTF operative will give you a couple of hypo's. Go back up the stairs 
and run across the room to the other set of stairs and inside this room is a 
switch that will unlock 1/3 of a locked door. Go through the open door in this 
area, and watch out as there is a striker and a bomb trooper, take care when 
fighting the bomb trooper as when you kill him you've got 3 seconds to run 
and take cover because he explodes.

After you've killed them, you have to advance to one of the upper floors of the 
building, which can be done by either using the stairs back in the lobby of the 
stairs in the room you are now. I'm going to cover going up the stairs in the 
room you are now, after you've gone up them go into the room closest to you and 
pull the switch to unlock the 2nd part of the 3-lock door. After entering the 
room a striker will attack you. After killing him, exit the room and look for 
the staircase that will take you up to the next floor. You'll have to cross 
over the lobby again, and kill all the strikers you meet along the way. Once 
you're there, you have to find the final switch to unlock the door. Cross over 
the lobby and the switch is around the corner. Then go back over the lobby, 
and go through the door you've unlocked.

You enter a large area with pools of bio-corrosive liquid below you. The paths 
are quite thin, so make sure you don't fall off or you'll hurt yourself badly. 
There are a lot of strikers in this area, about 2 on each floor, but they don't 
all notice you at first. You have to go down each level and find the switch top 
open the doors at the bottom of the room. Once you've found the switch, activate 
and you'll get attacked by a bomb trooper. After killing him, go over to the 
large doors that were just unlocked and jump down because there aren't any stairs 
leading to it. Run through the door and over towards the van and you've completed 
the level.

5.     Airport Assault

As Konoko pulls up to the airport, she meets up with Muro and two of his 
strikers. He runs off leaving the strikers to attack you. One of them usually 
runs into the airport and starts attacking the civilians, which means you won't 
get any extra items if he kills them. After killing them both, head into the 
airport, turn right and run down this area until you reach the 3 strikers 
attacking more civilians. One is armed with a Scram Cannon and another has a 
Machine gun. Kill them all, and head into the room to your left. There's a 
switch in here that will unlock the doors at the end of the room, so pull it 
and move through the door.

As you enter the room, two strikers will also enter from the other side and 
attack you. Kill them and one of the civilians in the room will hand you an 
ammo clip. Exit through the door the strikers came in and down the ramp. The 
syndicate troops have blown up the cargo bays which means you're going to hard 
to complete this level the hard way. At the bottom of the ramp a striker is 
attacking a engineer, so give the engineer a hand and kill him. Go up the 
runways and into the new area. A striker armed with a plasma rifle will attack 
you (he runs in from the left side of the area) so after you've killed him turn 
right and run over to the other runway. There are a lot of strikers in this 
area, and it's in your best interests not to attract the attention of every 
single one of them. Remember to use the creep move (default = hold shift 
while running) so you don't make as much sound when running. There is a 
civilian that will give you a force field over in the far part of the area. 
Trying to reach him will probably mean you'll have to fight all the strikers, 
but the force field can be a great item. Once you reach the other ramp, enter 
it and kill the bomb trooper and striker that are in this area. In this room 
there are two ramps, one leading up to the cargo hangers (the syndicate blew 
up all the routes to them, so you won't be able to get there) and the other 
leading to an unlocked door. Go up the ramp leading to the door, and go 
through it. In the next room, two strikers, one armed with a scram cannon, 
will attack you. When you enter the next room, Muro will bump into and make 
another exit leaving another two strikers to deal with you. Kill them both 
and enter the room that the strikers came out of to find a switch that will 
unlock the door that Muro left from. Exit the room.

You'll end up on a ledge in another large area, and a striker with a pulse gun 
will attack you from the far side of the area you're on. Kill him. On the right 
side of the ledge you're on will be a room with a switch that you can't activate 
yet. Instead, run down the stairs near the room and across the area, killing the 
striker that attacks you along the way, until you reach the stairs on the other 
side. Climb the stairs to the top, and enter the room there. There will be a 
switch in here that does work, and when you activate it the previous switch 
that wouldn't work will now. Unfortunately, two elite strikers exit a door 
below you and they're both armed with pulse gun. Kill them and run back the 
other switch and activate it to unlock the doors that the elite strikers came 
out of. Run back to the door and go through it to complete the level.

6.     Airport Cargo Hangers

As soon as you start the level, a striker carrying a pulse rifle will spot you. 
He's quite far away, so dodge his bullets and kill him. You should be down the 
large staircase by now, and you should use stealth as much as you can in the 
next area. Having every single opponent on you will more than likely lead to 
your death. Instead, pick one or two off at a time. You want to get to the 
building at the other side of the area, then go in it. A striker with a VDG 
Pistol will be hiding in the building and will attack you as soon as you enter. 
Kill him, and then activate the switch in the room to unlock the door outside. 
Go through the door.

As you enter, Muro will be making his getaway, and 3 strikers will attack you. 
Kill them all. There's a choice at this point, to either go across the rooftops 
(the way Muro left) or taking the ground floor (the way the strikers came in). 
I'm going to concentrate on the 2nd method, but if you want to take the first 
way then you can. Run though the door the strikers came through, and another 
striker will attack you. While your fighting him, another two strikers will come 
to help him out. After killing them, go through the large door that's around the 
crashed trailer and turn right. Go down the path, and a striker and bomb trooper 
will attack you and a couple of engineers. Kill them and then go up the ramp into 
the next area.

There's a whole load of lasers beams here, and touching one of them will release 
poisonous gas. When you reach the other side of the laser corridor, exit through 
the door. You'll be in a room with a tanker and a striker, kill them and then go 
through the door at the other end. Turn left and run up the ramp, and kill the 
striker at the top of it. Take the ramp that is going UP and another striker 
will attack. Continue following the path, and you should come across two ramps 
linking together two buildings, cross over it and over to another ramp, where a 
striker is. There will be another ramp, go down that and a tanker with a VDG 
pistol will attack you. Run over to the next building (follow the compass if you 
are having trouble finding it) where there is a staircase leading to a locked door 
and two striker. Kill them and run to the far end of this building, where there is 
another staircase that will take you down to the ground. When you get near the 
bottom, you'll see three engineers being attacked by two strikers. Protect the 
engineers by killing the strikers, and they'll each give you a reward (One gives 
a force field, one gives ballistic ammo and the other gives you a hypo). After one 
engineer has given you something, another two strikers will show up and assault 
you. Kill them and leave the alleyway. Follow the compass data over to a fenced 
area with a tanker and bomb trooper in. The tankers armed with a grenade launcher, 
so be very careful. In the fenced area is a switch that unlocks the door you saw 
earlier. Trigger the switch and head back to the door.

In this area, keep going down the stairs and through the doors until you reach 
a door called HG~A. Left of this door are a few crates, and on top of them is a 
rappeling harness. Pick it up (Q by default) and go through the HG~A door and 
down the stairs. There will be a tanker down here, kill him and as you approach 
the locked door it will unlock and two strikers will attack you. Go through the 
door they came through and into the next area. There's a striker and tanker in 
here that you can kill if you want, but if your running low on health, use 
stealth to evade them. Go up the ramps and into the small room near the 
beginning of the 2nd ramp. There will be a cut-scene of Muro running onto his 
plane. Leave the room and continue going up the ramp.

When you reach the top of the ramp, You'll be able to see Muro's plane far 
below you. What you have to do now is find the right spot (the compass data 
point's you to it), either avoiding or killing the strikers in the area, so 
you can use the Rappelling Harness. When you've found it, Konoko will use the 
harness and complete the level. In the cut-scene that follows we see Muro 
planning to kidnap Shinatama.

7.     TCTF Regional HQ

You start this level on the ground floor in the parking lot. At the other end 
of the room, two strikers will be exiting a lift. They will probably notice 
you which means you'll have to fight them. After killing them, go through the 
door which they came out of and kill the two strikers that are in here. Then go 
through the door on at the other end of the room and kill the tanker that comes 
to attack you. Go through the passage, and there will be a striker armed with a 
pulse rifle on top of a lorry. You can't attack him with your punches and kicks, 
so either shoot him or try to get him to jump off. When you've done that, go 
through the passage to the left of the lorry, turn left and run down the 
corridor. You'll come across a TCTF agent being attacked by two strikers, if 
you kill the strikers and keep the TCTF agent alive then he'll follow you. At 
this point there will be 3 doors that you can go through. A grey door by where 
the TCTF agent was being attacked, a door with a logo on and a beige coloured 
door. There's a switch in the room past the door with a logo and the other two 
doors just contain rooms with two strikers each that are attacking civilians. 
You'll get rewards of the civilians if you help them out but to advance the 
mission you need to activate the switch to unlock the door a while back. 
Activate the switch, and go through the door you've just unlocked. You'll 
get a small cut scene showing the syndicate's advance in the building.

Go up the stairs and you'll get attacked by a Tanker. There are 3 other exits 
on this staircase apart from the 3-lock door, two of them are unlocked and one 
of them is locked. Go through the 2nd door from the bottom. This area will look 
familiar to the area you've just come from, and has a switch in exactly the 
same place too. Run over to it, killing the two strikers and tanker along the 
way. There's a striker in the room with the switch as well. Activating it will 
unlock the door at the top of the staircase, which is where you should go to 
next. The other room here all contain striker and usually civilians that will 
reward you when rescued. If you want to do that, do so and then move on to the 
door at the top of the staircase.

There is one female striker here, and two doors at the end of the corridor. 
Kill the striker and go into the room on the left. Then go up the staircase. 
There will be a short cut-scene of Barabas kidnapping Shinatama, and then you'll 
be back in the game. The door that you used to get to the staircase is now 
locked. Go all the way to the top of the stairs.

The next area is fiercely contested by strikers, and you'll probably have a 
hard time defeating them. Go up the staircase, and onto the access ramps. The 
syndicate troops have blown up these ramps at certain points, and you'll need 
to use the jump-flip move (it also helps to be dashing) to get over these 
obstacles. Be careful when jumping because if Konoko falls she'll either die 
or get critically injured. After you've reached the top-level, go into one of 
the rooms and talk to an engineer. He'll tell you about the syndicate trying 
to sabotage the elevator and then Konoko will demand the laser torch. Hmmm, I 
wonder what she wants that for? Leave the room and run left until you get to 
the elevator, and jump onto it (she will fall down the gap if you try to run to 
it) to start a cut-scene. 

When you regain control of her, you'll be a red lit room with a female striker 
and a tanker on the other side. It won't be long before they notice you and 
you'll have to fight them. There are two locked doors in this room, but you 
can unlock one of them by using the switch near the tanker. After unlocking 
the door, go through it. You'll be attacked by another two strikers. Kill them. 
There's a staircase in this room, go up it and you'll be attacked by yet another 
two strikers when you reach the top. Exit through the door and onto the ledges 
above. Watch out, as there's a striker armed with a Mercury Bow who'll try to 
shoot you with it as soon as you leave the room. There's another striker around 
that may or may not have already attacked you, if he hasn't you've got the 
advantage. Go to the two rooms at the other end of the area, and head into 
the room on the right. Go up the stairs and kill the striker that waits for you 
at the top. Exit into the higher level of ledges, and kill any strikers around. 
Do the same as you did for the floor below, run to the other side and go into 
the room on the right and climb the stairs. You'll emerge in a room with every 
single door locked apart from two doors leading to the rooftops. There will 
also be three strikers who attack you. Kill them and go out to the rooftops, 
and a cut-scene will play. You're too late to save Shinatama, and Barabas 
attacks you again. Use the same tactics from before to beat him, but don't 
think that you can just throw him over the edge. He'll activate his jetpack 
and return in no time at all. When you've defeated Barabas, the mission is 

8.     Atmospheric Conversion Center (exterior)

Run forward and turn right at the first opportunity and continue until you 
reach the bridge. 3 Strikers will attack you, but it's easy to beat them if 
you throw them off the edge. Continue running down the bridge until you reach 
the end. Go left and into the room, activate the switch to unlock the door. Go 
through the freshly unlocked door into the next area. The engineer in this room 
will give you a hypo, take it and continue through the door at the end of the 

In the next outside area, run down the left or right side. The left side has a 
tanker and the right has a striker. There are two armed strikers on the top of 
the walls, either kill them and/or run through the door at the end of the path. 
Another engineer in here will give you a hypo, and go through the door at the 
other side of the room.

You have to run down the right path here because the left one leads to a dead 
end. Go into the room on your right and pull the switch to unlock the door near 
the room. Talk to the cop in here to get her Phase Stream Generator. Go through 
the room and down the lift. Watch the cut-scene of Muro torturing Shinatama.

Exit the lift and run down the path, a striker will jump out and attack you, 
kill him and keep going. When you reach the end (and a locked door) turn 
around and run down the other side of the path until you reach the room. Pull 
the switch which will unlock the door which is where you have to go to next. 
Go through the door, and kill the female striker in the room. There's a mercury 
bow on the floor, and I suggest you pick it up as it comes in very useful. 
Leave through the other exit, and climb the stairs onto the top of this wall. A 
striker with a machine gun will attack you. Run down to the other end of the 
wall, where there will be a switch that unlocks the door up ahead. Pull the 
switch and go through the door. A civilian in the next room will give you a 
hypo, take it off him and go through the door into the new area where a 
striker will attack you.

Run until you reach the end of the path turn left and continue running. Follow 
the compass data to the switch that you need to activate, it's quite far away 
but not hard to find. Just keep running straight and turning at the corners, 
killing any strikers that attack you. Once you get to the switch, activate it 
and go over to the door that you just unlocked. Go through it and down the lift. 

After the cut scene has finished, get off the lift and go over to the room 
that's close by. Activate the switch, and leave the room. Run down, following 
the path until you get to the door you unlocked. Inside will be a striker 
attacking a civilian, kill the striker and talk to the civilian. He'll make the 
power grid lag for a few cycles, allowing you to run across it. If you've got a 
loaded gun, shoot the panes of glass out of the window and jump onto the power 
grid to save vital seconds. If you aren't armed, exit the room and run around 
the building and then onto the grid. You've only got 25 seconds, so make sure 
you are dashing. When you get to the other side, you'll be attacked by a 
striker armed with pulse gun. 

After killing him, run to the area to your left (your compass should help point 
you to it) and into the building next to the power grid. Talk to the scientist 
to speculate a little more about the syndicate's plans. After that, two strikers 
will enter the room and attack you. When you've killed them, activate the switch 
that will make the generators lag and jump onto the power grid. You've only got 
15 seconds this time, so you'll have to be faster than the last time. You also 
have to jump off the pipe before the end, onto a platform that a striker is on. 
Kill him and then run down the stairs and the ramps until you reach the bottom. 
Turn around 180 degrees and activate the switch to unlock the door. Go through 
the door and there will be 3 strikers, one with a Pulse Stream Generator and 
the others with pulse guns. It can be a tricky fight, but after you kill them 
you experience a Daodan spike and the level ends.

9.     Atmospheric Conversion Center (interior)

As this level starts, a striker will attack you. Soon after, another one will 
appear and start attacking as well. Kill them both and leave through one of the
two exits in this room. Move over to the staircase (it's highlighted with a 
yellow tint) and run all the way down it to the ground floor. A Tanker will 
usually spot you and start running over, followed by up to 3 strikers. Kill 
them all and run the far side of this room, and through either of the doors at 
the end. A couple of female strikers will jump down off a staircase and attack 
you. After you've killed them, continue to the other side of the room, then 
left and run over to Shinatama. She is being guarded by a female striker with a 
phase stream generator. When you get close enough, a cut-scene will play 
showing Griffin activating Shinatama's self destruct sequence. After Konoko 
says goodbye, you regain control of her and a 30 timer starts. Turn around 
180 degrees and run to the nearest staircase, it's slightly to the right. 
Continue going up it until you reach the top. A striker should attack you on 
the way, don't bother attacking him otherwise you might run out of time.  When 
you reach the top, turn right and run to the door and then through it.

A striker will be attacking a scientist, kill him and then talk to the 
scientist. He will recalibrate the power allowing you to cross over the grid. 
This time the rings of electricity will not disappear for a few seconds, wait 
for them to slow down and then dash across to the room on the other side. In 
this room, a scientist will hand you a force field. Go through the door to the 
left of this room, and then up the staircase to your right in the next room. A 
couple of strikers will attack you. Continue heading up the staircase until you 
reach the room at the top. Go into the room, and a scientist will give you a 
hypo. Activate the switch in this room to unlock the door next to it, and then 
go through the door.

In this next room, you have to get to the other side without being hit by the 
electricity charges. There are a couple of ways to do this. You can pull the 
switches at the central point of each area to stop the electricity for a few 
seconds, allowing you to run over to the next point. the other alternative is to 
time your dashes in the points where electricity isn't active. Whatever way you 
choose, you'll eventually end up at a door on the other side. Go through it.

Inside the next room, a female striker armed with a VDG pistol will be hiding. 
Lure her out and then kill her. Leave this room and then go down the next 
staircase, killing any enemies you meet, until you reach the ground floor. Head 
through the door at the end, and into a room with two strikers in it. You've got 
to disable to power grid again in this room, so pull the switch and run across 
it as you did the times before. Remember to wait for the blue pulses to thin 
down a little before you commence running across it. This time, a striker will 
start running across the pipe from the other side towards you. He's quite thick, 
and will often fall of before he's even reached you. If he does manage to get to 
you, hit him a couple of times and knock him off. When you reach the other side, 
two strikers will instantly attack you. Kill them, and head through the door in 
this room.

There are many strikers in this area, make sure you keep an eye out for them. 
What you have to do is run up the floors, taking the staircases, until you 
reach the floor that's second to top. In the room on this floor is a switch to 
unlock the door on the top floor, which also releases two TCTF agents. They're 
not here to help you this time, they'll attack you if they see you. Run to the 
top floor, and into the lift. It will take you up to the next power grid. 
There's an elite TCTF agent here, armed with a force field and a VDG pistol. 
Kill him, and pull the switch in this room to relcalibrate the pulses of 
electricity. Run across the power grid to complete the level.

10.    Regional State Building

As you arrive at the building, a mysterious ninja (Mukade) will have already 
entered and killed two of the security guards. Another two security guards will 
enter and believe that you killed them. You'll be attacked by the two security 
guards, dispatch them and move through the door to the right of the reception 
area. In this little room, another two security guards will come and attack you. 
Kill them. Run into the next area, and kill the TCTF agent around. A security 
guard will also be up a level firing a pulse rifle at you. If you've got a gun, 
shoot him dead. Enter the door to the right of the locked door, and activate 
the console inside. Go back to the reception area and up the stairs, and 
through marked 'II' on the right side.

In this area, one of the rooms inside will contain another switch to unlock the 
doors marked 'III'. A civilian around will also give you some info on where 
they're keeping the files you are looking for. After talking to him, head back 
to the reception, and go up the stairs again. Go through any of the doors 
marked 'III' and search the area. There will be 3 locks, each unlocking one 
third of the locked door on the roof. The staircase to lead Konoko to the roof 
is also on this level, so after unlocking the doors find it. Once you reach the 
roof, watch out for the snipers armed with Mercury Bows.

Between the two doors that allow you to access the roof is another room, 
containing a guard armed with a Phase Stream Generator so he can be tricky to 
kill. After you've got rid of him, the switch in this room will open the doors 
on the first floor that will take you down to the data archives. Make your way 
all the way back down to the ground floor, and into one of the locked doors you 
saw earlier (you saw one of them before going into the room to unlock the 'II' 
doors). There are a whole load of laser beams that will trigger viscous attacks 
by turrets in this room, so you'll have you hands full getting past them. When 
you succeed, go into the room in the centre of the hallway and you'll have to 
fight two TCTF agents. After they are dead, head to the yellow target in the 
room to start getting the files you need. A cut-scene will play, showing 
Mukade taking the record
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