Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater FAQ

                  _____          __          __                 __________ 
                 /        _____/  |______  |  |                          
                /   /  _/ __    ____   |  |                 ______    
               /    |      ___/|  |  / __ |  |__                         |
               ____|__  /___  >__| (____  /____/                       |  |
                       /     /          /                        ____/   |
  ________                        _________       __   __     ___  <____ _____="" ____="" _______="" __="" _="" ___=""> )  |_|  / /_/ |   _____/   |
 ______  /___  >____  /__|    /_______  /____/|____/______ |  /        / 
        /     /     /                /                    / /________/  

------------------------------------------------------------ FAQ/Walkthrough - 

                    Author: Alex Eagleson                            
                    Began: December 12th, 2004
                    Completed: December 14th, 2004
                    Donations: See legal section
                    Email: StarOceanDC(at)gmail(dot)com              
                    University of Guelph, Ontario                    


---------------------------- This is a 100% spoiler-free walkthrough ---------

*                              Table of Contents                             *

To navigate this walkthrough it is easiest to use your browser's or word 
processor's search function which can be accessed by either pressing Ctrl+f or 
looking in the drop down 'edit' menu.  Search for the small code word in 
brackets beside the section you are looking for.

1.  Controls...........................................................(Ch000)
2.  Game Mechanics.....................................................(Ch001)
3.  Full Walkthrough...................................................(Fw000)
     i - Dremuchij South...............................................(Fw001)
     ii - Dremuchij Swamp Land.........................................(Fw002)
     iii - Dremuchij North.............................................(Fw003)
     iv - Dolinvodno...................................................(Fw004)
     v - Rassvet.......................................................(Fw005)
     vi - Dolinvodno...................................................(Fw006)
     vii - Dolinvodno Riverbank........................................(Fw007)
     viii - Dremuchij East.............................................(Fw008)
     ix - Dremuchij North..............................................(Fw009)
     x - Dolinvodno....................................................(Fw00A)
     xi - Rassvet......................................................(Fw00B)
     xii - Chynoryj Prud...............................................(Fw00C)
     xiii - Bolshaya Past South........................................(Fw00D)
     xiv - Bolshaya Past Base..........................................(Fw00E)
     xv - Bolshaya Past Crevice........................................(Fw00F)
     xvi - Chyomaya Peschera Branch....................................(Fw010)
     xvii - Chyomaya Peschera Cave.....................................(Fw011)
     xviii - Chyomaya Peschera Cave Entrance...........................(Fw012)
     xix - Ponizovje South.............................................(Fw013)
     xx - Ponizovje West...............................................(Fw014)
     xxi - Ponizovje Warehouse: Exterior...............................(Fw015)
     xxii - Ponizovje Warehouse........................................(Fw016)
     xxiii - Graniny Gorki South.......................................(Fw017)
     xxiv - Graniny Gorki Lab Exterior: Outside Wall...................(Fw018)
     xxv - Graniny Gorki Lab Exterior: Inside Walls....................(Fw019)
     xxv - Graniny Gorki Lab 1F........................................(Fw01A)
     xxvi - Graniny Gorki Lab B1 West..................................(Fw01B)
     xxvii - Graniny Gorki South.......................................(Fw01C)
     xxviii - Ponizovje Warehouse......................................(Fw01D)
     xxix - Svyatogornyj South.........................................(Fw01E)
     xxx - Svyatogornyj West...........................................(Fw01F)
     xxxi - Svyatogornyj East..........................................(Fw020)
     xxxii - Sokrovenno South/North/West...............................(Fw021)
     xxxiii - Krasnogorje Tunnel.......................................(Fw022)
     xxxiv - Krasnogorje Mountain Base.................................(Fw023)
     xxxv - Krasnogorje Mountainside...................................(Fw024)
     xxxvi - Krasnogorje Mountaintop...................................(Fw025)
     xxxvii - Krasnogorje Mountaintop: Behind Ruins....................(Fw026)
     xxxviii - Grozynj Grad Underground Tunnel.........................(Fw02?)
     xxxix - Grozynj Grad Southwest....................................(Fw027)
     xl - Grozynj Grad Northeast.......................................(Fw028)
     xli - Grozynj Grad Southeast......................................(Fw029)
     xlii - Grozynj Grad 1F............................................(Fw02A)
     xliii - Grozynj Grad Northwest....................................(Fw02B)
     xliv - Grozynj Grad Weapons Lab: East Wing........................(Fw02C)
     xlv - Grozynj Grad Weapons Lab: Main Wing.........................(Fw02D)
     xlvi - Grozynj Grad Weapons Lab: West Corridor....................(Fw02E)
     xlvii - Grozynj Grad Torture Room.................................(Fw02F)
     xlviii - Grozynj Grad Sewers......................................(Fw030)
     xlix - Tikhogornyj................................................(Fw031)
     l - Tikhogornyj: Behind Waterfall.................................(Fw032)
     li - Grozynj Grad Northwest.......................................(Fw033)
     lii - Grozynj Grad Weapons Lab: East Wing.........................(Fw034)
     liii - Grozynj Grad Weapons Lab: Main Wing........................(Fw035)
     liv - Grozynj Grad Runway.........................................(Fw036)
     lv - Grozynj Grad Rail Bridge South...............................(Fw037)
     lvi - Zaozyorje South.............................................(Fw038)
     lvii - Zaozyorje North............................................(Fw039)
     lviii - Rokovoj Bereg.............................................(Fw03A)
4. Weapons.............................................................(Fw03B)
5. Items...............................................................(Fw03C)
6. Food................................................................(Fw03D)
7. Camouflage..........................................................(Fw03E)
8. Face Paint..........................................................(Fw03F)
9. Injuries............................................................(Fw040)
10. Radio Frequencies..................................................(Fw041)
11. Kerotan Locations..................................................(Fw042)
12. Snake V.s. Monkey..................................................(Fw043)
13. Version History....................................................(Vr000)
14. Legal..............................................................(Le000)
15. Credits............................................................(Cr000)

*                                   Controls                         (Ch000) *

D-Pad - Stalking mode, walk silently

Analog Stick (Left) - Move Snake in any direction, or change where he's
     looking in first person view mode.

Analog Stick (Right) - Camera control, use this to get a better view of the

Square - This lets you use any weapon you have equipped.  The button is 
     pressure sensitive so you can let go slightly to put down your gun.

Triangle - This button opens doors or performs actions that are appropriate to 
     the context.

Circle - This button is used to fight hand to hand and use Snake's Close 
     Quarters Combat techniques (CQC.)  

X - Use this button to cycle between standing, crouch and prone positions.

R1 - Go into first person view mode, allows you to aim when firing.

L1 - Allows you to fire in one direction or auto aim, as well as look through 
     the sight of some guns when in first person mode.

R2 - Opens up the weapons inventory

L2 - Opens up the items inventory

R3 - Camera control

L3 - Press while holding an enemy to interrogate

*                                Game Mechanics                      (Ch001) *

Two important additions to Metal Gear Solid 3 are the cure and food menus.  
havea  stamina bar right below your normal health bar which will deplete as 
progress, you must catch animals and eat them in order to refill it.  Animals 
can be found anywhere, to catch them either kill them or tranquilize them.  
Tranquilized animals will be live trapped and never spoil, however you can 
hold three.

The cure menu allows you to heal injuries Snake will suffer throughout the 
game.  Each injury has a different way of being healed and you will find 
healing supplies in various places throughout the game.  Injuries will drain 
you health or disable it from respoting fully until they are healed.  Ailments 
to your health work the same way however they are treated with medicine rather 
than self-surgery.

CQC (close quarters combat) is also a new option, while you still have the 
ability to fight hand to hand with circle, you can now hold circle or push 
different directions with it to either grab or throw the enemies.  If you run 
up to an enemy and hold circle without pressing a direction and you havea  CQC 
weapon equiiped, you will grab the enemy.  From there you can interrogate with 
L3, choke with circle as well as slit throat with circle by pressing the 
hard.  You can also tap a direction and pull out your gun to hold an enemy up 
while on the ground.  Aim at their face to scare them into giving you an item, 
similar to how you would hold them up normally.

You cannot hold all the weapons and items you have at once, you must select 
them from your backpack and switch them around.  Always keep the most useful 
items and weapons on you at all times, if the need arises to use another, it's 
not hard to change your backpack around.

All your electrical itmes now use up a battery that manually recharges as you 
move around.  Don't abuse them too much without letting them charge.

Camouflage is another new mechanic to the series, your camouflage and face 
paint will determine how well you are hidden, indicated by the % at the top 
right of the screen.  When you enter the camo menu it will tell you based on a 
+- system how appropriate each camo will be in your particular context.  
Different elements besides camo effect your stealth % as well however, moving 
will make you more visible, standing will make you less, while crouching even 
more so and prone the most.  Going prone in tall grass is the most effective 
way of hiding.  Use your enviroment and camo to your advantage to stay hidden 
from the enemy at all times.

All the classic mechanics are still in tact.  You can hold up an enemy by 
drawing you gun behind him, you can flip over railings and hold on by pressing 
triangle, use the same method to climb trees.  When hanging you can shimmy 
side to side or drop with X, while falling press triangle to grab another 
ledge.  You can also do chin ups by hitting L2 and R2 while hanging.  You can 
drag bodies with square, roll with X while running.  The quick reload still 
exists, instead of waiting for Snake to manually reload simply double tap R2 
unequip and equip your gun with a full clip of ammo.  Hold the analog in the 
direction of a wall to press against it, from there you can press circle to 
knock on the wall.  Walk along the wall by pressing a direction while still 
holding yourself against it.  When you reach the corner of a wall use L2 or R2 
to look around the corner, if you have a gun or grenade use square to shoot 
around the corner.  Also if you ever see the R1 button icon appear in a 
cutscene, hold it to see the scene fro ma different point of view.

Finally there's some extra fun secret things you can do.  Try pressing R1, R3 
or moving the right analof stick while watching the opening credits.  Enter 
your menu screen and go to Snake's status.  Hold left on the right analog 
to spin him around for a minute or so and then press start to exit the menu to 
make him vomit.  This can actually cure food poisoning!  There's tons of fun 
radio sequences you can view by calling at different times and positions, for 
example while inside a cardboard box.  Experiment with calling people in all 
sorts of situations.

*                               Full Walkthrough                     (Fw000) *

Select to start a new game.  When you're given three options choose "I like 
MGS2!" and you'll receive a bonus scene.  Choose the diffuculty you wish to 
play on and watch the opening cutscene.

| I - i                         Dremuchij South                      (Fw001) |

     Life Medicine.........._____

When you first start out, take some time to get used to the controls before 
proceeding.  Head North and crawl under the log to reach a large tree with 
vines covering it.  Approach it and press triangle to climb the vines and 
on top of a branch.  Drop down using triangle and shimmy right to find your 
equipment.  Head North to the next screen.

| I - ii                      Dremuchij Swamp Land                   (Fw002) |

Mk22 Suppressor........_____
Bug Juice.............._____

There are a number of alligators in this area.  Try to use your tranquilizer 
put them asleep from a distance.  On the middle island you should find some 
bullets for the MK22, and a suppressor on the area of land on the left.  Take 
the time to use your knife and eliminate one of the alligators if possible, 
they drop a fair amount of food.  Continue North when ready.

| I - iii                       Dremuchij North                      (Fw003) |

Thermal Goggles........_____
Stun Grenades.........._____
Bug Juice.............._____

When you enter this area begin by taking the thin path leading East.  Follow 
up the hill, at the Southern part of this area you'll find an SVD Dragunov 
sniper rifle.  There are a number of enemies in this large area.  Your 
destination is to the far North, try experimenting with your camo and face 
paint in order to hide yourself from the enemies.

| I - iv                          Dolinvodno                         (Fw004) |


Go forward a little and slide down the slope.  Pull out your tranquilizer, but 
instead of aiming it at the guards, aim it up at the hornet's nest in the 
When it drops both guards will be instantly swarmed and run across the bridge 
bringing a number of other enemies with them.  From here you are free to 
When you near the end of the bridge purposely fall over the left side.  When 
holding on to the bridge climb as close to land as you can and then drop down, 
while pressing triangle very quickly.  you should grab a branch down below.  
Climb up this branch and grab the XM16E1 and other equipment from the nearby 
ledge.  Press against the wall and go up the sloping path, be sure to take out 
the guard at the top and any other guards who may be returning after being 
scared off by the hornets.  Head North.

| I - v                            Rassvet                           (Fw005) |

XM16E1 Suppressor......_____
Life Medicine.........._____

Pull out your sniper rifle when you reach this area.  Approach the opening in 
the brick wall and look off into the distance on the left side, there should 
a guard you can take out.  Head up to where the fence on the right turns East.  
If you look East you will find another guard wandering around you can snipe.  
Take aim towards the large brick structure now.  There's an enemy who will 
likely be on the second floor, however he walks up and down the stairs 
frequently.  Once he's taken out run up to the brick structure, just inside on 
the lower left side you'll find the M37 shotgun.  There's also a suppressor 
the XM16E1 up the stairs.  Use your tranquilizer to eliminate any other guards 
in the area.  You need to enter the door on the East side of the area, however 
you cannot be in any form of alert mode to do so, so try and stay quiet.  I 
recommend using the squares camouflage.  Once the scene ends, head back down 
Dolinvodno, to the South.

| I - vi                          Dolinvodno                         (Fw006) |

None................... /

There is only a scene here.

| I - vii                     Dolinvodno Riverbank                   (Fw007) |

None................... /

Enter your menu screen.  You will have a number of injuries here and you need 
to learn how to treat them.  Select Cure in the menu to see all your injuries.  
You'll need to heal four cuts and two broken bones.  In order to do so select 
them wound and hold R2.  To treat cuts you will need to use these four items:  
Bandage, Suture Kit, Disinfectant and Styptic.  The order you use these items 
does not matter.  For the broken bones you only need a bandage and a splint.  
Watch the scene afterwards, followed by the opening credits.

| I - viii                      Dremuchij East                       (Fw008) |

None................... /

There's all sorts of snakes in this area, they make a good meal when you want 
to refill your stamina so be sure to pick a few of them up.  There's also a 
squirrel climbing around in one of the trees ahead of you.  There's no enemies 
here so do what you need to do and then proceed North.

| I - ix                        Dremuchij North                      (Fw009) |

None................... /

Start by jumping down over the cliff, don't worry you won't take any damage.  
There's quite a few snakes slithering around in this area as well.  Head East 
for a scene.  When you have control once again watch out because there are a 
number of enemy guards to the North.  You no longer have your gun so select an 
appropriate camouflage and try to sneak past them.  If you are proficient with 
your knife you can kill them, but try and make that a last resort.  The exit 
this area is to the North.

If you start noticing red areas on your health, it is because you have been 
injured.  Go into your menu screen and sleect cure to heal yourself the same 
way you did at the riverbank.

| I - x                           Dolinvodno                         (Fw00A) |

Raindrop Camo.........._____
Smoke Grenade.........._____
Life Medicine.........._____

Find some nice grass to hide in until the guard comes across the bridge, 
sometimes it takes quite awhile.  Wait from him to turn his back and then 
quietly eliminate him.  Cross the bridge and drop down on the left side.  
you found the XM16E1 before you'll now find some new items, indluding 
camouflage good for when it's raining.  Head back up and eliminate the second 
guard.  There are a number of mushrooms in this area worth picking up as well.  
Pick up everything you can get and run Northwest.

| I - xi                           Rassvet                           (Fw00B) |

Smoke Grenades........._____
Thermal Goggles........_____
Bug Juice.............._____
Zombie Face Paint......_____
Mine Detector.........._____
Cardboard Box A........_____

Run to the large dilapidated brick structure.  You'll find a cardboard box 
some other boxes at the North end.  Head around behind on the East side to 
Zombie face paint, and Bug Juice.  Approach the door where you met Sokolov the 
first time, grab the Mine Detector at the lower right corner, and enter the 
room and open the locker to find some Thermal Goggles.  When you try to leave 
scene occurs.  You will have to defeat eight guards here.  There are quite a 
few ways of doing so, I'd say the safest (and coincedentally the most humane) 
is to use your stun grenades, when knocked unconscious the enemies won't wake 
up and they count as being taken out.  Use a couple of these on the guards you 
try and infiltrate the room first, then pick the rest off with any gun of your 
choosing.  The majority of the enemies are centred around the inner area, 
however there are two outside on the East end, one on the West end and a 
on the roof.  Once they're dead proceed Northeast to trigger another scene.  
The Northeast path is now available so exit that way.

| I - xii                       Chynoryj Prud                        (Fw00C) |

Smoke Grenades........._____
Phosphorous Grenades..._____
Chaff Grenades........._____
Stun Grenades.........._____
Ga-Ko Camo............._____
Croc Cap..............._____

Start by heading West in this area.  Along the West wall in the swap you'll 
find a log, press X to dive underwater and swim below it.  Get back on land 
run North, then a bit East to find a tree with vines around it.  Climb up and 
start to shimmy across the wire.  When you reach a certain point drop down 
while still tapping triangle to grab the wire below.  At the end of this one 
drop down and your reward is the Croc Cap, an awesome crocodile mask.  Check 
the swampy water for a bunch of different kinds of grenades as well as a new 
camo on the East side underwater.  When you're ready to proceed go North but 
don't head down the path, you'll notice a length of wire strung between two 
trees.  Go as far on the left side of the wire as you can and walk into it, a 
spike trap will swing down but miss you by a mile.  Carefully navigate past it 
when it swings in the direction of the camera.  At this point you're going to 
want to check your condition, if you noticeyour stamina has been continually 
draining it's probably because you picked up some leeches.  Go into your cure 
menu and use the cigar to rid yourself of them.

| I - xiii                   Bolshaya Past South                     (Fw00D) |

Splitter Camo.........._____
Choco Chip Camo........_____

Follow the path on the right leading North up to the fence.  Get down and 
under the fence being careful not to touch it because it is electrified.  The 
panel that controls the fence is on the left end of it, you can shoot it to 
turn the fence off.  Get back on your stomach and begin to crawl Northwest.  
There are many mines in this area and you want to be careful not to be hit.  
the Northwest corner you'll find a tree with vines covering it, climb up and 
hand over hand along the branch then drop down, you'll find yourself on the 
other side of the fence.  Get rid of the dog who should be right in front of 
you and head East.  In the swampy area or just before there is a guard and 
another one just past.  Go to the East side of the swampy area and you'll find 
a ledge you can climb up, press against the wall and walk along to the North 
and you'll find the Splitter uniform.  Jump down and run Northeast, where the 
fence opens up there should be two more guards, there are also a couple of 
traps in this area.  Northeast still is a hollow tree with the Choco Chip 
uniform inside which is very good to use in this area.  Continue Northwest to 
the next section.

| I - xiv                    Bolshaya Past Base                      (Fw00E) |

Water Camo............._____
Snow Face Paint........_____
Life Medicine.........._____
Digestive Medicine....._____
Calorie Mate..........._____
Russian Ration........._____
Phosphorous Grenades..._____
Stun Grenades.........._____

When you enter head North immediately, stay low on the ground and take out the 
guard just standing near the trees.  Go back down near the entrance of the 
base.  If you crawl toward the base about halfway past it to the East you 
hsould see a guard standing near the door, eliminate him and then the other 
guard wandering around near the gun turret on the East side (note: Do not USE 
the gun turret, as fun as they look they are very loud!)  Yet another guard is 
patrolling the Northeast area, you likely won't have a problem sneaking up 
behind him.  A fifth guard is manning the gun turret on the North end.  Run to 
the Southweat of the base and you'll find a ladder on the outside of one of 
buildings.  Climb it, on top of the roof you'll find the Water camo.  Drop 
the West side and get into the trench, under the wooden board is the Snow face 
paint.  In the buildings you'll find quite a few more helpful items but 
particularly unique (besides an M19 suppressor.)  Check out the shack at the 
far Northeast corner, but watch out for the guard standing out front.  Inside 
you'll find a treasure of items including but not limited to the AK-47.  Leave 
the shack and proceed North.

| I - xv                    Bolshaya Past Crevice                    (Fw00F) |

Phosphorous Grenaes...._____
Animals Camo..........._____

 Boss: Ocelet

There's some simple ways to win this fight, I'll outline a couple of 
them.  First of all you need to choose between the AK-47 and one of the 
slower firing guns, the AK-47 has extremely poor aim and recoil, but it's 
hard to miss with that much of a spray.  With the handgun however you can 
aim for the head which will really help out so that's what I recommend.  
The battle takes place with one of you on each side of the area.  Take 
cover behind a rock and aim your gun toward him.  When he exposes himself 
it'll take him a good 2-3 seconds to actually fire, this is you chance to 
aim for your head shot.  Even if you do hit him he'll still fire right 
back at you, so take one shot and duck behind the rock.  At certain 
points during the fight his lackeys will try to help out, however if you 
don't make any movements whatsoever it is impossible for them to hit you.  
During this time the boss is usually standing out in the open minding his 
own business, so while the lackeys are pathetically missing, take aim for 
Ocelet and get in some extra damage.

Stamina kill reward: Animals Camo

After the fight a scene occurs.

| I - xvi                 Chyomaya Peschera Branch                   (Fw010) |

Night Vision Goggles..._____
Phosphorous Grenades..._____
Russian Ration........._____
Cold Medicine.........._____
Bug Juice.............._____

There's quite a few animals crawling around in the cave and if you're anything 
like me your stock will be running a little low so be sure to stock up here.  
Begin by taking the West path, swim to the other side and be sure to get the 
Battey.  Return to the beginning and take the East path and it will lead you 
a three way fork.  At the fork take the Northwest path.  When you reach the 
water, go under the waterfall to find the Torch.  Return to the fork and take 
the middle branch (which is actually a small crawlspace.)  When you reach the 
other side head North to get out of this area.

| I - xvii                 Chyomaya Peschera Cave                    (Fw011) |

Snow Camo.............._____
Stripe Camo............_____

Start this area off by going down the right branch through the very tight 
tunnel.  At the end you'll find the M37 Shotgun.  You'll also find the Snow 
Camo to the North.  Back near the entrance take the left path and it will lead 
you right into a scene.

 Boss: The Pain

Watch out, because The Pain will be sending his hornets after you!  You 
got a bunch of platforms and water to swim around it  to stay safe.  Your 
best bet is to equip the Water camo so that when he gets a gun, he won't 
know where to shoot.  Equip the shotgun and take aim at his head, you 
should be able to get off 1-2 shots each time which will deal mass damage 
if aimed correctly.  When there's a bunch of hornets coming after you 
just jump into the water.  He'll sometimes cover himself with the hornets 
to become temporarily invulnerable, however phosphor grenades and other 
types of grenades are quick to rid him of his shield, leaving him weak 
and open for another couple of hits.  Once he's approximately healf dead 
he'll remove his mask and shoot bullets bees.  Again these can be dodged 
simply by going under water, however if these hit you you take an injury 
which continually drains health.  The knife, disinfectant and styptic 
heal a bullet bee quite nicely.

Stamina kill reward: Stripe Camo

After the fight leave the area to the Northwest.

| I - xviii            Chyomaya Peschera Cave Entrance               (Fw012) |

None................... /

There's not much to do here, a few items to pick up, a Mine Detector if you 
didn't get it the first time.  Your destination is simply to the North, drop 
down a few ledges and exit the cave.

| I - xix                     Ponizovje South                        (Fw013) |

Chaff Grenades........._____

Look out for the hoverguards!  Equip the water camo and the Croc Capp for this 
area, swim under the water to avoid detection, but when you come up for air 
Croc Cap will ensure you still remain undetected.  Again it's just a matter of 
swimming to the North end, right before the exit you'll find some Chaff 
Grenades underwater.  There are two paths at the end, one leading North and 
leading Northwest, take the one leading Northwest.

| I - xx                       Ponizovje West                        (Fw014) |

M1911A1 Suppressor....._____
Mk22 Suppressor........_____
Stun Grenades.........._____
Phosphorous Grenades..._____

Enter the area and stay low with your Croc Cap.  Tranq the guards in the area, 
there should be two of them.  In this area you can find a suppressor for both 
the M19 and Mk22, but more importantly in the North room is the SVD sniper 
rifle.  Be sure you get this weapon, then head back East area, then this time 
go North at the fork.

| I - xxi                Ponizovje Warehouse: Exterior               (Fw015) |

M1911A1 Suppressor....._____
Stun Grenades.........._____
Smoke Grenades........._____

It is actually possible to circumvent a boss fight later if you use your 
rifle to shoot "The End" in his wheelchair here.  The choice is up to you but 
will proceed as if you did not do so.

Time to put that new sniper rifle to good use.  There's three guards in this 
area, pick them off before they become suspicious.  On the left area on the 
dock you can find the N.V.G. (Night Vision Goggles.)  Also there's a 
underwater on the right side and some normal equipment lying around.  The exit 
to this area is the door at the Northeast.

| I - xxii                   Ponizovje Warehouse                     (Fw016) |

Mk22 Suppressor........_____
Desert Face Paint......_____
Calorie Mate..........._____
Instant Noodles........_____

When you first enter the warehouse, equip the Zombie face paint (or any other 
with the same rating) and the Splitter camouflage.  Enter the large room and 
take out the two guards patrolling the lower area.  Down there you'll find a 
cardboard box, Thernal Goggles to the South as well as the Desert face paint.  
Climb the first two flights of stairs and drop down over the railing onto the 
boxes below to find an Mk22 suppressor.  Climb the stairs again and enter the 
door to find some extra rations, at the very top be careful of the third guard 
who is patrolling.  Make your way past him and enter the door.

| I - xxiii                  Graniny Gorki South                     (Fw017) |

Life Medicine.........._____
Instant Noodles........_____

You're definitely going to need your Thermal Goggles for this section, the 
entire area is just one big pile of traps.  You'll find a new type of trap 
here, the snare trap.  If you get caught in this trap simply press triangle to 
cut yourself loose.  Be careful, there are a number of items to pick up here 
but nothing really worth risking getting hit for.

| I - xxiv          Graniny Gorki Lab Exterior: Outside Wall         (Fw018) |

M1911A1 Suppressor....._____

Equip the black camouflage here and the black face paint.  Also be sure to 
watch out for snake bites as there are quite a few poisonous snakes in the 
area.  Start by heading a bit to the West.  There's a guard patrolling the 
gate with a dog at his side, there's also another guard on the far West.  On 
the far East you'll find a suppressor hidden in the corner (for the Mk22.)  
very last section of the fence on the West side is cut, crawl under it to gain 
access.  North of that you'll find a suppressor for the M19.  Run around to 
East side of the building and approach the door.  You'll notice when you try 
enter that the door is locker, press against the wall and hit circle to knock 
then find yourself a good spot in the shadows.  Down the guard when he comes 
out and enter the facility.

| I - xxv          Graniny Gorki Lab Exterior: Inside Walls          (Fw019) |

Smoke Grenades........._____

There's two guards patrolling this area.  Take cover in the tall grass and 
snipe them, or if you prefer the quieter/less killing method, shoot/tranq them 
from afar with your silenced weapons.  Run to the Northwest corner, and pick 
the equipment.  Now head to the Northeast corner (not as far as where you came 
in.)  There is a door here leading to a room where you'll find a number of 
things including the XM16E1.Take off your face paint and put on the scientist 
camo.  Approach the main doors and then goa  bit to the right, there is a 
secondary door you can now enter.  

| I - xxv                     Graniny Gorki Lab 1F                   (Fw01A) |

None................... /

When you enter the lab be careful of the guards, and even the scientists 
themselves.  Guards may become suspicious but will not identify you assuming 
you stand still, pressing triangle will help to send them on their way.  Head 
all the way North and then go right into the door.  Head West and go down the 

| I - xxvi                  Graniny Gorki Lab B1 West                (Fw01B) |

Key A.................._____
Oyama Face Paint......._____
XM16E1 Suppressor......_____
Cigar Gas Spray........_____
Life Medicine.........._____
Suture Kit............._____
Mk22 Suppressor........_____
Fly Camo..............._____
Instant Noodles........_____
Instant Noodles........_____
Calorie Mate..........._____

Head South, West and then North and enter the door on the left, watch you 
walk into the guard.  In this room you'll find the Cigar Gas Spray which can 
equipped while dressed as a scientist and used to puts guards to sleep at 
range.  Leave this room and enter the one on the left, knock out the scientist 
here and open the left locker to find Handkerchiefs which serve a similar 
purpose to the cigar spray.  Leave this room to the Northeast and you'll find 
an area with two more scientists.  Be careful to knock them out quietly, 
scientists are much easier to alert than normal guards.  At the lower right 
hand corner you'll find a battery, and a suppressor for the XM16 mid way up.  
Leave the room to the Northwest and watch the scene.  Afterwards leave the 
and run back up to the main floor.  Take the hallway that leads West, just 
below the wooden door on the main floor.  Followit all the way to the end and 
ascend the stairs.  Head West, then North and enter the second door which is a 
bathroom.  Punch the door off the last stall to find the Fly camouflage.  
Follow the path around to the West, then South and East.  Enter the first door 
for some food, enter the second door to find yourself on a ledge outdoors.  
the D-pad to slowly walk off the edge.  Drop down and you should find yourself 
right beside a vent leading West.  Climb into it.  When you reach a fork go 
North to get the Oyama face paint, then go left to escape.  Leave this area to 
the East, then leave the next area to the South for a scene.

| I - xxvii                  Graniny Gorki South                     (Fw01C) |

Spider Camo............_____

 Boss: The Fear

At the start of the battle you need to go into your cure menu.  Use a 
syrum to heal your poisoning and use the knife, styptic and bandage to 
heal the crossbow wound.  As for the boss itself, it's a really easy 
battle if you know how to play it.  Select your weapon of choice, as an 
odd decision i chose the shotgun and found the battle took barely two 
minutes with it.  If you can aim well and go for headshots whenever 
possible you can inflict some serious damage..  If he bounds off into the 
distance you can chase him down, or equip your sniper rifle and go for 
some more headshots wherever you can.  Having the thermal goggles 
equipped for the whole battle is a good idea since not only will it help 
you detect all the traps, but it will allow you to see him much easier 
when he is camouflaged with the trees.  When he says he's hungry, use 
that as an indication that he's vulnerable and have at him.

Stamina kill reward:  Spider Camo

Proceed South once the fight is over.

| I - xxviii                 Ponizovje Warehouse                     (Fw01D) |

Mk22 Suppressor........_____

Enter this area and equip the Splitter camouflage.  It's rather hard to get 
past these enemies, you can jump over the ledge when they aren't looking and 
drop down, or quietly tranq them.  Head back to the door where you came in 
area the first time and go in the door just North of that one.  Head up the 
stairs and out to the next area.

| I - xxix                   Svyatogornyj South                      (Fw01E) |


There's not a lot to do in this area besides watch the scene.  Pick up some 
extra animals and mushrooms, then head North.  You can pick up the book too, 
you want.

| I - xxx                     Svyatogornyj West                      (Fw01F) |

None................... /

Watch out here, this is a very large map and there's quite a few guards in the 
area, I believe I counted six total.  Tw near the beginning, two near the 
middle annd two near the end.  Pull out your silenced weapons or sniper rifle 
and use them in conjunction with your Thermal Goggles and move through the 
slowly.  Your destination is to the North, but before you actually go North to 
the next map, head East and exit down the path to the Northeast.

| I - xxxi                    Svyatogornyj East                      (Fw020) |

M1911A1 Suppressor....._____
Mk22 Suppressor........_____
XM16E1 Suppressor......_____
Calorie Mate..........._____
Calorie Mate..........._____
Russian Ration........._____

Follow the path East around and it will lead you to a large cabin being 
by three enemies.  Use your Thermal Goggles and tranq gun to take them out as 
quietly as possible from a distance.  Inside the cabin at the North end you'll 
find an M63 behind some boxes, as well as suppressors for your Mk22, XM16, and 
M19.  Return back to the West map and then head North.

| I - xxxii              Sokrovenno South/North/West                 (Fw021) |

Mosin Nagant..........._____
Moss Camo.............._____

 Boss: The End

This is a very interesting boss fight, very quiet, relaxed and on three 
huge maps.  Similar to the sniper battles in the previous games however 
much much larger.  The first thing to note is that throughout the entire 
battle you will never have to worry about your health, however you will 
have to worry about your stamina.  When your stamina reaches zero you are 
carted off to prison and must run all the way back here.  Be sure you 
have lots of food in your inventory, you'll probably need to do some 
hunting during the actual battle as well.  The map in your menu will be 
one of the best tools for this battle, whenever The End shoots his 
position will appear in red on your map.  Try and reach his position 
before he gets off another shot, then escapes after throwing a stun 
grenade.  If you're able to get close to him you'll be able to get off 
three handgun shots before he starts to move.  Now in order to track him, 
the second he starts moving turn away to avoid his stun grenade then 
equip the Thermal Goggles and follow his footsteps which appear on the 
ground.  If all goes well you should be able to track him most of the 
battle.  Any time that you do get shot the first thing you need to do is 
go into your inventory and use the knife to extract the tranquilizer dart 
otherwise your stamina will keep draining for the rest of the battle.  
While not particularly hard, this will probably take exponentially longer 
than you're used to.

Stamina kill reward:  Moss Camo (You may have to sneak up behind The End
                      and hold him up during battle a few times)

After the battle around the centre of Sokrovenno North you can find the Mosin 
Nagant if you killed him with the tranq.  The exit you want to take is to the 
Northeast of this area.

| I - xxxiii                  Krasnogorje Tunnel                     (Fw022) |

None................... /

Run to the end of the tunnel and start to climb the ladder.  I recommend 
putting some kind of weight on the analog stick upward so you keep climbing 
ladder, then go eat dinner or something.  When you get back you might almost 
at the top.  Head North when you finally meet ground.

| I - xxxiv                Krasnogorje Mountain Base                 (Fw023) |

Chaff Grenades........._____
Smoke Grenades........._____

The first thing you should do here is equip the Choco Chip camouflage and 
desert face paint.  Grab the two items ahead of you and begin the trek West.  
In the next area you'll find a total of four guards, use your sniper rifle to 
take them out.  Try not to stand in one place for too long as it is quite 
common to be stung by poisonous scorpions here.  Head North.

| I - xxxv                 Krasnogorje Mountainside                  (Fw024) |

Russian Ration........._____
Russian Ration........._____
Russian Ration........._____
Calorie Mate..........._____
Stun Grenades.........._____
Phosphorous Grenades..._____

Pull out your sniper rifle and eliminate the first guard.  Be aware of the 
helicopter that is watching the area.  Head up the mountain and pick up some 
the items in the caves, use these caves if you ever hear the helicopter 
really close.  A little ways up you'll find another guard, and then another 
further than that, used silenced weaponry to avoid being detected, alert 
in this area usually means guaranteed death because of that helicopter.  Get 
high as you can and follow the ledge around to the West side, you'll be led to 
a perfect sniping position.  Eliminate the three guards around the little 
shacks and then go raid them.  The most important one is the one on the right 
containing the RPG-7 portable rocket launcher.  Once you've picked them clean 
take the path North.

| I - xxxvi                 Krasnogorje Mountaintop                  (Fw025) |

Key B.................._____
Suture Kit............._____
Smoke Grenades........._____

Once again in this area you have to be careful of the helicopter.  Usually 
Choco Chip camo should be enough but it's still a good idea to get cover in 
of the huts.  There's two huts here containing quite a lot of extra ammo if 
need it.  Without alerting the enemies follow the long trench up to the top, 
and leave the area to the Northeast for a scene.  You cannot be in alert mode 
for this.

| I - xxxvii          Krasnogorje Mountaintop: Behind Ruins          (Fw026) |

Instant Noodles........_____
Instant Noodles........_____

Head back into the room where you just were and get the noodles among other 
items.  Leave the building and run South a bit, there's a locked red door on 
the East side of the area, around the middle but watch out as there are many 
guards patrolling here including special flamethrower guards you don't want to 
mess with.  The easiest thing to do is head South a bit, wait at the fork for 
the flamethrower guard to pass, tranq him and then run Southeast.  Drop off 
first ledge, then the next and you should be right in front of the door.

| I - xxxviii            Grozynj Grad Underground Tunnel             (Fw02?) |

Fire Camo.............._____

When you get inside, descend the stairs picking up all the items along the 
At the bottom follow the path North, go right at the fork and jump over the 
railing at the end.  When you drop down a scene occurs.

 Boss: The Fury

The Fury is a pain in the ass until you get your pattern down.  I 
recommend using the shotgun and the sniper rifle for this battle.  Head 
all the way to the North end and climb up onto the ledge.  Pull out your 
sniper rifle and start looking down each path to try and see him, 
sometimes the Thermal Goggles help.  When you do see him snipe him in the 
face exactly three times until he falls down, when he does pull out the 
shotgun.  Once he gets up he's going to engage his rocket thrusters, not 
it isn't easy but while he's flying at you, you can get one more good 
shotgun blast to the face before rolling out of the way.  You probably 
only have to do this four times before he'll die, it deals quite a lot of 
damage.  If you ever get caught on fire roll to put it out, and always 
stay away from the Southern end, you'll flip when you get hit and there's 
some bottomless pits you don't want to trip into.  Don't forget to heal 
when you get burned, you're going to be burned a lot.

Stamina kill reward:  Fire Camo

When you have control again head North and ascend the ladder.

| I - xxxix                   Grozynj Grad Southwest                 (Fw027) |

M1911A1 Suppressor....._____
Smoke Grenades........._____
Chaff Grenades........._____

Slowly make your way up the the large main area.  The guard can really end up 
almost anywhere so you need to be on your toes at all times.  Typically there 
should be two North of where you start, one standing still to the Southwest 
another far to the West.  Go up and enter the door leading North (not leading 

| I - xl                      Grozynj Grad Northeast                 (Fw028) |

Stun Grenades.........._____
Chaff Grenades........._____
Phosphorous Grenades..._____
Smoke Grenades........._____
Russian Ration........._____
Calorie Mate..........._____
Calorie Mate..........._____

Head East to the end, around the corner there's a guard patrolling.  Go up and 
bit and look to the Northwest, there's a guard standing there and another 
just to the South of him.  Now look Northeast, there's two guards in that 
direction as well.  On the very far East side behind the building there's one 
more guard just standing there.  Once you've dispensed with all of them, exit 
though the door to the South, just left of the truck.

| I - xli                     Grozynj Grad Southeast                 (Fw029) |

Cardboard Box C........_____

There are four guards in this area as well, kill the one standing at the 
of the red stairs and the other near the South wall.  The remaining two are at 
the Southeast corner.  Check behind the building along the East wall to find 
another cardboard box, then return to the red stairs and enter the door just 
South of them.

| I - xlii                       Grozynj Grad 1F                     (Fw02A) |

Suture Kit............._____

Inside this building there are two guards, one in the room to the North and 
patrolling the hallway.  Deal with them and then go into the room to the North 
and grab the Camera.  Leave the building and exit North to the Grozynj Gran 
Northeast.  From there exit the area to the West.

| I - xliii                   Grozynj Grad Northwest                 (Fw02B) |


In this area begin by sniping the two guards who should be visible.  With the 
sound two more dogs are likely going to come after you so (be humane, switch 
the tranq) and take them out.  Head North and raid the ammo hut near the top, 
then backtrack South a bit.  On the East side you'll notice a truck with the 
back open.  Jump in and switch to the Cardboard Box A.  The moment you do a 
scene occurs are you are transported.

| I - xliv              Grozynj Grad Weapons Lab: East Wing          (Fw02C) |

Mk22 Suppressor........_____
XM16E1 Suppressor......_____
Suture Kit............._____
Russian Ration........._____
Russian Ration........._____

This is another scientist area so the first thing you should do before even 
leaving the room is remove face paint and equip the scientist camouflage.  
Leave the room.  At the lower South set of stairs wait for the guard with the 
long blond hair.  When the guard enters the room near the bottom of the other 
stairs, put the scientist and the guard to sleep.  Drag the guard out of the 
room and up the North stairs.  Keep dragging him all the way to the bottom of 
the room at the top of the stairs and a scene should occur when you approach 
the lockers.  You now have the officer's uniform camouflage.  Equip the mask 
and the uniform.  Go back downstairs and enter the room North of the one where 
you came in.  Inside you'll find the Scorpion submachine gun and some ammo.  
Head back upstairs and go through the door to the West of where you put Raikov 
in the locker.

| I - xlv               Grozynj Grad Weapons Lab: Main Wing          (Fw02D) |

None................... /

Simply follow the yellow line...

| I - xlvi            Grozynj Grad Weapons Lab: West Corridor        (Fw02E) |

None................... /

Approach the two soldiers at the West end of the room and a scene occurs.  
the scene ends be sure to save your game.  

| I - xlvii                 Grozynj Grad Torture Room                (Fw02F) |


Another scene occurs here.  When you're in your jail cell grab the Fork.  The 
first thing you should do is enter the cure menu and use the fork to perform 
surgery on yourself.  Dislodge the fake death pill and transmitter.  Now back 
in the cell use the fake death pill.  Wait until the guard is perched over you 
and the continue screen has come up.  Hold L2 and ingest the revival pill, 
equip the fork and FORK the guard in the face, do not let him get away.  Now 
leave the building.  You have to go North, and then West which isn't easy 
you don't have any equipment.  When you finally arrive at Grozynj Grad 
Northwest, head to the very Northeast corner.  There's an open door that leads 
to a bunch of large containers of some sort.  Among them is a trap door 
down into the sewers.

| I - xlviii                   Grozynj Grad Sewers                   (Fw030) |

Life Medicine.........._____
Russian Ration........._____
Russian Ration........._____
Instant Noodles........_____

Descend all the stairs until you reach the sewer tunnel below.  Run North and 
you'll come to a gate, on your left is a small opening you can climb into.  
North and climb into the opening on your right.  Watch out because there's a 
dog in this area.  Jump into the water then go up the stairs on the East side 
and climb into the opening leading right.  Go North, then into the left 
and finally run North to the natural light to trigger a scene.

 Boss: The Sorrow

This is a very cool boss fight, if you can call it a fight at all.  What 
it really consists of is a walk upstream.  The Sorrow will call the 
spirits of all the enemies you killed during the game, so the length will 
depend on how murderous you've been.  Each ghost will drain your health 
if you touch it so avoid them as you walk.  The boss has one attack that 
cannot hurt you where he shoots a big blue ray thing at you, it's quite 
easy to dodge as long as you just walk to the side.  You can keep track 
of how far along the fight you are based on how many of the Cobras you've 
seen.  Once you pass The Fury the boss will disappear and reappear.  When 
you approach the boss he'll drain all your life and kill you.  Don't be 
fooled though, when the continue screen pops up, swallow a revival pill 
and thus ends the battle.

Stamina kill reward:  N/A        

Watch the scene afterward.

| I - xlix                          Tikhogornyj                      (Fw031) |

None................... /

Head East across the river and run up.  Go over top of the fallen tree and 
following the stream.  When you reach a blockage of trees, head West then 
until you come to a waterfall.  Go around behind it via the path on the right 
and a scene occurs.

| I - l                    Tikhogornyj: Behind Waterfall             (Fw032) |

Key C.................._____
Mk22 Suppressor........_____
M1911A1 Suppressor....._____
Cardboard Box B........_____

There's a suppressor on you left and another down the hall to the North on 
right.  Keep following the path picking up the items along the way and enter 
the door on the left at the end, but don't miss the cardboard box.  Climb the 
ladder to the next area.

| I - li                      Grozynj Grad Northwest                 (Fw033) |

None................... /

Set up all your backpack items again, they're messed up from when you lost all 
your equipment.  Get a silenced gun on and begin picking off the enemies, 
there's quite a few including two dogs and a guy up in the West watchtower.  
Make your way to the same truck you got into last time and once again equip 
Cardboard Box A.  Make sure you have absolutely no alert level.

| I - lii               Grozynj Grad Weapons Lab: East Wing          (Fw034) |

Sneaking Camo.........._____
Maintenance Camo......._____

Equip the Scientist camo and no face paint then leave the room.  Head back 
upstairs to where you stashed Raikov's body the first time, you'll find the 
Sneaking Uniform inside.  In the East set of lockers, the second from the top 
you'll find the Maintenance Uniform.  Equip the Maintenance Uniform and then 
head West.

| I - liii              Grozynj Grad Weapons Lab: Main Wing          (Fw035) |

Life Medicine.........._____
Russian Ration........._____
Instant Noodles........_____
Cold War Camo.........._____

Watch the scene when you enter this area.  If you head West to the West Wing 
Corridor, you'll find some items.  Return to the main wing and enter the door 
leading North.  Similar to the scientists, the maintenance people will cause a 
ruckus faster than the guards will, so never let one of them examine you.  
Always carry around the handkerchief if you find there's no escape.  There are 
four tanks you have to set the C3 charges on, two at the Northwest and 
Wortheast corners, and one just South of each of those.  The two lower ones 
have maintenance people near them so be careful not to look at them.  Once you 
plant the charges a scene occurs.

 Boss: Volgin

This boss is extremely easy assuming you know how to fight him.  Once 
again I recommend my favourite weapon, the shotgun for this fight.  Equip 
the Sneaking Uniform and M37 shotgun.  Equip the shotgun and he will 
start to charge an electrical attack.  At this point immediately unequip 
the gun since when this attack hits, it drains all the ammo you currently 
have in the clip.  Get behind him while he's doing the electric attack 
and then blast a shot into him, be sure you're actually behind him as he 
has a shield from the front.  Afer a few hits a scene will occur and 
he'll get some new attacks, most notably some kind of machine gun fire 
attack.  The only safe place for these attacks is either running beside 
or behind him.  Stay on the offensive all the time and worry about 
getting in those shotgun blasts whenever possible.  Remember to cure 
whenever any injuries occur.

Stamina kill reward:  Cold War Camo

Watch the scene after this.  Now comes time for the big chase (which by the 
is absolutely awesome.)  Pull out your weapon of choice you have infinite 
I used the shotgun because I love it so much, but the M63 works well too.  
There isn't much you can do to Shagohad but keep taking out the guards to keep 
them from damaging you.  When you get a certain distance another scene 
and yet another chase scene follows.

| I - liv                      Grozynj Grad Runway                   (Fw036) |

None................... /

When you reach the runway you'll have a third chance to let loose on the back 
of the motorcycle.  Pull out your RPG-7 and waste those lackeys chasing you.  
If the Shagohad gets to close start shooting at its drill treads to slow it 
down a bit.  Also switch to the machinegun and shoot the missiles out of the 
sky when you hear a warning about them.  Following the chase you'll find 
yourself equipped with a sniper rifle.  Take aim at the two glowing lights, 
first the one on the right.  Shoot it to cause an explosion then take aim at 
the second, but wait until you are told that the Shagohad is actually on the 
bridge before shooting.  If done right the scene continues.

| I - lv                  Grozynj Grad Rail Bridge South             (Fw037) |

None................... /

 Boss: Shagohad

It is very conceivable to win this fight without taking any damage if you 
are proficient with the RPG-7 and the reloading technique.  The two 
things you need to know for this fight is that if you hold L1 with the RPG-7 
equipped you'll go into a scope mode with better aim.  Secondly immediately 
after shooting a rocket, double tap R2 and you'll immediatley be ready to 
shoot again.  Utilize both these techniques to fire rockets very frequently 
at the Shagohad's drill treads.  Once it stops moving take aim at the central 
core for a good bit of damage.  Keep this pattern going until the Shagohad's 
life bar hits bottom.

Stamina kill reard:  N/A

Watch the scene after the battle.

 Boss: Volgin

There's two ways to fight this battle, the short way and the long way.  
The long way entails the following, all damage is done by the turrets on 
the outside.  While he's chasing Eva arond on the motorcycle start 
pumping bullets into him, this will attract his attention and he'll 
charge after you.  Abandon the gun pod and run to the middle.  He has 
three attacks which are very easy to dodge.  The first is a spread of 
machine gun fire, all you need to do is run toward the screen on a very 
slight angle, as long as you're moving toward the screen at all he won't 
hit you.  His second is a big red beam of sorts which all you need to do 
to dodge is run left or right.  The last is his missle attack which is 
cut short almost immediately by the M63.  After awhile he'll start 
chasing Eva again.  Rinse and repeat.  The easy way is to simply run 
underneath him when he does one of his attacks.  When you're behind him 
it'll give you a great chance to take aim with one of your weapons 
(preferably the sniper rifle so you can go for a head shot.)  On normal 
diffuculty a hit to the head with the sniper rifle will probably deplete 
about 50% of his HP.  It really does make the battle that easy.

Stamina kill reward:  N/A

Yet another motorcycle chase here.  Basically your weapon of choice for the 
whole thing is the RPG-7, it's not particularly hard except maybe for the 
soldiers.  After the chase you'll be forced into the cure menu.  Select Snake 
and begin to treat the wounds like you would any others.  Same goes for Eva.

| I - lvi                       Zaozyorje South                      (Fw038) |

Smoke Grenades........._____
Stun Grenades.........._____
Russian Ration........._____

There's tons of items all around you here, just run around the area.  You need 
to guide Eva here and you need to keep her stuffed with food.  Approach Eva 
enter the food menu to have the option of feeding her.  Make sure her stamina 
is maxed before you start, you'll probably have to hunt along the way in order 
to staisfy her enormous appetite.  Begin heading Southwest and use the 
button to wave Eva to you, but don't get too far.  Head West and then follow 
the path South, at the bottom a scene occurs.  Now head West, follow the path 
South and enemies will begin following you.  They usually attack in groups so 
the shotgun and RPG-7 are your weapons of choice, however the sniper rifle 
fares well.  At the point where you have to cross a large gorge over a thin 
tree you can snipe enemies while you wait for Eva to cross.  At the bottom 
East to the next area.

| I - lvii                      Zaozyorje North                      (Fw039) |

None................... /

Watch out because there are enemies hiding in all the corners of this area.  
Pull out your sniper rifle and Thermal Goggles which are essential.  In the 
first area you should be able to snipe approximately five guys hiding out in 
the woods, using your goggles it isn't too hard.  Follow the path North until 
you come to a ledge about six feet off the ground.  From here you should be 
able to snipe another 3-4 enemies.  At this point you should be out of danger.  
Head Northeast to the exit.  Watch the scene when you exit.

| I - lviii                      Rokovoj Bereg                       (Fw03A) |

Snake Camo............._____

 Boss: The Boss

This fight takes place in one of the most impressive envoronments I've 
ever seen in a game.  It also makes for some great camouflage, equip the 
camo and face paints with the highest rating because hiding from the boss 
will be crucial for this fight.  There is a hand to hand element to this 
battle, often The Boss will run up you you and try and attack, at this 
point press circle as fast as possible to overpower her and knock her to 
the ground, then pull out a gun and shoot her in the face.  You can 
continue like this for a bit, but note it is also possible to hide from 
her quite easily assuming you have good camouflage.  Find a safe spot and 
begin sniping her fro madistance, the sniper hits will probably be much 
more powerful than the ones you can get in while she's on the ground.  
You have a ten minute time limit to win this fight, never stay covered 
for too long without attacking.  Once you shoot it'll give away your 
location and she'll come after you, get ready and be sure to start 
tapping circle the second she reaches you.  The boss fight shouldn't be 
too hard if you keep this up.  Good luck!

Stamina kill reward:  Snake Camo

Now sit back and enjoy the ending, and don't and think too much into any more 
choices you might have to make.

You beat the game.  Good job!                  


|                                  Weapons                           (Fw03B) |

|         Weapon         |                     Location                      |
| AK-47                  | Rassvet                                           |
| Book                   | Everywhere                                        |
| C3                     | N/A                                               |
| Chaff Grenade          | Everywhere                                        |
| Cigar Gas Spray        | Graniny Gorki Lab B1 West                         |
| Claymore               | Everywhere                                        |
| Directional Microphone | N/A                                               |
| Grenade                | Everywhere                                        |
| Knock-Out Handkerchief | Graniny Gorki Lab B1 West                         |
| M1911A1                | N/A                                               |
| M37                    | Chyornaya Peschera Cave                           |
| M63                    | Svyatogornyj East                                 |
| Magazine               | N/A                                               |
| MK22                   | N/A                                               |
| Mosin Nagant           | Sokrovenno North                                  |
| Mousetrap              | Everywhere                                        |
| Phosphorous Grenade    | Everywhere                                        |
| RPG-7                  | Krasnogorje Mountainside                          |
| SAA                    | N/A                                               |
| Scorpion               | Grozynj Grad Weapons Lab: East Wing               |
| Smoke Grenade          | Everywhere                                        |
| Stun Grenade           | Everywhere                                        |
| Survival Knife         | N/A                                               |
| SVD                    | Ponizovje West                                    |
| TNT                    | Everywhere                                        |
| Torch                  | Chyomaya Peschera Branch                          |
| XM16E1                 | Graniny Gorki Lab Exterior: Inside Walls          |

|                                   Items                            (Fw03C) |

|          Item          |                     Location                      |
| Active Sonar           | N/A                                               |
| Anti-Personnel Sensor  | N/A                                               |
| Binoculars             | N/A                                               |
| Bug Juice              | Everywhere                                        |
| Cardboard Box A        | Rassvet                                           |
| Cardboard Box B        | Tikhogornyj: Behind Waterfall                     |
| Cardboard Box C        | Grozynj Grad Southeast                            |
| Camera                 | Grozynj Grad 1F                                   |
| Cigar                  | N/A                                               |
| Croc Cap               | Chynoryj Prud                                     |
| Fake Death Pill        | N/A                                               |
| Key A                  | Graniny Gorki Lab B1 West                         |
| Key B                  | Krasnogorje Mountaintop                           |
| Key C                  | Tikhogornyj: Behind Waterfall                     |
| Life Medicine          | Everywhere                                        |
| Mine Detector          | Rassvet                                           |
| Motion Detector        | N/A                                               |
| Night Vision Goggles   | Chyomaya Peschera Branch                          |
| Revival Pill           | N/A                                               |
| Thermal Goggles        | Rassvet                                           |

|                                   Food                             (Fw03D) |

|          Food          |                      Effect                       |
| Arowana                | Stamina Recovery (High)                           |
| Baikal Scaly Cap       | Posing Healing                                    |
| Baltic Hornet's Nest   | Stamina Recovery (Huge)                           |
| Bigeye Trevally        | Food Poisoning                                    |
| Calorie Mate           | Stamina Recovery (Huge)                           |
| Cobalt Blue Tarantula  | Stamina Recovery (Low)                            |
| Coral Snake            | Stamina Recovery (High)                           |
| Emperor Scorpion       | Food Poisoning                                    |
| European Rabbit        | Stamina Recovery (Mid)                            |
| Fly Agaric             | Food Poisoning                                    |
| Giant Anaconda         | Stamina Recovery (Huge)                           |
| Golova                 | Stamina Recovery (Huge)                           |
| Green Tree Python      | Stamina Recovery (Mid)                            |
| Indian Gavial          | Stamina Recovery (Mid)                            |
| Instant Noodles        | Stamina Recovery (Huge)                           |
| Japan Flying Squirrel  | Stamina Recovery (Mid)                            |
| Kenyan Mangrove Crab   | Stamina Recovery (High)                           |
| King Cobra             | Stamina Recovery (High)                           |
| Magpie                 | Stamina Recovery (Low)                            |
| Markhor                | Stamina Recovery (High)                           |
| Maroon Shark           | Stamina Recovery (High)                           |
| Milk Snake             | Stamina Recovery (Low)                            |
| Otton Frog             | Stamina Recovery (Mid)                            |
| Parrot                 | Stamina Recovery (Low)                            |
| Poison Dart Frog       | Food Poisoning                                    |
| Rat                    | Stamina Recovery (Mid)                            |
| Red Avadavat           | Stamina Recovery (Low)                            |
| Reticulated Python     | Stamina Recovery (Huge)                           |
| Russian False Mango    | Stamina Recovery (High)                           |
| Russian Glow Cap       | Stamina Recovery (Low)                            |
| Russian Oyster         | Stamina Recovery (Low)                            |
| Russian Ration         | Stamina Recovery (Mid)                            |
| Siberian Ink Cap       | Stamina Recovery (Low)                            |
| Snake Liquid           | Stamina Recovery (Full)                           |
| Snake Solid            | Stamina Recovery (Full)                           |
| Snake Solidus          | Stamina Recovery (Full)                           |
| Spatsa                 | Sleep Inducing                                    |
| Sunda Whistling Thrush | Stamina Recovery (Mid)                            |
| Taiwanese Cobra        | Stamina Recovery (Mid)                            |
| Thai Cobra             | Stamina Recovery (Mid)                            |
| Tree Frog              | Stamina Recovery (Low)                            |
| Tsuchinoko             | Stamina Recovery (Huge)                           |
| Ural Luminescent       | Food Poisoning                                    |
| Vampire Bat            | Stamina Recovery (Low)                            |
| Vine Melon             | Stamina Recovery (High)                           |
| White-Rumped Vulture   | Stamina Recovery (Huge)                           |
| Yabloko Moloko         | Stamina Recovery (Low)                            |

|                                 Camouflage                         (Fw03E) |

|       Camouflage       |                     Location                      |
| Animals                | Stamina kill Ocelot                               |
| Auscam                 | Snake Eater official soundtrack*                  |
| Banana                 | Snake Vs. Monkey                                  |
| Black                  | N/A                                               |
| Choco Chip             | Bolshaya Past South                               |
| Cold War               | Stamina kill Volgin                               |
| Desert Tiger           | Snake Eater Single soundtrack*                    |
| DPM                    | The First Bite bonus sountrack*                   |
| Fire                   | Stamina kill The Fury                             |
| Flecktarn              | Unknown                                           |
| Fly                    | Groznyj Grad Weapons Lab: East Wing               |
| Ga-Ko                  | Chyornyj Prud                                     |
| Grenade                | Download                                          |
| Leaf                   | N/A                                               |
| Maintenance            | Groznyj Grad Weapons Lab: East Wing               |
| Moss                   | Stamina kill / Hold up The End                    |
| Mummy                  | Download                                          |
| Naked                  | N/A                                               |
| Officer                | Groznyj Grad Weapons Lab: East Wing               |
| Olive Drab             | N/A                                               |
| Rain Drop              | Dolinvodno                                        |
| Santa Claus            | Download*                                         |
| Scientist              | Rassvet                                           |
| Snake                  | Stamine kill The Boss                             |
| Sneaking               | Groznjy Grad Weapons Lab: East Wing               |
| Snow                   | Chyornaya Peschera Cave                           |
| Spider                 | Stamina kill The Fear                             |
| Spirit                 | In your inventory after defeating The Sorrow      |
| Splitter               | Bolshaya Past South                               |
| Squares                | N/A                                               |
| Stealth                | Beat game with no alerts / Find all Kerotans      |
| Stripe                 | Stamina kill The Pain                             |
| Tiger Stripe           | N/A                                               |
| Tree Bark              | N/A                                               |
| Tuxedo                 | Beat the gameonce                                 |
| Water                  | Bolshaya Past Base                                |
| Yodobashi              | Download*                                         |

Note: Anything marked with a * is currently only available in Japan

|                                 Face Paint                         (Fw03F) |

|       Face Paint       |                     Location                      |
| Black                  | N/A                                               |
| Brown                  | Snake Eater Single soundtrack*                    |
| Desert                 | Ponizovje                                         |
| Green                  | The First Bite bonus soundtrack*                  |
| Infinity               | See below                                         |
| Kabuki                 | Tikhogornyj                                       |
| Mask                   | N/A                                               |
| Oyama                  | Graniny Gorki Lab: 1F                             |
| Rain Drop              | Dremuchij North                                   |
| Snow                   | Bolshaya Past Base                                |
| Splitter               | N/A                                               |
| Water                  | Unknown                                           |
| Woodland               | N/A                                               |
| Zombie                 | Rassvet                                           |

For the Infinity face paint you must beat the game in under 5 hours, less than 
25 saves, no coninutes, no alerts, no kills, less than 20 injuries, no life 
medicine and no special items.

Note: Anything marked with a * is currently only available in Japan

|                                  Injuries                          (Fw040) |


     Survival Knife      - Sk
     Cigar               - Cg
     Ointment            - Oi
     Disinfectant        - Ds
     Styptic             - St
     Splint              - Sp
     Bandage             - Ba
     Suture Kit          - Su
     Serum               - Se
     Cold Medicine       - Cm
     Antidote            - An
     Digestive Medicine  - Dm

|       Injury       |  Sk  |  Cg  |  Oi  |  Ds  |  St  |  Sp  |  Ba  |  Su  |
| Arrow Bolt         |  Yes |  No  |  No  |  No  |  No  |  No  |  Yes |  No  |
| Broken Bone        |  No  |  No  |  No  |  No  |  No  |  Yes |  Yes |  No  |
| Burn               |  No  |  No  |  Yes |  No  |  No  |  No  |  Yes |  No  |
| Cut                |  No  |  No  |  No  |  Yes |  Yes |  No  |  Yes |  Yes |
| Gunshot Wound      |  Yes |  No  |  No  |  Yes |  Yes |  No  |  Yes |  No  |
| Hypodermic Needle  |  Yes |  No  |  No  |  No  |  No  |  No  |  No  |  No  |
| Leech              |  No  |  Yes |  No  |  No  |  No  |  No  |  No  |  No  |
|       Ailment      |      Se     |      Cm     |      An     |      Dm     |
| Cold               |      No     |      Yes    |      No     |      No     |
| Food Poisoning     |      No     |      No     |      Yes    |      No     |
| Stomach Sickness   |      No     |      No     |      No     |      Yes    |
| Venom Poisoning    |      Yes    |      No     |      No     |      No     |

|                              Radio Frequencies                     (Fw041) |

Major Zero..............................................................140.85
The Boss................................................................141.80
Prison Cell Doors.......................................................144.75
Alert Cancel............................................................140.61
Alert Cancel............................................................141.45
Alert Cancel............................................................141.53
Alert Cancel............................................................141.98
Alert Cancel............................................................142.48
Alert Cancel............................................................142.79
Alert Cancel............................................................144.40
Alert Cancel............................................................144.61
Alert Cancel............................................................144.87
Alert Cancel............................................................146.67
Alert Cancel............................................................147.11
Alert Cancel............................................................148.04

The alert cancelling frequencies can only be used once each.
|                              Kerotan Locations                     (Fw042) |
Kerotans are special little frog toys you'll find throughout the game.  For 
finding every Kerotan in the game you'll unlock the stealth camouflage, which 
allows you to have 100% camouflage rating no matter where you are.

       Kerotan Checklist

Bolshaya Past Base......................................................._____
Bolshaya Past Crevice...................................................._____
Bolshaya Past South......................................................_____
Chyornaya Peschera Cave Branch..........................................._____
Chyornaya Peschera Cave Entrance........................................._____
Chyornaya Peschera Cave.................................................._____
Chyornyj Prud............................................................_____
Dolinvodno (During Prologue)............................................._____
Dremuchij East..........................................................._____
Dremuchij North (During Prologue)........................................_____
Dremuchij North.........................................................._____
Dremuchij South (During Prologue)........................................_____
Dremuchij South.........................................................._____
Dremuchij Swampland (During Prologue)...................................._____
Dremuchij Swampland......................................................_____
Graniny Gorki Lab 1F....................................................._____
Graniny Gorki Lab B1 East................................................_____
Graniny Gorki Lab B1 West................................................_____
Graniny Gorki Lab Exterior: Inside Wall.................................._____
Graniny Gorki Lab Exterior: Outside Wall................................._____
Graniny Gorki South......................................................_____
Groznyj Grad 1F.........................................................._____
Groznyj Grad Northeast..................................................._____
Groznyj Grad Northwest..................................................._____
Groznyj Grad Rail Bridge North..........................................._____
Groznyj Grad Rail Bridge................................................._____
Groznyj Grad Runway South................................................_____
Groznyj Grad Runway......................................................_____
Groznyj Grad Southeast..................................................._____
Groznyj Grad Southwest..................................................._____
Groznyj Grad Underground Tunnel.........................................._____
Groznyj Grad Weapons Lab: East Wing......................................_____
Groznyj Grad Weapons Lab: Main Wing......................................_____
Krasnogorje Mountain Base................................................_____
Krasnogorje Mountainside................................................._____
Krasnogorje Mountaintop.................................................._____
Krasnogorje Mountaintop: Behind Ruins...................................._____
Krasnogorje Mountaintop: Ruins..........................................._____
Krasnogorje Tunnel......................................................._____
Lazorevo North..........................................................._____
Lazorevo South..........................................................._____
Ponizovje South.........................................................._____
Ponizovje Warehouse......................................................_____
Ponizovje Warehouse: Exterior............................................_____
Ponizovje West..........................................................._____
Rassvet (During Prologue)................................................_____
Rokovoj Bereg............................................................_____
Sokrovenno North........................................................._____
Sokrovenno South........................................................._____
Sokrovenno West.........................................................._____
Svyatogornyj East........................................................_____
Svyatogornyj South......................................................._____
Svyatogornyj West........................................................_____
Tikhogornyj: Behind Waterfall............................................_____
Zaozyorje North.........................................................._____
Zaozyorje South.........................................................._____

|                              Snake V.s. Monkey                     (Fw043) |

Mission 1: Escape from the Jungle
Time to beat: 1:30
Monkeys to capture: 9

Mission 2: Dragnet of the Apes
Time to beat: 3:00
Monkeys to capture: 15

Mission 3: Dawn of the Apes
Time to beat: 3:00
Monkeys to capture: 21

Mission 4:Ape Fear
Time to beat: 4:30
Monkey to capture: 18

Mission 5: Gone with the Apes
Time to beat: 4:30
Monkeys to capture: 18

You rewards for completing all of these missions within the 'times to beat' is
a Banana camouflage suit and a Monkey Mask you can wear during the main game.

*                               Version History                      (Vr000) *

Version 0.00 - December 12th, 2004 - Began the guide
Version 0.50 - December 13th, 2004 - Continued the guide
Version 1.00 - December 14th, 2004 - Completed the guide
Version 1.01 - December 15th, 2004 - Updated guide, reduced size
Version 1.02 - December 15th, 2004 - Fixed couple errors
Version 1.03 - February 2nd,  2005 - Small update

*                                    Legal                           (Le000) *

This guide is copyright (c)2005 Alex Eagleson because I wrote it.

This guide is primarily written for, however I am willing to 
host it on other sites provided you follow these conditions first:

1. Email me with a link to your site to obtain permission
2. You are not from

This guide may also be viewed at

I would also like to add an extra note regarding donations, I wish to 
establish that I do not write game guides for a profit, I do it as a hobby to 
benefit not only my fellow gamers, but myself as well because I happen to 
enjoy writing quite a lot.  If you wish to support the continued writing 
process, donations will be construed as appreciative gestures, not as 
compensation, I do now, and always will continue to write guides free to 
distribute online for all to enjoy.  Donations can be made to StarOceanDC(at)
gmail(dot)com via Paypal, if you do choose to donate even a small amount, 
please send an email to that same address so I can thank you personally.  

As a final note I would just like to make mention of something, to date since 
September 2004, I have personally received over 2200 emails all relating to my 
work and while I have done my best to respond to as many as I can, I would 
just like to use this space and take the opportunity to say thank you to 
everyone who has sent me positive feedback or even just general questions 
relating to my work, even if I do struggle to answer them sometimes.  
Oftentimes it's too easy to just take these guides as anonymous free help, but 
there are still those who recognize the blood and sweat that goes into these 
walkthroughs, and those are the people who make it all worthwhile ^_^

For a list of all my work, please visit the following URL:

*                                   Credits                          (Cr000) *

Thanks to Katamari for info on the requirements for the Infinity paint

Thanks to for being a great source 
for info on all things Metal Gear.

Thanks to NeunZollWerkzeug for the Spirit camo info.

Thanks to El Greco himself for the 'inconcievably small error.'

Thanks to Bastard11 for the new info on the camouflages

Thanks to Chris Amis for a small correction (and El Greco for the same one)

Thanks to Mark, Sean and Jeremy at University of Guelph.

Thanks to any and all reading this guide.


  Extra special thanks to Revolution reader Alex Eagleson for his great work! 

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