TimeSplitters: Uber Compilation Compiled By: Doug Ashworth Contents I: Version Info II: Intro and Legal Shitstorm III: Legend IV: Story Mode Rewards V: Time Attack Rewards and Time Estimates VI: Challenge Mode Rewards VII: Weapon Firing Guide VIII: Cheat Explanations IV: Miscellany V: Special Thanks To... VI: Afterword I: Version Info 1.0: Started on 01/03/2001, Completed on 01/05/2001 1.1: Started on 01/24/2001, Completed on 01/25/2001-Added Confirmations, Weapon Firing Guide 1.11: 1/26/2001, Changed Spelling of Compiliation to Compilation, Edited Legal Shitstorm, Added Confirmations 1.2: Started on 2/4/2001, Completed on 2/04/2001-Added Remaining Confirmations, More Weapon Data, Cheat Explanations II: Intro and Legal Shitstorm Welcome to my TimeSplitters Uber Compilation. Contained herein is all the information I have on Time Splitters, be it confirmed or not. Most of the unconfirmed stuff is pretty reliable anyway. Anyhow, now for the shitstorm. This is my work, call it your own and get sued. The only sites I am currently allowing to use this Compiliation are gamewinners.com and game-revolution.com. It's okay to use this Compiliation for personal purposes, like printing it out to see what you still need to unlock and whatnot. That's about it. III: Legend Here are a list of abbreviations I will use throughout my compiliation. AMPC=Arcade Mode Playable Character B=Bot BS=Bot Set C=Cheat (Story Only) AC=Cheat (Arcade AND Story) NW=New Weapon AL=Arcade Level PF=Primary Fire SF=Secondary Fire SAA=Same As Above PS=Color of Paint Splatter when Paintball Cheat is on C/MA=Maximum Amount of Ammo in Clip/Maximum Amount of Ammo that can be Carried GSE=Sound Effect played when Gun is Fired when Gun Sounds Cheat is on Note: All items marked with an asterisk are yet to be confirmed. IV: Story Mode Rewards These are the rewards you get for completing the levels on the listed difficulty. Once you beat three levels, you will open up the next three levels on the same difficulty. As you beat the level "sets" on Easy, the characters from those levels will be AMPCs and those levels will be ALs. After you beat all the levels on any difficulty, the View Credits option will appear on on the Mode Select Screen. 1935 Tomb Easy: Cultist AMPC Normal: Graveyard AL Hard: Eyes Mummy AMPC 1970 Chinese Easy: Chinese Chef AMPC Normal: Site AL Hard: Suit Hoodlum AMPC 2005 Cyberden Easy: Badass Cyborg AMPC Normal: Streets AL Hard: Female Cyborg AMPC 1950 Village Easy: Period Horror BS Normal: Castle AL Hard: Fishwife Mutant AMPC 1985 Chemical Plant Easy: Usual Suspects BS; Lumberjack, Malehood, & Waiter B Normal: Bank AL Hard: Lumberjack AMPC 2020 Planet X Easy: Space Opera BS; Tuxedo Cyborg, Red Alien, & Green Alien B Normal: Spaceship AL Hard: Pillar Alien AMPC, B 1965 Mansion Easy: Horror Schocker BS; Fishwife Mutant, Hick Hyde, Insect Mutant, Overall Mutant, Police Zombie, Girl Zombie, Jacket Zombie B Normal: Mall AL Hard: Priest Mutant AMPC 2000 Docks Easy: Law and Order BS; Male Soldier, Female Soldier, Gasmask Soldier, Male SWAT, Female SWAT, Gasmask SWAT B Normal: Compund AL Hard: Gasmask Soldier AMPC, Shock Trooper B 2035 Spaceport Easy: Challenge Mode Available Normal: Warzone AL Difficult: Spaceways Stewardess AMPC, B V: Time Attack Rewards and Time Estimates These are the Time Estimates and Rewards for beating the said level on said difficulty in said time or less. Please note that my estimates may or may not be correct. If I find them to be incorrect, I will change them. 1935 Tomb Easy: 1m0s-Paintball AC Normal: 3m0s-Priestess AMPC Hard: 6m15s-Teeth Mummy AMPC 1970 Chinese Easy: 1m15s-Chinese Waiter AMPC Normal: 3m0s-Gun Sounds AC Hard: 6m5s-Mr Big AMPC 2005 Cyberden Easy: 0m50s-Siamese Cyborg AMPC Normal: 1m50s-Tuxedo Cyborg AMPC Hard: 3m30s-Enemy Rockets C 1950 Village Easy: 0m30s-All Heads Detachable C Normal: 2m40s-Hick Hyde AMPC Hard: 3m0s-Insect Mutant AMPC 1985 Chemical Plant Easy: 0m30s-Male Swat, Female SWAT AMPCs Normal: 1m15s-Infinite Ammo C Hard: 2m55s-Malehood AMPC 2020 Planet X Easy: 0m50s-Green Alien AMPC Normal: 2m20s-Float Alien AMPC, B Hard: 2m30s-All Characters Headless C 1965 Mansion Easy: 2m0s-Big Heads AC Normal: 4m30s-Overall Mutant AMPC Hard: 9m55s-Girl Zombie AMPC 2000 Docks Easy: 1m15s-Male Soldier, Female Solider AMPCs Normal: 2m40s-Big Hands Hard: 2m40s-Shock Trooper AMPC 2035 Spaceways Easy: 1m05s-Red Alien AMPC Normal: 1m05s-Female Alien AMPC, B Hard: 3m5s-Small Heads AC VI: Challenge Mode Rewards Here is what you get when you beat the listed Challenge. Beating the A part of a Challenge unlocks its B part, as beating its B part unlocks its C part. Once you beat the A, B, & C parts of a Challenge, you'll unlock the A section of the next Challenge. For a Challenge that requires a certain number of points in a certain time period, the Challenge will end at the end of the time period, not when you score the number of points; this allows you to surpass the minimum score. 1-A Behead the Undead: The Living Dead BS 1-B Putrid Punchout: Green Zombie, Brown Zombie AMPCs 1-C Dusk of the Dead: Police Zombie, Skull Zombie, Jacket Zombie AMPCs 2-A Flock Around the Dock: Duckman Drake B 2-B Pro Am Duck Shoot: All Enemies Are Ducks C 2-C Crispy Duck: Duckman Drake AMPC 3-A Tin Man Challenge: Robofish B 3-B Lobster Run: All Enemies Are Robofish C 3-C Bowl Them Over: Robofish AMPC 4-A Shame if Something Got Broken: None 4-B Don't Wait Around: Enemy Bricks C 4-C Brick Flung High: Brick NW 5-A First Impressions: Impersonator B 5-B Lasting Impressions: All Enemies Are Impersonators C 5-C Who's He Trying to Impress?: The Impersonator AMPC 6-A Barrel Blast: None 6-B Bodygaurd: Gasmask SWAT AMPC 6-C Heist: Veiled SWAT AMPC 7-A Shop 'til You Drop: Ginger B 7-B Sorry, Was That Your Bag?: All Enemies Are Gingerbreads C 7-C Everyone Must Go!: Gingerbread AMPC 8-A Girls 'n' Boys: Fun-Bunny B 8-B Dinner Dates: All Enemies Are Bunnies C 8-C Bone Grab: Farrah Fun-Bunny AMPC 9-A I Can't Hear Anyone Screaming: TimeSplitters BS; Timesplitter, TimeSplitter (same name, different guy) Bs 9-B Flight Delay: TimeSplitter AMPC 9-C Space Vandals: TimeSplitter (different than above) AMPC VII: Weapon Firing Guide This section covers all the weapons' Primary and Secondary firing methods. In a future update, I plan to list all the weapons that use the same type of ammo. Pistol PF: Shoot regular bullet SF: SAA PS: Orange C/MA: 10/500 GSE: Ribbit Pisol x2 PF: Shoot regular bullet SF: SAA PS: Orange C/MA: 10 (per Pistol)/500 GSE: Ribbit M16 PF: Pretty good fire rate SF: SAA PS: Light Blue C/MA: 30/200 GSE: Corkgun M16 x2 PF: Pretty good fire rate SF: SAA PS: Light Blue C/MA: 30 (per M16)/200 GSE: Corkgun Assault Rifle PF: Faster than M16 SF: SAA PS: Light Blue C/MA: 30/200 GSE: Wip Sniper Rifle PF: Slow fire rate SF: SAA PS: Light Blue C/MA: 5/200 GSE: High Stringed Note Raygun PF: OK fire rate SF: Slightly Faster, Less Powerful PS: Red C/MA: 20/200 GSE: Squeak/Double Squeak Raygun Carbine PF: Fast fire rate SF: Even faster fire rate PS: Green C/MA: 20/200 GSE: Boing Scifi Autorifle PF: Good fire rate SF: Contact Explosive, uses 10 ammo PS: Blue/Purple C/MA: 50/200 GSE: High Pitch Boing/Noisemaker Scifi Handgun PF: Good fire rate SF: Ricocheting Bullet PS: Orange C/MA: 20/500 GSE: Squeak Rocket Launcher PF: Fires 1 rocket SF: Fires 3 rocket spread, Poor Accuracy PS: Purple C/MA: 1/30 GSE: Slide Whistle Mauser Pistol PF: Good fire rate SF: Slower fire rate PS: Orange C/MA: 15/500 GSE: Wah Mauser Pistol x2 PF: Good fire rate SF: Slower fire rate PS: Orange C/MA: 15 (per Pistol)/500 GSE: Wah Minigun PF: Fast fire rate SF: Faster fire rate, Less Accurate PS: Light Blue C/MA: 60/200 GSE: Whirr Minigun x2 PF: Fast fire rate SF: Faster fire rate, Less Accurate PS: Light Blue C/MA: 60 (per Minigun)/200 GSE: Whirr Grenade Launcher PF: Contact Explosive SF: Delayed, but more powerful blast PS: Purple C/MA: 8/20 GSE: Doing Scifi Sniper Rifle (Greater Zoom than Sniper Rifle) PF: Slower than sniper Rifle SF: SAA PS: Red C/MA: 10/200 GSE: Spring Proximity Mine PF: Throw Mine SF: SAA PS: Green C/MA: 1/10 GSE: Noisemaker Remote Mine PF: Throw Mine SF: Detonate All Thrown Mines PS: Green C/MA: 1/20 GSE: Noisemaker Timed Mine PF: Throw Mine SF: Throw Mine PS: Green C/MA: 1/10 GSE: Noisemaker TNT PF: Throw stick SF: Weaker Throw PS: Light Blue C/MA: 1/20 GSE: Noisemaker Tommy Gun PF: Pretty Good fire rate SF: Slower fire rate PS: Orange C/MA: 32/500 GSE: Dip Tommy Gun x2 PF: Pretty Good fire rate SF: Slower fire rate PS: Orange C/MA: 32 (per Tommy Gun)/500 GSE: Dip Assault Shotgun PF: Tight Cluster SF: Wider Cluster PS: Yellow C/MA: 8/100 GSE: Bow and Plunger Uzi PF: Fast fire rate SF: SAA PS: Orange C/MA: 20/500 GSE: Buzz Uzi x2 PF: Fast fire rate SF: SAA PS: Orange C/MA: 20/500 GSE: Buzz Blunderbuss PF: Tight Cluster SF: Wider Cluster PS: Yellow C/MA: 1/100 GSE: Horn Colt Pistol PF: Slow fire rate SF: Slower fire rate PS: Orange C/MA: 6/500 GSE: Cuckoo Colt Pistol x2 PF: Slow fire rate SF: Slower fire rate PS: Orange C/MA: 6 (per Pistol)/500 GSE: Cuckoo Shotgun PF: Tight Cluser SF: Wider Cluster PS: Yellow C/MA: 2/100 GSE: Slide Whistle Shotgun x2 PF: Tight Cluster SF: Wider Cluster PS: Yellow C/MA: 2/100 GSE: Slide Whistle Brick PF: Toss SF: Lob PS: None C/MA: 1/20 GSE: Noisemaker The guns are listed by what other guns use the same type of Ammo. They usually have the same color paint splatter, except in the case of the energy weapons. Small Caliber: Pistols, Scifi Handgun, Mauser Pistols, Tommy Guns, Uzis, Colt Pistols Larger Caliber: M16s, Assault Rifle, Sniper Rifle, Miniguns Energy: Raygun, Raygun Carbine, Scifi Autorifle, Scifi Sniper Rifle Shells: Assault Shotgun, Shotguns, Blunderbuss Doesn't Share With Other Guns: Rocket Launcher, Grenade Launcher, Proximity Mines, Remote Mines, Timed Mines, TNT, Brick VIII: Cheat Explanations Here's what each of the Cheats do. Big Heads: All heads are larger than normal. Much larger. Small Heads: All heads are smaller than the character's fists. Big Hands: The hands and guns carried in them of all characters are huge. Infinite Ammo: All the ammo you can shoot. Paintball: Replaces bullet holes with paint splatters. Gun Sounds: The regular gun sound effects are replaced with weird and amusing sound effects. Enemy Rockets: All weapons in the level are Rocket Launchers. Enemy Bricks: All weapons in the level are Bricks. All Enemies are Impersonators/Bunnies/Gingerbread's/Ducks/Robofish: All enemies in the level use The Impersonator/Farrah Fun-Bunny/Gingerbread/Duckman Drake/Robofish bot for their appearance. They still behave as coded though. All Characters Headless: All characters are lacking heads. All Heads Detachable: All characters have weak necks, allowing for cranial decapitation. IV: Miscellany Here's some random information that doesn't fit into any of the other categories. Headless Allies: You need to have bots on your Team in either Deathmatch or Capture the Bag. Turn off Friendly Fire Damage. You must either have Zombies/Mutants on your team, or any other bots so long as the All Heads Detachable Cheat is on. You can blow off your allies Heads without them dying, they'll continue to fight/grab bags as normal. Pacifist Enemies: Play an Arcade game with the Weapon Set to Custom and have it empty. Turn on Always Start With Gun. Any bots in the game will just stand there and perform some action (such as stretching or rubbing their neck), but not attack; allowing you to victimize them. Be More Professional: Set Aim Mode to Toggle to have an easier time shooting heads off. Kiss Your Social Life Goodbye: The Score Limit in Arcade Mode goes up to 1,000,000 pts. Let's say you get 530 kills an hour, thats about 9 kills per minute, or about 1 kill every 6 seconds. If you played at that rate constantly, it'd still take you nearly 78 days to play a 1,000,000 point Death Match. V: Special Thanks To... Special Thanks To... Free Radical Desgins for making TimeSplitters Eidos for Publishing TimeSplitters Al Amaloo and the guys at game-revolution.com for putting the TSUC on their sites. All the guys at gamewinners.com's TimeSplitters Forum for giving me input on Time Attacks and other nonsense. All my jackass friends who still get a kick out of playing TimeSplitters. And the reader quite simply for reading this massive text file. VI: Afterword This brings the TimeSplitters: Uber Compilation to a close. I will continue to update this as I get more information. I also plan to add information on Arcade Mode Rewards soon. If you have any questions, comments, or other ramblings; I can be emailed at zero___signal@hotmail.com. Thanks for reading. -Doug Ashworth Extra special thanks to Revolution reader Doug Ashworth!
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