NFL Street 2 Unleashed
Enter the following case sensitive codes in Cheats and Codes in the Options menu. They will be saved to your User ID.
GottaBDShoes | Max Speed |
BlastTackle | Max Tackle |
XxGBCraZ | 10x Gamebreaker |
llxGBCraZ | 1x Gamebreaker |
RuinedPicnic | Ants mode |
BIGPig | Big Football |
EAField | EA field |
Reebok | Reebok Team |
GRIDIRONPRK | Gridiron Field |
str2mkryz | Gridiron Field and Legend Team |
Ludacris | Play as Ludacris |
Andre 3000 | Play as Andre 3000 |
TeamXzibit | Play as Team Xzibit |
EAASFSCT | AFC East All Stars |
NAOFRCTH | AFC North All Stars |
SAOFUCTH | AFC South All Stars |
WAEFSCT | AFC West All Stars |
NNOFRCTH | NFC East All Stars |
NNAS66784 | NFC North All-Stars |
SNOFUCTH | NFC South All Stars |
ENASFSCT | NFC West All Stars |
Shrunken | Tiny players |
SighsMatters | Randomly sized players |
NoChains | No first downs |
FirstFirst | 10 yard first downs |
CementShoes | Bad jumping and O-Moves |
BloominGroup | No textures |
The following codes may only be used in Single Player Quick Game mode.
GreasedPig | Other Team Fumbles Alot |
MagnetHands | Max Catch |
GlueHands | No Fumbles |
NozBoost | Infinite Turbo |
Thanks to Revolution readers Labyrinth_Abyss, tidalswarm, Angel_Sending, and NOW !