Twisted Metal: Head-On PSP Cheats

Enter the following codes during gameplay: NOTE: They do not work neither for multiplayer nor online.

X, X, Up, Up, L + R Sick Weapons
Right, Left, Down, Up, L + R Invincible
X, Triangle, X, Triangle Mega Guns
Triangle, Triangle, Down, Down Infinite Weapons
Hold L+R, Triangle, X, Square, Circle Health

Get The Tower Tooth Challenge Stage:

Beat the game with any 4 characters in any difficuly level.

Hidden Mini Games:

(1) In Greece, go to the large ship and take the path that leads to the ship's bottom. You can head in any direction, but do not go on the lift you'll encounter. Go towards the other side of the ship to reach the teleporter.

(2) In Rome, get to the top of the building, take a right and continue straight to the end to find the teleporter.

(3) In L.A., There is a teleporter on the Western side of the level, away from the To Teleporter Pad Sign. Shoot the doors in one of the buildings to find the mini-game.

(4) In Egypt at the end with the tornado bowl theres a building in the cliff break through the door to find a teleporter.

Thanks to Revolution reader funkaaay, armidillo, Chris Thomas, MC MINIGUN and evendispatch!

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