Karbonis Track:
Earn gold in every Alpha and Beta Leagure Courses in Single Player, Single Race Mode.
Flash Class:
Beat Ascension Tournament with the Venom Class.
Livery Mode:
Beat Ascension Tournament with the Flash Class.
Medievil Team:
Earn 70 Gold Medals.
Get The Zone Team Craft:
You must get a Gold Medal in all 4 Zone tracks. Which means at least a 25 in Mallavol and Pro Tozo, and at least a 30 in Coridon 12 and Syncopia.
Barrel Roll:
After any jump which takes you to the air, tap Left, Right, Left, Right. When you land, you'll also get a speed boost.
Speed Boost:
At the beginning of the race, press the acceleration button right when the light turns to "GO".
Gold Medal Artwork:
For each race you beat with a Gold Medal, go to Profile >> Progress, and select any race to check out the Art Gallery.
Thanks to Revolution readers Synchopate, pezmaniac, bossBlog, Fisto and Hollowman!
Explore the galaxy in the franchise's first open-world game.