Note: Codes only work when entered during gameplay but not paused. Confirmations will appear at the top of the screen for each cheat…
- Turbo Mode: S, T, O, S, O, X, S, X, O, T, S, X
- All Keys: S, X, O, T, X, T, T, X, T, X, T, X
- All Access: T, S, S, T, O, O, S, S, T, O, S, S
- Serious Weapons: T, S, O, X, T, S, X, T, S, X, O, S
- Wow!!!: T, X, S, S, T, O, O, S, T, S, O, X
- Invincible: S, T, O, S, S, T, O, O, S, T, S, X
- Extra Life: S, T, O, S, O, X, S, T, O, T, T, X
- Full Shields: T, T, X, S, T, O, T, X, S, X, T, X
- Negative Palette Effect: S, T, O, S, S, X, O, T, S, O, X, T
- Psychedelic Palette Effect: S, T, O, O, S, T, S, X, T, X, S
- Cloaking: T, S, X, O, S, X, O, T, X, S, X, T
- Crazy ‘bots : S, X, S, X, O, S, O, S, T, O, O, S
GameShark Codes
Infinite Concussion Missiles 800d10ba0009 Infinite Energy 800d10a20064 Infinite Homing Missiles 800d10bc0009 Infinite Proximity Bombs 800d10be0009 Infinite Shields 800d10a60064
Thanks to Revolution reader Andre Astuie!